- синтаксическая структура: стройная, полная и, по возможности, стереотипная; преобладают сложноподчинённые предложения, простые – развёрнуты за счёт однородных членов;
- преимущественно прямой порядок слов;
- широкое использование различных типов определений; почти каждое существительное имеет постпозитивное или препозитивное определение, предложный, причастный, герундиальный или инфинитивный оборот
e.g. To cover this aspect of communication engineering we had to develop a statistical theory of the amount of information, in which the unit of the amount of information was that transmitted as a single decision between equally probable alternatives. (N.Wiener – Cybernetics …)
- специфичны: препозитивные определительные группы;
e.g. automatic gyrocompass ship-steering systems, anti-aircraft fire-control systems, automatically-controlled oil-cracking stills, ultra rapid computer machines, very old steam-engine governor. (N.Wiener – Cybernetics …)
- обилие и разнообразие союзов и союзных слов, двойных союзов, (эксплицитно выраженные связи между элементами);
e.g. that, and that, than, if, as, or, nor; not merely... but also, whether... or, both... and, as... as...; thereby, therewith, hereby
Source: <I.V.A.>
See: <scientific style>
Shade of meaning
Nuance of meaning
сема, оттенок/элемент значения
- a component part of meaning;
Source: <I.R.G.>:58
Syn.: seme, shade of meaning, nuance of meaning
See: <meaning>, <word>, <sign>
- representation of a concept;
- takes one of the properties, by which a concept is characterised and makes it represent the concept as a whole;
- in reference to concept becomes, as it were, a kind of <metonymy>;
Source: <I.R.G.>:59
- a component (the inner form) of the word through which a concept is communicated (Antrushina)
- presents a structure which is called the semantic structure of the word
- <grammatical meaning> or <structural meaning>
- <lexical meaning> or <dictionary meaning>
- <logical meaning> or <referential meaning> or <direct meaning> or <denotational meaning>
- <nominal meaning>
- <stylistic meaning> or <connotative meaning>
- <emotive meaning> or <emotional meaning> or <evaluative meaning>
- <contextual meaning>
See: <word>, <sign>, <lexical SDs>
Contextual meaning
a meaning imposed by and depends on the context;
Source: <I.R.G.>:58,64
See: <meaning>
Lexical meaning
Dictionary meaning
лексическое значение
- refers the mind to some concrete concept, phenomenon, or thing of objective reality, whether real or imaginary;
- a means by which a word-form is made to express a definite concept;
- are closely related to a concept;
- are sometimes identified with a concept;
Source: <I.R.G.>:58-59
See: <meaning>
Grammatical meaning
Structural meaning
грамматическое значение
- refers our mind to relations between words or to some forms of words or constructions bearing upon their structural functions in the language-as-a-system
Source: <I.R.G.>:58
See: <meaning>
Denotational meaning
See: <referential meaning>
Logical meaning
Referential meaning
Direct meaning
логическое значение
- the precise naming of a feature of the idea, phenomenon or object;
- the name by which we recognise the whole of the concept;
- is liable to change;
- of one <word> may denote different concepts;
- has reference not directly to things or phenomena of objective reality
Syn.: logical meaning, referential meaning, direct meaning
Source: <I.R.G.>:64,66
Ant.: <emotive meaning>, <emotional meaning>
See: <nominal meaning>, <meaning>
Emotional meaning
Evaluative meaning
Stylistic meaning
Connotative meaning
See: <emotive meaning>
Emotive meaning
- also materialises a concept in the word, but, unlike logical meaning, it has reference not directly to things or phenomena of objective reality, but to the feelings and emotions of the speaker towards these thighs or to his emotions as such;
- bears reference to things, phenomena or ideas through a kind of evaluation of them;
e.g. I feel so darned lonely. (Gr.Green)
- has function to reveal the subjective, evaluating attitude of the writer to the things or events spoken of;
e.g. She has not a flirt, not even a coquette. (Galsworthy)
Source: <I.R.G.>:66
Ant.: <logical meaning>, referential meaning, direct meaning
See: <contextual emotive meaning>, <meaning>