


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Circle the more suitable alternative in each sentence.


Методичною радою

Протокол №__ від ________ 2012р.

Голова методичної ради

_____________ Л.К. Сергієнко



Методична розробка завдань з курсу «Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням» для підготовки до практичних занять студентів ІІІ курсу

ОКР «Молодший спеціаліст» спеціальності 5.03050801 «Фінанси і кредит»

галузі знань 0305 «Економіка та підприємництво»



На засіданні кафедри

соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін

Протокол № 10 від 15 травня 2012р.

Зав.кафедри __________ к.політ.н. Л.О.Малишенко


Одеса 2012

Дана методична розробка містить систему вправ, які забезпечують ефективне засвоєння студентами необхідних знань та вмінь, відповідно вимогам програми підготовки студентів освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня «Молодший спеціаліст». Мета методичної розробки – вивчення загальноекономічної термінології, передбачених програмою, а також набуття студентами практичних знань за фаховою тематикою.



Друкується за рішенням Методичної ради Одеського інституту фінансів


Укладачі: ст. викл. Стрельченко О.Є.

Стрельникова І.Ю.


викл. Шургіна Ю.В.



Рецензент: к.ф.н., доцент кафедри перекладу Одеського Національного Університету ім. І.І. Мечникова Коваленко О.В.


Одеський інститут фінансів УДУФМТ, 2012



Дана методична розробка відповідає вимогам програми курсу «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням» для ІІІ курсу освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня «Молодший спеціаліст» та розрахована для вивчення цього курсу студентами, які навчаються за спеціальністю «Фінанси і кредит».

Головною метою курсу «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням» є практичне оволодіння іноземною мовою. Дана мета передбачає розвиток комунікативних навичок спілкування у сфері ділових контактів із закордонними партнерами в усній та письмовій формах.

За допомогою посібника студенти набувають теоретичні знання, а саме: знання основних розмовних тем у межах фахової тематики, норми ділового спілкування та загальну фінансову термінологію, передбачену програмою.

Опрацьовуючи матеріал курсу, студенти набувають практичних навичок спілкування мовою, а саме: вміння читати, розуміти та перекладати тексти з науково-популярної літератури, передавати зміст прочитаного, брати участь у бесіді за темою, складати ділові листи, робити повідомлення з теми.

Введення кожної теми містить тексти на розуміння та лексико-граматичні завдання до них, що закріплюють нову лексику та граматику. Матеріал даних методичних рекомендацій допомагає студентам у систематичному опрацюванні тем курсу. Розроблені завдання надають можливість студентам успішно засвоїти сучасні теми курсу та сформувати навички ділового спілкування, необхідні у діловій подорожі або контактах з діловими партнерами. Методична розробка рекомендуються для використання в аудиторій, а також самостійній роботі студентів.





1. Вступ……………………………………………………………………..3

2. The importance of learning foreign languages……………………….....5

3. Traveling and customs……………………………………………………...8

4. Meeting people…………………………………………………………......18

5. Telephone………………………………………………………………......21

6. A modern office……………………………………………………………32

7. Modern information technology…………………………………………...36

8. Grammar Reference………………………………………………………..41

9. Література…………………………………………………………………48



The Importance of Learning Foreign Languages


Read the text.

There are many very good reasons to learn other languages. Very little clear, detailed communication can occur between people who don't have a common language. Learning the languages of others helps in talking to people, reading and writing things, and in understanding the TV and films from other countries. It broadens your mind, you learn about other cultures and other ways of thinking. People are often a lot more friendly and helpful if you can speak to them in their own language. It really helps to establish contact.

In recent years, there has been a huge increase in the number of areas where foreign languages are needed. The workplace is becoming more international and many people are now travelling abroad as part of their job. The people who stay at home are more likely to work in a multi-lingual environment. If you're working in a field where interesting things are happening abroad, like science, business or medicine, you can read and translate the reports yourself and be up to date with progress in that field. If you plan to work abroad, a good knowledge of the language is also a springboard to a new and exciting social contacts and friendships. Cultural awareness is just as important as linguistic skills.

As for me I enjoy learning languages. I think it's really important to start learning languages from an early age. We know, the learning process is, generally, a little slower for older people than for people with young & impressionable minds. The learning process really starts to work when you feel that it's important & you have a reason to learn it. There are several strategies you can use to develop your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. First, try not to use your own language in class or translate things into your own language. When you translate, you are relying on your native language, not developing your foreign language skills. Second, don’t worry about making mistakes when you speak. Learning to communicate in a foreign language is a process, and making mistakes is a natural part of that process. Third, read as much as possible. Try to guess the meaning of new words from the context as far as possible. If you cannot, look them up in a good monolingual dictionary. And last but not least, keep a vocabulary notebook Write down at least three new phrases each day, including idioms. Try to use these words whenever you can. It also can be a real push to spend time in a country where the learnt language is spoken & where native speakers are living. It's such a great help to start with a foundation of grammatical structures & rules into which you can put all the words & phrases. It's very important to have a good teacher & regular lessons & not to change teachers too often. We also can attend Foreign Languages Centers where business, general language and exam courses are held all year round. At such centers groups are limited to eight students with priority given to spoken language. Besides, people enjoy well – equipped rooms, language laboratories and qualified native – speaker teachers. But it’s impossible to force a language down somebody's throat; you have to want to learn it.

Now English is the most influential language of the world, spoken by more than a billion people on the planet. English currently dominates science, business, the mass media & popular culture. For example, 80% of e-mails on the Internet are in English. It's an official language in 44 countries. The Olympic Games & other multinational sports can't do without it.

Today English vocabulary is approximately half Germanic /from the Saxons and Vikings/ and half Roman /from French and Latin /. There are however considerable borrowings from other languages. The English speaking countries: Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

English will probably stay in control for a long of time, but it definitely won’t become the only language in the world.

2. Make up sentences:

a foreign language to me.

spoken in many countries.

English is a truly international language.

isn’t my favorite subject.

also an official “second” language in over 70 countries.

3. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets:

1. Please... the last word (say, understand, repeat).

2. I can read English but I cannot... it. (say, tell, speak).

3. I know grammar well, but my... is poor. (language, accent, meaning).

4. Finish the sentences, using the words: occur, broadcast, reports, contact, mind, up to date.

1. Speaking foreign languages helps to establish...

2. Learning the languages broadens your...

3. Communication can... between people who have a common language.

4. With the knowledge of foreign languages you can translate the latest... & be... in that field.

5. 60% of the world's radio stations... in English.

5.Match the synonyms:

1.up to date a) same

2.occur b) modern

3.common c) happen

4.valuable d) start relationship

5.establish contact e) worth much money

6. Make up questions and let your fellow-students answer them:

study any foreign language?

Do you speak English?

have English lectures every day?

Are your lectures interesting?

you sometimes tired after lecture?

Why do you study foreign languages?

cannot you speak English well?

do you learn grammar?

7. Ask general questions to the statements:

1. Learning the languages helps in talking to people.

2. It broadens your mind.

3. You learn about other cultures.

4. Interesting things are happening abroad.

5. 60% of the world's radio stations broadcast in English.

8. Ask all kinds of questions:

1. About 1.5 billion people can communicate in English for work or leisure.

2. More than half of the world's periodicals are printed in English.

9. Write the forms of the irregular verbs:

To learn, to read, to write, to think, to know, to understand, to feel

10. Сhange into Passive:

1. About 400 million people speak English as a first or native language.

2. They read & translate the latest reports in English.

3. Businessmen establish contacts with the help of foreign languages.

4. Many radio stations broadcast programs in English.

5. People send 80 % of e-mails on the Internet in English.

11. Read aloud and put 5 questions to the text:

Technical English is often said to be difficult to understand. One of the reasons for this is that many English words can have several meanings.

In order to master technical English the student must first acquire a thorough knowledge of everyday English with its grammar, vocabulary and rules of word-formation. Then it will be easy for him to learn, step by step, the pecu­liarities of technical English. The problem of vocabulary also causes difficulty to the reader of technical English. Each branch of science and technology has its own separate vocabulary.

Ability to translate a foreign technical text demands sufficient technical knowledge to understand it and also a great linguistic knowledge and skills.

12. Discuss in pairs:

1. Are there good reasons to learn other languages?

2. How does learning the languages of others help people?

3. Why is the knowledge of foreign languages very valuable?

4. What is English vocabulary like today?






1.Read and memorize the following words:

travel - подорож, поїздка;

to travel - подорожувати - by саr - автомашиною

- by train - поїздом - by ship (by sea) - кораблем

- by bus - автобусом - by plane (by air) - літаком

take/ make/go on a trip/ a journey/ a voyage(≠ travel)

tour - подорож

e.g. We made a bus-tour round London

voyage - подорож морем, річкою

I don't like sea voyages as I am always sea-sick (be liable to seasickness).

cruise - подорож морем (з метою відпочинку)

e.g. My brother is going to have a world cruise.

booking-office – білетна каса

e.g. As the booking-office was closed I had to wait.

Arrival - прибуття, приїзд (to arrive - verb)

departure - від'їзд

fare – плата за проїзд

e.g. What's the fare to Rome?

flight – політ, переліт, рейс

schedule - розклад, графік

on schedule – вчасно, за розкладом

e.g. Our train arrived on schedule.

return ticket – зворотний квиток

e.g. I always try to buy return tickets wherever I go.

one-way ticket – квиток в один напрям

through ticket – транзитний квиток

to date a ticket - закомпостувати квиток

to cancel a ticket (a train, a flight) to – відмінити

left-luggage office/check – room – камера схову

Information Bureau/ Inquiry Office – довідкове

waiting-room - зал для чекання

air hostess (flight attendant, stewardess) - стюардеса

guard - провідник

berth - спальне місце, полиця

cabin - каюта

state-room - окрема каюта

carriage - вагон

dining-car – вагон ресторан

sleeping-car / sleeper спальний вагон

compartment - купе

deck - палуба

gangway - трап

rack - вішалка, полиця для речей

bag – сумка, маленький чемодан

suit-case – невеликий чемодан

trunk - великий чемодан



Study the text.


Modern life is impossible without traveling. It keeps us from growing state and old. Traveling is the most exciting way of spending one's leave or holidays. People travel to see other countries and continents, cultural and historical capitals. They travel to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene. Travelers try to experience the local culture and meet local people. They are interested in new experiences and sensations. Tourists just want to have fun and relax. And, of course everyone assumes that travelling broadens the mind.

Some people want to be among the mountains and the trees, or at some quiet seaside place with the sea and the yellow sand and the sunshine where they do nothing but sunbathe. They can't stand crowds. They think that they can get the really enjoyable things of life out of big cities. Other people like to be in big towns, where there are libraries, museums, theaters, music, good food and interesting people. People like gaiety and life and fun. They don't feel happy, when they are away from those things and after a week or two they want to get back to them again. All in all, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored. Most travelers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them.

Nowadays various means of transport are at the disposal of people. They have their advantages and disadvantages and people choose one according to their plans and destinations. There are a lot of tourist agencies which cooperate with firms abroad and in our country in transportation of tourists by air, rail and water transport. Speed, reliability and comfort are the main demands of all types of transport.

People who are not short of time usually travel by train or by ship. It takes more time but gives the opportunity to see the country you are getting through. First class liners and various routes are offered by the passenger fleet. There is nothing like tourism by sea for those who are not liable to seasickness.

Comfortable buses offer utmost comfort for tourists and passengers on long-distance trips. The large bus windows offer a splendid view for watching the scenery around. Passengers can listen to the recorded music or see video films. During their journeys by buses or cars tourists can stop at any places to their liking, when they want to stretch their legs.

They can enjoy world famous resorts, majestic mountains, sky-blue lakes, sparkling rivers and falls. It's impossible to describe all the things that can be enjoyed on the way.

Some people like traveling by air the best. They like getting to different places fast. They like sensing the sudden changes in life and climate. To help tourists to enjoy the flight, the companies provide a range of newspapers, music and video programs. On long-distance flights a tasty meal and different drinks are usually served. Travelling by air is far quicker than any other method.

Some people say there's nothing to compare with a walking holiday, in good weather with pleasant companions. Your rucksack should contain a change of everything, but nothing that is not absolutely essential. A camping holiday teaches people how to survive and appreciate home comfort.

Bicycle holidays are an excellent way of taking exercise. It gets you out into the fresh air & keeps you in good health. There are also no parking problems and bicycles don’t cause pollution. Hitch-hiking isn't a good method of travelling if you have to be in a place at a specific time and many people imagine it dangerous.

Travelling is an up-to-date way of spending holidays but when the curiosity for the new scenes is satisfied, we turn our thought towards home where all things are familiar and we love them. There is the great joy for coming home again because ‘East or West – home is best’ and ‘There is no place like home’.

3. Read and remember how to use these words:

to travel: travel around; travel from one place to another; travel to foreign countries (= to travel abroad), travel on business, go traveling. It's a good idea to travel to the seaside by car. He spent a year traveling around Europe.

to arrive: arrive in England; arrive in Moscow; arrive at a small village; arrive at school. Send this telegram and ask when it will arrive. Do you know when the plane will arrive, Jack? The train arrives in London at 12 o’clock.


4. Look at this list and say which of things you will choose and take with you:

• if you go travelling to a foreign country;

• if you go camping.

a sleeping bag a tent an umbrella a beautiful dress spoons

a compass a camera a map a suitcase a tin opener

a guide-book a book trainers a rucksack a fishing rod

5. Make up sentences:

    In your place   I he she we you they   would take a tram (bus, car, ship) go on an excursion stay at the station go to Odessa travel abroad travel on business

6. Confusing words:

Read and learn:

- Go by: bus, coach, ferry, train, plane, motorbike, taxi, car

- Go on/off: bus, coach, ferry, train, plane, motorbike, moped, bicycle

- Get into/out of: a taxi, van, car

- Catch: a bus, coach, ferry, train

- Take: a bus, coach, ferry, train, taxi

- Miss: a bus, coach, ferry, train

- Ride: a motorbike, moped, bicycle

Circle the more suitable alternative in each sentence.

1. I had a terrible flight /travel last summer. There was a fault and the plane had to turn back only half an hour after taking off.

2. The best school outing/ voyage that I remember was when we went to the zoo last year.

3. My mum wants to go on a cruise/ voyage around the Mediterranean, sailing to different places like Barcelona and Malta.

4. The first sea cruise/ voyage around the world was begun by the Portuguese commander, Ferdinand Magellan and completed by the Spanish sailor, Juan Sebastian del Cano.

5. I never get bored on a long car journey/ trip, I really love driving.

6. I love reading journey /travel books, because you can read about people's experiences from the comfort of your armchair.

7. On the last day of the holiday, we went on an excellent excursion/ package tour to a nearby ruined castle.

8. My dad has just come back from a business outing/ trip to New York.

9. Last year we went on a package tour /travel around Italy by coach.

10. Bye! Have a good trip /voyage!

7.Answer these questions:

1. Why do people enjoy traveling?

2. Have you ever got in a train without a ticket?

3. Have you ever got out of a moving train or bus?

4. What is the first thing to do before starting on a trip?

5. What would annoy you most about a travel companion?

6. What is your favorite way of traveling? Why?


Business Trip

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it.


The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page.


8. Read and then memorize the following words and word-combinations:

to book the flight – заказувати переліт

destination – місце призначення

foreign currency – іноземна валюта

reservation in advance – резерв заздалегідь

departure – від’їзд

customs inspection – митний огляд

accepting side – приймаюча сторона

car rental company – компанія, що займається рентою автомобілів


9. Read and translate the text:

Being a businessman you have to travel much, to meet many people, to arrange business deals and personal relations. It means you will often arrange business trips. Before you have a business trip you should do the following steps: prepare all business documents necessary for your meeting with a foreign partner.

If you visit your business partner for the first time you should take advertising materials representing your firm and its products. Today many people make all their travel arrangements over the phone. They call the travel agent and book their flight, and then give their credit card number to pay for the plane ticket, if you are going to travel by plane. It is the fastest way of travelling and it is helpful if you are short of time, but it is rather expensive. If your destination is not far from your town (city) you can travel by car or by train. It is a slower way of travelling but it is cheaper and quite comfortable.

If a visa is necessary, some travel agents take their customers’ passports to the embassy's visa department. You should also have medical insurance documents with you when you are going to visit your foreign partner.

It's not a good idea to carry lots of cash with you, so traveller’s cheques are a safe way to take money abroad. It's easy to change them at the bank for foreign currency during your trip.

When people travel they almost always stay at hotels or guest-houses, so you should make a hotel reservation in advance by letter, telephone or e-mail. Let the hotel manager know the day and the time of your departure, or you may arrive at the hotel and be told that there are no rooms available.

If you travel abroad you must go through the customs inspection. The customs officials check your luggage and ask you to fill in the customs declaration form. Some of your things may be subjected to duty; some of them are duty free. If you have foreign currency you would indicate the sum in your declaration.

If you don't want to use public transport during your business trip you have to agree

with accepting side to provide you with a car or you may ask about a good car

rental company. In this case don't forget to take your driving license — you can’t

drive without it! You also have to arrange insurance documents and take them too.

10. Remember the following information. Then complete each sentence with the word travel, trip, or journey.

Travel, journey, or trip?

The general activity of moving from place to place is travel. E.g.: He came home after years of foreign travel.

If a person moves from place to place over a period of time we speak of travels. E.g.: Did you go to Rome during your travels?

A journey is the time spent and the distance covered in going from one particular place to another. E.g.: It was a long journey by train.

A trip is a short journey, especially for pleasure or for a particular purpose. E.g.: I think, I’ll take a trip to see him. He is going to have a business trip to Japan.

1. Thank you for visiting us, and have a safe ……….. home.

2. How was your ………. to London last weekend? Did you have a good time?

3. When we were in London, we went on a sightseeing ………..round the city.

4. I ………. a lot for my business deals.

5. How many business ………. do you make every year, on average?

6. How long does the ……… to Brighton take by train?

7. It was a very long ………., because there was a lot of traffic on the road.


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