Exercise 18. Role-play. Imagine that you are an expert in metrology standards connected with your speciality. Make up a dialogue with your group-mate performing the roles of the journalist and the interviewee – expert in metrology standards. Use the vocabulary of the lesson.
IV. Writing.
Exercise 19. Read the text C. Give the reviewing translation of the text. Write an abstract to the following text.
Industry-specific metrology standards
In addition to standards created by national and international standards organizations, many large and small industrial companies also define metrology standards and procedures to meet their particular needs for technically and economically competitive manufacturing. These standards and procedures, while drawing in part upon the national and international standards, also address the issues of what specific instrument technology will be used to measure each quantity, how often each quantity will be measured, and which definition of each quantity will be used as the basis for accomplishing the process control that their manufacturing and product specifications require. Industrial metrology standards include dynamic control plans, also known as “dimensional control plans”, or “DCPs”, for their products.
In industrial metrology, several issues beyond accuracy constrain the usability of metrology methods. These include:
- The speed with which measurements can be accomplished on parts or surfaces in the process of manufacturing, which must match the TAKT Time of the production line.
- The completeness with which the manufactured part can be measured such as described in High-definition metrology,
- The ability of the measurement mechanism to operate reliably in a manufacturing plant environment considering temperature, vibration, dust, and a host of other potential hostile factors,
- The ability of the measurement results, as they are presented, to be assimilated by the manufacturing operators or automation in time to effectively control the manufacturing process variables, and
- The total financial cost of measuring each part.
I. Language
Exercise 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:
Job hunting | Пошук роботи | Поиск работы |
Job application | Анкета | Анкета |
Job applicant | Кандидат на посаду | Кандидат на должность |
Job opening | Вакансія | Вакансия |
Job title | Назва посади | Название должности |
Bonus | Премія | Премия |
Reference | Рекомендація | Рекомендация |
Supervisor | Начальник | Начальник |
Subordinate | Підлеглий | Подчиненный |
Employer | Роботодавець | Работодатель |
Length of service | Стаж роботи | Стаж работы |
Job interview | Співбесіда | Собеседование |
Working conditions | Умови роботи | Условия работы |
Discharge/fire | Звільнити | Уволить, выгнать с работы |
Fringe benefits | Пільги на роботі | Льготы на работе |
Employment | Працевлаштування | Трудоустройство |
Curriculum vitae | Коротка біографія | Краткая биография |
Classified | Об’ява про прийом на роботу | Объявление о приеме на работу |
Cold calling | Холодне продзвонювання | Холодное прозванивание |
To hire | Наймати на роботу | Нанимать на работу |
discontent | Невдоволений | недовольный |
Internship | Практика, стажування | Практика, стажировка |
Exercise 2 Arrange the following words in pairs according to opposite meaning (antonyms):
Employer, revenue, detailed, satisfied, public, senior, to hire, to discharge, brief, loss, private, junior, discontent, employee.
Exercise 3 Arrange the following words in pairs according to the similar meaning (synonyms):
Opening position, pressure, duty, experimental period, length, experienced, vacancy, a piece of work, promising, obligation, skillful, negotiations, advantage, tension, prospective, job, term of probation, talks, strength, duration.
II Reading