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Exercise 12 Role-play an interview with an applicant for a job, using the words in black type from ex.11. Take the dialogue from ex.14 as a pattern.


Exercise 13 Read and translate the dialogue. Complete the conversation using the words in the box.

Application candidates job offer fringe benefits experience job title interview interviewers job description qualifications short list curriculum vitae personal details salary job advertisement


George: Good news about your new job, Tony.

Tony: Yes. I saw a (1)………….in the newspaper. The (2)…………………..

seemed just right for me.

George: What about the money?

Tony: The (3)............................was good too. So I sent in a letter of (4).....................

along with my (5)…………………….Three weeks later they said I was on their

(6)……………..of six (7)…………………….for the job. They asked me to go for

an (8)…………………….There were four (9)………………………., and they asked

hundreds of questions.

George: What about?

Tony: Well, first they checked my (10)…………………….— age, family, education,

and that sort of thing. Then they asked about my (11)………………from college. And they wanted to know about my work (12)…………………— what jobs I've done in the last three years.

George: Did they offer you the job immediately?

Tony: No, they made a formal written (13)………………………………

George: So, what exactly is your new (14)…………………………….

Tony: Assistant Sales Manager.

George: Sounds good. Do you get any nice (15)………………………..with the job?

Tony: Well, a car of course, and the holidays are good.


Exercise 14 Role-play the following situation:

A friend of yours has applied for a job and has been invited for an interview. It’s the first time he/she will be interviewed that’s why he/she is very nervous. Calm him/her down and tell him/her what the procedure of interview is like.

Use the wordsin the box form ex.13.

VI Reading

Exercise 15 Get some information about interviews and translate it if necessary.

Getting the job you want can sometimes depend on the success of the job interview. During the interview the employer will try to find out what kind of person you are, what experience you have, and how you can fit into the job situation.

After you have got an appointment, review the information that you wrote on your application form and resume. Practice talking about your education and previous job experience both in the USA and your native country. Be prepared to explain your skills and abilities specifically.

Go to the interview alone; don't take your friends or children with you. Plan to arrive about ten minutes before the appointment time. Wear appropriate clothing: a neat appearance will make a good impression.

During the interview look directly at the interviewer and answer all of his/her questions as specifically as you can. Ask any questions that you have about the job, such as hours, salary, or job benefits. Write down these questions before you go to the interview. Before you leave, there should be a clear understanding about all aspects of the job.

At the close of the interview, express your thanks and make sure that the interviewer knows how to contact you if he/she wants to hire you.

DOs and DON’Ts for job seekers


• DO apply for a job in person. • DO stress your qualification for the job opening. • DO recount experience you have had which would fit you for the job. • DO indicate, where possible, your stability, attendance record and good safety experience. • DO try to overcome nervousness and shortness of breath. • DO answer questions honestly and with straightforwardness. • DO recognize your limitations. • DO indicate your flexibility and readiness to learn. • DO be well-groomed and appropriately dressed • DON'T keep stressing your need for a job. • DON'T discuss past experience which has no application to the job situation. • DON'T display "cocksureness." • DON'T speak with muffled voice or indistinctly • DON'T be one of those who can do anything. • DON'T express your ideas on compensation, hours, etc. early in the interview. • DON'T go to an interview without a record of your former work connection. • DON'T arrive late and breathless for an interview. • DON'T be a "know it all" or a person who can't take instructions.

VII Oral Practice

Exercise 16 Work in pairs. Role-play the following situation:

A friend of yours is about to start a new job. Decide which the six most important pieces of advice that you'd give to your friend for his/her first day at work are. Which of these tips do you disagree with? Use the information from ex.18

Arrive twenty minutes early.

Wear your smartest clothes (not trousers if you're a woman).

Go to the hairdresser's the day before.

Smile at everybody you meet.

Make a note of everything anyone tells you.

Show your new colleagues pictures of your family.

If you're a smoker, don't smoke in an office you share with someone.

Enquire about the company pension scheme.

Ask who the trade union representative is.

Exercise 17 Following is a list of reasons a person may have for leaving or changing a job. Talk about each reason and check the ones you think are acceptable to give to an interviewer.

- I don’t like the job I have;

- There isn’t much room for advancement;

- I was laid off because business was slow;

- I didn’t get along with the boss;

- I’m bored with my job;

- I want to work on a jog that is more interesting;

- My job is a long way from my house. I’d like to get something closer.

- My job is a long way from my house. I have trouble getting to work on time.

- The pay is very low;

- I hurt my back and I’m unable to do heavy work.


Interview another student. Write his /her answers:

1. What kind of job are you looking for?

2. Are you working now?

3. What do you do?

4. How long have you been working there?

5. What jobs have you had? And what did you do exactly?

6. Tell me about education and any special training you have had.

7. What other skills do you have?

8. What hours can you work?

9. Why do you want to change your job?

10. Do you have any questions about the job?

VIII Discussion

Exercise 18Here are some questions that administrators recommend that you be prepared to answer in a job interview. Think of them and then try to answer.


  1. What are your goals in life for the near future and for 3-5 years ahead?
  2. Are all your goals career-oriented? What other objectives do you have for the next 3-5 years?
  3. Can you describe what you want to do and achieve in your life?
  4. Why have you applied for this job? What interests you most about it?
  5. How do you think you can be useful to us and to our business?
  6. What things interest you most about any job? Which of your jobs has been most interesting?
  7. What is more important for you - money or the job itself?
  8. Do you think your education has sufficiently prepared you for this job?
  9. Do you plan to continue your education if you are employed by us?
  10. What do you think are your strong points?
  11. What do you think are your weak points?
  12. What stimulates you most and makes you do your best when you work?

IX Writing

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