


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Choose the contextual meaning of the words written in bold in Text A.


a) ветвь c) рукав (реки)
b) отрасль d) группировать


a) осуществлять c) оказывать влияние
b) предпочитать d) делать вид



a) возможность c) средство обслуживания
b) учреждение d) оборудование


a) объем c) мощность
b) способность d) грузоподъемность


a) средства c) возможности
b) аппаратура d) значить, означать


a) дорожный c) начиная движение
b) двигающийся d) в процессе разработки


Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.


1) A network of river navigable routes of Belarus connects the country with bordering states.

2) Enterprises of the river fleet fully provide transportation of passengers by the water transport.

3) There are railway approach lines that can be used for handling of cargo in every river port.

4) The waterway enterprises in Gomel, Pinsk, Brest, Bobruysk have the bottom-deepening and excavation facilities, modern navigation sluices and hydraulic installations and navigation equipment.

5) “Belsudoproekt” carries out the design of vessels and floating means.

6) Belarus has its own sea trade fleet.

7) In 2004 the Inland Water Transport Code and the Commercial Navigation Code were adopted; intergovernmental agreements with Ukraine and Latvia were concluded on the development of see side navigation and transit shipping through ports.


Complete the following sentences according to the text.


1) Navigation routes go along the rivers...

2) Their main tasks of the Water Transport enterprises are …

3) The port facilities are equipped with …

4) The capacity of each shipbuilding and repair plant allows …

5) The control over technical conditions of vessels, certification of items used in shipbuilding is performed by …

6) Belarus has the following advantages in creating its national fleet …


Answer the following questions.


1) What does the Water Transport enterprises provide and produce?

2) What does the river fleet of Belarus today include?

3) What are ten river ports of Belarus capable of?

4) How many shipbuilding and repair plants are there in Belarus? And where?

5) What does Belarusian River Navigation Inspection deal with?

6) What companies provide sea cargo transportation?


Fill in the correct prepositions, translate the phrases.


1) river navigable routes ___ the length ___ about 2,000 km; 2) transportation ___ the rivers; 3) wide range ___ products; 4) to carry___ the program ___ sea and inland transport development; 5) to be aimed ___ creation necessary conditions; 6) interaction ___different types of transport; 7) meet the needs ___ transportation ___ passengers; 8) to be equipped ___ high-performance floating and portal cranes; 9) to be designed ___ fast handling; 10) tugged rolls ___ the capacity ___ 2,000 tons; 11) ships ___ the dead weight ___ 3,000 tons; 12) ships ___ operation; 13) intergovernmental agreements ___ Ukraine, Lithuania and Latvia; 14) to conclude ___ the development ___ inland navigation and transit shipping ___ ports; 15) to carry ___ sea activities ___ the government's Program of Inland and Sea Water Transport Development; 16) to carry ___ sea transportations ___ the Belarusian flag.


19. What parts of the text can you define? Do they correspond to the paragraphs? Name each part.


1. ________________ 4. ________________
2. ________________ 5. ________________
3. ________________ ... ________________


20. Find key words and phrases which best express the general meaning of each part.


21. Make a short summary of Text A. Do it according to the following plan.


1. The title of the text is ….

2. The text is devoted to ….

3. It consists of … (parts / passages).

4. The first passage deals with ….

5. The second (third, forth, etc.) passage deals with ….

6. The main idea of the text is ….




22. Practice saying the following words.


Asian ['eɪʃ(ə)n] Beijing [ˌbeɪ'ʤɪŋ]
Chinese ['ʧaɪ'ni:z] concert ['kɔnsət]
European [ˌjuərə'piːən] figure ['fɪgə]
inevitably [ɪ'nevɪtəblɪ] merchant ['mɜːʧ(ə)nt]
shipyard ['ʃɪpjɑːd] surpass [sə'pɑ:s]
tonnage ['tʌnɪʤ] underutilized [ʌ̱ndə(r) 'ju:tɪlaɪzd]
vexing ['veksɪŋ] Washington ['wɔʃɪŋtən]

Read and memorize the active vocabulary.

Noun and noun phrases

a major maritime power - ведущая морская держава

busiest port next to - ближайший порт с большой загрузкой

capacity expansion - увеличение мощностей

commitment - обязательство, соглашение

concerted effort - совместные усилия

container ship traffic - движение грузовых(контейнерных) судов

corruption - коррупция

dramatic improvements - существенные улучшения

engineering skills - инженерные навыки

export - экспорт

flag merchant fleet - торговый флот под флагом

foreign knowledge - иностранные технологии

full advantage - полный успех

hardware and software - техническое оборудование и программное обеспечение

import - импорт

joint ventures - совместное предприятие

know-how - новые технологии

lack of technical knowledge - недостаток технической квалификации

leadership - лидерство

naval architect - судовой архитектор

obstacle - препятствие

opportunities offered - предложенные возможности

political mandate - политическая поддержка

prerequisite - предпосылка

production methods - методы производства

productivity - производительность

share - доля

shipbuilding industry - кораблестроительная промышленность

state-owned enterprise - государственное предприятие

trading nation - торговая нация

upgrading - модернизация, повышение качества

warship - военный корабль

world's largest trading nation - крупнейшая торговая держава в мире

Verbs and verbal phrases

to aid - помогать

to catch up - схватить, подхватить

to exist - существовать

to expand - расширять(ся)

to limit - ограничивать

to merge - сливать(ся), объединять(ся)

to predict - предсказывать, прогнозировать

to represent - представлять

to surpass - превосходить, превышать

to undermine - подрывать, подкапывать; подмывать



commercial - коммерческий

concerted effort - совместные усилия

merchant - торговый

naval - военный

particular - особый, специфический, определённый

proficient - искусный, опытный, умелый

significant - значительный

underutilized - с низким коэффициентом использования



inevitably - неизбежно, неминуемо

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