1. Why is Dr. Jones for transplantation of dead people organs?
2. Is it necessary to give permission before death?
3. What are conditions in Dr. Tesfaye’s country in relation to transplantation?
4. What are the customs Dr. Houte insists on?
5. What does he think of “brain-dead” people?
What do you think?
Which opinion do you agree with? Check as many as you want.
1. Well, organ donation is OK, but we have to be sure the person is dead! We have to make this clear before we can talk about donating organs.
2. If people want to donate organs after they die, it’s wonderful. But they should give permission before they die.
3. I like the idea that the dead should help the living. I don’t mind giving my organs if that helps people.
4. Maybe it’s OK to donate some organs, but not organs like the heart or the brain!
5. I don’t like the idea of cutting up my body after I die. I’m sorry, but I can’t help you!
Many deadly ill people want to kill themselves. Can you think of reasons for and against this decision?
People can kill themselves | People can’t kill themselves |
1. because... | 1. because... |
Looking at the issue.
What would you do to help someone stay alive?
Would you …
give blood?
give a kidney to a dying family member?
give your body to science after you die?
register as a bone marrow donor?
register as a donor at an eye bank?
allow your doctor to transplant your organs after you die?
Why or why not?
Read the proverbs. Do you agree with them? Compose your own stories using these proverbs.
Health is better than wealth.
Health is not valued till sickness comes.
I. Read and memorize the following words.
acid n. | 'æsıd | кислота |
acre n. | 'eıkә | акр = 0,405 гектара |
alarming a. | ə`la:miŋ | тревожный, пугающий |
average a. | 'ævәrıdʒ | средний |
chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) | 'klÉ:rә'fluәrә'kα:bәnz | хлорфторуглероды |
consequence n. | 'kÉnsıkwәns | последствие |
contamination n. | kәn'tæmıneı∫n | загрязнение, заражение |
crucial a. crucial turning point | 'kru:∫jәl | критический, решающий переломный момент, критическое положение |
depletion n. | dı'pli:∫n | истощение |
diversity n. | daı'və:sıtı | разнообразие |
flood v. | flΛd | затоплять |
foam insulation | 'fәum ınsju'leı∫n | пенная изоляция |
impact n. | 'impækt | влияние, воздействие |
mist n. | изморозь, туман | |
molecule n. | 'mÉlıkju:l | молекула |
nitrogen n. | 'naıtrıdʒәn | азот |
ozone layer | 'әuzәun 'leıә | озоновый слой |
plankton n. | 'plæŋktәn | планктон |
pollute v. | pә'lu:t | загрязнять |
react v. | ri:'ækt | вступать в реакцию |
recycle v. | rı'saıkl | перерабатывать |
release v. | rı'li:s | выбрасывать, освобождать |
sensitive equilibrium | `sensitiv i:kwı'lıbrıәm | хрупкое равновесие |
species n. | 'spi:∫ız | вид (виды) |
substance n. | 'sΛbstәns | вещество |
sulphur oxide | 'sΛlfә 'Éksaıd | окись серы |
thrive (throve, thriven) v. | θraıv | процветать |
tract n. | участок, пространство (земли) | |
ultraviolet (UV) rays | 'Λltrә'vaıәlıt | ультрафиолетовые лучи |
undermine v. | Λndә`main | подрывать |
vanish v. | `væni∫ | исчезать |
II. Read the following international words and word combinations and try to guess their meaning.
Form (n), vital problem, nature (n), natural gas, interaction (n), human race, protect (v), protection (n), effect (n), ozone, molecule [¢mÉlikju:l], energy resources [ri¢sÉ:siz], polar [¢pəulə] (a), result (n), global (a), catastrophe [kə¢tæstrəfi] (n), ultra-violet (UV) [¢Lltrə¢vaiəlit] rays, industrial product, industrialisatioin [in¸dLstriələi¢zeiòən] (n), air conditioner, chemicals [¢kemikəlz] (n), attack (v), risk (n), eye cataract [¢kætərækt], immune system, plankton (n), atmosphere [¢ætməsfiə] (n), metal (n), tropical (a), climatic (a), ecosystem (n), acre [eikə] (n), unique [ju:¢ni:k] (a), balance (n).