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The Structure of an English Business Letter


Английское деловое письмо обычно состоит из следующих частей:

1) заголовок / The heading;

2) ссылка /The reference;

3) дата / The date;

4) внутренний адрес / The inside address;

5) приветствие / Salutation;

6) указание на тему письма / Subject Line;

7) содержание письма / текст письма / Body;

8) заключительная формула вежливости / The complimentary close;

9) подпись / The signature;

10) приложение / Enclosure

11) пометка о раздаче копий лицам или отделам, имеющим касательство / "СС" Notation.

Обратите внимание на рекомендации ведущих английских: и американских специалистов в области деловой корреспонденции

1. Избегайте в своих деловых письмах следующих выражений:

ü according to our records

ü I have your letter acknowledge receipt of

ü I wish to thank, may I ask as to,

ü with reference to, with in due time,

ü in due course of time regard to,

ü with respect to in receipt of at hand,

ü on hand in the near future attached please find,

ü attached in view of hereto, enclosed herewith,

ü our Mrs. Campbell enclosed please find

ü permit me to say beg to inform,

ü beg to tell pursuant to duly thank you again for your information

ü thank you in advance hereby, therefore, herewith thereon


2. Избегайте следующих фраз:

ü I have noticed that («Я обратил внимание на то, что»)

ü It has come to my attention that («Мое внимание привлек тот факт, что»)

ü I am pleased to inform you that («Я рад сообщить Вам, что»)

ü I am writing to let you know that («Я пишу, чтобы сообщить»)

ü I must inform you that («Я должен проинформировать Вас о том, что»)

ü Will you (please) («Пожалуйста»)

ü Thanking you in anticipation («Заранее благодарен»)

ü Thank you and regards («Благодарю и кланяюсь»)

ü Kindest regards («С сердечным приветом»)


3. Вместо Instead of... Пишите Use....
advise, inform   say, tell, let us know
along these lines, on the order of   like, similar to
as per   as, according to
an early date, at your earliest soon, today, next week,
Convenience   a specific date
this time, at the present time at this writing   now, at present
check to cover deem   check for
due to the fact that, because of believe, consider
the fact that   because
favor, communication for the purpose of   forward   free of charge   in accordance with   in advance of, prior to in compliance     with   in the amount of, in the event, that kindly   of recent date   party said same   subsequent to   the writer, the undersigned   up to this writing letter, memo, for   send   free   according to before   as you requested regarding, concerning   for   please     recent / recently   person, a specific name not to be used as an adjective not to be used as a noun after, since   I / me until now

4. He заканчивайте свои деловые письма неполными предложениями, начинающимися с причастных фраз типа:

ü Looking forward to your early reply.

ü Hoping to hear from you soon.

ü Thanking you for your interest.

5. Вместо них используйте полные предложения, например:

ü We look forward to your early reply.

ü I hope to hear from you soon.

ü Thank you for your interest.


6. Вместо следующих излишних слов употребляй­те простые нужные слова:

Не пишите Пишите
Don’t Use Use
and et cetera as a result of as otherwise at about attached hereto at this point in time avail oneself of be of the opinion both alike both together check into connect up continue on cooperate together customary practice during the time that each and every enclosed herewith enter into forward by post free gift have a tendency to in many instances in spite of the fact that in the amount of cooperative together in an efficient manner in the event that in the matter of in the process of being in this day and age inform of the reason is of the opinion letter under date of letter with regard to new beginner on account of the fact that owing to the fact that past experience place emphasis on place an order for repeat again same identical send an answer up above whether or not write your name et cetera because otherwise about attached at this time; now believe alike together check connect continue cooperate practice while each or every enclosed enter mail gift tend to often although for cooperative efficiently if about being nowadays tell why believes letter of letter about beginner because   because, since experience emphasize order repeat identical reply above whether sign


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