






A patient: How many times a day teeth must be cleaned?

A dentist: ...

Which answer is the most suitable one for this dialogue?


*two times a day

*three times a day

*in the morning

*in the evening

*+after every meal



*!Which adjective is given in the superlative degree?




*+the best





*!Which question is the special one?


*Do many people know, how to brush teeth correctly?

*+Which way are occlusal surfaces cleaned?

*Does correct toothbrushing require time?

*Are occlusal surfaces cleaned by scrubbing action?

*Is toothbrushing necessary for oral hygiene?



*!Toothbrushes with a small head and medium bristles.probably the most effective?

Which form of the verb is the most suitable one to this sentence?









*!Correct and effective toothbrushing .time, knowledge and skill.

Which form of the verb is the most suitable one to this sentence?


*will require




*is required



*!All teeth surfaces are cleaned . a rotary motion from gum to tooth. Which preposition is the most suitable one to this sentence?









*!Occlusal surfaces are cleaned..a rotary motion.

Which preposition is the most suitable on to this sentence?









*!Which word is in the plural form?









*!Oral hygiene consists of keeping the teeth free of food debris.

Which question is the general one to this sentence?


*Oral hygiene consists of keeping the teeth free of food debris, doesnt it?

*What does consist of keeping the teeth free of food debris?

*What is the main rule of oral hygiene?

*What is the aim of oral hygiene?

*+Does oral hygiene consist of keeping the teeth free of food debris?



*!A dentist and a patient

A patient: When toothbrushing can be effective?

A dentist:..

Which answer is the most suitable one for this dialogue?


*brushing after meals can only be effective, if it removes caries

*+brushing after meals can only be effective, if it removes plaque

*toothbrushes with a small head and medium bristles are the most effective

*correct and effective toothbrushing requires time, knowledge and skills

*many people lack main requirements and brushing is ineffective as a preventive measure



*!Which adjective is given in the comparative degree?



*+more effective

*the most effective

*the most suitable




*!A dentist and a patient

A patient: What is the object of toothbrushing?

A dentist:..

Which answer is the most suitable one for this dialogue?


*to eat detergent food

*to rinse mouth cavity

*to clean tongue

*+to clean every accessible tooth surface

*to clean gums



*!Which question is the special one?


*Will caries occur, it snacks are taken between meals?

*Is dietary discipline more important for caries prevention thantoothbrushing?

*Does oral hygiene consist of keeping the teeth free of food debris?

*Does detergent food include raw, firm fruits and vegetables?

*+What is the most effective method of cleaning teeth?


*Modern medical means for toothcare. Toothbrushing*3*10*1*



*!It cannot be emphasized too strongly that, however efficiently the teeth are cleaned after meals, caries will still occur if snacks are taken between meals. Acid forms within minutes of eating refined carbohydrate and the effect of toothbrushing is wasted if frequent snacks are eaten between meals. In fact, dietary discipline is far more important for caries prevention than toothbrushing.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*Caries prevention

*Oral hygiene


*+Dietary discipline

*Acid formation



*!Plaque is a film of material composed of masses of bacteria in a sticky glycoprotein matrix which adheres to the surfaces of teeth particularly in locations which are inaccessible to natural or mechanical cleansing. New plaque forms within a few hours on teeth which are thoroughly cleaned and tends to accumulate and thicken with the passage of time unless regularly removed.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*Cleaning teeth


*Caries development

*Tartar formation



*!A correct diet during the period of tooth formation is necessary to produce teeth of good structure. Such teeth are more resistant to caries than those which are less well-formed. Teeth are forming throughout pregnancy and childhood so it is essential that the diet contains sufficient calcium / phosphorus and vitamins to ensure good tooth structure.

Which verb is used in Present continuous Active in the given passage?


*to produce


*+are forming




*!Henry Thompson is the Smith familys dentist. He works in Redlands Dental surgery. The practice has 200 patients. Thompson sees between ten and fifteen patients every day. All his patients are private: they pay for their dental treatment. Which word is the synonym to the word in bold type?


*a surgeon

*a therapeutist

*a pharmaceutist

*a physician

*+a stomatologist



*!The beneficial effect of cleaning teeth alter meals is cancelled out if food debris is replaced by frequent snacks between meals. The patients should be warned against snacks between meals. Either some fruits should be taken instead or snacks stopped.

Which word combination is the synonym to the word combination in bold type?


*food products


*food substitutes

*+food remnants

*food stocks



*!The toothbrush must be a small one: 3,5-4 cm. The bristles should be neither too hard, nor too soft, and should be of unequal length. Only about two teeth can be brushed at the same time.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?



*Dietary discipline

*Oral hygiene

*+A toothbrush

*Food of modern people



*!The food of modern people is soft and acid to evoke the natural agencies of protection and it would seem reasonable to add some artificial means to remove debris from the teeth.

Which word is an antonym to the word in bold type?









*!The teeth must be brushed systematically in the morning, and in the evening. the toothbrush should of course be kept clean, either by permanent immersion in a weak antiseptic solution or by being washed daily with soap and warm water. Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*Oral hygiene


*+Toothbrush keeping


*Using detergent food



*!Topical fluoridation means applying fluoride directly to the crowns of teeth. It can produce a substantial reduction in caries but is not nearly as effective as water fluoridation. The teeth are carefully polished and dried, and stannous or sodium fluoride solution is painted over them.

Which verb is used in Present Simple Passive in the given passage?




*+is painted




*!When used regularly, fluoride toothpaste gives a slightly greater caries reduction than ordinary toothpaste. Any acceptable way of reducing caries is to be recommended, and use of fluoride toothpaste is accordingly advocated.

Which word combination is the synonym to the word combination in bold type?


*a fluoride toothpaste

*a toothpaste with mint and tea

*+an usual toothpaste

*a herbal toothpaste

*a toothpaste with mint


*Causes of caries *1*21*1*


*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?




*refined carbohydrates

*sticky carbohydrates

*+causes of caries



*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?




*fruit and vegetables


*+types of food



*!Which word is a noun in this group of words?









*!Which word is a noun in this group of words?









*!Which word is the synonym to the word stomatologist?









*!What is acid produced by?




*sweet fluids

*detergent food

*milk products



*!Which word belongs to the adjective in this group of words?









*!Which word belongs to the adverb in this group of words?









*!Which word is the extra one in this group of words?




*refined carbohydrates

*sticky carbohydrates

*+detergent food



*!Which word is the extra one in this group of words?





*white flour

*+sweet fluids



*!Which word is the synonym to the word caries?





*+tooth decay




*!Which word is the synonym to the word dentistry?









*!Which word is the antonym to the word detergent?









*!Which food is carbohydrate?






*+white flour



*!What is the cause of caries?



*detergent food


*mouth rinsing

*sweet fluids



*!What is commonest disease of civilization?









*!Which word combination is common to this group of words?


*food debris

*acid formation

*white flour

*adherent nature

*+causes of caries



*!What is the major cause of caries?





*sweet fluid




*!What is the State language in Republic of Kazakhstan?









*!When was the RK law on languages adopted?









*!What is the RK law on languages based on?








*Causes of caries*2*21*1*



*!Acid is (to produce) by bacteria.






*has produced



*!All types of food are (to classify) into three groups






*have classified



*!Sticky carbohydrate (to be) the major cause of caries.









*!Refined carbohydrate (to contain) sweets.





*is contained

*are contained



*!Caries is a dental disease caused by acid formation.

Which question is general one to this sentence?


*What disease is caries?

*How is caries caused by?

*+Is caries caused by acid formation?

*Caries is caused by acid formation, isn`t it?

*Caries isn`t caused by acid formation is it?



*!Sticky carbohydrate is the major cause of caries.

Which question is special one to this sentence?


*Sticky carbohydrate is major cause of caries, isnt it?

*+What is the major cause of caries?

*Is sticky or refined carbohydrate major cause of caries?

*Is sticky carbohydrate major cause of caries?

*Sticky carbohydrate isn`t major cause of caries, is it?



*!All types of food are classified into three groups.

Which question is special to this word in hold?


*+What are classified into three groups?

*Are all types of food classified into three groups?

*How many groups are all types of food classified into?

*All types of food are classified into three groups aren`t they?

*All types of food aren`t classified into three groups are they?



*!Refined carbohydrates are sugar and white flour.

Which question is general to this word in bold?


*What are refined carbohydrates?

*What carbohydrates are sugar and white flour?

*What are sugar and white flour?

*+Are sugar and white flour refined carbohydrates?

*Refined carbohydrates are sugar and white flour, arent they?



*!Acid formation is produced on the

Which word is missed in this sentence?






*+tooth surface



*!The most important causes of caries are .

Which word is missed in this sentence?






*sweet fluids



*!Sweet fluids are washed off the teeth by

Which word is missed in this sentence?









*!Acid formation dissolves the enamel and

Which word is missed in this sentence?





*tooth surface

*tooth cavity



*!Caries is a breakdown of

Which word is missed in this sentence?


*tooth cavity

*tooth surface

*+tooth structure


*stagnation areas



*!Untreated caries causes..

Which word is missed in this sentence?



*food debris






*!Caries is the commonest . of the civilization.

Which missed word in this sentence?









*!.are not a significant cause of caries.

Which missed word in this sentence?




*+sweet fluids

*detergent food




*!Detergent food are . for preventing caries.

Which missed word in this sentence?









*!Sweets are . for teeth.

Which missed word in this sentence?









*!Caries is replaced by.

Which missed word in this sentence?





*putting bracket

*making implants



*!An examiner and a student.

An examiner: What are the causes of caries?

A student: .

Which answer is the most suitable to this dialogue?


*+acid, carbohydrates

*sweet fluids, fruits


*detergent food

*mouth rinsing



*!A dentist and a patient.

A patient: What are carbohydrates?

A dentist: .

Which answer is the most suitable to this dialogue?



*sweet fluids

*milk products

*tooth paste




*Causes of caries*3*12*1*



*!Tooth decay or caries is known to be probably the commonest disease of civilization. It is due to acid formation on the tooth surface Acid dissolves away the enamel and dentine to produce a cavity. Dental caries or tooth decay is one of the most common of all disorders, second only to common cold.

Which is the most suitable title one to this passage?


*Formation of acid

*Causes of caries

*Beginning of caries

*Treatment of caries




*!Acid is produced by the action of certain bacteria on food remaining on the teeth after meals. These bacteria appears to be normal residents of the mouth and are otherwise quite harmless. The bacteria in the plaque form acid as a metabolic and product, which causes calcium phosphate to be released from the tooth`s enamel.

Which is the most suitable title one to this passage?


*+Acid production

*Causes of caries

*Beginning of caries

*Chronic disease

*Prevention of disease



*!All types of food are classified into three distinct groups - protein, fat and carbohydrate. Of these, only refined carbohydrate is reported to cause caries as it is the only food which can be turned into acid by the bacteria concerned. Some isolated population like Eskimos, some African natives, and inhabitans of rural India are immune to dental caries because they are not exposed to western food habits.

Which is the most suitable title one to this passage?


*Detergent food

*+Types of food

*Sticky carbohydrates

*Refined carbohydrate

*Modern diet



*!Refined carbohydrates are sugar and white flour, so anything containing these can give rise to caries. Such foods are cake, biscuits, bread, jam and sweets.The longer the carbohydrate stays on the teeth, the longer the duration of acid production. Thus sweet fluids, such as tea with sugar, which are washed off the teeth immediately by saliva, are not a significant cause of caries.

Which is the most suitable title one to this passage?


*Types of food

*+Refined carbohydrates

*Sticky carbohydrates

*Cause of caries

*Acid production


*!Sticky carbohydrate is the major cause. Because of its adherent nature it clings to the teeth for long time, during which it is being transformed into the acid responsible for dissolving enamel and dentine. Coffee and other sweets, cakes, biscuits, white bread, and jam are foremost amongst these sticky carbohydrates which are the cause of caries.

Which is the most suitable title one to this passage?


*Sweet foods


*Types of food

*+Sticky carbohydrate

*Refined carbohydrates


*!Our modern diet is known to be of such a nature that refined carbohydrate is consumed nearly every time something is eaten; and the teeth are attacked by acid on each of these occasions. If snacks containing sticky carbohydrates are frequently taken between meals there will be a corresponding increase in the number of acid attacks on the teeth. Thus it is evident that excessive consumption of snacks or sweets between meals is one of the most important causes of caries.

Which is the most suitable title one to this passage?


*Risk factors

*+Modern diet

*Evidence of caries

*Cause of caries

*Acid formation



*!The word caries is derived from the Latin word rot Dental caries has affected more humans than any other disease.It was first appeared about 14000 years ago.From that time to the present, dental caries affected almost all human population, at all socioeconomic levels, and all ages. The first study about dental caries was published in 1870 and has continued uninterrupted to the present.

Which is the most suitable title one to this passage?


*The prevalent disease

*+History of caries

*Disease of all ages

*The aetiology of caries

*Rules of cleaning teeth



*!Dental caries or tooth decay is one of the most common of all disorders, second only to common cold. Every year $ 20 billon is spent in USA for prevention of dental caries. Some isolated population like Eskimos, some African natives, and inhabitans of rural India are immune to dental caries because they are not exposed to western food habits.

Which is the most suitable title one to this passage?


*History of caries

*The western foot habits

*+The prevention of caries

*Treatment of caries

*The commonest disease



*!The bacteria in the plaque form acid as a metabolic and product, which causes calcium phosphate to be released from the tooth`s enamel. The wekend enamel further begins to crumble, causing the first small defect.Acid is produced by the action of certain bacteria on food remaining on the teeth after meals. These bacteria appears to be normal residents of the mouth and are otherwise quite harmless.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*Formation of acid

*Formation of plaque

*+Beginning of caries

*Causes of caries

*Dissolving enamel



*!Snacks containing sticky carbohydrates taken between meals increase the number of acid attacks on the teeth. The consumption of snacks or sweets is one of the important causes of caries every man must eat healthy food after meals.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*+The important cause of caries

*The rule of cleaning teeth

*Types of snacks

*Bacteria responsible for caries

*Caries resistance



*!The bacteria, which cause caries and form acid can now demineralize the lower layers of hard dental substances. In this way caries now moves further from the enamel to the dentine. Then in the case of deep dentine caries, the acid and toxins of the bacteria can lead to an inflammation of the pulpa.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*Appearance of caries

*Dentine and enamel

*+Formation of caries

*Prevention of caries

*Stages of caries



*!The loss of minerals in the enamel is displayed as a whitish spot. It can be repaired through the redeposition of mineral substances. The affected areas are treated with fluoride gel or a fluoride solution. This serves to promote the redeposition of mineral substances.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*+Initial caries

*Treatment of caries

*Definition of caries

*Stages of caries

*The disease of civilization


*Causes of caries*4*14*1*










*white flour

*green fruits





















*sweet fluids

*+white flour








*white bread

*+sweet fluids

*+tea with suger









*+food debris

*milk products


*detergent food









*+refined carbohydrates

*+sticky carbohydrates










*tea with sugar









*+tooth decay










*sweet fluids

*white flour




























*food debris






















*+detergent food

*Prevention and treatment of caries*1*21*1*


*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?






*+detergent food



*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?



*mouth rinsing

*eating firm food

*avoiding snacks

*+prevention of caries



*!Which word is the synonym to the word stomatology?









*!Which word is the synonym to the worddentist?









*!Which word is noun in this group of words?









*!Which word is the antonym to the word dead?









*!Which word is the synonym to the word detergent?









*!Which word is the antonym to the word soft?









*!What food is detergent?


*+raw food

*sweet fluids

*sweet cakes

*white flour

*milk cereals



*!What is the way of preventing caries?


*eating sweets

*eating snacks

*+eating detergent food

*drinking sweet drinks

*drinking coffee



*!What is removed by filling?





*food debris

*+arious cavity



*!What is the objective of treating caries?




*+preventing pain

*mouth rinsing




*!Which word belongs to the adjective in this group of words?









*!Which word belongs to the adverb in this group of words?









*!Which word is the extra one for this group of word?









*!Which word is the extra one for this group of words?









*!Which word combination is common for this group of words?



*detergent food

*mouth rinsing

*avoiding snacks

*+prevention of caries



*!What does the type of treatment for caries depend on?


*+ state of the pulp

*state of the root

*state of the enamel

*state of the dentine

*state of the cementum



*!What is the treatment for caries if the pulp is vital?









*!What is carious cavity removed by?









*!What is the name of the feeling of comfort at the ending of pain?








*Prevention and treatment of caries*2*21*1*



*!Teeth may be (to clean) with a toothbrush or detergent food

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable one for this sentence?





*to clean

*have cleaned



*!The objective of treatment (to be) to stop caries or cure pain

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable one for this sentence?


*to be







*!The type of treatment (to depend) on the health of the pulp

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable one for this sentence?




*is depended

*are depended

*have been depended



*!No drug can (to cure) caries

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable one for this sentence?




*has cured

*have cured

*are cured



*!Caries is a dental disease caused by acid formation

Which question is the general one to this sentence?


*What disease is caries?

*How is caries caused by?

*+Is caries caused by acid formation?

*Caries is caused by acid formation, isnt it?

*Is caries caused by acid or bacteria?



*!The type of treatment depends on the health of the pulp

Which question is the general one to this sentence?


*Treatment depends on the health of the pulp,doesnt it?

*What does the treatment for caries depend on?

*+Does the treatment depend on the health of the pulp?

*What does depend on the health of the pulp?

*Does the treatment depend on the pulp or the dentine?



*!Teeth are cleaned with detergent food

Which question is the special one to the word in bold?


*+What are teeth cleaned with?

*Teeth are not cleaned with detergent food, are they?

*Are teeth cleaned with a toothbrush?

*Are teeth cleaned with a toothbrush or detergent food?

*Teeth are cleaned with a toothbrush arent they?



*!Caries is caused by acid formation

Which question belongs to the word in bold?


*Is caries caused by acid formation?

*+What disease is caused by acid formation?

*Caries is caused by acid formation,isnt it?

*Is caries caused by acid formation or bacteria?

*How is caries caused by?



*!The untreated caries is followed by an extraction

Which question belongs to the word in bold?


*What disease is followed by an extraction?

*+What is the untreated caries followed by?

*Is caries followed by an extraction or filling?

*Caries is followed by an extraction, isnt it?

*Is the untreated caries followed by an extraction?



*!The best way of preventing caries is . the teeth

Which word is missed in this sentence?


*+to clean

*to align

*to resorb

*to shed

*to overlap



*!The aim of . for caries is to stop caries

Which word is missed in this sentence?



*acid formation

*modern diet





*!Relief of pain and repair of damaged tissue restores . to decayed teeth

Which word is missed in this sentence?









*!The carious enamel and dentine is replaced by ..

Which word is missed in this sentence?



*making implants

* extracting





*!Preventing caries is followed by avoiding ..between meals

Which word is missed in this sentence?






*raw fruit



*!The act, manner or method of curing someone or something by medical means is called.

Which word is missed in this sentence?









*!Caries causes ..

Which word is missed in this sentence?



*pain in the chest






*!Caries is a . of tooth structure

Which word is missed in this sentence?









*!Acid is produced from . left on the teeth after meals

Which word is missed in this sentence?









*!Nothing can make the lost tooth structure (to grow) again

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?





*is grown

*has grown



*!An examiner and a student.

An examiner: What is the treatment for caries?

A student: .

Which answer is the most suitable one to this dialogue?


*+filling, extraction

*prevention, restoration

*recurrence, replacement


*eating detergent food



*!A dentist and a patient.

A patient: What part of a tooth does caries damage?

A dentist: .

Which answer is the most suitable one to this dialogue?








*Prevention and treatment of caries*3*12*1*



*!Caries is a breakdown of tooth structure, caused by acid produced from carbohydrate food debris left on the teeth after meals. Therefore prevention of caries can be achieved by:

1. Removal of carbohydrate debris to prevent acid forming.

2. Prevention of acquired stagnation areas.

3. Making teeth more resistant to acid attack.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*The cause of caries

*+Prevention of caries

*Factors of caries

*Treatment for caries

*Types of caries



*!If all carbohydrate is cleaned off the teeth immediately after a meal, the source of acid formation is lost and caries will not occur. Unfortunately this cannot be done completely as no method of cleaning is absolutely perfect. However, it will ensure a considerable reduction in the incidence of caries.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*+The source of acid formation

*Cleaning the teeth

*Types of treatment

*Removal and filling

*Prevention of caries



*!Teeth may be cleaned with a toothbrush or detergent food. The latter is any raw, firm, fibrous fruit or vegetable such as an apple, pear, carrot or celery. Their hard fibrous consistency scours the teeth clean of food debris. The best way of personally preventing caries is to clean the teeth immediately after every meal by brushing or finishing with a detergent food, and avoiding snacks between meals.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*Acid formation

*+Cleaning the teeth

*Types of treatment

*Removal and filling

*Cause of caries



*!If caries is allowed to progress untreated, it will cause toothache, followed by pulpitis and alveolar abscess. The object of treatment is to stop caries progressing further and thereby prevent or cure pain. Relief of pain and repair of damaged tissue will also restore function to decayed teeth. Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*Acid formation

*Cleaning the teeth

*+Object of treatment

*Removal and filling

*Cause of caries



*!The type of treatment given depends on the health of the pulp. If it is still vital, and not affected by pulpitis, the tooth can be filled. But if the pulp is inflamed, or already dead, treatment is by extraction of root canal therapy. The choice depends on the value of the tooth to the patient. If it is desirable, and technically possible, conservative treatment is undertaken; otherwise it is extracted. No drug can cure caries and nothing can make the lost tooth structure grow again.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*Acid formation

*Cleaning the teeth

*+Type of treatment

*Removal and filling

*Cause of caries



*!The best that can be achieved is the removal of all carious enamel and dentine and replacement by a filling. To prevent a recurrence of caries on the surface being filled, the cavity is extended to remove any other stagnation areas. Thus a tooth with a small occlusal cavity has not only the carious part, but all the occlusal fissures removed and filled.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*Acid formation


*The object of treatment

*+Removal and filling

*The cause of caries



*!The use of dental sealants is a means of prevention. A sealant is a thin plastic-like coating applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars to prevent food from being trapped inside pits and fissures. This deprives resident plaque bacteria carbohydrate preventing the formation of pit and fissure caries. Sealants are usually applied on the teeth of children, as soon as the tooth erupt but adults are receiving them if not previously performed. Sealants can wear out and fail to prevent access of food and plaque bacteria inside pits and fissures and need to be replaced so they must be checked regularly by dental professionals.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*+Dental sealants


*The object of treatment

*Protection against dental caries

*Cause of caries


*!Topical fluoride is now more highly recommended than systemic intake such as by tablets or drops to protect the surface of the teeth. This may include a fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash or varnish. After brushing with fluoride toothpaste, rinsing should be avoided and the excess spat out instead.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*Dental sealants


*The object of treatment

*+Application fluoride toothpaste

*The cause of caries



*!An extraction can also serve as treatment for dental caries. The removal of the decayed tooth is performed if the tooth is too far destroyed from the decay process to effectively restore the tooth. Extractions are sometimes considered if the tooth lacks an opposing tooth or will probably cause further problems in the future, as may be the case for wisdom teeth. Extractions may also be preferred by patients unable or unwilling to undergo the expense or difficulties in restoring the tooth.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*+Treatment of caries

*Prevention of caries

*The object of treatment

*Application fluoride toothpaste

*The cause of caries



*!The type of treatment given depends on the health of the pulp. If it is still vital, and not affected by pulpitis, the tooth can be filled. But if the pulp is inflamed, or already dead, treatment is by extraction of root canal therapy. The choice depends on the value of the tooth to the patient. If it is desirable, and technically possible, conservative treatment is undertaken; otherwise it is extracted. No drug can cure caries and nothing can make the lost tooth structure grow again.

What is the treatment of caries if the pulp dead?




*detergent food

*relief of pain




*!If caries is allowed to progress untreated, it will cause toothache, followed by pulpitis and alveolar abscess. The object of treatment is to stop caries progressing further and thereby prevent or cure pain. Relief of pain and repair of damaged tissue will also restore function to decayed teeth.

What is the aim of treating caries?


*+restoring function of teeth

*extracting teeth


*putting brackets

*making implants


*!Calcium, as found in food such as milk and green vegetables, is often recommended to protect against dental caries. Fluoride helps prevent decay of a tooth by binding to the hydroxyapatite crystals in enamel. The incorporated calcium makes enamel more resistant to demineralization and, thus, resistant to decay.

Which title is the most suitable one to this passage?


*Milky products


*The object of treatment

*+Protection of dental caries

*The cause of caries


*Prevention and treatment of caries. Oral hygiene*4*28*1*





*+putting a filling

*making implants

*extracting the tooth

*brushing the teeth

*eating detergent food

*+removing dentine and enamel





































*+to cure pain

*+to stop caries

*to damage tissue

*to irritate the gum

*tocause a toothache

*to produce gingivitis





*filling the teeth

*cleaning the teeth by brushing

*making the teeth more resistant

*+extraction of root canal therapy

*removal of carbohydrate debris

*+removal of carious enamel and dentine










*jaw bone


*+tooth structure








*modern diet

*+mouth rinsing

*+detergent food

*sticky carbohydrates

*refined carbohydrates






















*+tooth structure










*white flour


*+green vegetables











*jaw bone









*food debris


*+alveolar abscess










*lobular pneumonia

*rheumatic endocarditis

*pulmonary tuberculosis





*+oral hygiene

*studying Anatomy

*+preventive dentistry

*dental health education

*treatment of lung diseases

*dental health organization








*+cleaning teeth

*+detergent food

*making implants








*a body

*a neck

*a crown

*+a small head

*+a long handle

*+medium bristles





*to cure pain

*to treat caries

*+to massage gums

*to restore function

*+to clean teeth surfaces

*+to remove food debris

*to improve appearance of teeth

*to restore normal functions of teeth






*firm fruits

*plain water

*+a toothpaste

*mouth rinsing

*detergent food

*+an electric toothbrush

*+an ordinary toothbrush





*+using detergent food

*+using fibrous vegetables

*mouth rinsing with sweet tea

*mouth rinsing with fruit juice

*throat rinsing with warm milk

*cleaning the teeth with toothpick






















*+electric toothbrush










*+electric toothbrush

*+ordinary toothbrush

*+toothbrush with medium bristles





*eating fibrous fruits

*eating fibrous vegetables

*+using an ordinary toothbrush

*+using an electric toothbrush

*mouth rinsing with plain water

*mouth rinsing with warm water









*gums teeth

*+food debris





*rotary surface

*+buccal surface

*posterior surface

*+lingual surface

*+occlusal surface

*restorative surface

*prosthetic surface

*scrubbing surface







*dental aid



*surgical operation

*extraction of a tooth

*preventive measures







*dental aid




*+mouth rinsing

*+detergent food



*Periodontal disease*1*23*1*



*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?




*food debris


*+subgingival calculus



*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?






*+periodontal disease



*!What is the common word to this group of words?





*food debris

*+chronic periodontitis



*!Which word is noun in this group of words?









*!Which word is adjective in this group of words?









*!Which word is adverb in this group of words?








*!Which word is adverb in this group of words??









*!Which is the antonym to the word destroy?









*!Which is the synonym to the word soft?








*!What is the synonym to the word tartar?








*!What word is the antonym to the word hard?








*!Which word is the extra one for this group of words?


*food debris






*!Which word is the extra one for this group of words?








*!Which disease is a dental one?







*!What dental disease affects the supporting structures of the teeth.?





*tooth decay

*+periodontal disease



*!What does stagnating food debris form?









*!What factor is necessary for formation of periodontitis?





*pathological factor




*!What dental disease involved the gums alone?





*tooth decay

*+chronic gingivitis



*!What does occur below the gum margin?

Which word is missed in the sentence?





*food debris




*!Where is tartar usually seen on?


*upper incisor


*+lower incisors





*!What places in the mouth does crevice occur?


*between gum and uvula

*between gum and tongue

*between gum and root

*between gum and crown

*+between gum and neck



*!Which word is noun in this group of words?








*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?






*+periodontal disease


*Periodontal disease*2*23*1*



*!Periodontal disease .(cause) by accumulation of food debris at the gum margin.

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?



*+is caused

*are caused

*were caused

*have been caused



*!These (to be) gums, periodontal membrane and alveolar bone.

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?


*to be







*!Caries.(to be) a breakdown of tooth structure.

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?









*!Tartar is the hard rock-like deposit commonly seen the lingual surface.

Which preposition is the most suitable to this sentence?









*!This stage .. the disease is called chronic periodontitis

What preposition is the most suitable for this sentence?









*!A tooth consists a crown a neck and a root.

What is the proper preposition?









*!Some toothpaste should be put .. a toothbrush.

What is the proper preposition?









*!Which question is the general one?


*Where is cancer formed?

*+Is puberty the aggravating factor?

*What is frequent form of cancer?

*Carcinoma is the form of cancer, isnt it?

*Is carcinoma the form of cancer o


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