computer programs, debugging of a computer program, an example of computer software, prescribes, a loadable set of instructions, determines, react to user input, loaded, colloquially, interchangeably, software application, running a program, initialized, loading the program, perhaps, the data, mechanism to be invoked, begun with a boot sequence, an operating system, such as Linux, loads and executes programs, context, refers to, the individual executable image, rather, currently running, the Von Neumann architecture, Harvard architecture, a peripheral device of some kind, a hard drive, a machine, main memory, instruction sequence, executed in order, until a jump or branch instruction, interrupt occurs, the program counter, without a program does absolutely nothing, in machine code, originally written in a computer programming language, translated to machine code, using, called, a compiler, an interpreter, sometimes, the programming language, a set of abbreviations for the machine code instructions, assembly language, in this case, assembler,neural networks, units, between,in concert, to solve problems, while, many types of architecture, following this general model, weights, on each connection,thresholds within the nodes, the machine "learns", these weights and thresholds change, neural networks, the learned state, can be saved and later restored, virtual machines, an idealized instruction set, created on top of the actual instruction set of the machines, inside, Von Neumann machines exist only as simulations, implemented,constructed using hardware,programs and data, distinguish between data, describes, called a "program", and the latter "data", however, between, difficult, precisely, since, regarded as implementing a program, depending on, processed,algorithms, an abstract program, an algorithm, various areas of mathematics,algorithmic information theory, the behaviour of idealized computers, executing randomly generated computer programs,development, iterative process of creating a computer program, and testing, analysing, and refining, definition, an appropriate solution, performs some task at hand, produced the best solution, first attempt, practice these iterative processes, are called, computer programmers, developers, for short,another definition, the process of fleshing out the work requirement(s) of a task to perform, creating an approach to accomplishing the task, deciding upon an implementation of the approach, the suitability of the solution, either, a simulated or real-world environment, analysing the tests' results, once again, iterations of the above are often required,always, required to perform all of the steps laid out above, but, involved in the initial steps of this procedure, typically become, critical, during the requirements-gathering and solution-design phases,debugging, a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs, or defects, a piece of electronic hardware, thus,behave as expected, various subsystems are tightly coupled, changes,cause bugs to emerge in another, involves numerous aspects, including interactive debugging, control flow, integration testing, log files, monitoring (application, system), memory dumps, profiling, Statistical Process Control, special design tactics, to improve detection while simplifying changes,techniques,print debugging or tracing, watching, live or recorded trace statements, print statements, indicate the flow of execution of a process, printf debugging, due to the printf statement in C,remote debugging, the debugger,a remote system over a network, control the execution of the program, retrieve information about its state, post-mortem debugging,crashed, related techniques, various tracing techniques, analysis of memory dumpor core dump of the crashed process, obtained automatically, a programmer-inserted instruction, manually by the interactive user,Delta Ddbugging, automating test case simplification, Saff Squeeze, isolating failure progressive in lining of parts of the failing test,debugging for embedded systems, in contrast to the general purpose, computer software design environment, a primary characteristic of embedded environments, the sheer number of different platforms available to the developers, CPU architectures, vendors, operating systems and their variants, by definition, not general-purpose designs, typically developed for a single task,small range of tasks, chosen specifically to optimize that application, tough for embedded system developers, harder as well, since, different debugging tools, to identify and fix bugs in the system, logical or synchronization problems in the code, a design error in the hardware, about the operating states of the system,analyse the system, to find ways to boost its performance or to optimize other important characteristics, energy consumption, reliability, real-time response,anti-debugging, computer code, hinders attempts at reverse engineering or debugging a target process, actively used, in legitimate copy-protection schemas, by malware, to complicate its detection and elimination,API-based, existence of a debugger using system information, exception-based, exceptions are interfered with, process and thread blocks, whether, manipulated, modified code, code modifications, debugger handling software breakpoints, hardware- and register-based, hardware breakpoints and CPU registers, timing and latency, the execution of instructions, detecting and penalizing debugger