


Другие языки
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Table 20 Email structure and possible language

Function Content Situation Clichés
1. Greetings or salutation Addressing the person you’re contacting.   Options for men and for women.   Dear Mr/Ms [followed by surname] Ms is replacing Mrs and Miss
  Addressing a recipient you are on first-name terms. Dear [followed by name],
  Greeting a recipient if you know each other very well. Hi [ followed by name],
2. Opening phrases Polite explaining phrases Providing the reason for writing.  
  Responding to the e-mail sent by your recipient. I am writing in relation to the e-mail I received … I am writing in connection with … I am writing with regard to … With reference to…, I would like to inform you that… I am writing to enquire about … I am interested in … (joining your Program) and would like to know … (the start dates)...
  Apologizing to your recipient if you’ve been unable to respond to the original e-mail for a while (on time). Sorry for the late reply, I have been… I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your query … I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay…
    Expressing gratitude Thanking your recipient   Thank you so much for the quick response, I really appreciate it! Thank you for your email of 11th July, asking about … enquiring about …/ concerning … (the upcoming TOEFL exam dates).
      Making the recipient feel appreciated. Thank you for getting in touch with me (us)! Thank you for your email of 11th July regarding … (the upcoming meeting). Thank you for your prompt reply. Thanks for getting back to me. — Спасибо, что ответили мне
3. Providing information Informing the recipient of your opinion and decision. Starting a sentence for providing specific information to the recipient. I am writing to / I would like to inform you that… I am writing to let you know that…
  Describing the attached information I am attaching the file (report, spreadsheet etc.) you requested, to this e-mail. Please see the file attached.
  Informing the recipient about the facts based on a particular source of information. According to the information available to me,…
  Providing bad (good) news such as refusals via an e-mail. I regret to inform you that… I am pleased to inform you that… With reference to our telephone conversation on Friday, I would like to let you know that… (your paper has been selected for publication.).
4. Asking for information / favours Putting an inquiry, query or request to smb Asking for some specifics via an e-mail. I would really appreciate if you could provide me with some information on…
  A request asking the other person to do something for you. I would be grateful if you could… I was wondering if you could…?
  Contacting someone via an e-mail to ask for favours I understand you must be extremely busy at this time of the year, but I would really appreciate if you could…
  Apologizing for giving the other person very little time to respond to your e-mail. I am sorry to ask you this on such short notice, but…
5. Making promises Getting in touch with a recipient Reassuring the e-mail recipient of a successful end-result. I can assure you that… I will look into the matter as soon as possible…
  Getting in touch with the other person when the information is available. and I will inform you in due course
6. Closing phrases   Ways of closing the e-mail and encouraging the recipient to contact you if he has any need to do so. Closing e-mails when responding to a recipient’s query. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me / feel free to contact me at any time!
  Finishing the e-mail and letting the other persons know that you’re eager to hear from them soon. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon I look forward to hearing from you. I look forward to your reply.
  Finishing off your e-mail and reassuring the recipient to get back to you in case he needs something. Please let me know how I can be of further assistance Please let me know if you…
  Formal general closing of the e-mail. It basically tells the recipient to keep you informed. Please advise as necessary If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
7. Complementary close (followed by your name) Finishing the email communication Paying your respect to the person who’s going to read the e-mail.   Best Regards, Kind Regards,Sincerely Yours, Yours Truly,Respectfully, Yours cordially, Yours faithfully, (if “Dear Sir / Dear Madam” was used) Yours sincerely, (if “Dear Mr.Jones” was used) Thank you for your cooperation.
  Writing to a recipient who is on first-name terms with you. “All the best”, “Have a nice day”, “Take care”,
8. Attachment   Clichés for appropriate attachements Please find attached (photos from the conference). I am attaching (my CV for your consideration). I am sending you (the brochure) as an attachment.
9. Sample e-mail Clichés used in real email communication. Dear Mr Crowlie, Thank you for getting in touch with us, and I really hope that this marks the beginning of a long and mutually beneficial relationship between us! With reference to your suggestion, I would like to inform you that our laboratory is ready to discuss and I am writing to inform you that one of our engineers is going to be in touch with you within the next 24 hours to arrange a visit. Also, I would be really grateful if you could respond to this e-mail today with a filled in contract – please see the application form attached below. I am sorry to ask you this on such short notice, butplease allow me to point out that it is in your best interests to get it done as quickly as possible to avoid any delays due to busy schedule of our experts in the area. Thank you for your cooperation. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon, Yours sincerely, Alexander Toore Senior Research Officer


Exercise 5.4.2

Work in groups of two to make up the dialogues for checking your practical knowledge of using formal emails in scientific communication. The following questions can help you and your partner.

1. How will you address the recipient of your email message?

2. What is the way to address a lady recipient if you don’t know her marital status?

3. How will you address a recipient whom you know on a more personal level?

4. When can you address a recipient by his name?

5. What clichés can you write to state your purpose?

6. How would you begin a sentence explaining why you’re writing the e-mail?

7. What is a perfect way of apologizing to a recipient for keeping him waiting?

8. What clichés can convey the response message to another e-mail sent by your recipient?

9. What could you write in case you’ve been unable to respond to the e-mail?

10. How can you start your email if you are unable to respond because you are away on a business trip?

11. How would you warmly appreciate your recipient?

12. How can you give good or bad news?

13. What is the right way to ask for information or favours?

14. How will you reassure the e-mail recipient of a successful end-result?

15. How could you apologize?

16. What will you write to finish off your e-mail?


Part VI Appendix

Содержание экзаменационного контроля (кандидатского экзамена)

Задание 1 (Письменное задание)

А) - Перевести (письменно) с английского языка научный текст, соблюдая правила передачи грамматических форм, точность терминологии и нормы научного стиля. Объем ≈1000 п.зн.

Б) - Написать на английском языке реферативное содержание научного текста. Объем текста 2500 п.зн

Задание 2 (Устное задание)

- Перевести (устно) на русский язык (для технических направлений) или пересказать на английском языке (для гуманитарных направлений) содержание научного текста. Объем текста 2000 п.зн.


Задание 3 (Коммуникативное задание)

А) - Сделать презентацию сообщения или доклада по материалам и результатам исследования.

Б) - Побеседовать с преподавателем об учебе в аспирантуре, проведении экспериментальной работы, участии в конференциях, публикациях и т.п.

Visiting Card Template


Colourful logo of the organization ( on the top left side of the card)   Name of the individual: _______________   Designation: _______________ (at the top right corner)    
  Mobile number: _____________________ (contact number of the individual)  
  Name of the organization: _______________  
the punch line of the brand: _______________  



6.3 Resume (AE). CV (Curriculum Vitae) (BE).

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