






Taste [teɪst] (n)





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Unit I




Exercise 1. a) Read the words aloud several times and memorize them.

b) Read and answer the following questions.

Derive [dɪ'raɪv] (v)

Can we drive different products from milk?

Do you usually derive useful information reading the text?

Butter ['bʌtə] (n)

Do you like butter?

Is the butter white or yellow?

Do we always use butter in our food?

Cheese [ʧiːz] (n)

Do you like cheese?

What kind of cheese do you know?

Consume [kən'sjuːm] (v)

Do we consume much milk?

Who usually consumes milk?

Consumption [kən'sʌm(p)ʃ(ə)n] (n)

Is the milk destined only for human consumption?

Consumer [kən'sjuːmə] (n)

Why are the children the most frequent consumers of milk?

Carry out ['kærɪ aut] (v)

Have you ever carried out experiments in the laboratory?

What do we usually carry out at chemical lessons?

Whey [weɪ] (n)

Have you ever seen whey?

What colour is the whey?

Do we consume whey in food?

Dry [draɪ] (adj)

Have you ever drunk dry milk?

Is the dry milk white or red?

Is the dry milk useful?

Large-scale [ˌlɑːʤ'skeɪl] (adj) ,

Do we produce milk products on a large scale?

Do our people build large-scale milk lines?

Is the consumption of milk in our country large scale?

Fat [fæt] (n)

Do we constantly use fat in our food?

What fats do you know?

Is butter the fat extracted from milk?

Extract [ɪk'strækt] (v) , ,

(syn. to the word derive)



Exercise 2. Look through the words and try to remember them.

cow (n)

reindeer (n)

Sheep (n)

Skin (n)

injury (n) , , , ,


Exercise 3. Learn the most useful and common words.




since , ( , - ), ; ( )

a few

throughout ,

asas ... , ... ( )



Exercise 4. Look these words through and try to determine their meanings in the Ukrainian language.

human ['hjuːmən] (adj)

product ['prɔdʌkt] (n)

production [prə'dʌkʃ(ə)n] (n)

chemistry ['kemɪstrɪ] (n)

bacteriology [bækˌtɪərɪ'ɔləʤɪ] (n)

commercial [kə'mɜːʃ(ə)l] (adj)

microscope ['maɪkrəskəup] (n)




Exercise 5. Read the following sentences and state the grammar forms and functions of the underlined words. Read the sentences aloud and translate them.

1. People derived new chemical substances in chemical reactions.

2. Milk and products derived from milk are well known as human food.

3. Last year we consumed a lot of milk products.

4. Butter and cheese consumed in our country are of high quality.


Exercise 6. Read the sentences aloud and translate them paying attention to the underlined constructions.

1. Milk in considered to be the most useful product in human diet.

2. Milk products are believed to be consumed in great quantities.

3. Butter is known to be used as oil for lamps in Scotland in 19th century.



Exercise 7. Look through the text. Find the answers to the following questions in the text.

1. What is this text about?

2. How do ancient Greeks use milk?

3. When did the large-scale production of dried milk begin?

4. What do we see under the microscope examining milk?


Milk, when examined under the microscope is seen as a transparent fluid which consists of many minute fat globules suspended together with casein, the main protein of milk, in a solution of albumin, sugar and water. The fat globules in an average drop may number more than one hundred million.

Milk and products derived from milk, such as butter and cheese have been used as food for human beings of all ages throughout the time of recorded history.

The term milk is considered to refer usually to cows milk, since most milk destined for human consumption is from the cow. However, approximately half of the milk consumed in buffalo, and buffaloes of local types produce milk that is used for food in China, Egypt and the Philippine islands.

Goats milk is produced in countries bordering the Mediterranean sea and in small quantities in many other parts of the world. The milk of the reindeer is used as food in Northern Europe; sheep's milk is used in Southern Europe in making cheese.

Cows milk and its products have become important articles of commerce, most of the research on the chemistry, bacteriology and technology of milk being carried out in relation to it.

The ancient Greeks, Romans and Scythians did not use butter as food, but applied it to skin injuries and to the hair, and the soot form burned butter to sore eyes. Butter was used as oil for lamps in Scotland as recently as the 19th century.

Prior to the 17th century, whey was employed widely in Europe as a medicine for many ills. Milk, sugar (lactose) seemed to have displaced whey as a panacea subsequent to its use of lactose has been limited to its function of aiding the growth of desirable bacteria in the intestinal tract. Little is known of the early history of ice-cream.

Commercial processes for making concentrated and dried milks were developed subsequent to 1850.

The original United States patent for evaporated milk was granted to Gail Borden in 1856, and the utility of canned concentrated milk was demonstrated by its use by soldiers in the Civil War a few years later.

F.S. Grimwade's British patent for producing dried milk was issued in 1855, but large-scale production of dried milk did not begin until 50 years later.



Exercise 8. a) Do exercise 1 and 2 again.

b) Repeat the words in exercise 3.


Exercise 9. Translate the following word-combinations in written form.

a). 1. products derived from milk

2. throughout the recorded history

3. cows milk and its products

4. important articles of consumption

5. butter used as oil

6. as recently as 19th century

b). 1.




Exercise 10. Answer the following questions:

1. What products derived from milk are used in human food?

2. Who else except the cow gives milk?

3. Where is goat`s milk produced?

4. Where is the milk of the reindeer used as food?

5. What milk is used in Southern Europe in making cheese?

6. When were commercial processes for making concentrated and dried milks developed?


Exercise 10a. For the words given in (a) find Ukrainian equivalents in (b).

a) consumption b)
fat globules


Exercise 10b. Fill in the blanks with one of the suitable words given below.

derived, consumption, large-scale, goat's


1. Different kinds of milk are destined for... of our population.

2.... milk is produced in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea.

3. With each year we increase the production of milk products on...

4. Products... from milk are of great vitamin value.


Exercise 10c. Translate into the Ukrainian language in written form.

1. Butter is the fat extracted from milk.

2. Consumed milk products are of high quality.

3. Last year people of our town consumed a lot of dry milk.

4. During these experiments in the laboratory we extracted some proteins.

5. There are chemical substances derived from different materials.

6. He derived very useful information about cheese as he looked through the magazine "Dairy Products".


Exercise 11. Prove that you are an attentive reader. There are some statements and three of them do not coincide with the content of the text. Find them.

1. Cow's milk and its products have become important articles of commerce.

2. Even ancient Greeks, Romans and Scythians used butter as food.

3. Prior to the 17th century whey was employed as the main product for making cheeses.

4. Commercial processes for making concentrated and dried milks were developed subsequent to 1850.

5. Large-scale production of dried milk began at the beginning of the 19th century.

6. Examining milk under the microscope we can easily see fat globules which are extracted from the casein.

Unit II




Exercise 1. a) Read the words aloud several times and memorize them.

b) Read and answer the following questions.

odor ['əudə] (n)

Syn. flavor

Does water have odor?

Do you like the odor of oil?

Can you differentiate any chemicals by their odor?

What odor do you like most of all?

taste [teɪst] (n)

Do you like the taste of apples (berries, plums)?

What is the taste of sugar?

Is the salt of sweet taste?

What product has bitter taste?

What is the taste of seawater?

raw [rɔ:] (adj)

Do you usually drink raw milk or boiled milk?

Who can eat raw meat?

Do we eat raw food?

What is the taste of raw milk?

How do we preserve the raw products?

content ['kɔntent] (n) ,

Do you always understand the content of the story you read?

Can you put the content of the War and Peace in some phrases?

solid ['sɔlid] (n)

What is solid?

Is water a solid or a liquid?

What solids do you know?

When water is the solid?

average ['ævərɪdʒ] (adj) , ,

What may be average?

What is the average height of the man now?

Can you determine the average distance from your hostel to the university?

How can we determine the average age of people?

deliver [dɪ'lɪvə] (v)

Can we deliver milk by sea (by air, by train)?

Why do we try to deliver raw products as quickly as possible?

Who and when delivers milk products to the shop?

render ['rendə] (v) ;

What can we render by pipes?

Do you usually render raw water?

Why must we render milk before making baby products?

retard [rɪ'tɑːd] (v) ,

Have you ever tried to retard the chemical reaction?

Does fat retard the growth of organism?

What can retard the development of industry (agriculture, culture)?


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