smart homes and home automation, electric power, the drudgery from all kinds of domestic chores, washing clothes and dishes and vacuuming the floor, transistors made electronics more affordable in the mid-20th century, appliances started to control themselves in a very limited way, using built-in sensors and programmers, fully automated home, the Internet, to set up virtually any electric appliance, a Web browser, a centralized control, a computer constantly monitors the state of the home and switches appliances on and off accordingly, it monitors light levels coming through the windows and automatically raises and lowers blinds or switches the lights on at dusk, detects movements across the floor and responds appropriately, it switches light and music on in different rooms, it sounds an intruder alarm,the Bill Gates league of having a multimillion dollar smart home built from the ground up, adding a bit of automation to your existing appliances, modestly smart homes, a few plug-in modules and household electricity wiring to sophisticated wireless systems you can program over the Internet, the oldest and best-known smart home automation system called X-10, your ordinary household electricity wiring to switch up to 256 appliances on and off with no need for any extra cables to be fitted, the central controller sends regular switching signals through the ordinary household wiring, effectively treating it as a kind of computer network, these signals work at roughly twice the switching frequency of ordinary AC power (which works at 50–60Hz), each signal contains a code identifying the unit it relates to, a table lamp in your living room, a radio in your bedroom, turn on, turn off, or (for lamps) brighten, or dim,all the control units listen out for and receive all the signals, a particular signal affects only the appliance (or appliances) with the correct code, plug in sensors such as motion detectors, thermostats, the system will respond automatically to changes in daylight, temperature, intruders, switch appliances on and off with a handheld remote control (similar to a TV remote), the remotes send signals directly to each module using radio wave (RF) signals, communicate with the central controller, which relays the signals accordingly,wireless Internet system,security in smart homes, home seem lived,to deter intruders, turn the lights and the TV on and off at unpredictable times, to push the boat out on security, a wireless, Net-connected system, a computer-controlled X-10 system with an interface access over the Web, hook up webcams to watch your home (or your pets), switch appliances on and off in real time or even reprogram the whole system, Harmony Home Automation is a system, DIY (Do It Yourself) smart homes,off-the-shelf, plug-and-play systems like X-10, hobbyists, hackers, and geeks, route to a smart home is more likely to be through the hacker, maker, DIY community, an Arduino microcontroller, to link your computer to appliances around your home,to have a machine switching the lights on and off for you when you can do it perfectly easily yourself, many elderly and disabled people, and those with special needs, struggle with simple household tasks, home automation could make them able to live happily and independently in their own home or having to move into expensive sheltered accommodation,the population ages, governments and medical charities are looking at home automation with increasing interest, computers, robots, and other technologies to provide the support that vulnerable people need to keep them happy, healthy, and independent, people with dementia, automated sensors that check whether cookers have been left on or taps have been left to overflow, elderly people prone to falling fitted with lighting activated by motion sensors, in the middle of the night they're not stumbling around dangerously in the dark, blind people can finally buy ordinary household appliances and use one simple computer controller, programmed to suit their personal needs, to manage them all,appliances made by different manufacturers, standards (such as the long-established X-10) so important, the EU is supporting a project called i2HOME designed to standardize automated appliances, elderly people and those with disabilities
Exercise 3. What do you know about these notions?