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Remote device/ri'maut di,vais/ [6] a device connected over a WAN repetitive-strain injury in,petitiv

'street,Indjuri/ [8] a medical condition apparently caused by using a keyboard in an inappropriate position. The symptoms are that the muscles in the lower arm and fingers may seize up.

response /ri'spons/ [61 the elapsed time between an action by a computer system and the receipt of some form of response from the system

ring network /rip,netw3:k/ [6]

a network constructed as a loop of unidirectional links between nodes robot /' raubot/ [10] a programmable device consisting of mechanical manipulators and sensory organs. The

main goal of robotics research is to provide the robot with an artificial eye and to use visual perception to guide a mechanical arm in a flexible manner.

robotics /rau'botiks/ [11] a discipline (lying across the border between artificial

intelligence and mechanical engineering) which is concerned with building robots ROM /rum/ [1] read-only memory: this is memory used for storage of data that cannot ever be modified. The memory contents are permanently built into the device when it is manufactured.

RS/6000 /,a:r es siks 'Oauzand/ [14]

a model of IBM computer which is UNIX based

RSI /,a:r es 'ai/ repetitive-strain injury


satellite i'swtalait/ [9] in communications technology, a man-made device in orbit round the Earth used to relay back telephone messages or radio and TV signals from another part of the Earth

scan /skwn/ n [8] a scanned image scan /skwn/ v [8] process a document through a scanner

scan converter /skwn kan,v3:ta(r)/ [14] a device for converting the vertical refresh rate of video signals (50 kHz) to the vertical refresh rate of 60kHz or more used by computer systems

scanner / skwna(r)/ n [8] an input device which reads images on paper using a photoelectric cell and produces a computer graphic file as output. The image scanned may be a bar code, a picture, or a piece of text.

scan rate fskwn reit/ [14] see vertical refresh rate

scramble / skraembl/ v jumble up a string so that it can only be read after decoding screen /skri:n/ [10] the part of a visual display unit on which the program, data, and graphics may be seen

secondary memory Lsekandri 'memaril [L] storage space which is outside the main memory of the computer. It can be in the form of either sequential tapes or random-access disks.

security reporting /sajaarati ri,po:tig/ [7] feature of a security system which reports, to an administrator, attempted breaches to the security of a system

security system /si'kjuarati,sistam/ [7] a system which controls access to a computer and maintains the security of that computer

semiconductor /semikan'dAkta(r)/ [J] a material whose electrical conductivity increases with temperature and is intermediate between metals and


sensor csensa(r)/ n [12] an electronic device to detect movement

sequence control register Lsi:kwans kan'traul,redysta(r)/ [1] a register which controls the sequence in which operations are performed by the computer

sequential device /st,kwenSI devals/ a device such as a magnetic tape drive which permits information to be written to or read from in a fixed sequence


serial isfariall describing the transfer of data one bit at a time. Control signals are

also passed in sequence with the data. service technician /s3:vis tek,nifn/ [8] an engineer who repairs computers session /sefn/ [6] a period during which two computers are linked

shared-line /lead 'lain/ [3] describing the use of a telephone line to transmit more than one set of data at a time

shield /JIM/ n [7] see virus shield

shield /find/ v [10] protect

signal lines /'signal janiz/ [1] cables over which a computer control signal and data may be passed

signature /sIgnatf o(r)/ [7] see virus signature

sign off /,sain 'of/ log off a computer system

sign up /,sain 'Ap/ [8] log on to a computer system

silicon /silikan; [J] a non-metallic element with semiconductor characteristics

Silicon Valley /,silikan 'veeli/ [E] area of California where there are many computer technology companies

slot /slot/ [14] see expansion slot Smalltalk ismo:Ito:k/ [4] an object-oriented language, an object-oriented environment, and a library of objects first developed at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Centre

smart card /sma:tka:d/ [3] a card containing a microchip which can be used to store large amounts of information

software /snftwea(r)/ [4] a general term for any computer programis)

software base /softwea,beis/ [2]

the collection of applications written for a particular hardware and software environment

software developer isfiftwea di,velopa(r)/ [5] someone who writes software

software house /spftwea,haws/ [2] a company that specializes in writing application software

software package /snftwea,pwkid3/ [5] a series of programs written for a generic application, e.g. a payroll package, which can be adapted by the user to meet individual needs

source file /so:s fatal/ [4] see source program

source program /so:s,proogrwm/ [4] the original high-level language program which has to be converted to machine code before it may be executed

spell check dictionary /spel tf ek

,dikf anri/ [5] a list of correctly spelt words used by word-processing software to validate the spelling in a document

spooling /spu:lni/ [C] the process of storing output temporarily on disk or tape until it is ready to be printed

spreadsheet /spredf i:t/ [2] a program that manipulates tables consisting of rows and columns of cells and displays them on a screen. The value in a numerical cell is either typed in or is calculated from values in other cells. Each time the value of a cell is changed the values of dependent cells are recalculated.

SQL /es kju: 'el/ [6] structured query language

standard /stwndod/ [5] a publicly available definition of a hardware or software component resulting from national, international, or industry agreement

star network /sta:,netw3:k/ [6] a simple network topology with all links connected directly to a single central node

statement terminator /stearnant,t3:minefta(r)/ [4] a special character which indicates the end of a statement in a programming language

string /strin/ [2] a sequence of bytes structured programming /,strAktf ad 'prougnemin/ [4] a method of programming development that makes extensive use of abstraction in order to factorize the problem and give increased confidence that the resulting program is correct

structured query language /,strAktf ad

,lwngwid3/ [6] a high-level language for writing routines to query relational databases. Originally developed by IBM in 19 7 3, it is now an ANSI


style sheet istatal f i:t/ [5] a word­processing software feature that ensures a uniform style within a document

stylus /stafalas/ [1] an electronic I/O device that is used to draw or write on the screen

subprogram /sAb,prougrwm/ [4] a small program called by another program to perform a specific function

support group /sa'po:t,gru:p/ [8]

a group of staff who are specialists in a particular piece of software

switched network /,switf t 'netw3:k/ [6] a network topology in which a central switching device is used to connect devices directly

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