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TOPIC 7. Present Perfect Continuous

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used to denote:

· actions which began in the past and are going on at the present moment, the previous duration of the action is always expressed: e.g.I've been reading the book for three days.

· past actions of certain duration that have visible results in the present: e.g. Why are you so tired? – I've been riding a bycicle for an hour.

Ex. 1. Underline the correct verb form in the sentences below. Explain your choice:

1. She learns/has been learning English for two months. 2. She practices/has been practicing since 10 o'clock. 3. They listen/have been listening to the BBC regularly lately. 4. She is/has been away on business for two weeks. 5. He is/has been always at home after seven in the evening. 6. She often visits/has been visiting her parents. 7. They work/ have been working non-stop today. 8. The sandwich tastes/has been tasting good now. 9. The weather is getting/has been getting better now. 10.She communicates/has been communicating with her colleagues by e-mail for the last two years.

Ex. 2. Circle the meaning of the verb form in bold. Explain your choice:

1. Peter has been traveling since Monday.

A. He no longer travels

B. He is still traveling

2. Diana is living at her aunt's place.

A. This is permanent

B. This is temporary


She goes shopping on Saturday

A. She usually does it

B. She has been doing it only lately


John has been translating the article for a week.

A. The translation is done

B. The translation has not been done yet

5. She looks tired. She's been working all day long.

A. She no longer works

B. She is still working

6. We've been reading the book you gave us. It's great.

A. They finished reading the book

B. They did not finish reading the book

7. They've bfifin practicing quite a lot recently

A. They are practicing at the moment of speech

B. They are not practicing at the moment of speech

8. It has been raining since Tuesday

A. It is still raining

B. It is no longer raining

9. Ken has been interrupting the professor's lecture

A. Ken interrupted the lecture just once

B. Ken interrupted the lecture more than once

10. Have you been waiting long? - Not very long

A. This is a question about what happened yesterday

B. This is a question about what happened today

11. Linda has been learning irregular words since morning

A. She learned them

B. She has not learned them yet

Ex. 3. Translate the following:

1. Ви задихаєтеся, ви бігли? 2. Он там чоловік яскраво-червоного кольору. Мені здається, він перезасмаг. 3. У Боба синець під оком, а у Білла - розбита губа. Вони побилися. 4. Чому ти такий брудний? Що ти робив? 5. Я вивчаю іспанську мову з по­чатку грудня. 6. Як довго ти вивчаєш арабську мову? 7. Вони чекали вас більше годи­ни. 8. Я дивлюся телевізор з третьої години дня. 9. Останнім часом Фред не дуже добре почуває себе. 10. Ти виглядаєш втомленим. -Я багато працював сьогодні. 11. Вона грає на піаніно з 9 років. 12. Вона вже півроку шукає роботу. 13. Як довго він продає офісне обладнання? 14. Нік цілий день писав листа своїм друзям. 15. У Джима брудні руки. Він цілий ранок ремонтував машину. 16. Вони разом знімають фільм з того часу, як закінчили інститут. 17. Лінда вже третій місяць мандрує Африкою. 18. Я читаю вашу поезію. Вірші непогані. 19. Останнім часом він живе не дома. 20. А ось і він. Ми чекали на тебе півгодини. 21. Чуєш цю собаку? Він гавкав усю ніч. 22. Я вже цілий тиждень фарбую дім. Сподіваюся, що закінчу у неділю. 23. Сніг йде вже третій день поспіль. Справжня зима! 24. Я роблю домашнє завдання вже п'ять годин, але кінця-краю не видно. 25. Вона керує автомобілем багато років без жодного порушення.

ADDITIONAL TRAINING EXERCISES: Do Exercises 19-21, pp.54-55 from the exercise book by V.Kaushanskaya.

TOPIC 8. Past Perfect

The Past Perfect Tense is used to denote:

· an action completed before a certain moment in the past. The moment can be indicated either by another past action or by an adverbial phrase: e.g. After she had cried out, she felt easier. It can be rendered in Ukrainian with the help of the following words: «Як тільки…» or Ледь…»

· With the comnjunctions: hardly… when, scarcely… when, no sooner… than: e.g.She had scarcely settled herself in the corner when she fell asleep.

· For the sake of emphasis the word order may be inverted: e.g. No sooner had she arrived she heard a strange call from the backyard. Не встигнула вона приїхати, як почула…


Ex. 1. Fill in the gaps with since or for:

1 James has been digging the flowerbeds …………….9.30 this morning.

2 Leslie has lived in Amsterdam two years.

3 How long is it you last went to the opera?

4 That man has been waiting for the bus over twenty-five minutes.

5................................ I've been learning English last March.

Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with: since, for, ago, just, until, already, yet, before, still:

1 Nobody started eating all the guests had arrived.

2 We have known the Barnes family we moved here, ten years ago.

3............... She had typed two letters when her boss arrived at the office.

4................. She waited................... all her guests had left - she started washing the dishes.

5........ I've finished painting the fence so the paint hasn't dried

6.................................................. After I had been looking for my glasses half an hour, I found them in a drawer.

7.............. Susan is typing the letters; she hasn't had a chance to finish them

Ex. 3. Some of the sentences below contain errors. Correct them:

1. Until then she had been believing him.

2. Peter had been tired because he had been working all day long.

3. She had managed to have some rest only after she got home at last.

4. Up to then he had been doubting it.

5. When she finally had got to the theatre, the performance already started.

6. Nobody did the home task because the teacher forgot to give it.

7. Because Jane forgot to buy vegetables, they could not make a salad.

8. It had been a kind of film they had never seen before.

9. He had been understanding her until it happened.

10.Did everyone you invited come?

ADDITIONAL TRAINING EXERCISES: Do Exercises 12-14, pp.49-51 from the exercise book by V.Kaushanskaya.


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