


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Работа с текстом из учебника. (3 мин )

Ход урока

1 этап урока: Организационный момент. 1 мин

Teacher: Good morning, children!

Pupils: Good morning, teacher!

Teacher: How are you?

Pupils: We are fine. And you?

Teacher: And I’m fine. Thank you. Sitdown.


2 этап урока: Формулировка темы и цели. 2 мин

Teacher: Today we are going to…
( Слайд № 1):

· Remember the new words and practise using them in our speech.

· Remember new grammar (Past Continuous).

· Speak about English-speaking countries (Work on the text «English-Speaking Countries»


3 этап урока: Этап всесторонней проверки знаний. 3 мин

Фонетическая зарядка (Слайд № 2):


· a) While · Nowadays Use Both Foreign International b) [ t ] - flat, time, apartment, indeed, train [ æ ] – candy, thanks, America, language, apple [ w ] – word, equivalent, while, empty, where

Phonetic exercises:
Teacher: a) Who can read all these words?
Pupil: I can.
Teacher: Let`s repeat the words after P. He (she) will read in a loud voice.
Pupils: читаютсловазаодноклассником.
Teacher: Let`s read these words in the alphabetic order.
Pupils: Both, foreign, international, nowadays, use, while
Teacher: b) Read the words, please.
Pupils: читаютсловапоцепочке.
Teacher: Which is the odd word in each group? Why?
Pupil: Indeed – there is no sound [t], America – there is no sound [ æ ], empty – there is no sound [w].

4 этап урока: Этап подготовки учащихся к активному усвоению знаний. 4мин


Teacher: a) Answer the questions, please. Do you know any foreign countries?

Pupil: Yes, I do. For example, Spain, France, Italy.

Teacher: Have you ever visited any foreign countries?

Pupil: No, I haven’t.

Teacher: What do people travel by nowadays?

Pupil: People travel by planes, by fast trains, by car, on foot nowadays.

Teacher: Are you fond of travelling or staying at home?

Pupil: I am fond of travelling.

Teacher: Is English or French an international language nowadays?

Pupil: English is an international language nowadays.

Teacher: What other languages do you know?

Pupil: I know Ukrainian.

Teacher: b) Let`s practise saying these tongue-twisters (Слайд № 3):

The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes.
Fresh French fried fly fritters. Which wristwatch is a Swiss wristwatch? Six Czech cricket critics.

Pupils: читают скороговорки за учителем.

Teacher: Do people of Switzerland speak the Swiss language?

Pupil: No, they speak German, French, Italian and Romansh.


5 этап урока: Этап обобщения и систематизации изученного.  Всего 20 мин


Teacher: с) Look at the blackboard and translate the sentences from Russian into English (Слайд № 4). (4 мин)

Pupils: выполняют самостоятельно, а затем все вместе проверяют.
Ониобеговорятнамногихиностранныхязыках. / Theybothspeakalotofforeignlanguages.
Внастоящеевремялюдипутешествуютпешком? / Dopeopletravelonfootnowadays?
Можно мне воспользоваться твоим словарём? / MayIuseyourdictionary?
Маленький Том смотрел на карту Европы, в то время как его сестра рассказывала ему об Англии. / LittleTomwaslookingatthemapofEurope, whilehissisterwastellinghimaboutEngland.


Формирование грамматических навыков говорения (Слайд № 5). (4мин)

Teacher: We learnt a new grammar tense last lesson. What tense is it?

Pupil: It`s Past Continuous.

Teacher: Let`s remember the rule.Look at the board and say in what cases it is used.

Teacher: a) Make the sentence longer: I was reading a book at 6 o`clock yesterday…

Pupils: Ученики выполняют задания в группах.

Pupil 1: I was reading a book and doing my homework at 6 o`clock yesterday.

Pupil 2: I was reading a book, doing my homework and playing with my dog at 6 o`clock yesterday.

Pupil 3: I was reading a book, doing my homework and playing with my dog and my mother was watching TV at 6 o`clock yesterday.


 Teacher: b) It`s interesting to know what you were doing the whole evening yesterday. Look through your cards and tell us, please.

Pupils: укаждогоученикараздаточныйматериал: карточкисословамиисловосочетаниями: to cook dinner, to write letters, to swim in the swimming pool, to watch TV, to play computer games, to do homework, to read a book, to dance.

I was cooking dinner the whole evening yesterday.

I was reading a book the whole evening yesterday.

 I was watching TV the whole evening yesterday.


Проведениефизкультминутки. (3 мин)

Teacher: Let`s have a rest!

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,

And eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose,

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.


Работа с текстом из учебника. (3 мин)

Teacher: Well, I think we can continue our work. Last lesson we read the dialogue between Diana and Helen.
What did they speak about?

Pupils: They spoke about English-speaking countries. They spoke about differences between American English and British English.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. Agree or disagree. Correct the wrong statements (Слайд № 6)

- Diana saw Helen in the park last. / I disagree. Diana saw Helen in the library last.

· English is popular nowadays. / I agree.

· People in very few countries learn English as a foreign language these days. / I disagree. People in many countries learn English as a foreign language nowadays.

· English became an international language in the 17th century. / I disagree. Englishbecameaninternationallanguageinthe 20 th century.

· English is a native language in all the countries of the world. / I disagree. English is a native language in Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

· English-speaking countries are those, where people speak English as a foreign language. / I disagree. English-speaking countries are those, where people speak English as a native language.

- Americans and the English speak different languages. / I disagree. Americans and the English both speak English.


Teacher: Now I want you to look at the blackboard again and decide if the sentence is written in British or American English (Слайд № 7). (3 мин)


1. I don`t want to live in this flat. British English

2. English is my favourite subject at school. British English

3. Where is Bill? He is sick. American English

4. The park is in the center of our town. American English

5. He came to Paris in the fall of 1995. American English

6. Have you seen the latest movie? American English

7. Do you like chocolate biscuits and sweets? British English

8. Where is your luggage? British English

9. I bought a new automobile. American English

10. There is no lift in this house. British English


Аудирование. (3мин)

Teacher: You know, my friend left a message on my mobile. Listen to it and say what nationality she is.

Hi! You know, I bought a new apartment this fall. It`s far from the railroad, so you can go by automobile. I would like to invite you to visit me tomorrow. I bought a lot of delicious things: cookies, candies and a chocolate cake. I hope you`ll love it.We`ll have a great time together. I hope you are not sick any more. Bye, see you soon.
Pupil: Your friend is American because there are a lot of American words in the message.


Развитие навыков диалогической речи (Слайд № 8). (3 мин)

Teacher: Now I want you to make up your owndialogues  with your partner about English-speaking countries and act them out. Takethecards, please.

Ситуации для составления диалогов, которые представлены на слайде № 8, были продублированы на карточках и розданы ученикам.

С ard 1. Two pupils from different schools are talking about the English speaking countries. One of them is much interested in the English language.

Card 2. A mother and her daughter are talking about daughter`s favourite subjects. English is one of her favourite subjects.

Card 3. A student from Britain and a student from Russia are talking about foreign languages. Russian student is much interested in the English language.

Pupils: составляютиразыгрываютдиалогивпарах.


6 этапурока: Рефлексия. (5 мин)

Teacher: So, as you see, English is very popular nowadays and I advise you to study English well. Your marks are… Let`s make a conclusion. What have you learnt at the lesson? And did you like our lesson?

Pupils: дают свои ответы.

7 этап урока: Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания. (2 мин)

Teacher: Your homework is to prepare a story about English-speaking countries.
Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.



1. Место урока в системе уроков по теме: урок обобщения и систематизации.

Задачи данного урока

Правильность их определения. Задачи определены верно

Правомерность их планирования в цикле уроков по данной теме. Планирование правомерно.

Четкость и способы их доведения до сознания учащихся на разных этапах. На всех этапах урока задачи были доведены до сознания учащихся четко.

Содержание урока

Отбор материала в соответствии с современными требованиями. Присутствует печатный раздаточный материал.

Отбор и последовательность выполнения упражнений для формирования навыков, развития умений в области устной и письменной речи. Отбор и последовательность упражнений для формирования навыков и развития умений в области устной и письменной речи правильный.

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