Примеры | Перевод |
Независимый причастный оборот в начале предложения (переводим с союзами «так как» или «когда») | |
1. The problem being difficult, they worked hard. | Так как задача была трудная, они работали много. |
2. The experiment being carried out, he cannot leave the laboratory. | Так как (когда) эксперимент идет, он не может уйти из лаборатории. |
3. With radioactivity discovered, great progress was made in physics. | Когда была открыта радиоактивность, в физике произошли огромные перемены. |
Независимый причастный оборот в конце предложения (переводим с союзами «причём», «при этом», «и», «а») | |
4. He read two articles on this subject, the latter being more interesting. | Он прочитал две статьи на эту тему, причём последняя была более интересная. |
Переведите предложения, учитывая особенности перевода независимого причастного оборота.
1. Noncondensable gases being highly corrosive, their removal of the condenser is important.
2. When some impellers are mounted on the same shaft and act in series, the pump is called a multistage pump, the number of stages corresponding to the number of impellers.
3. The source of cooling water being a lake or a river, there is no need for water conservation.
4. In the reaction turbines the pressure at entrance to the motor blade is greater than at exit, the expansion taking place in both the stationary and rotating passages.
5. The tubes are cast iron, the gases passing through plain tubes and the air – over the grill surface.
6. Simple turbines have a considerable number of pressure stages, a wheel in each stage having one row of blades.
7. The steam being condensed, heat is transferred from the vented steam to the water.
8. Steam turbines are grouped into 3 types, classification being made in accordance with the conditions of the operation of the steam on the rotor blades.
9. The economics of the situation permitting, the steam generating units are fired by pulverized coal.
10. Bent tubes being used instead of straight tubes, no floating head is necessary.
11. Cooling water being usually corrosive in nature, condenser tubes are often made of special alloys of copper or aluminum.
12. Noncondensable gases being collected in the condenser, the vacuum in the condenser will increase.
13. The major item (часть) of the cost of a boiler being the drums, as many boiler tubes as possible are placed between the drums.
14. Feed water entering the boiler at high temperature, the boiler is relieved of a part of its load, and temperature stresses within the boiler are reduced.
15. The circulation pump raises the water pressure to about 40 psi above the drum pressure, this being sufficient to overcome the resistance of the flow controlling orifices of the small diameter tubing.
16. There being no expansion in the passage between the rotor blades, the steam pressure is the same at the inlet and outlet of the blades.
17. In a pure reaction turbine expansion should take place only as the steam passes through the moving blades, the turning effect (эффект вращения) being due to the reaction consequent on the increase in velocity which accompanies expansion.
18. The tubes being vertical or nearly vertical, the tendency toward slag adherence is decreased.
19. The boiler producing dry steam, all the impurities remain in the boiler.
Таблица 12
Функция в предложении | Примеры | Перевод |
1. Подлежащее | Making the first measuring instrument was not an easy thing. | Сделать первый измерительный прибор было нелегко. (Инфинитив, существительное). |
2. Часть сказуемого | The main task is switching off the system in time. | Главная задача – выключить (выключение) систему вовремя. (Существительное, инфинитив). |
3. Прямое дополнение | The equipment allows increasing the temperature. | Оборудование позволяет повысить температуру. (Инфинитив, существительное) |
4. Определение (обычно с предлогом of, for после существительного) | The final temperature depends upon the method of firing and classes of coal. | Конечная температура зависит от способа сжигания и видов угля. (Существительное). |
5. Обстоятельство (обычно с предлогами: in – при, в то время как, on (upon) – по, после, after – после, before – перед, by – творит. падеж, instead of – вместо того чтобы, for – для и т.д. | The operator examined the machine without diminishing its speed. | Оператор осмотрел машину без уменьшения (не уменьшая) ее скорости. (Существительное с предлогом, деепричастие с отрицанием). |
Переведите предложения, учитывая функцию в предложении и особенности перевода герундия.
1. This method for storing and transporting flue gases becomes criticized.
2. The cooling water after passing through the condenser is pumped to a cooling tower.
3. The equipment for producing the fluid is divided into two major classes: pumps for handling liquids and fans, blowers and compressors for handling gases and vapors.
4. The tubular air heater is constructed by expanding vertical tubes into parallel tube sheet.
5. The American Society for testing materials had adopted a test procedure for determining the ignition temperature of liquid combustibles.
6. It is important for industries to investigate the possibility of recovering the millions of calories of heat that are lost every day.
7. If steam is required for processing, a turbine may be modified by extracting the steam.
8. There are two general methods of firing fuel commonly used: 1) on stationary grates, 2) on stokers.
9. Determining the type and multiplicity of burners, their arrangement and the flame shape will cause the furnace width and depth dimensions.
10. Using more equipment and more complex cycles gives better theoretical efficiencies.
11. Building mechanical equipment supplements the natural circulation in a boiler.
12. Pumping large quantities of fluid against a relatively small static head requires the use of axial flow impellers.
13. The spreader stoker is not adaptable to light operation because of the difficulty of maintaining ignition and combustion in the very thin fuel bed with a cold surface.
14. In condensing the steam gives up heat to the water.
15. Leakage between the tube and end plate is prevented by packing.
16. Care should be taken in operating any positive displacement blower.
17. Better theoretical efficiencies are possible by using more equipment in more complex cycles.
18. Comparing the data obtained by different tests is the only means of solving many problems.
19. Protecting buildings from strokes of lightning was a great achievement in the field of electricity.
20. Being out in the open field during a thunderstorm is dangerous.
Таблица 13
Функция в предложении | Примеры | Перевод |
1. Подлежащее | To provide three pulverizers is necessary for the efficient operation of the furnace. | Обеспечить три распылителя необходимо для эффективной работы топки. (Инфинитив, существительное). |
2. Часть сказуемого: a) После глагола-связки “is” с существительными “aim”, “purpose”, “idea” и т.д. b) После модального глагола to be+to, to have+to и др. | a) Their aim is to improve the equipment. b) You have to improve the equipment. | a) Их цель – (состоит в том, чтобы ) усовершенствовать оборудование. (Инфинитив). b) Вы должны усовершенствовать оборудование. |
3. Дополнение | The operator prefers to use the new equipment. | Оператор предпочитает использовать (использование) новое оборудование. (Инфинитив, существительное). |
4. Определение | a) They have the possibility to use this system; b) The new equipment to be used at our power plant has just arrived; c) He was the first to begin this experiment. | a) У них есть возможность использовать эту систему. (Инфинитив, существительное). b) Новое оборудование, которое должно быть (будет) использовано на нашей электростанции, только что прибыло. (Определительное придаточное предложение со сказуемым, выражающим действие, которое должно быть или будет совершено). c) Он первым начал этот эксперимент. |
5. Обстоятельство | To design a good turbine, you must have good knowledge of its construction. | Чтобы спроектировать хорошую турбину, вы должны иметь хорошие знания о ее конструкции. (Инфинитив с союзами чтобы, для того чтобы). |
Переведите предложения, учитывая разные функции инфинитива и особенности его перевода.
1. To cover waste energy two major types of hardware are used: combustion equipment and heat transfer equipment.
2. Parameters to be measured in a control experiment include density and temperature of the fuel.
3. To lower the temperature of the cooling water by artificial means would require additional energy.
4. An additional factor to be considered is the cost and maintenance of cooling system.
5. Combination of radial and convective heat transfers are used to improve the effectiveness of heat transfer.
6. The materials to be used for the construction of the modern boilers are described in this book.
7. The tubes to be made of this metal will be used in different kinds of boilers.
8. An economizer and an air heater are provided to cool the products of combustion to the low temperature necessary for high efficiency.
9. The function of the economizer is to supply the boiler with wet steam and feed water.
10. To overcome the limited output at the exhaust end turbines are usually of multicylinder type.
11. To convert pulverized coal furnaces to firing with oil or gas is not difficult.
12. To create mechanical circulation is the only means of obtaining the desired fluid flow.
13. To reduce to a minimum the loss of the fuel is the function of the air heater.
14. All heat must be transferred through the heating surface to reach the water.
15. To obtain high economy it is necessary that the steam should flow through the turbine with high velocity.
16. For these fuels specially designed combustion systems are required to ensure complete oxidation of waste materials.
17. The problem to be solved consists in finding the new generator characteristics.
18. The shape of the furnace depends upon the kind of fuel burned, the equipment to burn the fuel and the type of boiler to absorb energy.
19. Some of the factors to be aimed at in stoker design are: maximum rate burning, highest continuous efficiency and the unlimited choice of fuels.
20. It is necessary to maintain a hot zone above the entering fuel to ignite the fuel on the grate.
Таблица 14