







802.0 (075)

81.2 . 7




, , , , (1-2 ) . , . . , , -, , . 1-6 . 1 . . . - .



: .., ..,









Aa [eI] Nn [en]

Bb [bI:] Oo [ou]

Cc [sI:] Pp [pI:]

Dd [dI:] Qq [kju:]

Ee [I:] Rr [a:]

Ff [ef] Ss [es]

Gg [dZI:] Tt [tI:]

Hh [eIt∫] Uu [ju:]

Ii [aI] Vv [vI:]

Jj [dZeI] Ww ['dAblju:]

Kk [keI] Xx [eks]

Ll [el] Yy [waI]

Mm [em] Zz [zed]


2. , .



[∫], [t∫],[Z], [ju:], [a:], [A],[O], [æ], [ә:], [ð], [θ], [ә]

3. . :

ship [∫Ip] ; sheep [∫I:p] ([:] ).

4. e : take, lake.

y [I]:

lady - [leIdI], fifty - [fIftI].


5. :

. , , r.

, , e:

no, be, name [nou], [bI:], [neIm].

, .

, : pen, plan [pen], [plæn].


6. 6 :


. .
a e o u i y [eI] [I:] [ou] [ju:] [aI] [aI] [æ] [e] [O] [A] [I] [I] late, bag, hat, name, fat, made be, Pete, hen, we, men no, note, not, top, hope, dog tube, tune, cup, but, use, duty nice, kiss, time, hit, like, bit my, type, sky, system, mystery

7. , :


Kate am Pete pen no not tube but

take man be red so stop tune bus

make bag he hen hope top fuse run

name sad she ten home hot duty sum

date plan we set stone on fume fun

same hat me bed spoke spot mute us

fate bad eve men go got dune pump


like hit my mystery

time bit type symphony

fine big fly hymn

life in sky symbol

site is spy system

mine did try symptom

like kiss dry symmetry






[ð] this, that, these, the


[θ] thick, theme, thin



[s] e, i, y cite, nice


[k] cat, cope


3) oo [u] soon, moon, good, food

4) ar [a:] car, far

5) r [r] ( ) -red

6) ck [k] black, clock

7) sh [∫] fish, she

8) g - [dZ] e, i, y huge, gym

[g] go, gun

9) o + ld [ou] old, cold, fold, bold

10) ew [ju:] new, few

11) ou [au] out, found

12) x [ks] box, fox

13) ch, tch [t∫] much, match, chess


, :

civil, neck, stock, soon, took, room, space, cycle, cry, name, came, part, farm, stick, lick, shy, shop, track, race, ran, grave, game, few, new, bound, found, gin, large, plunge, gymnast, place, shut, pocket, ship, from, drive, crime, lock, shelf, wish, cube, match, chess.


1. :



a (an ). :

Take a pen! (, , -, );

Take the pen! () !



2. :


) -s, [s] (maps, hats) [z] (pens, plans, names).

) , o, s, x, ss, tch, ch -es . -es [Iz]: boxes, matches, benches, classes.

) :



man , men ,

woman women

child children


3. :


I [aI] we [wI]

you [ju:] , you [ju:]

he [hI:] they [ðeI]

she [∫I:]

it [It]


4. :


this [ðIs] , , these [ðI:z]

that [ðæt] , , those [ðouz]


5. to be (, , ) :

I am we are

you are you are

he, she, it is they are




Is he a student? Are they students?

- No, he is not. He is not a student. - No, they are not. They are not students.

Am I a student?

- No, I am not. I am not a student.


to be :


are not arent

is not isnt


6. :



in ();

on ( );

at at , , ; , ( , ).




1. this 19. bad

2. my 20. that

3. bag 21. your

4. pen 22. plan

5. these 23. take

6. his 24. and

7. pencil 25. to make

8. book 26. our

9. table 27. farm

10. black 28. very

11. red 29. good

12. on 30. far from

13. big 31. box

14. hat 32. what

15. nice 33. name

16. they 34. What is your name?

17. new 35. old

18. to be late




It is a bag. This is my bag. It is a pen. These are his pencils. This is my book. This is my table. My bag is black. My pen is red. These pencils are on the table. The table is big. The books are on the table. This is not my hat. My hat is not black. My hat is nice. My books are not old. They are new. This is Kate. She is far from Moscow. Kate is not late. Pete is late. This is bad. He is not in time. That is his bag. Is that his bag? No, it is not. His bag is old.

Is that your bag? No, it is not. My bag is big and black. This is an old plan. Ann, take a pen and make a new plan.

This is our farm. It is very big. It is a good farm. Is it far from Kazan? Yes, it is. The farm is far from Kazan.



I. :


1) This is my bag. My bag is black. My bag is on the table. This is my pen. My pen is red. My red pen is in the box. This is his plan. The plan is good. It is new.

2) This is not my bag. My bag is not red. It is black. This is not my pen. My pen is not old. It is new.

3) Is this his table? Yes, it is. Is his table good? Yes, it is. His table is good. Is Ann on the farm? No, she is not. Ann is not on the farm. Are they on the farm? Yes, they are. They are on the farm. Are we late? Yes, you are. You are very late.

4) What is this? This is our plan. What is your name? My name is Ann. What is his name? His name is Pete.

II. :


1) My, table, is, bag, on, the.

2) This, farm, Kazan, is, far, from.

3) Ann, late, and, Pete, are.

4) Am, late, I?

5) Pete, take, pen, my.


III. , , :

1) This plan is ().

2) That farm is ().

3) My table is ().

4) This hat is ().

5) Your name is ().

6) My box is ().

7) Our bag is ().

8) This pen is ().


IV. :

1. Pete is late. is not in time. 2. This is a very bad plan. is not our plan. 3. Ann and Pete are far from Moscow. are on the farm. 4. Is Ann nice? Yes, is.


V. to be:

1. I a student. 2. She very old. 3. He not old. 4. We late. 5. That not bad. 6. Ann and Pete late. 7. My pen and my pencil in my bag. 8. this name nice? 9. they in Moscow? 10. He on the farm. 11. You not in time. 12. They far from Kazan.


VI. :


In the box, on the farm, in this box, on that table, on this farm, in the table, at the table.






                  5 ,


                  10 ,







                    4 3- , .


                    5 ,







                15 ,



1) ee, ea [I:] sea, street


2) er, ir, ur [ә:] her, first, fur


3) er, or [ә] sister, number


4) ow [au] town, brown

[ou] snow, show


: how, now, plow [hau], [nau], [plau]


, :


meet, feet, see, deep, keep, please, tea, read, meat, heat, sea, mean, peace, shirt, term, her, verb, nerve, firm, burn, turn, member, speaker, number, letter, show, grow, low, brown, town, bird, germ, feel, how, now, plow.



1. to have:

I have a friend. We have a friend.

You have a friend. You have a friend.

He has a friend. They have a friend.

She has a friend.



Do you have a friend?

Yes, I do. I have a friend.

No, I do not. I do not have a friend.

Does she have a friend?

Yes, she does. She has a friend.

No, she does not. She does not have a friend.




do not have dont have

does not have doesnt have



2. :

my [maI] , , ,

your [jO:] , , ,

his [hIz]

her [hә:]

its [Its] ,

our [auә] , , ,

your [jO:] , , ,

their [ðεә]


3. this, these, that, those :


This is a book. ().

This book is new. ().


4. of:


, . , , , , . s ( s) () :


Petes pen. .

Students book. .


, , of, :


This is the plan of our farm .



1. -ture [t∫ә]: picture, culture.

2. er [ә], , . : teach teacher, work worker.


, :


Lecture, culture, picture, nature, literature, farmer, teacher, worker, reader.



1. student 8. hostel

2. state 9. building

3. University 10. room

4. Institute 11. friend

5. large 12. English

6. street 13. a first-year student

7. to live 14. reading-room





My name is Ann. I am a student of the Kazan State Agrarian University. I study at the Institute of Economics. Our Institute is large. It is in Karl Marx street. I live in the hostel. My hostel is far from the Institute. It is a large building. The rooms of the hostel are not large. This is my room. My books are on the table. I have a friend. Her name is Kate. She is from Buinsk. This is my friends table. These are her English books. They are on the table. Kate is a first-year student of the agronomy faculty. She is in the reading-room now.



I. :

student, I am student, I am a first-year student; Institute, this is a new Institute, an old Institute, our Institute is old; hostel, a nice hostel, far from the hostel; room, his room, a new room, the rooms of the hostel; large, a large room, a large hostel; friend, she is my friend; English, an English book, an English lesson; street, in Pushkin street, to live, to live in the hostel, I live in Pushkin street; building, the building of our Institute, a nice building; reading-room, the reading-room of our Institute.


II. , :


1. . 2. . 3. . 4. ? 5. . 6. . 7. . 8. ?


Kate He She I You They   am is (not) are an economist in the room students (a student) an agronomist my friend in the hostel



III. to have:


1. We a good friend. 2. He a nice room. 3. They a new book. 4. Do you an old plan?


IV. dont have doesnt have.


1. We this book. 2. They English books. 3. I his books. 4. She six pencils.


V. :


my plan, my bag, my hat, his farm, his name, his table, her pen, her pencil, her box, our table, our plan, your name, your hat, your time, their friends, their boxes, their books.


VI. :


1. Is your bag new? Yes, is new. 2. I like hat, Ann. 3. She is late. What is name? 4. The farm is large. What is name?


VII. , :


1. This is my friends room. It is large and good. It is in the hostel. 2. This is Kates table. It is not large. Kates books are on the table. 3. This is my friends book. 4. His sisters bag is on the shelf. She is a student of the Kazan State Agrarian University. 5. My friends mother is in Kiev. 6. This is the hostel of our Institute. 7. Petrovs sisters are on the farm. 8. The pencils are in Ninas box. 9. Our friends are students of the Moscow University. 10. Ivanovs father is not in Moscow. 11. The students of this group are in the classroom.


VIII. . , s:


1. These rooms are very nice. 2. Anns friends are on the farm. 3. The students books are on the table. 4. Kates friends are students. 5. The pencils are in Ninas bag. 6. These are their new plans. 7. His friends name is Pete.





















o + th, v, m, n [A] London, mother, love

wor [wә:] work, word


[t∫] much, child


[k] mechanic, chemist


oi, oy [OI] soil, boy

ture [t∫ә] picture, culture

er, or [ә] winter, sister, doctor ( )




out, house, found, cloud, work, word, worse, boy, soil, oil, noise, try, match, child, chess, March, catch, teach, inch, chemist, scheme, school, technical, agriculture, brother, London, love.




1. :


____________________________________________________________ _____


1 12 13 19



1 one [wAn] 13 thirteen ['θә:'tI:n]

2 two [tu:] 14 fourteen ['fO:'tI:n]

3 three [θrI:] 15 fifteen ['fIf'tI:n]

4 four [fO:] 16 sixteen ['sIks'tI:n]

5 five [faIv] 17 seventeen ['sevn'tI:n]

6 six [sIks] 18 eighteen ['eI'tI:n]

7 seven ['sevn] 19 nineteen ['naIn'tI:n]

8 eight [eIt]

9 nine [naIn]

10 ten [ten]

11 eleven [I'levn]

12 twelve [twelv]




20 90 100, 1000



20 twenty ['twentI] 100 one hundred ['wAn'hAndrId]

30 thirty ['θә:tI] 1000 one thousand ['wAn'θauzәnd]

40 forty ['fO:tI]

50 fifty ['fIftI]

60 sixty ['sIkstI]

70 seventy ['sevntI]

80 eighty ['eItI]

90 ninety ['naIntI]



75 seventy-five

246 two hundred and forty-six

803 eight hundred and three

4691 four thousand, six hundred and ninety-one



1955 nineteen fifty-five

1989 nineteen eighty-nine

1905 nineteen (ou) five


2. -th:

seven the seventh

nineteen the nineteenth

sixty-four the sixty-fourth



one the first [ðә'fә:st]

two the second [ðә'sek(ә)nd]

three the third [ðә'θә:d]


3. :



big bigger the biggest


interesting more interesting the most interesting





good [gud] better [betә] the best [best]

bad [bæd] worse [wә:s] the worst [wә:st]

many [menI], more [mO:] the most [moust]

much [mAt∫]

little [lItl] less [les] the least [lI:st]


4. there is (are):

there is (are) there . there is (are) , , :


There is a book on my table. () .

There are books on my table. () .




There is a book on the table.

Is there a book on the table? Yes, there is.

No, there is not.

There is no book on the table.


: not:

There are not many students in the reading-room.

There are not five books on the table, there are six.




1. -teen [tI:n] 13 19.


2. -ty [tI] 20 90.


, :

1. thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen;

2. twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety.





1. family 22. engineer

2. father 23. to be married

3. mother 24. children

4. grandmother 25. boy

5. sister 26. girl

6. brother 27. wife

7. to work 28. teacher

8. farm 29. school

9. very 30. young

10. busy 31. second

11. man 32. a second-year student

12. many 33. interesting

13. much 34. but

14. spring 35. schoolgirl

15. summer 36. to be fond of

16. autumn 37. agricultural

17. same 38. to study

18. parents 39. department

19. house 40. How old are you?

20. centre 41. I am 27 years old.

21. village





My family is large. I have father, mother, grandmother, one sister and two brothers. My father is an agronomist. He works on a big farm. He is a very busy man. He has much work in spring, summer and autumn. My father is fifty-three years old. My mother is forty-nine. She is an economist on the same farm. My parents have a big house in the centre of the village. My elder brother is an engineer. He is twenty-seven. He is married and has two children: a boy and a girl. My brothers wife is a teacher of biology at school. My younger brother is a second-year student of the Kazan University. He is married, but he doesnt have children. My sisters name is Nina. She is a schoolgirl. She is fond of reading books. I am a first-year student of the Agricultural Institute. I study at the economy (agronomy, engineering) department.



I. :


family, a large family, Kates family; busy, a busy student; father, her father, my friends father; mother, Anns mother; man, a very busy man; work, good work; spring, a very nice spring; summer, a bad summer; same, the same building, the same student; parents, this students parents; house, this new house, that old house; village, an old village; children, her nice children; boy, a good boy, his friends boy; girl, a nice girl; wife, his wife, that students wife; teacher, a teacher of English; school, a school teacher; department, the economy department, the agronomy department; agriculture, a book on agriculture.


II. :


1. I have a large family. 2. My friend has a boy and two girls. 3. I have many friends at the Institute. 4. My parents have a nice house in a village not far from Kazan. 5. My father is a very busy man. 6. I am a student of the Economy department. 7. We have a nice room in the hostel. 8. Does your friend have a family? Yes, he does. Does he have many children? No, he does not. He does not have many children, he has two children. They have much work in spring, summer and autumn.


III. .


1. We have many interesting books on history. My sister has two English books. 2. Does your brother have a new book on biology? No, my brother doesnt have books on biology, he has many books on economy. 3. Their parents have a big house in a village not far from Kiev. 4. They dont have friends in Moscow. 5. Do you have a sister? Yes, I do. I have two sisters. 6. My elder sister has a good room in a new house. 7. My friends have a nice room in the hostel. 8. Do you have children? No, I dont have children.


IV. :


farm work, family farm, village house, school year, village centre, University hostel, school teacher, family friend, summer house.


V. :


The name of my elder brother is Boris, but my () brothers name is Misha. My younger brother is 20 (), he is a student of the Agricultural Institute. My elder brother is a (). He is an (). He has much work (, , ). He is (), but he doesnt have children. His wife is a teacher of biology at (). She is () of her work.


VI. , :





I am a student of the Kazan State Agrarian University. I study at the Institute of Economics. The old building of our Institute is in Karl Marx street. There are many classrooms and different laboratories there. In the classrooms we have classes in physics, mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages English or German. We have also a conference hall and a reading-room. There are many textbooks, journals and newspapers in the reading-room. There are many students there. They read,write and prepare their lessons.

VII. to be to have:


1. I a sister. 2. My sister a student. 3. She many friends at the Institute. 4. My sisters name Ann. Ann a good room in the hostel. Anns hostel far from the Institute. 5. My friend married. His name Pete. Pete a family. He two children. Pete a busy man. He much work now. His wife a teacher, she fond of English.




1. Is, my, name, brother's, Boris. 2. A, student, you, are, Moscow, University, of? 3. Your, children, have does, friend? 4. Doesnt, sister, a, have, his, elder, family. 5. Her, a, have, big, parents, do, house?


IX. :


1. She is a second-year student of the Agrarian University. 2. I have a nice room in the hostel. 3. Your friend has many English books. 4. They are farmers. Their farms are far from Kazan. 5. His brother is a worker. He has a boy and two girls. 6. My sister is a teacher of English at school. She has a large family.


X. :


1. His father is old. 2. My parents have a big house. 3. We are workers. 4. My friend has a new book on agriculture. 5. This room is very big. 6. Our hostel is far from the Institute. 7. Our University is large. 8. My brother has three boys. 9. You have ten English books. 10. Olga has a good room in the hostel. 11. They have much work to do.


XI. :


1) :

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 28, 33, 54, 70, 82, 140, 261, 795, 800, 1000, 5346, 350, 427, 7040, 1002, 63, 193, 991, 20, 11550;


2) : 1917, 1945, 1812, 1900, 1799, 1853, 1965, 1905, 1987, 2002, 2011.


XII. :


short, long, much, well, busy, important, bad, necessary, big, good, many, difficult, little.




stronger, most important, worse, more, heavier, lowest, more beautiful.



XIV. :


There is a book on the table. There are many students in this room. Is there a pen in this box? No, there isnt. There is no pen there. There are many good rooms in the hostel. There are English journals on the table. There are no students in the lecture hall now.


XV. to be:


1. There two boys and three girls in the room. 2. There a pencil on the table. 3. There English books on the table.











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