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(Gordon Willey and Jeremy Sabloff 1974/1980) :


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Karel Sklenar 1976 / 1983

- (. ., ., ) 1745,

- 1868;


- 1899 ( ),

- 1910 ( . .) II . ( . .),

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(Bruce Trigger 1989):



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. . (1992):


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(. 1860 1925)


(1925 1960)

(1925 .)

, , ( , , ), , . . , (, , , , , ). . , .

(Willey and Sabloff 1974) , , , ( ) ( ). , , -, - , , . , (. 3 = Willey and Sabloff 1980, fig. 4).

, , (Kunst 1982: 5). , XVII XVIII (. 4). (Trigger 1989) . . ("") (. 5 = Trigger 1989, fig. 1).

, . -, , ( , ). , 30 . , . -, - , (, , , ). -, : (, , ) , (, , -, -, , , -). -, ( " "? ? - -?).

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1. (Trigger 2001) , , . , ?

2. ? ? ? , , ?

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  5. " " , , , ? ?
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9. , : ? , , , , . ., ? , ?

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  2. (1973, 1977) (1989) "" . ? , , ?


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