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Programmers/Analyst programmers

To £20,000

A London-based financial organization requires an experienced person with a thorough knowledge of UNIX and 'C'. You will need excellent communication skills and be able to work effectively as a member of a team. This company offers excellent benefits and prospects to its employees.

Ref. P/256

Network manager £16,000 to £20,000

Well-known manufacturers seek ambitious candidate with one to two years' experience of using Lotus, Paradox, WordPerfect, and Harvard Graphics. A knowledge of Windows will be a definite advantage. Working within a small team, you will be solely responsible for the support and management of forty to fifty PCs running on a network.

Ref. N/80

Junior support £15,000 + benefits

A specific requirement has arisen in an international bank. A vacancy exists for a PC support professional to work within a small team. You will be the first point of contact for dealing with problems relating to software, hardware, and networks. Candidates should have a minimum of 18 months experience. Further training will be given on the job. Knowledge of mainstream PC software is essential, i.e. Windows, Excel, Lotus, WordPerfect. You should be well presented with excellent interpersonal skills. Very attractive position with much scope for career progression.

Ref. S/168

Analyst programmers £ negotiable

Analyst programmers with at least two years' C' or OS/2 experience looking to move into a truly dynamic development environment should call us NOW! The package is negotiable and promotion prospects are excellent for those prepared to work hard.

Ref. P/257

If you are interested in any of the above vacancies, contact Valerie Stevenson at:


Wolvercote Avenue Bolton

BCl2 6CT



Appendix 2

Glossary of technical terms

and abbreviations

The definitions in this glossary refer to words only as they are used in this book. The meanings of certain words will vary according to context. As the texts in this book are authentic and come from a variety of sources, some inconsistency in hyphenation and spelling is inevitable.

access f wkises/ v [10] connect to, or get (information) from, a system or a database

access control / wkses kan,troul/ [7] a feature of a computer security system which prevents unauthorized users from accessing a system

access request iwkses ri.kwest/ [101 a user request for data from a database accumulator 4kju:mju,leita(r)/ [1]

a register that holds the results of operations performed by the arithmetic portion of the CPU

acoustic coupler /a,ku:stik 'kApla(r)/ [3] a device that converts the digital data of the computer into a sound signal that can be understood and transmitted by a telephone network. The connection is usually made by placing the handset of a telephone into rubber cups containing a microphone and a loudspeaker.

adaptor board /o'dwpto,b3:d/ [1]

a circuit board put in a spare slot in a microcomputer to control an external device

A/D converter /,ei 'di: kan,v3:to(r)/ [81 analog-to-digital converter: an electronic circuit that changes analog signals to digital signals

address /3'dres/ [11 a location within the memory of a computer

address bus /3'dres,bAs/ [1] a signal route within a computer dedicated to sending address information. This may be a subset of the system bus.

address register /a'dres,red3ista(r)/ [1] a register which stores an address in memory

Al /,ei 'al/ [13] artificial intelligence ALGOL it✓lgul/ [4] algorithmic language:

a language developed for mathematical

and scientific purposes

algorithm Lulgoriom/ a prescribed set of well-defined rules or instructions for the solution to a problem

alphanumeric /,w1fonju:'merik/ adj used to describe data that contains numbers and letters

analog /'analog/ adj [3] describing a smoothly varying signal that has no discontinuities

analogue iwnolog/ see analog

analyst annalist/ [4] someone responsible for understanding a problem in a business environment and designing a computer system to solve it

android amdmicl/ [11] a mobile robot whose structure approximately resembles that of a human

ANSI it✓nzi/ American National Standards Institute: an industry-supported standards organization founded in 1918 that

establishes US industrial standards and their correspondence to those established by the International Standards Organization (ISO)

anti-glare shield /,),enti 'glea,Sidc1/ [B] a protective screen over the front of a computer screen to reduce the amount of reflected light

APL /,ei pi: 'el/ [4] a programming language: originally devised as a mathematical notation and later turned into a language

application(s) program /,),uplfkeiln(z),praugracm/ [2,4] a program written in a high-level language, designed to perform a specific function such as calculate a company's payroll

application software /,a2p1I'kelf n,softweo(r)/ applications programs (i.e. programs that directly meet the needs of the computer user). In contrast, systems software (part of the operating system), although essential, does not directly meet any specific user needs.

arithmetic-logic unit /a,n0motik '1Dd311(,ju:nit/ [1] the component of the CPU which performs the actual arithmetic and logic functions asked for by a program

arithmetic unit /aerielmatik,ju:mt/ [1] see arithmetic-logic unit

artificial intelligence /,a:tififl in'telicl3ms/ [4,13] the discipline concerned with the building of computer programs that perform tasks requiring intelligence when done by humans

ASCII f Leski:/ [3] American standard code for information interchange: a standard character encoding scheme introduced in 1963. It is a 7-bit code allowing 128 different bit patterns or characters.

Assembler /o'sembla(r)/ [4] a program that takes as input a program written in assembly language and translates it into machine code

assembly language /a'sembh laqgwic13/ [4] a human-readable representation of machine-code programs

assignment statement /a'sammant,steltmant/ [4] a fundamental statement of most programming languages that assigns a new value to variables

asynchronous /ei'smkranas/ [14] describing a form of computer control timing in which a specific operation is begun as soon as a signal is received to indicate that the preceding operation has been completed

AT-compatible /, ei,ti: kam'pwtabl/ [14] describing a computer which can run the same software as the IBM PC model AT

audio board 3:chou,bo:d/ [14] a computer expansion hoard that allows sound to be recorded and played back by the computer

audio note /' 3:thou,nout/ [14]

in multimedia, a digitized audio message that can be attached to text or graphics auto-kerning /'::):tau,k3:nio/ [5] a word­processing feature that automatically adjusts the space between the characters of a typeface to give the best-looking lit

automate /' 3:tameit/ v [11] use automatic equipment and machines to perform an activity previously done by people

automaton /3Aumation/ 111] a machine capable of operating independently, such as a clothes drier

auto numbering /,D:tau 'nAmbarn3/ [5] a feature that automatically numbers

diagrams, paragraphs, etc., in a document

B /bi:/ [4] a programming language derived from BCPL

background /' kekgraund/ [2J describing processing which does not involve computer—user interaction. Such processes use spare computer resources to perform low-priority tasks.

backing storage /k✓li],sto:rid3/ [1] see secondary memory

backup /' bwkAp/ It a copy of a piece of data or a program taken in case something happens to the data or to the disk on which the original data is stored

back up /,bark 'Ap/ v [2] take a backup bandwidth /' bLendwit0/ [14] the difference between the lowest and highest frequency in a group of frequencies

bar code ibcrkoud/ [K] a machine-readable printed code that consists of parallel bars of varied width and spacing, usually used to code goods

bar code scanner ibu:kaud,sk✓n3(r)/ 1K] a scanning device that can read bar codes as input

BASIC /' beisik/ [4] beginners' all-purpose symbolic instruction code: a programming language developed in the mid-1960s to exploit the capability (new at that time) of the interactive use of a computer from a terminal

batch program ibwtS,prougnem/121

a program that runs without any terminal or user interaction. Typically such programs perform large scale updates, produce reports, or handle housekeeping functions. A high priority batch job may be run in foreground.

BCPL /,bi: si: pi: 'el/ [4] a programming language used for systems programming

binary adder /bainari,do(r)/ [L] the portion of the arithmetic-logic unit which performs binary addition and subtraction

binary arithmetic /,bamari o'nematik/ [4] arithmetic done to the base 2 using only 0 and 1 as its basic digits

binary number /minor',nAmba(r)/ [15] a number (0 or 1) used in binary arithmetic

bistable /,batsteibl/ [1] an electronic circuit whose output can have one of two stable states, i.e. on or off

bit /bit/ binary digit holding the value () or 1: the smallest unit of information in a computer system

bit-mapped ibitmwpt/ [6] describing the image displayed on a computer screen

whereby each pixel corresponds to one or more bits in memory

BIX /biks/ [3] Byte Information Exchange: an online service

block /bluk/ a physical group of records on a tape or disk. A number of blocks form a file. Records are blocked together to improve 1/0 throughput.

Boolean algebra /,bu:lian 'ald3abra/

an algebra closely related to logic in which the symbols do not represent arithmetic quantities

boot /bu:t/ v [2,7] reload the operating system of a computer

broadcast ibro:dku:st/ [61 a message-routing algorithm in which a message is transmitted to all nodes in a network

bug /bAg/ n an error in a program bulletin board fbulotin,bD:d/ [31

a teleconferencing system that allows users to read messages left by previous users on a variety of topics. All users can see all messages, unlike e-mail where the message is private.

bus /bAs/ [1] a signal route within a computer to which several items may be connected so that signals may be passed between them

bus network chAs,netw3:k/ 161

a network topology which is non-cyclic, with all nodes connected. Traffic travels in both directions and some kind of arbitration is needed to determine which terminal can use the network at any one time.

byte /bait/ [2] a character consisting of 8 binary digits or bits

C /si:/ [4] a highly portable programming language originally developed for the UNIX operating system, derived from BCPL via a short-lived predecessor B

C++ /,si: plAs 'plAs/ 141 a programming language combining the power of object-oriented programming with the efficiency and notational convenience of C

cabling fkeibln3/ [6] the wiring used to carry the signals for a network

CAL /k✓1/ Computer Assisted Learning: one of several terms used to describe the use of computers in training and education

CALL /kwl, ko:1/ [91 Computer Assisted Language Learning: the use of computers in the teaching of languages

capacity /ka'pwsati/ [2] the amount of free unused space left on a disk

CBT /,si: bi: 'ti:/ [9] computer-based training: see CAL

CD-ROM /,si: di: 'rnm/ [8] the predominant form of ROM optical disk. Both disk and drive are based on the product used for commercial music systems. The disk is 120mm in diameter, single-sided, and holds up to 600Mb of data.

cell /sel/ [A] a location in a spreadsheet capable of holding text, numeric data, or a formula

central processing unit /,sentral 'pratisesn3, ju:nit/ [1] the principal operating part of a computer, consisting of the arithmetic unit and the control unit

channel itf xnal/ [1] a specialized processor that consists of an information route and associated circuitry to control input/output operations. More than one I/O device may be attached to a channel for fast accessing and updating of information.

check point itf &point/ [2] a point in a series of programs at which a backup is taken, and the point at which the series of programs will be restarted

chip /tfip/ [F ] see microchip

circuit is3:1cit/ [11 a combination of electrical devices and conductors that form a conducting path

circuit board is3:lot,113:d/ [1] a board containing integrated circuits which make up the processor, memory, and electronic controls for the peripheral equipment of microcomputers

click /kik/ v [1] press the button on a mouse to initiate some action or mark a point on the screen

clipboard ficlipbp:d/ [2] see portable computer

clock /klnk/ [1] an electronic device that generates a repetitive series of pulses, used to control and synchronize the internal workings of a computer

cluster controller /11Asta kan,traula(r)/ [31 a device that controls a number of similar peripheral devices such as

terminals and links them up to the main computer

coaxial cable /1cou'wksial,kethl/ [6]

a type of network cable consisting of two wires, one of which is contained totally within the other

COBOL joubol/ [4] common business-oriented language: a high-level language designed for commercial business use

code /kaud/ n [7] the representation of information data in symbolic language or in a secret fashion

code /kaltd/ v write a computer program cold-boot /kauld bu:t/ v [71 load the operating system of a computer from `cold' (i.e. when the computer has to be switched on first)

command-based /ka'ma:nd,bust/ [11 a computer system which interacts with

the user by commands entered at a prompt on the screen. See command line interface. COMMAND.COM /ka,ma:nd 'knm/ [7] the main part of DOS

command line interface /ka,ma:nd lain 'intafeis/ a method of interaction with a computer whereby the user types specific commands in order to achieve his requirements. This is generally regarded as not very user-friendly, although it is often the most efficient way of communicating with the computer.

comment /Inment/ [4] part of a program text included for the benefit of the human reader and ignored by the compiler compile /kam'pail/ v [4] interpret a source program or a list of instructions in

symbolic language

compiler /kam'paila(r)/ n [41 a program which converts source programs into machine code. Each high-level language has its own compiler.

compound document /,knmpaund 'dokjitment/ [141 an electronic document which may contain text, photographs, spreadsheets, audio, or graphics compress /kam'pres/ v [141 in

multimedia, to force digitized data into a smaller space for handling by the system CompuServe /1nmpju:s3:v/ [3]

an online service

computational psychology /,knmpju:,teif and sailnlad31/ [131

a discipline lying across the border of artificial intelligence and psychology concerned with building computer models of human cognitive processes. It is based on an analogy between the human mind and computer programs.

computer /kam'pju:ta(r)/ [1] put simply, a system that is capable of carrying out a sequence of operations in a distinctly and explicitly defined manner

computer centre /kam'pju:ta,senta/ [7] a place where there is a central computer facility usually containing mainframes

computer game /kam'pju:ta germ/ [1] an interactive game played against a computer

computerize /kam'pju:taraiz/ v [1]

provide a computer to do the work of/for something

computer language /kam'pju:ta Jwngwid3/ [5] see programming language conceptual schema /kan,septS ual 'ski:ma/ [10] the logical design of a database

conference ikonfrans/ [3] a computer-based system enabling users to participate in a joint activity despite being separated in space or time

configuration /kan,figu'reqn/ [6]

the particular hardware elements and how they are interconnected in a computer system or network

consultant /kan'sAltant/ [6] a (computer) expert brought in to give advice

control bus /kan'traul,bAs/ [1] a signal route within a computer dedicated to the sending of control signals

control flow construct /kan,traul flu 'konstrAkt/ [4] a syntactic form in a programming language to express the flow of control. Common structures are 'if... then... else...', 'while... do...', 'repeat... until...', and 'case'.

control function /kan'traul,fADkIn/

a function performed by the control unit of a computer co-ordinating the internal functions and passing commands to the processor

control signal /kan'traul,signal/ [2,12] an electronic signal sending a control message to another part of the computer or to a robot

control unit /kan'traul,ju:nit/ [1] one of the two main components of the CPU. It transmits co-ordinating control signals and commands to the computer.

counter ikaunte(r)/ [L] a component of the control unit which selects instructions one at a time from memory

CPU /,si: pi: 'ju:/ [1] central processing unit crash /krwls/ n [6] a severe failure of a computer system that causes the hardware or software to be restarted

cursor /13:sa(r)/ a symbol on a computer screen that indicates the active position, e.g. the position at which the next character to be entered will be displayed cut and paste /.kAt and 'peist/ [B]

a word-processing or desktop publishing software feature which allows the user to mark a piece of text and then move it to a different location, not necessarily in the same document

cyborg isatbD:g/ [11] an android with organic structures. Cyborgs have some physiological structures similar to human beings.

data /delta/ [1] information that has been prepared, often in a particular format, for a specific purpose. The term is used in computing to distinguish information from program instructions.

databank Tdeitabwijk/ [7] see database database ideitabeis/ [1,10] a file or group of files structured in such a way as to

satisfy the needs of various users and accessed using the facilities of a database management system

database management system /,deltabeis 'mwnid3mant,sistam/ [9,10] a software system designed to handle multiple requests for data access while at

the same time maintaining the integrity of the data

data bus /delta,bAs/ [1] a bus dedicated to sending data between different parts of a computer

data frame /delta freim/ [3] one of a number of predefined slices into which data may be broken for transmission

data-manipulation language /,delta ma,mpju'leifn,lwngwid3/ [10] a sublanguage of a database language providing facilities for storing, retrieving, updating, and deleting data records

data processing /delta,prousesnj/ [4] the handling or manipulating of information called data which is specially prepared to be understood by the computer

DBMS /,di: bi: em 'es/ [9,10] database management system

debug /,di: 'bAg/ v remove bugs from a program

DEC /dek/ [4] Digital Equipment Corporation

decision support system /th,si3n sa'po:t,sIstam/ [8] (computerized) system designed to aid managers in day-to-day operational decisions

declaration statement /,dekla'reif n,steitmant/ [4] in C, the element of the program that introduces an entity, giving it a name and establishing its properties

dedicated idedikeitid/ [1] used exclusively for something

delete key,ki:/ [2] the key on a

keyboard which, when the cursor is placed over a character, deletes it

desktop publishing /,desktop tij/

[5] the use of a computer system to perform many of the functions of a printing shop, including page layout and design, choice of fonts, and the inclusion of illustrations. The output may be sent to a printer or to a high quality typesetter.

detonator Tdetaneita(r)/ [7] a device used to set off another process or event

device /di'vais/ [1] a piece of hardware that is attached to a computer and is not part of the main central processor (CPU)

device control /dtvais kantraul/ [3] the use of control characters to control external devices

dialling up /,daialnj 'Ap/ [8] using a modem to connect a terminal or PC to a remote computer

digit fdid3it/ a number which has only one character: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9

digital iclid3ital/ [3] the use of discrete digits to represent arithmetic numbers digital signal /,c1K13101'signol/ [3]

a wave form or signal whose voltage at any particular time will be at any one of a group of discrete values (generally a two-level signal)

digital transmission /,clid3itol trwnz'alif n/ [3] the sending of digital signals along a communications link

digitize idid3itaiz/ v [14] convert analog signals to digital representation

digitized sound /,did3itaizd 'saund/ [8] sound waves that have been converted into a series of bit strings for digital representation

DIP /dip/ [8] document image-processing directory /,dai-,,dfrektori/ [2] see disk directory

disk /disk/ [2] a storage device in the form of a circular magnetic plate in which the information is stored via magnetic encoding

disk directory /disk di,rektori/ [2]

an index to the contents of a disk

disk drive /disk draiv/ [2] a device which is capable of transmitting magnetic impulses representing data from the disk to the computer memory and vice versa

disk error /disk,ero(r)/ [2] a detected (or otherwise) error in the way that data is stored on the surface of a magnetic disk. Such errors are usually detected when reading from or writing to the disk. diskette /di' sket/ see floppy disk

display /dis'plei/ [8] see VDU

distributed (computer) system /th,stribjuad (kom'pju:to) 'sistom/ [6] the organization of processing whereby each process is free to process local data.

The processes exchange information with each other over a network.

document Alokjumont/ v [4] produce the material that serves to describe a program and make it more readily understandable

document image-processing /,dokjamont,prousesi1J/ [8]

a system which takes scanned images of documents and stores them on computer for access, rather than filing the paper copies of the document

document processing idokjumont,prousesig/ [14] the machine-processing, reading, sorting, etc., of documents that are generally readable both by humans and computers, e.g. bank cheques

DOS /dos/ [2] disk operating system: the

generic term for the operating system

developed for IBM PCs and their clones download iclaunloud/ v [3] send

programs or data from a central computer to a remote terminal or PC

DR/DOS /,di: a: 'dos/ [1] Digital Research disk operating system

DTP /,di: ti: 'pi:/ [5] desktop publishing dump /dump/ v [2] in a system handling large numbers of users' files stored on magnetic disk, to take a periodic record of the state of the disks that are made on magnetic tape, in order to protect against accidental overwriting or mechanical failure of the disks

EBCDIC /' ebsidik/ [3] extended binary coded decimal interchange code: a proprietary IBM character encoding scheme based on eight bits allowing 256 characters

electronic circuit /,elektronik 'sa:lut/ [1] a combination of electrical devices and semiconductors that form a conducting path

electronic mail /,elektronik 'meal/ [3,8] messages sent between users of computer systems, where the system is used to hold and transport messages. Sender and

receiver need not be online at the same time.

electronic publishing /,elektronik 'pAblif iq/ [E] the publishing of text in an electronic format

e-mail [3,8] electronic mail

ergonomic /,3:go'nomik/ adj [8] describing something which is designed to take into account the human who is to use it

execute /' eksikju:t/ v [2] run a program in a computer

expansion /ik'spwnfn/ [6] the addition of extra facilities or features

expansion board /ik'spwri.j.n,ba:d/ [6] a printed circuit board that may be

inserted into a computer to give it extra functionality

expansion slot /ik'spwnfn,slot/ [2] a spare space on the system board of a

computer to which expansion boards can be fitted

expert system /' ekspa:t,sistom/ [13]

a system built for problem solving which tries to emulate the skills of a human expert. The result of study in the field of artificial intelligence.

external schema /ik,sta:nol 'ski:mo/ [10] a user's permitted view of data in a database

facsimile machine /fwk'simoli mo,fi:n/ a machine which will provide electronic transmission of documents over telephone lines

fault-tolerant ifo:It,toloront/ [6] of a computer system, having the ability to recover from an error without crashing

fax /forks/ n 1 [8] facsimile machine 2 the output from a facsimile machine

fax board ifEeksbo:d/ 1E] an adaptor board which can be put into a computer and linked to a telephone line to replicate the functions of a facsimile machine directly from the computer

FDD /,ef di: 'di:/ 12] floppy disk drive feature ifi:tf o(r)/ [1] facility provided by an application

fibre optics ifalbar,optiks/ [6] data transmission using cable made of optical fibres instead of copper wire

field /fi:Id/ [10] an item of data consisting of a number of characters or bytes to form a number, a name, or an address

firmware /13:mwea(r)/ [1] system software (part of the operating system) that is held in ROM

file /falai/ [2] information held on disk or tape in order for it to exist beyond the time of execution of a program. Files may hold data, programs, text, or any other information.

file encryption Jam] en,kripfn/ [7]

a security method whereby an algorithm is used to scramble the data before it is written to disk to prevent unauthorized users reading the data directly from the disk

fixed-format record /fikst 'fb:mwt,reko:d/ [10] a record whose data items are fixed in nature, in contrast to records whose layout may change according to the data being held

flicker ifliko(r)/ [14] on a screen, the rapid increase and decrease of brightness floppy (disk) /,flopi ('disk)/ [2] a flexible magnetic disk which can be removed from the computer. The two most common sizes are 3-inch and 5-inch.

flowchart iflautfa:t/110] a diagram or a sequence of steps which represent the solution to a problem. Arrows are used to show the sequence of events.

footprint ifutprint/ [8] the amount of desk or floor space taken up by a computer foreground /13:graund/ [2] describing high-priority processing involving interaction with the user, in an environment that allows background tasks

format ifo:mwt/ v [2] prepare a disk for use by a computer whereby the structure of the pattern of information to be held on the disk is written to the disk surface

FORTRAN (77) fib:tn.:en (sevann,sevn)/ [4] formula translation: a programming language widely used for scientific computation. The '77' defines the year in which the official standard (to which the language conforms) was issued.

frame-grabber /'freim,grwba(r)/ [14] a device for capturing a still video image and converting it into a digital form that

can be viewed on a computer screen. By capturing a sequence of still images, it can effectively create a moving picture

free-format /' fri:,f3:mwt/ [10] describing data whose structure is not pre-defined full-motion video /,ful,maufn

[14] captured and digitized video images displayed on a computer screen giving the viewer the impression of watching a television picture.

functional language ifnukSnal Jwiggwid3/ [4] a programming language whose programs consist typically of sets of unordered equations that characterize functions and values. The values that are characterized by the equations include the desired results, and these values are calculated by executing the program.

function register ifAi3kfn,red3isto(r)/ [1] a register used to control the processing of a function

gateway igeitwei/ [3] a device that links two networks in a way that is usually visible to the network users (as opposed to a bridge which is not visible). Gateways may deal with differences of protocol and naming convention when converting between the two networks.

grammar check ignema tfek/ [5] software that attempts to correct the grammar of a piece of text, or offer advice on its structure

graphical (user) interface /,gnefikal (,ju:zor) 'intafels/ [1] a style of interaction between the user and the computer involving a graphics screen, icons, and some form of pointing device such as a mouse. See command line interface and window.

graphics igrwfiks/ [3,15] a non-character based method of displaying information on a screen, usually used for displaying pictures. The basic unit from which the display is built up is the pixel.

grid /grid/ [2] used for touch-screen and pen-based computers. Voltage is sent across the glass in horizontal and vertical lines forming a grid.

GUI /.(131: ju: [1] graphical user


hacker ihwka(r)/ [7] a person who attempts to breach the security of a computer system by access from a remote point. This may be for amusement or for a more sinister purpose.

hard disk /,ha:d 'disk/ [2] a fixed disk inside a computer which may not be removed

hardware iha:dwea(r)/ [1] the computer equipment and its peripherals

hardware interrupt /,ha:dwear Into'rApt/ [2] see interrupt

HDD Lettf di: 'di:/ [2] hard disk drive hexadecimal Lhekso'destmal/ [B] arithmetic to the base 16

high-level language /ha' Jevl 'hew-1/.7_03/ [4] a language in which each instruction represents several machine code instructions, making the notation more easily readable by the programmer

home-shopping service /houm,s3:vis/ [3] an online service that allows one to purchase items by placing an order over the network, usually by credit card

IAL /,ai ei 'el/ [4] international algebraic language: former name for ALGOL

IBM /,ai bi: 'em/ [1] International Business Machines

IBM-compatibility /,ai bi:,em kom,pwta'bilatt/ [1] describing computers that conform to the hardware specification of the IBM PC and will run all the

hardware that an IBM PC will run

icon adcnn/ [1] a visual symbol or picture
used in a menu to represent a program

or a file. The program is usually

initiated by using a mouse and clicking the mouse's button when the cursor is over the icon.

image compression /Irntd3 kom,pref n/ [10] a technique for reducing the amount of space that a graphics image will take to store in computer storage

index /' Indeks/ n [8] a set of links that can be used to locate records in a data file index generation /' mdeks d3eno,reqn/ [5] the facility to automatically generate a sorted alphabetical index for a document

'infected /In'fekticl/ [7] of a computer, being inhabited by a computer virus infector /In'fekta(r)/ [7] something that transmits a computer virus

inference engine /Informs,end3m/ [13] within the context of expert systems, the part of the expert system that operates on the knowledge base and produces inferences

information technology Linfo.meif n tek'nulac131/ [9] any form of technology, incorporating computing, telecommunications, electronics, and broadcasting, used by people to handle information

inference tree /Informs,tri:/ [13]

the structure of a set of inferences which show how a conclusion was reached

information separators /,Infa'metSn,separettaz/ [3] control characters used to

delimit the boundaries of pieces of information

Information Services Manager /,Info,meif n,s 3:VISIZ mamd3o(r)/ [8] the head of the computer department

information system /,Infa'meif n sistann/ [8] a computer-based system with the defining characteristic that it provides information to users in one or more organizations

ink jet printer /113k d3et,printa(r)/ [1] a printer that produces an image by squirting a fine jet of ink onto specially absorbent paper

input /'input/ n [1] the information which is presented to the computer

input /Input/ v put information to a computer for storage or processing input device /Input duals/ [1] any device that allows data to be passed into the computer

input-output /,Input 'autput / [12] the part of a computer system or the

activity that is primarily dedicated to the passing of data into or out of the central processing unit

input port /Input,p3:t/ [1] the socket into which an input device may be plugged on a computer

input tagging /'input,twgn3/ [5]

a feature of word-processing software that allows text to be pre-coded with tags so that the correct format can be applied automatically

instruction An'strAkfn/ [2] part of a computer program which tells the computer what to do at that stage

integrated circuit /nntagrettid 's3:krt/ an implementation of a particular electronic-circuit function in which all the individual devices required to realize the function are fabricated on a single chip of semiconductor

interactive nnta'rwktw/ [D] describing a system or a mode of working in which there is a direct response to the user's instructions as they are input

interactive video /,Intar;,ektiv 'Inc:113u/ [9] a computerized video system used for learning or play, in which the user interacts with the video.

interface fintafets/ [B] a common boundary between two systems, devices, or programs

interface cable fin-tale's [B]

the logic cable between the computer and a device. Signals and data are passed over this link.

interlaced video /,Intaleist 'vichau/ [14] in narrow-band PAL systems, a method of transmitting all 625 lines of a single TV image in a fiftieth of a second, whereby each frame of the image is split into two fields of 312.5 lines

internal memory /rn,t3:nl'memarr/ [1] memory held within the CPU. The main storage or primary memory of the computer.

internal modem /rn,t3:nl'maudem/ [8] a modem which can be fitted inside a computer rather than a separate piece of equipment

internal schema /m,t3:n1 'ski:ma/ [10] the way that the data is physically held in a database

internal storage /m,t3:nl'sto:ric13/ see internal memory

Internet /' mtanet/ [8] an informal shared public network linking UNIX and other computers world-wide using the Internet protocol (IP)

interrupt fintarApt/ n [2] a signal to the processor that a higher priority event has occurred and must be serviced, causing the current sequence of events to be temporarily suspended

I/O /.ai 'au/ input/output

I/O device /,ar 'au di,vars/ any device that allows input or output to a computer

IP /,ar 'pi:/ [8] Internet protocol

ISDN Lar es di: 'en/ [3] Integrated Services Digital Network: a concept developed by PTTs providing one network to transmit all forms of signal traffic, e.g. voice and data over the same lines

ISO /,ar es 'art/ International Standards Organisation

IT /,ar 'ti:/ [9] information technology

joy stick fdpistik/ [1] an input device used in computer games for controlling the cursor or some other symbol in its movement around a screen

junction box /' cl3A13kS n,bilks/ [6] a box attached to a network which attaches a device to the network

K /ker/ [1] kilobyte: unit of measure of memory or disk space in thousands of bytes. 1 kilobyte is 1024 bytes.

keyboard Tki:b:d/ [1] an input device like a typewriter for entering characters. The depression of a key causes a signal to be transmitted to the computer.

keyboard lock / ki:bo:d lok/ [7]

a security method whereby the screen is cleared and the keyboard is locked after a pre-set period of inactivity to prevent unauthorized use

key number /' ki:,nAmba(r)/ [8] a unique number generated to identify a record knowledge base /' nohd3,bens/ within the context of expert systems, a collection of knowledge that has been formalized into

the appropriate representation with which to perform reasoning, usually a set of rules about the subject

LAN /hen/ [5] local area network

laptop ilwptop/ [2] see portable computer laser printer /lerza,printa(r)/ [1] a non­impact printer in which the paper is charged electrostatically with an image of the whole page to be printed. This attracts dry ink powder which is then baked on to the paper.

LaserWriter flerza,rarta(r)/ [5] a laser printer manufactured by Apple Corporation

LCD /,elsi: 'di:/ [2] liquid crystal display linkage editor flmluct3,edrta(r)/ [4]

a systems program which fetches

required systems routines and links them to the application program object


liquid crystal display /jrkwid,krtstal dis'pler/ [2] one type of technology that is used to produce flat monochrome computer screens. Such screens do not have their own internal illumination.

LISP /lisp/ [4] list processing: a programming language designed for the manipulation of non-numeric data. It is commonly used in artificial intelligence research.

load module /laud,modjual/ [4]

the program which is directly executable by the computer

local area network /1aukal,earn 'netw3:k/ [5,6] a network linking a number of nodes in the same area, limited usually to a building or sites up to a kilometre apart

logical operation /Jodykal opa'rerf n/ [1] an operation on logical values producing a Boolean result of true or false

logical record Rodykal 'reko:d/ [10] the collection of data in a database relating to one subject

logical unit /Jodykal 'ju:rut/ [1] see arithmetic logic unit

LOGO flaugau/ [4] a programming language developed for use in teaching young children

log on /,log 'on/ [2] identify oneself to a computer system in order to gain access to it

loop /lu:p/ n [4] a sequence of instructions that is repeated until a certain condition is reached

low-level language /Jou Jevl '1wwwx13/ a language such as assembly language in which each instruction has one corresponding instruction in machine code

Mac /mwk/ [5] Apple Macintosh computer machine code /ma'Si:n,kottd/ [4] the code actually executed by the computer, not easily readable by the programmer machine translation /ma,fi:n trwnileif n/ [13] the use of computers to translate natural languages

magnetic card reader /mwg,nettk 'ku:d,ri:da(r)/ [1] a device for reading the data held on the magnetic strip on a card such as a credit card

magnetic tape /mxg,nettk 'tell)/ [4] a strip of plastic coated with magnetic oxide used to store information

sequentially. Tapes may be hundreds of feet long.

mail analyst /melt,wrialist/ [8] someone who is responsible for directing mail, which has been scanned using a DIP system, to the correct recipient

mail merge /melt m3:d3/ [5] a software feature which allows the user to read in a file of names and addresses and create personalized' letters for mail shots

mainframe (computer) imeinfreim (kom,pju:ta(r))/ [1] a large computer which requires a special environment for temperature and humidity in order to run it. This is in contrast to minicomputer or microcomputer.

main storage /,mein 'stoxic-13/ [1] see internal memory

management information system /,mxmd3mant,mfo'meif n,sistam/ [8] a (computerized) system for providing information to management

maths function itriOs,fAt3kf n/ [5] a software feature which allows simple

mathematical functions to be carried out (such as totalling columns)

Mb /megabatt/ [1] megabyte

megabyte /' megabatt/ [1]one million bytes: unit of measure for the amount of memory or disk storage on a computer

megaflop imegaflnp/ [12] a million floating point instructions per second. Floating point notation is a representation of real numbers that allows both very large and small numbers to be conveniently represented. A floating point instruction is an arithmetic operation on two floating point numbers.

memory /memon/ [1] a device or medium that can retain information for later retrieval. It is usually used to refer to the internal storage of a computer that can be directly addressed by operating instructions.

memory board imemart,b3:d/ a circuit board which contains additional memory for a computer

menu-driven imenju:,drivon/ [14] describing a program that obtains input by displaying a list of options (the menu) from which the user indicates his choice

message-base posting imestd3,bets,poustiti/ [3] another form of e-mail MHz imegah3:ts/ [1]MegaHertz: a

measure of the speed of a computer's CPU. In millions it measures the number of processing cycles performed by the CPU.

micro /maikrau/ [4] see microcomputer microchip /Thaikrautf ip/ [1]

a semiconductor device used to build the hardware of a computer

microcomputer /,maikraukam'pju:ta(r)/ [2] a computer whose CPU is a microprocessor semiconductor chip

microprocessor /,maikratf prousesa(r)/ [1] a semiconductor chip that forms the central processor of a computer

Microsoft imatkrousoft/ [4] a computer software company

minicomputer /rninikam,pju:13(r)/ [B] originally a computer contained within a single equipment cabinet. Compared with mainframes they are usually smaller and slower. The word is no longer used very

specifically since the advent of microcomputers.

Minitel iminite1/131 a French online system originally provided by the PTT to provide access to French telephone directories. The service has been expanded since its original introduction.

modem imaudem/ [3] modulator and demodulator: a device that converts the digital bit stream used by the computer into an analog signal suitable for transmission over a telephone line (modulation), and then converts it back to digital (demodulation)

monitor imnnita(r)/ [8] see VDU monochrome imnnaukraum/ FBI describing a screen with a single-colour display

mouse /maus/ [1] a device used to point at a location on a computer screen. It is moved around by hand on a flat surface. The movements on the surface correspond to movements on the screen. The mouse has one or more buttons to initiate an action on the screen.

MPC /,em pi: 'si:/ [14] multimedia personal computer: Microsoft's minimum specifications for hardware to be used for multimedia purposes

MS/DOS /,em es 'dos/ [1] Microsoft disk operating system

MT /,em 'ti:/ [13] machine translation multimedia /,mAltfmi:dia/ [5,14]

an application of computer technology that allows the capture, manipulation, and presentation of different types of data, e.g. text, graphics, video, animation, sound, etc.

multiple rulers /,mAltipl 'ru:loz/ [5] rulers to define margins and tab settings multiplexor imAlti,plekso(r)/ [3] a device that merges information from several communications channels into one channel. It is a two-way device and is also used to separate out the combined signal into the individual channels.

multiprogramming /,inAlti'prougrwmu3/ [2] see multi-tasking

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