English is one of the most important and widely used languages. British colonial expansion in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries took the English language all over the world. Except Britain it became the official (or the second official) language of the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa and other countries. Economic, political and cultural influence of these countries in the world contributed to further spread of English in the 20th century. As a result we have a unique phenomenon in history: about 1 500 million people – over a third of the world’s population – live in countries where English is used and taught. In fact it has become the language of international intercourse.
The English we study (the model used in the teaching of English overseas) is known as Standard English. Standard English is the official language used in Great Britain. It is taught at schools and universities. It is used in literature, by the press, the radio and television and spoken by educated people.
Besides Standard English there are very many local dialects in Great Britain. Under the influence of Standard English taught at school and the speech cultivated by the radio, television and the cinema the local dialects are undergoing a change. The old local dialects are mainly preserved in the countryside and for the most part in the speech of elderly people. One of them is Cockney English. Cockney is a class dialect spoken by about two million working-class Londoners – Cockneys – in the East End of London. It differs from Standard English by its peculiar pronunciation.
As a result of geographical separation English spoken outside the British Isles has developed certain differences in vocabulary and pronunciation but less in grammar. Differences in geographical features, in the flora and fauna and in the way of life call for new words which find their way in the general English vocabulary.
Contacts with other languages have also left their mark on English outside Great Britain. Contacts with various native languages, as for example, with Red Indian language in America, the languages of the Australian aborigenes and the Maori in New Zealand have introduced new elements into the English vocabulary.
Упр. 9. Прочитайте текст еще раз и письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What language is the text about? 2. In what countries did the English language become the official language? 3. How many people use English? 4. What is the name of the English which we study? 5. Where is Standard English used? 6. Is Standard English the only language used in Great Britain? 7. Where are the old local dialects preserved? 8. Where do people speak Cockney? 9. Is there any difference between Standard English and English spoken outside the British Isles? 10. What are these differences?
Упр. 10. Прочтите и письменно переведите следующие производные от глаголов: v + er (or) = n; v + (a)tion = n.
Образец: 1) work v работать – worker n рабочий;
2) inform v информировать – information n информация:
1) use – user, expand – expander, contribute – contributor, teach – teacher, cultivate – cultivator, separate – separator, mark – marker, leave – leaver, speak – speaker, learn – learner;
2) separate – separation, pronounce – pronunciation, introduce – introduction, investigate – investigation, contribute – contribution, cultivate – cultivation, educate – education.
Упр. 11. Письменно образуйте словосочетания с помощью предлога of, выражающего принадлежность.
Model: to investigate a problem – the investigation of a problem исследование проблемы:
to develop certain differences, to contribute the spread of English, to cultivate Standard English, to introduce new elements, to pronounce words
Упр. 1. Прочитайте слова активного словаря текста IV. Выучите их:
· talk [tÉ:k] v говорить, разговаривать (about, of – о чем-л.; with – с кем-л.) · localize [ `louk¶laiz] v локализовать, ограничивать распростра-нение; относить к определенному месту; localized [`louk¶laizd] p.p. присущий определенной местности; localism [`louk¶lizm] n местное слово, выражение, провинциализм · complete [k¶m`pli:t] v завершать, заканчивать; а полный; законченный; совершенный, абсолютный · own [oun] v владеть; а собственный · revive [ri`vaiv] v возрождать; revival [ri`vaiv¶l] n возрождение · dedicate [`dedikeit] v посвящать; dedicated a посвященный · restore [ri`stÉ:] v возрождать (обычаи, традиции и пр.), восстанавливать(ся) · fight (fought) [fait, fÉ:t] v сражаться, вести борьбу · recognize [`rek¶gnaiz] v признавать · broadcast [`brÉ:dka:st] v передавать по радио, вещать; broadcaster n диктор; broadcasting n радиовещание, радиопередача, трансляция · society [s¶`sai¶ti] n общество · alternative [É:l`t¶:n¶tiv] n альтернатива, выбор; а взаимоисключающий, альтернативный ·strange [`streind ] a странный · strong a сильный ·verse [v¶:s] n строфа; стих; стихи; поэзия; lyrical verse лирическая поэзия; in verse or prose в стихах или в прозе · area [`ε¶ri¶] n район, область, зона; площадь, пространство · island [`ail¶nd] n остров · isle [ail] n остров (в названиях) · still adv (все) еще, по-прежнему · since prp с; cj 1) с тех пор как; 2) так как · final exams [fain¶l i`gzæms] выпускные экзамены · equal [`i:kw¶l] a равный, одинаковый, равносильный · valid [`vælid] a юр. действительный, имеющий силу · court [kÉ:t] n = law court суд · channel [tòænl] n канал · more and more все больше и больше · as well as … также как и … · either … or как … так и; и… и ·
Упр. 2. Отработайте чтение следующих интернациональных слов. Письменно переведите их, обращая внимание на часть речи:
surprise [s¶`praiz] v, n, dialect [`dai¶lekt] n, version [`v¶:òn] n, localized version, alternative [É:l`t¶:n¶tiv] n, a; phrase [`freiz], form n, grammar [`græm¶] n, poetry [`pouitri] n, culture [`kÙltò¶] n, interest [`intrist] n, tradition [tr¶`diòn] n, prose [prouz], form v, programme [`prougr¶m]
Упр. 3. Обратите внимание на произношение и перевод географических названий и имен собственных:
The British Isles [ailz] – Британские острова; Wales [weilz] – Уэльс; Welsh [welò] n – валлийский, уэльский язык; the Welsh – валлийцы, уэльсцы; Scotland [`skÉtl¶nd] – Шотландия; Gaelic [`geilik] n – гаэльский язык; Gael [geil] n – гаэл, шотландский или ирландский кельт; Ireland [`ai¶l¶nd] – Ирландия; Irish [`ai¶riò] a ирландский; Manx [mæhks] – мэнский диалект; the Manx – жители острова Мэн; Cornish [`kÉ:niò] n – корнуоллский, корнийский язык; the Lowlands (of Scotland) – южная, менее гористая часть Шотландии
Упр. 4. Прочитайте и переведите текст IV. Найдите в словаре значение неизвестных вам слов и запишите их в свою рабочую тетрадь: