


Другие языки
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Exercise 4.Проанализируйте следующие предложения.

1. A modern plane carries many heavy electronic apparatus.

2. By means of electric processes it finds the answer to a very difficult and complicated problem in a few seconds.

3. The signals go to and for at a very high but almost constant speed.

4. Scientists found that computer made fewer mistakes and could fulfil the tasks much faster than almost any number of people by usual methods

Exercise 5. Переведите предложения:

А) с английского на русский язык

1. He finds the computer at lower costs.

2. The better the engineer knows about the main principles of the computer operation, the better he can control it.

3. A computer makes calculations much easier than people.

4. The programmers try to include as much as possible in one program.

5. The more he knew about the computer, the better he worked on it.

6. Such means make program interface look more attractive to the user.

7. Our engineers introduced one of the most efficient antiviral programs.

8. The larger computer memory you have the more information you will keep in it.

9. There was a single silicon chip less than 1/4 inch square.

В) с русского на английский язык

1. Существует много различных компьютеров.

2. Мышь – это одно из устройств ввода информации.

3. Монитор отражает результаты работы компьютера.

4. Эти миникомпьютеры стоят от 450 до 1000 долларов.

5. Чем меньше компьютер, тем быстрее он работает.

Exercise 6. Вставьте правильную форму глагола "to be" и переведите предложения.

1. There _____ several kinds of computer.

2. There _____ problems with this program yesterday.

3. There ______ special-purpose & general-purpose computers.

4. There _____ very useful data in that file.

5. ______ there many mistakes in this program?

6. There ____ no any all-purpose computing machine.

Exercise 7. Переведите следующие "цепочки существительных".

Computer cost, operation order, control unit, input device, computer factory, data processing system, process control, communication means, computer development, data storage hierarchy, instruction sequence, user file, date resource, computer system unit, computer functions, input unit, communication lines, processing steps, cursor movement, character recognition, output data, storage elements, data transfer, manufacturing process, control function, processing productivity, disk compression, system unit, speaker volume, installation procedure, key combination, menu bar, address cells contents, memory-optimization program, news server name, system optimization utilities, software packages developer, text file transfer, low-radiation screen, high-speed access, personal computer Winchester disk, internal memory capacity, special function keys, left mouse button, the minimum hardware and software requirements, a standard Microsoft two-button mouse, tech support department, pull-down menus.

Exercise 8.Замените следующие выражения цепочками существительных.

Model: systems of a computer => computer systems

Parts of the computer, types of computers, network of the company, consumption of power, keyboard of a computer, buttons of the mouse, reader of optical marks, provider of the Internet, optical recognition of characters, storage of data, languages of low level, developer of software, compression of a file, speed of access, interchange of electronic data, photograph with high resolution, graphics with a high quality, memory with random access, devices for input, programs for translation, packages for general purposes, language for programming, displays on liquid crystals, screen operated by touch, message in a form of a text, processing in the real time.

Exercise 9. Расскажите о компьютере (8-10 предложений).



Exercise 1. Прочитайте новые слова и словосочетания

engineering background-техническая подготовка

manufacturer - изготовитель; производитель

to simulate- моделировать; имитировать

voltage - напряжение pressure- давление, сжатие

on-going process - продолжающийся процесс

to rely - основываться на ч.-л.; полагаться

household appliances - домашние приборы / устройства

microwave oven - микроволновая печь

indoor climate control system - система регуляции температуры в доме

sewing machine - швейная машина

Exercise 2. Следующие слова и словосочетания необходимо знать.

architecture - архитектура; структура

architect - разработчик архитектуры (системы)

unit- устройство; модуль; блок; элемент

accessory equipment- вспомогательные устройства

product line - серия (компьютерных) продуктов

application programmer - прикладной программист

discrete - дискретный; отдельный

continuous quantity - непрерывная величина

analyst- аналитик; системный разработчик

digital computer- цифровой компьютер

hybrid computer - смешанного типа, аналогово-цифровой компьютер

data processing – обработка данных

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