






Typology of the intuitivity-rationality and forming of the individual knowledge structure

N.. Maksimova *, I.O. Aleksandrov **, I.V. Tikhomirova ***, . V. Filippova ****

* Cand. sci. (psychology), sen. res. ass., IP RAS, Moscow

** Cand. sci. (psychology), sen. res. ass., the same Institute

*** Cand. sci. (psychology), sen. res. ass., Psychological Institute of RAE Moscow

**** Cand. sci. (psychology), sci. secretary, Moscow Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy

The individual knowledge structure formed in course of one session in strategic game of two players was formally described using special algorithms (the sample consisted of 98 Ss: 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 18-44 years old). Semantic associative network (SAN) and semantic prepositional network (SPN) were distinguished as components of the individual knowledge structure. The interpretation of its qualities corresponds to intuitive and rational types of subject-environment interaction. Two groups of individual- psychological characteristics related to syndromes of intuitive and rational types of subject-environment interaction were described. It was found that: 1) SAN and SPN are relatively independent components of the individual knowlelge structure; 2) the process of SAN and SPN forming lasts during all period of competence acquiring; 3) the SAN forming goes before the SPN forming while the time-shift between them decreases during the competence acquiring and with age of Ss; 4) descriptors of SAN and SPN change according to magnitude of individual-psychological characteristics which form the syndromes of intuitive and rational types of subject-environment interaction during the competence acquiring and with Ss' age. It is proposed that the SAN development is the initial constitutional level for SPN forming while SPN in the constitutional level for SAN forming on the next stage. Asynchrony of SAN and SPN development and its simultaneous actualizing during interaction are the basis of spectrum phenomenology of intuitivity- rationality.

Key words: interaction, intuitive, rational, typology, individual knowledge, structure, forming, individual-psychological characteristics.

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