Урок 4
Таблица 4.1. Правила словесного ударения.
Правила ударения | Упражнения в чтении |
1. В двухсложных словах ударение, как правило, падает на первый слог. Ударная гласная читается согласно своему положению в слоге: открытом или закрытом. | 'sofa, 'murder, 'stupid, 'stipend, 'absent, 'artist, 'worker, letter, 'turner, 'whisper, 'student, 'window, 'member, 'number, 'napkin, 'paper, 'writer |
2. В трех- и четырехсложных словах ударение обычно падает на третий слог от конца, причем ударная гласная произносится кратко, согласно своему чтению в закрытом слоге. | 'document, 'different, 'general, popular, 'policy, 'natural, 'family, 'victory, 'capital, ability, de'velopment, political, ac'tivity, ne'cessity, 'difficult, 'appetite, memorize, exercise, ex'tremety |
3. Если слово состоит из четырех и более слогов, то оно обычно имеет два ударения: главное – на втором или третьем слоге от конца, и второстепенное – на первом или втором слоге от начала слова. | university, possibility, elec'tricity, o,rigi'nality, examination, patronymic, conversation, revolution, into'nation, intractability, introductory, indi'visible, anniversary |
4. В существительных с суффиксом -tion главное ударение падает на гласную, предшествующую суффиксу. | 'station, po'sition, relation, con'dition, production, a'ffection, a'ddition, in'jection, imagination, inter ruption |
5. В словах с префиксами а-, be-, com-, con-, dis-, mis-, in-, im-, pre-, re-, ударение падает на второй слог. | along, about, amount, a'maze, dis'like, dis'miss, mis'take, pre'pare, be'gin, re'make, com'pare, con'sult, im'port, im'portant, re'peat, in'formal |
6. В сложных существительных (образованных путем словосложения), как правило, ударение падает на первый слог | 'something, newspaper, 'bookshelf, 'textbook, 'notebook, 'classroom, 'Englishman, 'grandfather, locksmith |
Exercise 1. Прочтите следующие слова: knit, physics, want, knife, Russian, picture, write, right, primness, boy, boil, girl, measure, demonstration, party, witty, fancy, worse, cold, philosophy, dark, duck, faculty, register, monitor, reward, university, marry, narrow, bale, terrible, require, mister, minister, departure, purl, knuckle, knew, keeping, war, enrich, pension, wood, ray, treasure, strong, first, reader, noise, station, writer, gun, wry, gipsy, actor, round, air, watch, maze, flower, wall, enslave, purge, pure, snare, smoker, tight, trainer, weakness, cremate, enlarge, brass, brightness, voice, structure, session, wash, ward, phlox, physicist.
Exercise 2. Напишите транскрипцию следующих слов: Russian, world, air, why, picture
Exercise 3. Расположите слова в алфавитном порядке: Russian, picture, voice, boy, girl, wood, strong, reader, high, air, deny, treasure, young, write, wood, worse, want, war, wash, ward, wry, warm, watch, why, wife, work, with, picture, phone, philosophy, pine, pen, pencil, plan, place, pure, path, part
Таблица 4.2. Предлог of для выражения принадлежности
the new words of this text – новые слова этого текста the windows of this room – окна этой комнаты |
Exercise 4. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания и предложения:
The floor of the room.
The walls of our classroom.
A bottle of ink, the engineer of this factory.
The name of the book, the teachers of our institute.
The number of the room.
A cup of milk.
A block of flats.
The windows of our classroom are clean.
What colour is the door of your flat
Are the rooms of your flat large?
What is the name of your Institute?
What is the number of your flat?
What is the number of their classroom?
The walls of this new block of flats are thick.
Exercise 5. Составьте словосочетания из двух существительных при помощи предлога of по образцу: room, ceiling - the ceiling of the room
Blackboard, classroom;
Text, lesson; 3. Bottle, ink;
Factory, workers;
Box, pencil;
Paper, colour;
Floor, room;
Name, book;
Door, flat;
Texts, textbooks;
Number, plant;
Bottle, milk;
Lats, block
Exercise 6. Переведите на английский язык:
Комнаты нашей квартиры большие.
Стены его комнаты серые.
Возьмите эту коробку карандашей.
Как называется эта книга?
Окна нашей аудитории чистые.
Возьми две бутылки молока.
Квартиры этого дома большие.
Таблица 4.2. Спряжение глагола to have
I have He / She It has | We have You have They |
Exercise 7. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
She has 'two sisters.
We have one English class today.
My brother has a good flat.
They have clean thin paper.
Exercise 8. Употребите правильную форму глагола to have
My father... four brothers.
We... many teachers.
My sister... a large room in this flat.
He... good chalk.
Our classroom... six windows.
They... many English books.
I...a new bag.
Exercise 9. Переведите на английский язык:
У меня хорошая квартира.
У нее есть брат.
У нас есть 20 толстых тетрадей.
У нее есть чистая бумага.
У моих друзей есть хороший английский учебник.
У моей сестры большая семья.
У этих студентов сегодня урок английского языка.
У него две сестры.
У меня есть три бутылки молока.
Таблица 4.3.
В разговорной речи в значении «иметь» часто употребляется форма, приводимая ниже: I have got a flat. (I’ve got) → We have got a flat. (We’ve got) He has got a flat. (He’s got) → You have got a flat. (You’ve got) She has got a flat. (She’s got) They have got a flat. (They’ve got) |
Таблица 4.4.
В конструкциях there is there are отрицательные предложения образуются при помощи отрицательного местоимения no: There is a picture on the wall. There is no picture on the wall Или отрицательной частицы not, если перед подлежащим стоит числительное или слова, обозначающие количество: many, much, enough и др. There are not two books on the shelf В данной конструкции вопросы и краткие ответы строятся так Is there a picture on the wall? |
Exercise 10. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:
I have no father.
She has по textbook.
We have no classes today.
They have no flat.
The room has no window.
Exercise 11. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму.
I have a family.
She has a mother.
Не has a sister.
We have new English textbooks.
We have thin paper.
They have a big flat.
Exercise 12. Переведите на английский язык:
У меня нет мела.
У нее нет тетрадей.
У них нет учебников.
У меня нет братьев.
У моего брата нет семьи.
У нас нет хороших
У нее нет сумки.
Таблица 4.5.
В вопросах have ставится перед подлежащим: He has a car. – У него есть машина., Has he a car? – Есть у него машина? |
Exercise 13. Прочтите, соблюдая правильную интонацию и ударение. Дайте краткие и полные ответы на следующие вопросы:
Have you (got) a family?
Have you (got) an English textbook?
Has your father a brother?
Have you an English class today?
Have you English books at home?
Have you a bottle of milk at home?
Exercise 14. Поставьте в вопросительную форму:
She has a small family.
This engineer has a good plan.
These workers have small flats.
We have white thin paper.
We have two English classes today.
Таблица 4.6. Местоимения much, many, little, few
С исчисляемыми существительными | Значение | С неисчисляемыми существительными |
many few | много мало | much little |
many (few) books | much (little) milk | |
A lot of = much, many |
Exercise 15. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык:
1. These students have very few friends in this city.
2. Have you much brown bread at home?
3. Have you many or few English books?
4. Many students are ill. – Sorry to hear it.
5. We have a lot of free time.
6. Have you many young engineers at the factory?
7. Has he much thin paper?
8. Have you little homework to do today?
Exercise 16. Заполните пропуски отрицаниями not или no перед словами, выражающими количество (many, few, little, much), и числительными глагол to have употребляется с отрицанием not.
Образец: I have no ink. I have not (= haven’t) much ink. – I haven’t many books.
I have... flat.
2. He has... much ink in his pen.
3. This student has... white paper.
4. She has... five sisters.
5. We have... much free time today.
Exercise 17. Из слов, заключенных в скобки, выберите нужное по смыслу:
1. We have (much, a lot of) friends.
2. (Many, much) students are absent today.
3. He has very (few, little) clean paper.
4. I haven’t (much, many) chalk.
5. We have very (many, much) young teachers at our Institute.
6. They have (many, a lot of) work to do today.
Exercise 18. Переведите на английский язык:
1. У нее очень мало друзей.
2. У нас мало красного мела.
3. У вас очень мало толстой белой бумаги.
4. У моего брата много хороших книг.
5. Сегодня присутствует много рабочих.
6. У нас много хлеба дома?
7. У них много старых рабочих на фабрике.
Таблица 4.7 Специальные вопросы. Вопросительные слова how many, how much «сколько»
I have (got) two English books in my bag. | ||||
What What books How many books | have have have | you you you | (got) (got) (got) | in your bag? in your bag? in your bag? |
Exercise 19. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. How many English classes have you today?
2. How many sisters have you?
3. How many English books has your friend (got)?
4. How much bread have they (got)?
5. What kind of room has he?
6. What kind of flat have you (got)? 7. What classes have you today?
Exercise 20. Поставьте специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям:
1. This worker has (got) a lot of good books.
2. We have little bread.
3. I have two little rooms.
4. She has few books at home.
5. We have (got) seven plates.
6. This room has two windows.
7. He has a nice film.
8.I have a new desk.
Exercise 21. Переведите на английский язык:
1.Сколько у вас сестер?
2.Сколько у вас уроков сегодня?
3.Какие у вас уроки сегодня?
4. Какой у него портфель?
5. Какая это карта?
6. Сколько у вас хлеба?
7. Сколько у вас бутылок молока?
Таблица 4.8. Вопросы к подлежащему
Who has (got) a red pencil? – I Have. |
Exercise 22. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Who has much free time?
2. Who has (got) much homework to do today?
3. Who has a big family?
4. Who has many English books at home?
5. Who is your teacher?
Exercise 23. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1.Speak English in class.
2. Speak Russian now.
3. Begin speaking, please.
4. Begin reading the English text, please.
5. Open your books at page fifty-eight and begin reading the new words.
6. Spell your name, please.
7. Write your name on this paper.
Exercise 24. Прочтите и переведите текст:
My Friend Boris Smirnov
I have a friend. His name is Boris Smirnov. He is thirty-two years old. He is an engineer at a big plant. He has a lot of work to do at the plant. He is a busy man and he has not much free time.
Boris is married. He has a family. He has a wife and a daughter. Boris has no son. He also has a mother but he has no father. His father is dead. His mother is old. She is sixty-five years old. She is a pensioner.
Boris has a wife. Her name is Olga. She is a nice young woman of twenty-seven. Olga is a final-year student at our Institute. Olga is very fond of sport but this year she has very little time for it, because she is busy with her graduation project.
Boris has a daughter. Her name is Ann. Ann is a nice little girl. She is only eight and she is a schoolgirl. Ann is very fond of sport too and she has a lot of time for it. Ann is also fond of reading books. She has very many good books. She has a lot of Russian but few English books. Ann also has a little cat and a big dog. She is fond of playing with them.
All members of this family are good friends. I am fond of the family.
Olga is free today. She is at home. Boris is not at home. He is at the plant. He has a lot of work to do today. He is busy with quite a new project. Boris is fond of this project and of his work. Ann is at home now. She has a lot of homework to do today. Now she is busy with her lessons.
Boris Smirnov’s family has a large flat. Their flat is very good. It is in a new block of flats in the centre of the city.
Exercise 25. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How old is Boris Smirnov?
2. Has he much work to do at the plant?
3. Is Boris married?
4. What is his wife?
5. What is her name?
6. Has Boris a brother?
7. What is he?
8. Are you married?
9. Is your mother a pensioner?
10. Have you much or little free time this year?
11. Have you many or few friends at the Institute?
12. Who is your friend?
13. What is your friend?
14. Have you a cat or a dog at home?
15. Are you fond of playing with them?
Exercise 26. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:
Free time, a busy man;
To be married;
A young woman;
A good project;
To be dead;
This year;
To have a lot of work to do, a nice little girl;
To be fond of speaking English, managing director.
Exercise 27. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:
1. В этом году у меня много работы.
2. Его отец умер.
3. Мой сын тоже увлекается спортом.
4. Моей дочери девять лет.
5. Я сегодня занят, а мой друг свободен.
6. Моя сестра замужем.
Exercise 28. Ответьте по образцу, употребив перед существительным контрастирующее или какое-либо другое определение:
Т.: I have a large flat. And she? (small)