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2 Johnson B. The Critical Difference. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980. P. 5.

3 Showalter E. Towards a Feminist Poetics // Women Writing and Writing about Women / Mary Jacobus (ed.). London: Croom Helm, 1979. P. 25.

4 Rose J. Sexuality in the Field of Vision. London: Verso, 1986.

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, 52,133,142,147,148

, 44


80, 87, 88

, 135,136

79, 80, 95,104

, 129,130


, 101

, 51,141,142

, 116-122,134,135,150

, 99

, 148

-, 131

, 140

, 68

/ 14

, 38, 55, 81





69-71, 73, 74, 77, 78




, 59

, 148

, 140



, 15-20,81,112, , 143

89, 90

, 100

, 48,110

, 144

, 38, 39, 55

, 148





20, 104-106, 124, 130, 131,146

, 101,102,142

, 131




16,17-19, 20, 66, 67


105, 126-129, 130-132



46, 68,146,147,149

, 141

129, 130

75-78, 111,137


16-20, 38, 39, 70-78,


- 59, 62, 78,142

41, 42


25, 82

, 147



, 39, 40

, 94


- 70, 71

- 94-97

- 69

51, 66, 68, 71, 72,111,142

29-34, 38, 39, 75-78

, . 0. 30

148, 149



, 131,142,146,147

, 110

-, 142



24-48, 82-106, 109-115, 125-129

- 43, 44

- 33,109-115,121

- 56, 57,149,150

25, 26, 42, 48,139

7, 27-28, 53-60,


- 72,140,141



, 106

51, 52, 74,124,147,148

41, 42



, . 140

, 85

, 148

, 77



74, 91,139,140

74,138,148, 149


80, 87, 88

, 44, 77,100

, . . 107-114, 120-122



, 91, 92

, 142


46, 79

83, 96-103

- 32, 33,104

124, 133-136

11-15, 20, 21,116-119,130-135

58, 59

74, 134-136,149

19, 91, 142, 143

69-71, 79-92, 94-106

31-33, 71


74, 124, 130, 131, 146, 147

, 140



33, 84-88,107-122

15-17, 68

35, 89, 90

80-82, 87, 88,

106, 115

35, 89

, . . 139

41, 83, 93-106,127,128,131

, 9

, 146

, - 15-20

, 140



, 131,150


, 146


, 148

() 148

10, 63-78, 90-92

88, 109-111,


, 65-68,141-142

, 28

, 148

50, 51,141,142

21, 44, 45, 52, 53, 117-120,


, 77,149

- 67

25, 95-97


, 61

7-11, 21-23

- 116,119,120,124,150

- 73

- 149,150






, 82

, 51,148

, . . 140

, 67






, 141

, 41,126



, . . 105

, 88, 89

, 20,117,126

, 24,130,146,147

, 63, 85, 87,114

, 11-15, 19, 20, 22, 124,


36, 37


, 51

, 134

, 69

, 35


, 49, 53, 55, 57, 61, 62

- 39, 43, 44, 73, 74, 80,127

- 41,111

, 86-88

, 139



, 72,144



, 139


.. 91

, 139

104 83


39, 40



- 35, 36,42

- 65-68,112-115

- 67, 68, 81, 82

, 36, 82,139,142

, 146

, 141










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