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Technical advances affecting daily life

technology examples of using applications example sentence(s) with connected key words
digital technology digital photography, video and sound recording; digital broadcasting The sound quality of a digitaltape recorder is superior to that of an analogue[non-digital] one.
satellite communications satellite navigation systems; mobile phones She has an in-car GPS[global positioning system] navigation system, so she never loses her way.
biotechnology genetic modification of plants Biotechnology companies are experimenting with new, disease-resistantcrops for farmers, [with a high level of protection against diseases]
artificial intelligence (AI) automatic translation; identification systems AI scientists are hoping to create computers that will be more and more like the human brain.
ergonomics efficient design of human environments This car has ergonomically designedseats; they're very comfortable on long drives, [designed to give maximum comfort and efficiency]



Text I


After reading this text you will learn:


- the definition of the term ‘invention’;

- two types of discovering something new;

- the history of discovering the telephone and the calculus (система счислений);

- the characteristic of modern inventions.

I. Learn the following derivatives:

1. To accomplish– accomplishment – accomplished;

1. This reform was one of the President’s greatest …. 2. Drawing and singing were among her many …. 3. I don’t think I … very much today. 4. She was an elegant and …woman. 5. We …the first part of our plan. 6. Among his many other …, there is a games theory.

2. To achieve – achievement – achiever – achievable;

1. I … very much today. 2. All you … is to upset my parents. 3. This goal is quite … 4. It was a remarkable … for such a young player. 5. They were proud of their children’s … 6. Even a small success gives you a sense of … 7. Everybody admits that he is a high …


II. Give possible derivatives to the following words:

To invent, to discover, to create, to organize.


III. Study the difference between to decide – decision and to solve – solution and fill in the gaps with the proper word.

1. There is no simple … to this problem. 2. The … to the last week’s quiz is on page 32. 3. Do you have a better …? 4. It was difficult … between the two candidates. 5. Attempts are being made to … the problem of waste disposal. 6. At school he was good at … equations. 7. We need a … on it by next week. 8. Mary is a …-maker in the house. 9. The moment of … has arrived. 10. We finally reached a ….


IV. Learn the following words:

Word Transcription Translation
Device [dI'vQIs] Прибор
Procedure [prq'sJdZq] Методика (проведения опыта)
Objective [qb'GektIv] Цель
Invariably [In'vFqrIqblI] Неизменно
To precede [prI'sJd] Предшествовать
Accidental [xksI'dentql] Случайный
Induce [In’djus] Выводить путем умозаключений
Lightning rod [‘lQItnIN] Молниеотвод
To prove [pru:v] Доказывать
Simultaneously ["sImql'teInIqslI] Одновременно
To recognize ['rekqgnQIz] Признавать
Research ['rJsWC] Научное исследование
To support [sq'pLt] Поддерживать
To apply [q'plaI] Обращаться
To ascribe [qs'krQIb] Приписывать


V. Read aloud the words listed below following the teacher’s example:

Process, idea, procedure, invariably, accidental, induced, lightning, phenomenon, isolated, through, although, simultaneously, calculus, fought, scientist, mathematician, agencies, specific.


VI. Read and translate the text:

Invention (device or process) is creation of new devices, objects, ideas or procedures useful in accomplishing human objectives. The process of invention is invariably preceded by one or more discoveries that help the inventor solve the problem at hand. A discovery may be accidental, such as the discovery of X rays by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen while he was experimenting with cathode rays, or induced, such as the invention of the lightning rod by Benjamin Franklin after he proved that lightning is an electrical phenomenon.

Early inventors were usually isolated and unable to support themselves through their inventions. In some cases, although two individuals working independently achieved the same innovation simultaneously, only one was recognized for the discovery. For example, the American inventors Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell applied for a patent on the telephone on the same day. Credit for the discovery of the calculus was fought for bitterly by the English scientist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton and the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

Today most modern inventions and discoveries take place in large research organizations by group of scientists supported by universities, government agencies, private industries or foundations. Because of this, ascribing any single invention to a specific person has become difficult.

VII. Make up the definition of the term ‘invention’ from the scattered words.

Invention is new, creation, of, useful, in, objectives, human, accomplishing, devices, ideas, procedures.


VIII. Choose the most suitable variant:

1. … precede the process of invention.

a) one experiment b) one or more discoveries

2. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered …

a) X rays b) the telephone

3. Benjamin Franklin invented...

a) the lightning flash b) the lightning rod

4. Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell simultaneously applied for a patent on …

a) the radio b) the telephone

5. The English scientist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton and the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz bitterly fought for the credit for the discovery of the …

a) the theory of gravity b) the calculus

6. It’s difficult to ascribe any single invention to one person because as a rule it’s a …

a) difficult process b) collective work


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