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E) Make up a story about the system of Higher education in the U.K.

f) Use the situations in the conversation:

1. You work as a guide in the U.K. A group of Russian students has arrived to London. They are interested in British higher education and universities. What would you tell them about it?

2. An English student is at your university. What questions would you like to ask him about his study and higher education in Great Britain?




Universities originated in Europe during the eleventh century, but they were not the first in the world. Perhaps, the University of Al-Azhar founded in Cairo in 970 is one of the oldest still operating universities in the world.

European universities developed from monastery schools and their development took place so slowly that it is difficult to know the point at which they became universities. Many scholars believe that the oldest European university is the University of Bologna [ba'lounja], Italy. It was founded in the late tenth century, but it had existed as a law school since 890. The University of Paris developed during the eleventh century. Many other universities appeared in Europe during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

These first schools were founded largely to serve the professions. They provided the first unified teaching of law, medicine, and theology. The lessons were conducted in the Latin language, which the students were to speak even among themselves.

The oldest universities in Britain Oxford and Cambridge were founded in the Middle Ages. They have much in common and are, therefore, often spoken together, and are sometimes called collectively for convenience as Oxbridge. The word "college" originated later. There were no colleges in those early days and students' life was very different from what it is now. Students were of all ages and came from everywhere. When the students began to settle in Oxford in the 12th century they lived as they could, lodging in inns and with townsfolk, or grouping themselves together and renting a house for their use. The first college (Merton



College) was founded in 1249 and it was associated only with the residence for students to lodge. Life in college was strict. Students were not allowed to play games, to sing or dance, to hunt or even to fish. Later, however, colleges developed into complete educational institutions.


Words and Expressions


1. to originate – возникать, брать начало

2. to develop - развиваться

3. scholar [`skɔl¶] = scientist

4. law [lɔ:] – право, юриспруденция

5. to appear - появляться

6. to conduct – вести, руководить, направлять

7. to settle – селиться, обосноваться

8. to lodge – временно проживать, снимать комнату

9.  inn – гостиница, постоялый двор

10. townsfolk – горожане

11. to rent – брать в аренду, внаем

12. to hunt – охотиться


A) Try to arrange the Universities in chronological order.

Oxford, the University of Paris, the University of Bologna(Italy), Cambridge, Al-Azhar (Cairo)


B) Read the text and test yourself, write out the dates of foundation.


C) Read the text and find English equivalents of the next Russian word-combinations.

все еще действующий, монастырские школы, юридическая школа, унифицированное обучение, для удобства, всех возрастов, проживая в гостиницах, арендуя жилье.


d) Complete the following sentences:

1. University education originated in....

2. Lectures and lessons were conducted in....

3. The word "college" was at first associated with....

4. The first college originated in....

5. Oxford and Cambridge have much in... and they are called collectively as ….






Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and most prestigious universities in Great Britain. They are often called collectively Oxbridge to denote an elitarian education. Both universities are independent and differ from the rest in many important respects. It is more expensive to study at one of these two than at one of the other universities. Only very rich and aristocratic families can afford to send their sons and daughters to these universities. Mostly they are former public schools leavers. Admission is by academic merit, but even now nearly half the places are won by pupils of public schools.

The main characteristic feature of these universities is the tutorial system (that means the individual tuition).

The normal length of the degree course is three years, after which the students take the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). Some courses, such as languages or medicine, may be one or two years longer. The students may work for other degrees as well. The degrees are awarded at public degree ceremonies1. Oxford and Cambridge cling to their traditions, such as the use of Latin at degree ceremonies. Full academic dress2 is worn at examinations.

The most important feature about Oxbridge is also that they are based on colleges of widely varying sizes. (The largest colleges have more than 400 students, the smallest have less than 30.) Each college is different, but in many ways they are alike. Each college has its name, its coat of arms3; each self-governing and independent.

Before 1970 most of all Oxbridge universities were single-sex (mostly for men). But now the majority admit both sexes. The administrative body of the University consists of the Chancellor (who is elected for life), the vice-chancellor (who is in practice the head of the University, and is appointed annually by the Chancellor) and two proctors, whose job is to maintain discipline and who are appointed annually. Each college has its staff called "Fellows"4.

The University is merely an administrative body, which organizes lectures, arranges examinations, grants degrees.

Each college is governed by its Fellows, of whom there are usually about 20 or 30, and they are also responsible for teaching their own students through the tutorial system. The Fellows elect the head of the college, whose title varies from college to college (e.g. at Oxford Balliol College has a Master, Magdalen – a President, Exeter – a Rector, Oriel – a Provost, Jesus – a Principal5).

The colleges are financially supported partly by endowments (money given to be invested and provide an income, or land, buildings for which the colleges receive rent), partly by fees paid by students. For particular projects they can usually collect money from their former students.

Each college offers teaching in a wide range of subjects. Within the college one will normally find a chapel, a dining hall, a library, rooms for undergraduates6, fellows and the Master, and also rooms for teaching purposes.

The University has laboratories and research institutes and other educational facilities.





Oxford is one of the oldest universities in Europe. It didn't come into being all at once. Oxford had existed as a city for at least300 years before scholars began to resort to it.

It is the second largest in Britain, after London. The town of Oxford is first mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle7 in 911 A.D.8 and it was popular with the early English kings (Richard Coeur de Lion9 was probably here). The university's earliest charter10 is dated to 1213.

The end of the 12th century saw the real beginning of the University. The first group of scholars at Oxford may have been joined by others from Paris, from other parts of Britain. A characteristic feature of Oxford is that many traditions of the Middle Ages are still current there. One of them is that the students have to wear gowns.

The earliest college buildings seem to have no definite plan. They expanded as the need for more room arose (the Queen's College)11. New College had the first regular quadrangle.

Perhaps the most famous colleges are Christ Church12, University College13 and All Souls14. Nowadays there are 29 colleges for men, 5 for women and another 5 have both men and women members.

Oxford is a place of great beauty, but it is not just a shrine to the past. It is a living entity and its historic buildings are the homes of masters and students whose learning, thinking and ideas have a profound influence on culture, education, science and politics. Many eminent world-known scholars and scientists have been educated at Oxford. Every Prime Minister from 1945 to 1974 was an Oxford graduate. All the graduates of Oxford never forget "spirit Oxford".

The system of teaching practised at Oxford, with its tendency to avoid set courses is aimed at encouragement of independent thought and judgement.



Cambridge University dates back as the 13th century. Today there are more than30 colleges. The University is situated on the River Cam15. The colleges line the right bank. The oldest college is Peterhouse (founded in 1284) and the most recent is Robinson College (1977). But the most famous is the King's College16. The building is the real example of English 15th century architecture. Its choir of boys and undergraduates is also very well known.

Until 1871 the University was only for men. In 1871 the first women’s college was opened. In 1970s most colleges admitted both men and women.

Many great men studied at Cambridge, among them Desderius Erasmus17, the great Dutch scholar, Roger Bacon18, the philosopher, Milton, the poet, Oliver Cromwell19, the soldier, Newton, the scientist, and Kapitza, the famous Russian physicist.

Bу the end of the seventeenth century the University was the home of Sir Isaac Newton20 - professor of mathematics from 1669 till 1702 whose influence was



deep. At that time serious tests were offered to the candidates for degrees. During the early part of the nineteenth century examinations were greatly improved and written examinations were more often used than oral.

At the same time there were built a number of laboratories for natural sciences, among them the Cavendish Laboratory21. The Cavendish Laboratory organized by the well-known Scottish mathematician and physicist Maxwell was opened in 1871. It was named after the English scientist of the 18th century Sir Henry Cavendish. Nowitis one of the greatest physical laboratories known throughout the world.

Students at Oxbridge have different societies and clubs. Different sports are very popular. But the most popular sports is rowing.

Every year at the end of March (or in early April) a contest between Oxford and Cambridge universities take place on the River Thames. The inter-college rowing races in summer provide Oxford with a great and colourful social occasion.




1. degree ceremony [di’gri:’seriməni] – церемония вручения ученых степеней, званий

2. full academic [ækə'demik] dress – парадная форма одежды

3. coat of arms – герб

4. Chancellor [‘ʧa:nsələ] – канцлер (номинальный глава университета; назна-чается пожизненно; бывает в университете лишь на торжественных церемониях 1-2 раза в год)

vice-chancellor ‘[vais’ ʧa:nsələ] - вице-канцлер (фактический глава уни-верситета; назначается из числа руководителей колледжей или препода-вателей)

proctor [‘prɔktə] – проктор, надзиратель

fellow [‘feləu] – младший научный работник колледжа или университета (занимается исследованием в какой-л. области)

5. Balliol [beiljəl] – Бейллиол             - Master [‘ma:stə] мастер (титул главы (1263 г.)                                                   колледжа)

Magdalen [‘mɔ:dlin] – Модлин,      - President [‘prezidənt] – президент, колледж Магдалины (1458 г.)   ректор

Exeter [‘eksitə] – Эксетер-Колледж - Rector [‘rektər] – ректор

(1314 г.)

Oriel [‘ɔ:riəl] – Ориэл (1326 г.)            Provost [‘prɔvəst] – провост, ректор

Jesus [‘ʤi:zəs] – Джизус (1571 г.)      Principal [‘prinsəpəl] - ректор

6. undergraduate [ʌndə'grædjuit] – студент университета (обыкн. Оксфордского или Кембриджского)

7. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ['æŋglou'sæksən] – «Англосаксонский Кроникл» (вестник)

8. A.D. = Anno Domini [‘ænou 'dɔminai ] – лат. нашей эры



9. Richard Coeur de Lion – Ричард Львиное Сердце (1157–1199) (английский король с 1189 г.; последний из династии Плантагенетов; англ. the Lion=hearted)

10. charter ['ʧa:tə] – хартия, грамота; устав

11. Queen’s College [kwi:nz,kɔliʤ] – Куинз-Колледж, Колледж Королев (Кем-бриджского университета, основан в 1448 г. супругой короля Генриха VI (Henry VI) Маргаритой Анжуйской (Margaret of Anjou)

12. Christ Church [‘kraist'ʧə:ʧ] – Крайст-Черч (один из самых крупных арис-тократических колледжей Оксфордского университета; основан в 1525 г.)

13. University College [,ju:ni’və:siti,kɔliʤ] – Юниверсити-Колледж (основан в 1249 г.)

14. All Souls [‘ɔ:l ‘səulz] – Олл-Соулз, Колледж Всех Душ (научно-исследо-вательский, основан в 1438 г.)

15. the Cam – р. Кем (на которой стоит г. Кембридж)

16. King's College [‘kiŋz,kɔliʤ] – Кингз-Колледж, Королевский колледж (один из крупных колледжей Кембриджского университета; известен своей церковной капеллой – choir [‘kwaiə]; выдающимся памятником архитектуры; основан в 1441 г.)

17. Desiderius Erasmus [i’ræzməs ] – Дезидерий Эразм Роттердамский (1469–1536), гуманист эпохи Возрождения

18. Roger Bacon ['beikən] – Роджер Бэкон (ок., 1214–1292), английский философ; профессор в Оксфорде

19. Oliver Cromwell ['krɔmwəl] – Оливер Кромвель (1599–1658), деятель английской буржуазной революции XVII в.

20. Sir Isaac Newton [‘sə:r ‘aizək ‘nju:tən] – сэр Исаак Ньютон

21. Cavendish Laboratory [‘kævəndiʃ lə’bɔrətəri] – Кавендишская лаборатория, лаборатория Кавендиша (физическая лаборатория Кембриджского университета).




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