Урок 3
Таблица 3.1.
Буквы | Примеры |
Ch Sh Th Ng Ck Ph | children (дети), which (который) ship (корабль), fish (рыба) thing (вещь), both (оба) this (этот), with (c) song (песня), singing (пение) stick (палка), stocking (чулок) phone (телефон), elephant (слон) |
Exercise 1. Прочтите следующие слова:
snow, depth, width, stir, mere, bird,'doctor, burn, sport, born, care, car, square, long, pure, rare, wire, 'maker, fume, she, 'singing, Dutch, Rome, space, brick, teach, bold, run, myth, eve, add, go, fix, wage, cake, 'fancy, few, ink, day, 'dirty, here, nurse, serf, 'English, turn, 'worker, dark, car, hair, more, fir, ring, yes, kind, 'rifle, huge, town, round, child, pass, talk, six, know, ’witty, voice, 'tester, 'darling, 'father, front, 'mother, a'mong, aloud, along, 'gardener, 'ignorant, some, 'human, 'parents, 'parrot, love, 'number, 'sister, a'spire, tree, charm, 'jumper, junk.
Exercise 2. Прочтите следующие слова по буквам и напишите их транскрипцию: what, bird, these, rare, here, charm, fox, sing, sheep
Exercise 3. Пользуясь таблицей чтения гласных, выпишите по два примера на каждый случай чтения гласных:
made, short, burn, a'ware, far, first, cure, sake, lute, wire, black, dare, mere, rope, pole, pot, sport, mud, bee, sore, hire, here, her, bridge, but, pure, eve, pen, time, thick, bird, more, bad, turn, car, lot, tune, pine, verb, send
Exercise 4. Расположите слова в алфавитном порядке: pen, apple, black, end, table, sport, bird, desk, plate, wire, her, mother, sit, sane, summer, sink, sorry, sport, she, six, serf, singing, space, square, snow, stir
Exercise 5. Прочтите новые слова и выражения урока:
To be absent – отсутствовать;
All – все;
Architect – архитектор;
Artis t – художник;
A t – около, у;
To b – e быть;
To begin – начинать;
Bottle – бутылка;
Brother – брат;
Brown – коричневый;
But – но;
Ceiling – потолок;
In class – на уроке, в аудитории;
Classroom – аудитория;
Doctor – врач;
Economis t – экономист;
Engineer – инженер;
Englis h – английский;
Factory – фабрика;
Family – семья;
Fathe r – отец;
Friend – друг;
Glad: to be glad – радоваться;
At home – дома;
How как; how are you? – как вы поживаете? / как вы себя чувствуете?;
I’m fine – хорошо;
To be ill – болеть;
Ink – чернила;
Institute – институт;
Large – большой;
Milk – молоко;
Mother – мама;
Name – имя, фамилия; what is your name? Как ваша фамилия?;
Now – теперь, сейчас;
Number – номер;
Office – учреждение;
Page – страница;
Paper – бумага;
To be present – присутствовать;
Quite – совсем;
To read – читать;
Reading – чтение;
Sister – сестра;
Sorry: to be sorry – извиняться, сожалеть;
To spell – называть слово по буквам;
Student – студент;
Teacher – учитель, преподаватель;
Textbook – учебник;
To thank – благодарить;
Very – очень;
To be well – хорошо себя чувствовать;
Who – кто;
Word – слово;
Worker – рабочий;
To write – писать;
What are you? – Кто вы? (вопрос о профессии);
Who are you? = what is your name?
Таблица 3.2. Числительные в английском языке
Количественные | Порядковые |
1 one [wAn] 2 two [tH] 3 three [TrJ] 4 four [fL] 5 five [faIv] 6 six [sIks] 7 seven [sevn] 8 eight [eIt] 9 nine [naIn] 10 ten [ten] 11 eleven [I'levn] 12 twelve [twelv] 13 thirteen ['TW'tJn] 14 fourteen ['fL'tJn] 15 fifteen ['fIf'tJn] 16 sixteen ['sIks'tJn] 17 seventeen ['sevn'tJn] 18 eighteen ['eI'tJn] 19 nineteen ['naIn'tJn] 20 twenty ['twentI] 21 twenty-one ['twentI'wAn] 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 30 thirty ['TWtI] 31 thirty-one 32 thirty-two 40 forty ['fLtI] 50 fifty ['fIftI] 60 sixty ['sIkstI] 70 seventy ['sevntI] 80 eighty ['eItI] 90 ninety ['naIntI] 100 a (one) hundred ['hAndrqd] 101 a (one) hundred and one 116 a (one) hundred and sixteen 125 a(one)hundred and twenty-five 200 two hundred 500 five hundred 1,000 a (one) thousand ['Tauzqnd] 1,001 a (one) thousand and one 1,256 a (one) thousand two hundred andfifty-six 2,000 two thousand 25,000 twenty-five thousand 100,000 a (one) hundred thousand 1,000,000 a (one) million ['mIljqn] 1,000,000,000 a (one) milliard в Англии; a(one) billion в США | 1st first [fWst] 2nd second ['seknd] 3rd third [TWd] 4th fourth [fLT] 5th fifth [fIfT] 6th sixth [sIksT] 7th seventh ['sevnT] 8th eighth [eItT] 9th ninth [naInT] 10th tenth [tenT] 11th eleventh [I'levnT] 12th twelfth [twelfT] 13th thirteenth ['TW'tJnT] 14th fourteenth ['fL'tJnT] 15th fifteenth ['fIf'tJnT] 16th sixteenth ['sIks'tJnT] 17th seventeenth ['sevn'tJnT] 18th eighteenth ['eI'tJnT] 19th nineteenth ['naIn'tJnT] 20th twentieth ['twentIIT] 21st twenty-first ['twentI'fWst] 22nd twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 24th twenty-fourth 25th twenty-fifth 30th thirtieth ['TWtIIT] 31st thirty-first 32nd thirty-second 40th fortieth ['fLtIIT] 50th fiftieth ['fIftIIT] 60th sixtieth ['sIkstIIT] 70th seventieth ['sevntIIT] 80th eightieth ['eItIIT] 90th ninetieth ['naIntIIT] 100th hundredth ['hAndrqdT] 101st hundred and first 116th hundred and sixteenth 125th hundred and twenty-fifth 200th two hundredth 500th five hundredth 1,000th thousandth ['TauzqnT] 1,001st thousand and first 1,256th thousand two hundred andfifty-sixth 2,000th two thousandth 25,000th twenty-five thousandth 100,000th hundred thousandth 1,000,000th millionth ['mIljqnT] 1,000,000,000th milliardth или billionth ['bIljqnT] |
Exercise 6. Сосчитайте от 1 до 10 и в обратном порядке.
Exercise 7. Прочтите:
One and two is three. 1 + 2 = 3
Three and five is eight. 3 + 5 = 8
Seven and three is ten. 7 + 3 = 10
5 + 4 = 9
6 + 1 = 7
3 + 7= 10
8 + 2 = 10
3 + 5 = 8
6 + 3 = 9
Thee 'rooms, eight books;
Four plates, one map;
One window;
Two ties;
Six chairs;
Seven bags;
This room is number two (no 2);
That room is number three;
My flat is number four;
Is your flat number six? No, it isn’t; it’s number five;
Where are classrooms number five, six and seven?;
On what page is text three?
Exercise 8. Переведите на английский язык:
два фильма, три книги, одна тетрадь, четыре окна, десять ламп, пять карт, шесть столов, семь яблок, восемь досок, девять портфелей, комната № 3
Таблица 3.3. Притяжательные местоимения
my – мой, моя, мое his – его her – ее its – его, ее (относится к неодушевленным предметам) our – наш, наша, наше your – ваш, ваша, ваше t heir (без) – их |
Exercise 9. Переведите на английский язык:
Их город;
Наша комната;
Tго чашка;
Ее тарелки;
Ваш хлеб;
Мой портфель;
Наши яблоки;
Их книги;
Ее полка;
Tго книжный шкаф;
Моя квартира;
Моя фамилия Смирнов;
Ее фамилия Петрова.
Таблица 3.4. Спряжение глагола To be
Предложения с to be в разных лицах | Перевод на русский язык | ||
I | am | a good student | Я хороший студент |
He | is | manager | Он менеджер |
She | a doctor | Она доктор | |
It | a big company | Это большая компания | |
We | are | independent | Мы независимы |
You | very knowledgeable | Ты очень знающий | |
They | our friends | Они наши друзья |
Exercise 10. И змените форму глагола to be по лицам в следующих предложениях:
I am a doctor.
I am not an engineer.
Exercise 11. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:
I am a student.
You are a teacher.
She is an engineer.
Your brother is a doctor.
We are young workers.
They are friends.
His father is an architect.