







If - Then - Else

If - Then - Else .



( 1).


Dim x As Double

Dim y As Double



If x>= 7 Then y= exp (x)

Else y =cos (x)

End If

End Sub



( 2).


Dim x As Double

Dim y As Double


If x< 7 Then y =cos (x)

If x>= 7 Then y= exp (x)

MsgBox y

End Sub

41) VBA: For Next:

For - Next ;

Option Base 1 Sub BBBB() Dim V(5) As DOUBLE Dim S As DOUBLE Dim i As Integer Dim n As Integer n=5 S = 0 For i = 1 To n Step 1 V (i) =i S = S + V (i) MsgBox V (i) Next MsgBox S End Sub


Step , .


42) VBA: While Wend:


While - Wend , ;

While - Wend .

. , M = 7

Sub CCCC() Dim M As Integer Dim n As Integer M = 0 n=0 Randomize While M <> 7 M = Int(10 * Rnd()) n = n + 1 Wend MsgBox "n="&n End Sub  


43) VBA: Do Loop

Do - Loop , ;

, . , . , , , .

. ( 7) .


Sub DoWhileLoop()

Dim Number As Integer

Number = 0

Do While Number <> 7

Number = Int (10 * Rnd ())


MsgBox "Your number is " & Number & "."

End Sub



Sub DoUntilLoop()

Dim Number As Integer

Number = 0

Do Until Number = 7

Number = Int (10 * Rnd ())


MsgBox "Your number is " & Number & "."

End Sub

44) VBA: Select Case

Select Case ;

45) VBA With:





End With

. .

. , .

With , . , , , With, , , . With .

With MyLabel

.Height = 2000

.Width = 2000

.Caption = " MyLabel"

End With

With . , With .
With . , With , With With.
With. With End With, .

With . MyObject .

With MyObject

.Height = 100 ' MyObject.Height = 100.

.Caption = "" ' MyObject.Caption = "".


.Color = Red ' MyObject.Font.Color = Red.

.Bold = True ' MyObject.Font.Bold = True.

End With

End With

46) VBA.

. , . / / / . . ( , , , ).



. 24. : 1, 2

, . ― (Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()) . Excel, .


47) Excel VBA?


C Worksheets.

x = Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value ( 1);



48) VBA Excel?


Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value = a, .

49) VBA?

Worksheets(1).Range("A1:B2").Value = 10 ( , 10);


50) VBA Excel?


Worksheets(1).Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = x(i)

x(i) = Worksheets(1).Cells(i + 1, 2).Value














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