






Delphi - . , . .

, . .

, . ( ). , , .

, . Delphi, . . Windows, . . TMainMenu TPopupMenu . TTimer .


Tlipboard, ;

TScreen ;

TPrinter, Windows ;

TApplication ;



VCL TObject. . .

, , . VCL . . :


Var SomeList: TStrings;


SomeList:= TStrings.Create;




. Tbject , . , Tbject .

Tersistent Tbject. . , .

Tomponent Delphi. . :



ActiveX , .

Tomponent , .

Tontrol, , , TWinControl. . Windows. . , . . , . , .

. , .

. , .


Tbject , , . .

, , , . :


Constructor Create;


TObject Destroy Free:


Destructor Destroy; Virtual;

Procedure Free


Destroy . Free, , , ( Nil). .

(, ), Free . .

, . TObject , .

ClassName: ShortString; , . , - :


Procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);


If Sender.ClassName = TButton Then (Sender AS TButton).Enabled:= False;

If Sender.ClassName = TSpeedButton Then

(Sender AS TSpeedButton).Down:= True;



ClassNamesIs (const Name: string): Boolean; , , Name. True.


Tersistent .

Assign (Source: TPersistent); . - , , :


FirstObject:= SecondObject;


, , , . Assign , .

Tersistent , , .


Tomponent VCL. , . , .

Name . , , .. Delphi, , ( ) : Form1, Button2, Edit4 .. , .

Tag Longint , Delphi .

omponents , . Components , , , , .

Owner .

ComponentCount , .

ComponentIndex Components .


Tomponent , . , . .

Tontrol .

ControlState, :


Type TControlState = Set Of (csButtonDown, csClicked, csPalette, csReadingState,

csAlingnmentNeeded, csFocusing, csCreating, csCustomPaint,

csDestroyingHandle, csDocking);


Enabled. Enabled , , . Enabled True, , . Windows .

Height .

Width .

Left Top . .

ClientToScreen (const Point: TPoint): TPoint;

ScreenToClient (const Point: TPoint): TPoint;


ClientHeight: Integer, , ClientWidth: Integer, .

ClientOrigin: TPoint .

Toint :


Type TPoint = Record X: LongInt; Y: LongInt; End;


GetClientOrigin: Toint; Virtual .

Align , . : alNone ; alTop ; alBottom, alLeft, alRight , . Align , .

Anchors: Tnchors . Tnchors :


Type TAnchors = Set Of TAnchorsKind;

Type TAnchorsKind = (akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom);


, , .

AutoSize: Boolean (, , , ..).

Color . , : clBlack, clGreen, clBlue, clRed ..

Cursor , .

Font , (Color), (Size), (Style) .

Hint , OnHint, , . , .

ShowHint: Boolean. True , False .

Visible , . Visible True, , .

Caption , . . Caption , .

Text . , Temo Tdit Text.

Parent . Parent Owner . , , , .

ParentColor, ParentFont ParentShowHint , Color (), Font () ShowHint ( ) . , . , (, ) .

PopupMenu , . , AutoPopup True.

TControl - , , drag-and-dock (drag-and-drop).


, , : , .

TabOrder . , , [Tab].

SetFocus . , .

, , Focused: Boolean; Dynamic.

Brush .

Controls . , . .

ControlCount , .

Ctl3D: Boolean. True .


TGraphicControl , . Tontrol, TGraphicControl .

, , TLabel, , TImage, .

, Tanvas.


Canvas Delphi . Canvas , , . Cnvas , , , .


: 2016-11-18; !; : 2455 |



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