







(, α-). 40-55% ( ), 27-30% , 3-8% , 2-3% , 14-20% . , , - .

ғғ ғ (, α-). -ң құ 40-55% ә (өң ң ), 27-30% , 3-8% ү, 2-3% , 14-20 % ә . ң қ ө ғ қң ң ө ғ ө қ қ, қ .

High density lipoproteins (HDL, or α-LP) consist of protein (40-55%), phospholipids (27-30%), triglycerides (3-8%), free cholesterol (2-3%), cholesteryl esters (14-20%). HDL perform the transport function, removing cholesterol excess from the surface of blood vessels and transporting it to the liver and for excretion or re-utilization, so HDL are antiatherogenic lipoproteins.

(, - β-) - : 8-12% - , 10-12% - , 18-20% - , 3-6% - , 50% - (). ( - ), . , 100. β- ( - ).

ғғ ө ө (Ө, -β-) ң құ ө әү , ө ңғ : құ 8-12% ә, 10-12% , 18-20% , 3-6% ә, 50 % - ү (Ү). құ (, қ ө ң қғ ү), үң ү құ. Ү - ң құ , ә 100 . Қ қғ ң қ Ө β ү.

Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL, or pre-β-LP) is a heterogeneous class of particles with different compounds content: protein (8-12%), free cholesterol (10-12%), phospholipids (18-20%), cholesteryl esters (3-6%), triacylglycerols (about 50%). They are produced mainly by hepatocytes (lesser extent - in by intestine). VLDL are the main transport form of endogenous triacylglycerols. Their apoproteins are C, E and B100. The plasma VLDL convert into β-LP (with the help of enzymes - lipoprotein lipase and lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT).

(, β-) : 24-31% - , 16-28% - , 7-11% - , 30% - , 20-25% - . . B100.

ғғ ө ( β- ) құ :24-31% , 16-28%-ғ , 7-11% ү, 30%-, 20-25% ә. Ө ү. ң ң ө () . ң құ ғ 100 ұ.

Low-density lipoproteins (LDL, or β-LP), have the following composition: free cholesterol (24-31%), - cholesteryl esters (16-28%), triglycerides (11.7%), the phospholipids (about 30%), protein (20-25%). They are formed in plasma from VLDL and are the most atherogenic lipoprotein fractions in man. LDL contain only one apoprotein - B100.

4. - , ( ). : 3-8% , 2-4% , 2% , 1-2% 86-94% . B48, A, C, E.

қғ ү өң ң ә ғқ ң . ң құ:3-8% , 2-4% ә, 2% , 1-2% ә , қғ 86-94% - Ү. Қғ 48, ,, .

Chylomicrons are the largest lipoprotein particles entering the blood from the lymph. Chyl. are the transport form of dietary fat (exogenous TAG). Their structure consists of phospholipids (3-8%), cholesteryl esters (2-4%), free cholesterol (about 2%), protein (1.2%) and TAG (86-94%). The shell has apoproteins B48, A, C, E.


ң ү:

I. - .

1ү () қ , қ ң ө ғ .

Type I Hypercholesterolemia is characterized by a high content of chylomicrons in plasma on an empty stomach.


II -- 2 :

2 ү -- 2 ү () ө:

II - β- - β-;

II ү β ң қ ғ, β- қғ өң ө.

II - β- - β-.

II ү β- ә -β өң ө.

Type II hyper-beta lipoproteinemia is divided into 2 types:
Type IIa - increase in blood β-LP with normal pre-β-LP;
Type IIb - increase in β-LP and pre-β-LP.

III , - β-. β- ( - ).

III ү () -β-. ң ұқ қққ өң ұ . қ β- (қ ғқ ң -) .

Type III "floating" hyperlipoproteinemia, or dis-β-lipoproteinemia. The disease is due to hereditary decreased synthesis of apoprotein E. The disease is characterized by the appearance of serum floating β-lipoprotein (intermediate density lipoprotein - IDL).

IV -- β-, ( - CII) ( , , , .). .

IV ү () --β- ұқ ққ ( II-ң ң 11-ң ) ү ғ (ү, () , , ..) ү. ұғ қ ү Ө ңң ң ә.

Type IV hyper-pre-β-lipoproteinemiamay be hereditary (absence of lipoprotein lipase - apoprotein CII cofactor) or acquired (alcoholism, acute hepatitis, acromegaly, diabetes, etc.). It is characterized by increase in triglycerides and VLDL levels.

V -- β- .

V ү -- β- ә .

Type V Hyper- pre-β lipoproteinemia and chylomikronemi

- , . 1- 4 , 9

ққ - ғ қ ү ү ңң қ қ ө. ғ қғ 3-4 ғ ө ң , 9 ғ қғ ң ң қ .

Alimentary hyperlipemia - temporary increase in blood chylomicrons caused by the intake of fatty foods or test with lipid load. Occurs within 1 - 4 hours after meal, after 9 hours blood fat level is normalized

, , 1

қ ғ, , қ ң I ү , қ ң ққ ү қ ққ ғ .

Transport hyperlipemia is due to increased mobilization of free fatty acids from depot during starvation, stress, diabetes mellitus type 1


( . retentio - ) , , NaCl ( ). , , , II , ,

қ ( retentio-ұ) ң өң ң ә , ұ ң , ө ө NaCI ү (қғ ) . , (ү ң ), , қ ң II-ү, қ ғ .

Retention hyperlipemia (from Lat. Retentio - delay) is caused by a delay transition of neutral fats from the blood into the tissues, which occurs when there is lipoprotein lipase deficiency, hypoalbuminemia or excessive intake of NaCl (inhibits lipoprotein lipase). Occurs at atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, nephrosis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, mechanic jaundice.

- () ().

қ ңң ғ () ә ң ә ғң ө ().

Ketosis is increased blood ketone bodies (hyperketonemia), and increased ketone bodies excretion with urine (ketonuria)

. , .

ң қ ұ . ұ қ қ , ң , ү .

Primary Obesity occurs when there is disorders in hormonal link between adipose tissue and the hypothalamus. This is genetically mediated neuroendocrine disease, its main pathogenetic factor is absolute or relative leptin deficiency.

(, )- , , , , .

(, қ) ә үң қң ұ . , ө, қ ұ, .. ә ғ ө.

Secondary obesity (endocrine, cerebral) is a syndrome that occurs when there is imbalance between the processes of lipolysis and lipogenesis. It is symptomatic in nature and develops at endocrinopathy, brain tumors, stroke, etc.

, .

қ ң өң ү , .

Hypertrophic obesity is associated with an increase adipocytes in size, is more common for adults.

. , , .

қ ң ө ө ү. Ә қ қ .

Hyperplastic obesity is accompanied by an increase in the number of adipocytes. It usually begins in childhood.

- (, ). (, , ) : = - .

- (ң ү , қ қ ғ ). қ әң ұ (: ү ұ қ , ғ қ қ). ( ғ ә: = ү ү ғ) қ ә.

Exogenous-constitutional obesity (often, but not always it is related to the primary form of obesity). Eating disorders (such as night eating syndrome, increased food intake in response to stress) lead to the deposition of excess fat in the body, in accordance with the formula: the deposition of fat = energy intake - energy consumption.

( , , , , )

қ -ң қ ( ғ қ, ұқ , ө, , қ қғ (ғғ) ө ү.

Hypothalamic obesity is a consequence of the destruction of the hypothalamus (brain trauma, intracranial hypertension, brain tumors, meningitis, congenital degenerative changes in the hypothalamus)

-, , , .

қ - ө ң - ә . , , ң ә .

Hormonal obesity is associated with both hypo-and hyperfunction of endocrine glands and develops at hypothyroidism, hypofunction of gonads, hyperinsulinism and hypercortisolism.

(: 5,2-6,2 /)

- қ ң ғ (қ 5,2-6,2 /)

Hypercholesterolemia is increase in blood cholesterol (normal: 5,2-6,2 mmol / l)

. 20 25% , 50%.

Қ қ () - қ ң ө ғң . Қ ғ ң 20-25% құ, - 50% - ө ө ү.

Exhaustion and cachexia is a pathological reduction in fat mass below nrmal. At exhaustion adipose tissue deficiency may be 20 - 25% or more, and in cachexia it is below 50%.

- ,

қ ң ұ ө ңң ә , қ ң ү ғң -ң.

Nitrogen balance is integral indicator of the general level of protein metabolism, is the balance between the intake and excretion of nitrogen

: , .. . , , , , (, , ).

ң қ : ң ү ғ, қ ғ , ә ү ә ң ,ң ң қ, ,ү ә ң қ ө (, , )

Positive nitrogen balance: the intake of nitrogen is greater than its removal, ie protein synthesis predominates over its destruction. It is observed at tissue regeneration in the recovery period after a serious illness, pregnancy, childhood, overproduction of anabolic hormones (growth hormone, androgens, insulin).

: , . (, 3, 4, )

қ ; ғғ ө ө ң ө ү . ө ө ң ө, ( 3,4 )

- ( 15 - 30 /)

Hyperazotemia - is increase in residual nitrogen levels (normally 15 - 30 mmol / l)
Retention hyperazotemia develops at decreased excretion of protein metabolism end products by the kidneys (renal failure)

қ ққ ң ө.(қ 15-30 /)

( )

ө - әң ң ә ү ңғ өң ү қ ғң ұ (ү ) .

( , , .), ( , , ).

Ө ң қ (ққ , ү, ө ..), ң қ (әәң ү ұ,ң ө қ ә ө, (ққ) ң ө ғ).

Productional hyperazotemia develops at extensive destruction of tissue (traumatic shock, burns, tumors, etc.), severe liver damage (decreased urea synthesis, decreased blood urea concentration, increased the content of residual nitrogen).

- ( 60 80 /)

- қ ә өң (ң) ө (қ ғ 60 80 /).

Hypoproteinemia is decrease in the concentration of protein in blood (normally 60 - 80 g / l)

- қ ә өң (ң) ө.

Hyperproteinemia is increase in blood protein concentration

. ( ), , , , , .

() қ ң ү ғғ қ. ұ ғ (қ ), қ , ұ қ (ң қ 1 ) ө ү. ң ө ұқ, қ .

Absolute hyperproteinemia is increased blood protein level as a result of increased globulin synthesis (plasmacytoma (multiple myeloma), Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, when as a result of tumor growth large quantities of abnormal globulins are synthesized; at infectious, autoimmune diseases, when there is a significant formation of immuno globulins).

- ().

, үққ ө ғқ () қ қғқ қ.

Relative hyperproteinemia is observed when there is hemoconcentration at dehydration

- . (- ) 1,5 2,5, - 2,0.


- қ әң өң ө қң ө. Қ ғ ң қ қ ( әқ ) 1,5 2,5 , қ - 2,0.


Disproteinemia is changed correspond relationship between blood protein fractions. The normal albumin globulin ration (albumin-globulin coefficient) is 1.5 and 2.5, average - 2.0.

- - , . , - (), .


ққ- қ қ әң , ә ұқ қққ . , - ң (ң) , .


Defect-proteinemia - is absence of one of blood plasma proteins, usually inherited. For example, agammaglobulinemia is absence of gammaglobulins (immunoglobulins), Bruton's disease.


қң қ , қ қ әң .

Paraproteinemia is the appearance of atypical pathological blood proteins - paraproteins

- , ,

, қ ө қ ө, қ, ң қ () қ .

Paraproteins are abnormal immunoglobulins synthesized by plasma cells in multiple myeloma, they can not perform the function of antibodies

- , 37 . - , , , , , (, , , )

қ қ ә, ң қң 37 ө ұ ә қң қ ә ү . ң ө ң қ ұ, ң құң () қ құ. ұ ғ , , , ұқ (, , , ) қ.

Cryoglobulins are abnormal plasma proteins, that have the unusual properties of precipitating from the blood serum when the blood temperature is below 37 C. Most of cryoglobulins are complexes of polyclonal immunoglobulins, with monoclonal immunoglobulins (about 50%), cryoglobulins may appear in Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, multiple myeloma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, infectious diseases (mononucleosis, syphilis, tuberculosis, leprosy)

( . podagra - , ) - , () , , .

- ұ ң ө ә ққ ұң әү , ә , ңғ ә ү қ ү .

Gout (from the Greek. Podagra - trap, leg pain) is a disease characterized by hyperuricemia and deposition of uric acid (urate) in various tissues, mainly in the articular cartilage, periarticular tissues and kidneys.


1. Ә.ұұұ. . ; ʳ, 2007. . 139 166, 227-237

2. Ә..ұұұ. қ .-; , 2010.-. 172-181

3. // . .., .. .. : - , 2010., 1, . 621-682, 522-568

4. .. : . .: , 2009 - . 128-136; . 137-146.

5. . . // .. . : -. 2008. . 69 -72

6. / .. , ... .: , 2004. . 269 288, 311- 324.

7. қ қ // Қ ғ ..ө, ғ .., ... .: , ҚҰ, 2007.- . 174 188, 214 221



8. // . .. : . .., 2006. . 139 156. / .., .. , .. , .. , .. . .: -ջ, 2000. . 210-224.

9. / . .. . : - . -, 2006. - . 293 - 314.

10. .. .- .1, .: -Ļ, 2003. - . 301 326.

11. . . ./ . . . .: - , 2000, . 24 47, . 212 260, . 301 307.

12. ., . . . . .: , 2000. 119 .

13. , / .. , .. , .. . .: , 2003. 392 .

14. / .. , .1, .: , 1995. - . 286 294; . 313 - 325.

15. .. . . : , 2002. 152 .

16. .. . : , 2005. . 4 67; 138 180.

17. .., .. ( ). , . , 2005.26.

18. .. .- , 1991

19. . . . , , 1994

20. , .4 .158-160, . 6, .875-879, .17 . 215-221.




. қң: қ қ // Қ ғ ..ө, ғ .., .. .: - , ҚҰ, 2007.- . 163-174


Ә Ә Ң Ұ. Ғ

қң қ:

Ә ә internet ө ұ ғ қ

ққ ұ, ғ ң ң қ қ

Ғ ө ғ қ

қ :

Ә ә internet ө ұ ғ

құ ғ

Ғ ө ғ

қ үң ә:

ө қң :

1. , ү, .

2. қ ә , , .

3. ң ұқ қ ұ.

4. ғ, ү, , ғ ң. ғң әң қ ү қ ө.

5. әқ-қ , , , ү ң.

6. ғң қ

7. қң қ

: қң қ ө.


1. Ә.ұұұ. . ; ʳ, 2007. . 139 166, 227-237

2. Ә..ұұұ. қ .-; , 2010.-. 172-181

3. // . .., .. .. : - , 2010., 1, . 621-682, 522-568

4. .. : . .: , 2009 - . 128-136; . 137-146.

5. . . // .. . : -. 2008. . 69 -72

6. / .. , ... .: , 2004. . 269 288, 311- 324.

7. қ қ // Қ ғ ..ө, ғ .., ... .: , ҚҰ, 2007.- . 174 188, 214 221



8. // . .. : . .., 2006. . 139 156. / .., .. , .. , .. , .. . .: -ջ, 2000. . 210-224.

9. / . .. . : - . -, 2006. - . 293 - 314.

10. .. .- .1, .: -Ļ, 2003. - . 301 326.

11. . . ./ . . . .: - , 2000, . 24 47, . 212 260, . 301 307.

12. ., . . . . .: , 2000. 119 .

13. , / .. , .. , .. . .: , 2003. 392 .

14. / .. , .1, .: , 1995. - . 286 294; . 313 - 325.

15. .. . . : , 2002. 152 .

16. .. . : , 2005. . 4 67; 138 180.

17. .., .. ( ). , . , 2005.26.

18. .. .- , 1991

19. . . . , , 1994

20. , .4 .158-160, . 6, .875-879, .17 . 215-221.





10 қ.

қң қ:

ң әүң қ

  • ү ә ә ғ қ

қ ұқ ү қ ғ қ

ә ғ Қ 697 ә 575 ұқң қғ

қ :

ң әүң , ә ұқ

  • 3 қ қ

қ ұқ ү қ ғ

Қ 697 ә 575 ұқң қғ

қң ұқ:

1. , қ, ( - ә қ, қ, ққ, , , қ, ғқ, ).

2. ң үң ә .

3. ә қ ү қң ұ.

4. ң ә ( ә ұқ ).

5. Ұқ ә ң ғң ә .

6. қ ғң ә ң қ . ү


қ қ ү ә:

қ қң ұқ , , ә , ң ә қ, ө

қ ә:

ұ, ә ә , .


: 2017-02-11; !; : 727 |



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