


Другие языки
Охрана труда





I. Система грамматических времен в страдательном залоге

(English Tenses in the Passive Voice)

  Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
  1 2 3 4
Infinitive To help To be being helped To have been helped _
Present My friend is always helped with his compositions. Моему другу всегда помогают писать сочинения. My friend is being helped with his composition now. Сейчас моему другу помогают писать сочинение. My friend has already been helped with his composition. Моему другу уже помогли написать сочинение.   _
  1 2 3 4
Past My friend was helped with his composition yesterday. Вчера моему другу помогли написать сочинение. My friend was being helped with his composition for 2 hours yesterday. Вчера моему другу помогали писать сочинение два часа. My friend had been helped with his composition before his mother came home. Моему другу помогли написать сочинение до прихода мамы.     _
Future My friend will be helped with his composition tomorrow. Завтра моему другу помогут написать сочинение.     _ My friend will have been helped with his composition by 4 o’clock. Моему другу помогут написать сочинение к 4 часам.     _


II. Способы перевода глагола-сказуемого

а) сочетанием глагола «быть» с краткой формой прилагательного страдательного залога. Глагол «быть» в настоящем времени не переводиться:

This church was built in 1815. Эта церковь была построена в 1915 году.

б) глаголом несовершенного вида, оканчивающимся на –ся, -сь:

The conference is held in April every year. Конференция проводится в апреле каждого года.

в) неопределенно-личной формой глагола в действительном залоге в третьем лице множественного числа (при отсутствии действующего лица):

At our faculty students are trained in four specialities. На нашем факультете студентов обучают по четырем специальностям.

г) личной формой глагола в действительном залоге (при наличие дополнения с предлогом by) Дополнение с предлогом by часто переводится на русский язык подлежащим:

America was discovered by Columbus. Колумб открыл Америку.


1. В английском языке существует ряд глаголов, которые требуют прямого дополнения, т.е. являются переходными, в то время как соответствующие глаголы в русском языке являются непереходными. Такие глаголы переводятся глаголами с предлогами.

to follow – следовать (за)

to address – обращаться (к кому-либо)

to influence – влиять (на)

to attend – присутствовать (на)

to affect – влиять (на)

и др.

Yesterday the lecture was attended by a few students. Вчера на лекции присутствовали несколько студентов.

2. Некоторые глаголы могут иметь два объекта. Примерами таких глаголов являются include, buy, give, land, offer, promise, sell, take, promise, send.

Существуют 2 способа употребления этих глаголов в страдательном залоге:

a) Karen was given a present by Peter;

b) A present was given to Karen by Peter.

3. Выражение to be born - форма страдательного залога, но не имеет на самом деле значения страдательного залога.

I was born in Uruguay. Я родился в Уругвае.

4. Have something done

- Мы употребляем выражение Have something done, когда обслуживающий персонал (например, плотник, механик и др.) выполняет для нас какой-либо вид работ.

- Have может использоваться в любом времени.

We had our houses painted last year.

I ’m having my car serviced tomorrow.

I’ ve had my room decorated.

5. - Мы также употребляем Have something done, когда происходит неприятное событие.

She had house broken into.

Tim had his arm broken playing rugby.


III. Способы перевода подлежащего

Подлежащее английского предложения со сказуемым в страдательном залоге на русский язык переводится:

а) существительным (или местоимением) в именительном или винительном падежах (когда после сказуемого стоит косвенное или предложное дополнение):

A parcel has just been delivered to Mrs. Green.

Посылка была только что доставлена, миссис Грин.

Посылку только что доставили, миссис Грин;

б) существительным (местоимением) в дательном падеже (когда после сказуемого стоит прямое дополнение):

We were brought the bill. Нам принесли счет;

в) предлогом, стоящим после глагола в страдательном залоге и не относящимся к следующим за ним словам; при переводе на русский язык ставится перед тем словом, которое в английском языке является подлежащим:

He is often spoken about. О нем часто говорят.


I.. Complete each sentences with a passive verb and translate it into Russian.

1. The police questioned George. – George was questioned by the police.

2. Millions of people watch this programme. – This programme _____ by millions of people.

3. They will finish our new house at the end of the month. – Our new house _____ at the end of the month.

4. They have elected a new president. – A new president _____.

5. They are rebuilding the damaged stadium. – The damaged stadium _____.

6. They have closed the mountain road. – The mountain road _____.

7. Students write most of this magazine. – Most of this magazine _____ by students.

8. A burglar stole my television. – My television _____ by a burglar.

9. Somebody will meet you at the bus-station. – You _____ at the bus-station.

10. United won the cup last year. – Last year the cup _____ by United.


II. Underline the errors in these sentences. Rewrite each sentence and translate it into Russian.

1. Many pet dogs are losing every year. – Many pet dogs are lost every year.

2. The ill man was been taken to hospital.

3. A new bridge is be built across the river.

4. All the food at the party was ate.

5. Nothing will being decided before next Saturday.

6. The meeting is holding every Friday.

7. This book was writing by Sam’s father.


III. Rewrite each sentence with a passive verb, and so that the names of people are not mentioned.

1. The authorities have closed the casino. – The casino has been closed.

2. Someone broke into the flat last week.

3. People all over the world speak English.

4. The authorities have opened the new swimming-pool.

5. Someone left this purse in the classroom yesterday.

6. The city council has banned traffic from the city centre.

7. The clubs have postponed the match.



IV. Choose the correct word or phrase underlined in each sentence.

1. I’m having my hair/cut/to cut tomorrow.

2. The children were took/taken/taking to the seaside for the day.

3. I was sending/sent/send here by the manager.

4. Kate is having her car services/servicing/serviced tomorrow.

5. Sue had her windows breaking/broken/broke by vandals.

6. David has been offer/offering/offered a new job in Brazil.

7. Where exactly were you born/did you born/did you bear?

8. I’ve just had my like repaired/repair/repairing.


V. Rewrite each sentence beginning and ending as shown.

1. Someone stole Bob’s bike. – Bob had his bike stole.

2. John lent me this book. – This book _____ John.

3. The dentist took out one of my teeth yesterday. – Yesterday I _____ out.

4. Cairo is my place of birth. – I _____ in Cairo.

5. A rock concert ticket was sold to me by a friend. – I was _____ by a friend.

6. Someone broke into Tom’s house last week. – Tom had _____ last week.

7. When is your date of birth? – When exactly _____ born?

8. My parents gave me this ring? – I _____ parents.

Unit V

Electricity: Energy of the Future

Vocabulary Study

Word List


Nouns and noun phrases

advance appearance appliance application beam cable cycle device gear health in the case of … labour mankind property pulley range research source workshop   продвижение, успех, прогресс появление приспособление, прибор применение луч, пучок кабель цикл устройство, аппарат, прибор шестерня, зубчатая передача здоровье в случае … труд, работа человечество свойство, качество шкив, блок, ворот сфера, зона, амплитуда (научное) исследование исток, источник мастерская, цех



efficient evident expensive specific successful universal various wide   действенный, эффективный очевидный, ясный дорогой (о цене) особый, особенный, характерный успешный всеобщий, универсальный разный, разнообразный широкий


charge consume cover design double imagine improve invent light (lit) provide realize reduce replace save set up support transform turn   заряжать, загружать потреблять покрывать, охватывать проектировать, конструировать удваивать представлять, воображать улучшать(ся), совершенствовать(ся) изобретать освещать, зажигать снабжать, обеспечивать представлять себе, осуществлять понижать, сокращать заменять, замещать беречь, экономить воздвигать, устанавливать поддерживать, подкреплять преобразовывать поворачиваться, обратиться


I. Read and translate the following words. Arrange them into the groups: a) with one stress or stress on the first syllable; b) with the stress on the second syllable; c) with two or more stresses.

Pollute, natural, panel, solar, consider, non-traditional, advantage, photoelectric, expensive, tunnel, consumption, thermal-chemical, civilization, population, motorway, photocopying, power, accumulate, during, remain, electrometallurgy, environment, battery, lighting, individual, therefore, sun-powered, unlimited, mechanical, hydraulic, geothermal, transformation, concentrate, enough, area, supply.


II. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1) motor 2) device 3) beam 4) technology 5) invent 6) research 7) source 8) power 9) generate 10)reduce a) place from which something comes or is got b) cause to exist or occur, produce c) create or design (sth not existing before) d) make less, make smaller in size, number, degree, price e) change the shape, appearance, quality or nature f) something thought out, invented or adapted, for a specific purpose g) investigation undertaken in order to discover new facts h) study, mastery and utilization of manufacturing and industrial methods i) device which imparts or utilizes power (esp electric power) to produce motion, but not used of a steam engine j) ray or stream of light k) strength; force


III. Choose:

a) a noun

1. a)invent; b)inventor; c)inventive; d)invention.

2. a)transform; b)transformer; c)transformation; d)transformed.

3. a)generator; b)generative; c)generate; d)generation.

4. a)pollutant; b)pollute; c)pollution; d)polluter.


b) a verb

1. a)operation; b)operator; c)operate; d)operating.

2. a)apply; b)appliance; c)applicable; d)application.

3. a)indicator; b)indicate; c)indication; d)indicative.

4. a)producer; b)productive; c)produce; d)product.


c) an adjective

1. a) effect; b) effective; c) effectiveness; d) effectively.

2. a) vary; b) variation; c) variety; d) various.

3. a) possibility; b) possibly; c) possible; d) impossible.

4. a) power; b) powerful; c) powerless; d) powerfully.


d) an adverb

1. a) intensive; b) intensity; c) intensively; d) intensify.

2. a) mechanics; b) mechanic; c) mechanize; d) mechanically.

3. a) economy; b) economical; c) economist; d) economically.

4. a) warm; b) warmth; c) warmly; d) warmish.


IV. Define the meaning of the “x” words.


1) provide: provider

обеспечивать: x (снабженец, поставщик)

2) induce: induction

индуктировать: x

3) accumulate: accumulator

накапливать: x

4) transmit: transmission

передавать: x

5) consume: consumer

потреблять: x

6) reduce: reduction

сокращать: x

7) design: designer

проектировать: x

8) improve: improvement

улучшать: x

9) apply: application


10)combine: combination

комбинировать: x

11) populate: population

населять: x

12) operate: operator

управлять, работать: x


IV. Make adjectives from the following nouns by adding the suffixes: -al, -ful, -ic and translate them into Russian.

Industry, success, universe, economy, nature, part, power, tradition, metallurgy, theory, digit, use, logic, electricity, structure, hope, idea, form, skill, science, profession, physics, experiment, help, practice


V. Arrange the words with similar meaning of the two groups in pairs.

a) reduce, various, advance, property, application, device, latest, power, enable, reach, transform, longstanding, research, supply

b) turn to, make it possible, use, achieve, old, appliance, most recent, energy, different, investigation, progress, quality, provide, lower.


VI. Match the words with their opposites, like the example:

usual unusual
a) future 1) save
b) unlimited 2) narrow
c) with 3) backward
d) waste 4) increase
e) necessary 5) worsen
f) wide 6) past
g) cover 7) disappear
h) consume 8) limited
i) reduce 9) produce
j) improve 10) vague
k) expensive 11) unnecessary
l) advanced 12) discharge
m) appear 13) without
n) evident 14) discover
o) charge 15) cheap

VII. Match the verbs from «a» with the nouns from «b».

a) develop













b) consumption

solar power stations



new appliances

wind power

a problem

the efficiency of…

transmission shafts

a new source of energy


a battery


VIII. Complete the sentences with the words given below.

1. Electricity has many useful…: it is clean and…no by-products. 2.The latest laser devices have found…in medicine. 3. The…of electricity has doubled every ten years. 4. We have many various electric…in our houses. 5. The generator…batteries that had been used before. 6. That electricity is clean and easily-regulated is its great…. 7. Our lives have been completely transformed with…of electricity. 8. A combination of electric lines and networks are being…throughout the country. 9. Electric power has become…. 10. The…of nation development is how much electricity is consumed per capita.

Advantage, appliances, universal, set up, appearance, indicator, replaced, application, properties, consumption, generates.


IX. Translate into English.

Эффективное применение этого устройства, проектировать новую электростанцию, снижать потребление энергии, заряжать аккумулятор, универсальные свойства, очевидный успех, улучшать здоровье людей, устанавливать линии связи, заменять старые источники энергии, осуществлять международный проект, экономить ресурсы, дорогие приборы, преобразовывать одни виды энергии в другие, совершенствовать электрогенератор, появление новых нетрадиционных источников энергии.


A. Text Study

I. Is look at the title. What do you think this reading will be about?

Text A




It is impossible to imagine our civilization without electricity: economic and social progress will be turned to the past and our daily lives completely transformed.

Electrical power has become universal. Thousands of applications of electricity such as lighting, electrochemistry and electrometallurgy are longstanding and unquestionable.

With the appearance of the electrical motor, power cables replaced transmission shafts, gear wheels, belts and pulleys1 in the 19th century workshops. And in the home a whole range of various time and labour saving appliances2 have become a part of our everyday lives.

Other devices are based on specific properties of electricity: electrostatics in the case of photocopying machine and electromagnetism in the case of radar and television. These applications have made electricity most widely used.

The first industrial application was in the silver workshops in Paris. The generator – a new compact source of electricity – was also developed there. The generator replaced the batteries and other devices that had been used before.

Electric lighting came into wide use at the end of the last century with the development of the electric lamp by Thomas Edison. Then the transformer was invented, the first electric lines and networks were set up, dynamos and induction motors3 were designed.

Since the beginning of the 20-th century the successful development of electricity has begun throughout the industrial world. The consumption of electricity has doubled every ten years.

Today consumption of electricity per capita4 is an indicator of the state of development and economic health of a nation. Electricity has replaced other sources of energy as it has been realized that it offers improved service and reduced cost.

One of the greatest advantages of electricity is that it is clean, easily-regulated and generates no by-products5. Applications of electricity now cover all fields of human activity from house washing machines to the latest laser devices. Electricity is the efficient source of some of the most recent technological advances such as the laser and electron beams. Truly6 electricity provides mankind with the energy of the future.


Notes to the Next


1) transmission shafts, gear wheels, belts and pulleys – трансмиссионные валы, зубчатые колёса, ремни и блоки

2) time and labour saving appliances – электроприборы, экономящие время и труд

3) induction motors – индукционные моторы

4) per capita – на душу населения

5) by-products – побочные продукты

6) truly – поистине


II. Read the text again carefully and answer the questions.

1. Why is it simply impossible to imagine our civilization without electricity?

2. What industrial applications of electricity do you know?

3. What home applications of electricity can you recollect?

4. Where was the generator developed?

5. What devices did the generator replace?

6. Who invented the electric lamp?

7. Do you know who invented the dynamo?

8. When did the successful development of electricity begin?

9. What does the consumption of electricity per capita indicate today?

10. Why has electricity replaced other sources of energy?

11. What spheres of human activity do applications of electricity cover?

12. What recent technological advances does electricity provide?


III. Which of the vocabulary units used in paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 5 could be regarded as international words?

IV. Read the translation of the last paragraph. Compare it with the original and say if everything is right.

Одним из самых больших преимуществ электрической энергии является то, что она чистая, легко управляемая и не дает никаких побочных продуктов. В наше время электричество обеспечивает все сферы человеческой деятельности, от домашних стиральных машин до новейших лазерных устройств. Электричество является эффективным источником для самых последних технологических изобретений, таких как лазер и электронные лучи. Поистине электричество обеспечивает человечество энергией будущего.


V. Find the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations in paragraphs 4-7.

Новый компактный источник, первые электрические линии и сети, потребление электричества, особенные свойства электричества, мастерские по изготовлению изделий из серебра, наиболее широко используемое, по всему индустриальному миру, в конце прошлого века, заменил батареи и другие приборы, изобрести трансформатор, успешное развитие электричества


VI. Find passages about industrial applications of electricity and translate them into Russian.

VII. Choose a passage and read it aloud (1-2 minutes).

VIII. Find out the subject-matter and the means of its secondary expression. e.g. I like your report on electricity. It is made with great enthusiasm.

IX. Find key words, phrases and the topic sentences which express the general meaning of each paragraph best of all.

X. Using the information obtained from the paragraphs make a plan of the text.

XI. Speak about electricity and its applications using key words, phrases, the topic sentences and the plan of the text.

B. Text Study

I. Look at the title of the text. Make your predictions about the content of it. Read the text and answer the questions.

a) How is the problem of power supply for distant areas being solved at present?

b) What are the advantages of solar power?


Text B


Most people living in towns consider it a usual thing that streets are lit at night. But street lights need a power supply (источник энергии) therefore distant areas with no source of electricity remain in darkness until the sun comes up again.

With new appliances now offered by several British firms, many distant places could be lit with solar-powered street lights. It may seem strange that the lamps can use the power of the sun which shines by day when the lamps are needed at night, but they work by using energy accumulated during the day from a solar panel. The solar panel produces electricity which charges a battery. When the sun goes down the battery power is then used for lighting. Each lamp has its own panel so the system can be used for one individual light or a number of them.

In the south of Saudi Arabia a motorway tunnel miles from any power supply is lit day and night by solar-powered devices. The solar panels provide power during the day and charge batteries which accumulate enough power to light the tunnel at night. The generation of electricity by batteries is still expensive but the advantage of sun-powered lamps is that they can bring light to areas distant from any other power supply.

There is one more advantage of solar power: not only it is unlimited, but also its use does not pollute the environment. That is why it is very important to develop devices which make it possible to transform solar power into mechanical or electric forms of power.


II. Read the text and define whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Street lights do not need a power supply nowadays.

2. Distant areas with a source of electricity never remain in darkness.

3. With new appliances now offered by several American firms, many distant places could be lit with solar-powered street lights.

4. A motorway tunnel in Saudi Arabia is lit day and night by wind-powered devices.

5. The generation of electricity by batteries is rather expensive.

6. There is one more disadvantage of solar power: its use does not pollute the environment.

7. The development of devices which make it possible to transform solar power into mechanical or electric forms of power is very important.


III. Expand the sentences.

1. Distant areas with no source of electricity remain in darkness.

2. Several British firms have offered new appliances.

3. The lamps can use the power of the sun at night.

4. Each lamp has its own panel.

5. The generation of electricity by batteries is still expensive.


IV. Now decide which of the following statements express important ideas or supporting details for this reading.

1. a) Streets in cities, towns and some villages are lit at night.

b) Street lights need a power supply.

c) The sun does not shine at night.

2. a) Electricity is a source of light as well as heat.

b) Almost all metals are good conductors of electricity.

c) Several British firms have offered new devices using solar light.

3. a) No other source of energy has been so widely used as electricity.

b) The solar panel produces electricity which charges the battery.

c) Each lamp has its own solar panel.

4. a) Solar power is beneficial means of energy.

b) One of the advantages of solar power is that it doesn’t pollute the environment.

c) Sun-powered lamps can bring light to areas distant from any other power supply.

V. Find the words and word combinations – carriers of the primary and the secondary information in paragraphs 3 and 4.

VI. Define the function of commas and a colon in paragraphs 2 and 4.

VII. Find out the means of connection between clauses, parts of the sentence and sentences.

VIII. Arrange the sentences in the logical order according to the text.

1. Solar power is unlimited.

2. The solar panel produces electricity which charges a battery.

3. A motorway tunnel in Saudi Arabia is lit day and night by solar-powered devices.

4. Streets in cities and towns are lit at night.

5. The generation of electricity by batteries is still expensive.

6. Solar power does not pollute the environment.

7. Distant areas with no source of electricity remain in darkness.

8. When the sun goes down the battery power is then used for lighting.


IX. Give the main points of the text in 4-5 sentences.

C. Text Study


I. Translate the text into Russian.



Text C



It is known that much is being done in the world today for the development of non-traditional sources of energy. Without them the Earth cannot support its present population of 5 billion people and probably 8 billion people in the 21st century.

Now we are using traditional power sources, that is oil, natural gas, coal and water power with the consumption of more than 50 billion barrels per year. It is evident that these sources are not unlimited.

That is why it is so important to use such renewable sources of energy as the sun, wind, geothermal energy and others. Research is being carried out in these fields.

One of the most promising (перспективный) research is the development of power stations with direct transformation of solar energy into electricity on the basis of photoeffect. It was Russia that was the first in the world to develop and test a photoelectric battery of 32,000 volts and effective area of only 0.5 sq.m., which made it possible to concentrate solar radiation. This idea is now being intensively developed in many countries.

However, the efficiency of a solar power station is considerably reduced because of the limited time of its work during the year. But it is possible to improve the efficiency of solar power station by developing different combinations of solar power stations and traditional ones–thermal, atomic and hydraulic. Today some engineers are working at the problem of developing electric power stations with the use of a thermal-chemical cycle. It will operate on products of the transformation of solar energy, whereas the “solar” chemical reactor uses CO2 and water steam of the thermal power station. The result is that we have a closed cycle.

All these advances in developing new sources of energy and improving the old ones help to solve the energy problem as a whole and they do not have negative effects on the environment.


Grammar Study


Функции глаголов ‘should’ и ‘would’

Should Would
1 2
1. Вспомогательный глагол, употребляемый в косвенной речи во временной форме Future – in – the Past (будущее в прошедшем).
I said that I should come in time. Я сказал, что приеду вовремя. He said that he would come in time. Он сказал, что приедет вовремя.
2. Вспомогательный глагол, употребляемый в сослагательном наклонении. а) в условных предложениях
We should introduce this method if it were efficient. Мы бы внедрили этот метод, если бы он был эффективным. They would introduce this method if it were efficient. Они бы внедрили этот метод, если бы он был эффективным.
б) в придаточных предложениях
После оборотов it’s important (важно), necessary (необходимо), required (требуется), desirable (желательно) и др. that … It is necessary that you should finish your work on time. Вам необходимо заканчивать работу вовремя. После глаголов suggest (предлагать), insist (настаивать),demand (требовать), recommend (рекомендовать) и др. that… He insists that you should do it at once. Он настаивает на том, чтобы вы это сделали немедленно. В обстоятельственных предложениях цели We took a taxi so that we should not miss the train. Мы взяли такси, чтобы не опоздать на поезд. После глагола ‘to wish’ I wish she would come soon. (impossible wish for a future change) Я хотела, чтобы она пришла поскорее. (Жаль, что она придет нескоро) (нереальное желание, относящееся к будущему).
  в) в простых предложениях To go there would be useless. Идти туда было бы бесполезно.



1 2
3. Модальные глаголы
а) моральное обязательство, долг You should be always polite. You should not tell lies. Следует всегда быть вежливым. Не следует врать; б) неодобрение прошлых действий (с перфектным инфинитивом) You shouldn’t have done it. Тебе не следовало это делать; в) совет You should see a doctor. Ты должен сходить к врачу (Тебе следовало бы сходить к врачу) г) естественное, ожидаемое действие. He should be at home now. Он, должно быть, сейчас дома. а) волевой акт, хотение (по отношению к прошлому) She was going away and would not tell us where she was going. Она уезжала и не желала сказать, куда едет; б) упорство, настойчивость I asked him not to bang the door, but he would do it. Я просила его не хлопать дверью, но он все равно продолжал,
  а также для повторяющихся действий и заведённого порядка (в прошлом) Grandma would always make me porridge for breakfast. Бабушка обычно варила мне кашу на завтрак (также: used to) (бывало) и в вежливых просьбах Would you / Would you mind…? Would you open the door, please? Не могли бы вы…? Не возражаете ли вы…? Не могли бы вы открыть дверь?

Многофункциональные слова

  Предлог Союз Наречие
  1 2 3
Since (+существительное, местоимение, герундий) не употребляется в начале предложения We haven’t seen him since the end of the week. Мы не видели его с (конца) прошлой недели. - в придаточных предложениях времени We haven’t seen him since he moved to Moscow. Мы не видели его с тех пор, как он переехал в Москву - в придаточных предложениях причины Since the lunchroom was full, she sat at our table. Так как в столовой было много людей, она села за наш столик. в конце предложе-ний We haven’t seen him since. С тех пор мы его не видели.
  1 2 3
For Выражает: 1) время I shall stay there for some days. Я остановлюсь там на несколько дней 2) цель This story is written for children. Этот рассказ написан для детей 3) цены for 20 dollars за 20$ 4) причину for many reasons по многим причинам. в придаточных предложениях причины We can’t start the engine for there is no fuel in the tank. Мы не можем завести двигатель, т.к. в баке нет бензина. -
As   1) в придаточных предложениях времени As the train was approaching the station, we went to the platform. Когда поезд подходил к станции, мы пошли на платформу. 2) в придаточных предложениях причины As it was getting dark, I took the tram. Я поехал на трамвае, т.к. стало темнеть. 3) в придаточных предложениях образа действия She did exactly as I told her. Она поступила именно так, как я ей сказал. 4) в придаточных предложениях сравнения We were going up the road as fast as we could. Мы шли по дороге так быстро, как только могли. He works as an engineer. Он работает инжене-ром.
Because   В придаточных предложениях причины They couldn’t start the experiment earlier because all the necessary equipment hadn’t been installed. Они не могли начать эксперимент раньше в связи с тем, что было установлено не все необходимое оборудование.  
  1 2 3
Because of   We have chosen this woolen sweater because of its good quality. Мы выбрали этот шерстяной свитер из-за его хорошего качества.  
As well as     He came as well as John. Он пришел, так же как и Джон. (Пришел он, а также Джон)
As to They inquired as to the actual reason of his late arrival. Они осведомились о (настоящей) причине его опоздания.    
Due to This is due to the raise of temperature. Это происходит из-за (благодаря) повышения температуры.    

to be due to (predicative – именная часть сказуемого)


Flight BA 502 from Miami is due to arrive in a few minutes.

Ожидается, что самолет рейсом ВА-502 из Майами приземлится через несколько минут.

Следующие союзы употребляются в начале придаточных предложений: а) причины:since, for, as, because; б) времени: since, as; в) образа действия: as.


Both…and…, either…or…, neither…nor….

Данные союзы связывают части сложносочиненного предложения либо однородные члены в простом предложении.

I am fond of music, both ancient and modern.

My sister and I both helped him.

Either I or he will go.

Neither he nor I went.

Я увлекаюсь музыкой, как старинной, так и современной.

Как моя сестра, так и я помогли ему.

Уйдет либо он, либо я.

Ни он и ни я не пошли.

Сослагательное наклонение

Глаголы в сослагательном наклонении выражают желаемое, предполагаемое или нереальное действие. В современном английском языке синтетические формы сослагательного наклонения, совпадающие с инфинитивом, употребляются редко. Чаще употребляются аналитические формы, состоящие из модальных глаголов ‘should, would, may, might’ и инфинитива. Для того, чтобы выразить нереальное действие, используется ’смещение времени’ – глаголы в прошедшем времени выражают нереальное действие в настоящем, а формы Past Perfect – в прошлом.

Сослагательное наклонение обычно употребляется в придаточных предложениях после оборотов “it is necessary, it is required” и др.; в дополнительных придаточных предложениях после глаголов ‘order, command, suggest, insist’, а также глагола ‘wish’; в обстоятельственных придаточных предложениях цели и нереального условия.

It is required that pupils should come in time.

I suggest that you should read it yourself.

I wish I had that book.

We wished they would tell us everything.

Write down all these words lest you should forget them.

If you were more attentive, you’d study better.

Требуется, чтобы учащиеся приходили вовремя.

Я полагаю, тебе следует прочесть это самому.

Жаль, что у меня нет этой книги

Жаль, что они не рассказали нам обо всем.

Запиши все эти слова, чтобы не забыть их.

Если бы ты был более внимательным, ты бы учился лучше.

Условные предложения


Типы условных предложений Ситуация / условие Союзы / союзные слова
1. Изъявительное наклонение реальное условие, относящиеся к настоящему, прошедшему или будущему времени; If unless even if but for in case etc если если не даже если если бы не в случае при условии, что и т.д.
2. Сослагатель-ное наклонение нереальное условие 1) невероятное действие, относящееся к настоящему или будущему времени 2) маловероятное, но возможное действие; а также употребляется в предложениях, выражающих совет;
3. Сослагатель-ное наклонение нереальное условие, относящееся к действию, не имевшему места в прошлом, хотя и возможному, а также используется для выражения сожаления, критики, неодобрения.

Придаточное предложение условия, предшествующее главному предложению, отделяется запятой. Существуют также смешанные типы условных предложений. Вероятны любые комбинации временных форм глаголов, в зависимости от контекста. Например: If she had finished it yesterday, she wouldn’t be doing it now.

Если бы она закончила это вчера, то не делала бы это сейчас.

Во всех трех типах условных предложений союзы / союзные слова: if, provided и др. могут быть опущены. В придаточном предложении встречаются такие глаголы, как had, were, could, might, should. В таком случае имеет место обратный порядок слов.

Например: Если он придет, то пусть подождет меня. - Should he come, let him wait for me.

Если бы она была специалистом в данной области, мы бы показали ей новую установку. – Were she a specialist in this field, we should show her the new installation.

Возможность, вероятность, предположение,

граничащее с уверенностью

Предположение, близкое к уверенности



Логическая неизбежность ‘must’ + неперфектный инфинитив общего вида (ситуация в настоящем или будущем) ‘must’ + перфектный инфинитив (ситуация в прошлом) You must be hungry after such a long walk. Вы, должно быть, проголодались после долгой прогулки. She must have been very worried when she heard about the accident. Она, должно быть, очень разволновалась, услышав о несчастном случае.
Уверенность, что логически это невозможно ‘can’t / couldn’t’ + неперфектный инфинитив общего вида (в настоящем и будущем) ‘can’t / couldn’t’ + перфектный инфинитив (в прошлом) ‘can’t’ выражает действие, противоположное тому, что выражено глаголом ‘must’ Surely she can’t be fifty. She looks much younger. Не может быть, чтобы ей было 50. Она выглядит гораздо моложе. You can’t have locked the door. It was open when I came home Не может быть, чтобы ты закрыл дверь на замок. Она была открыта, когда я пришел домой. It can’t be true. It must be a lie. Это не может быть правдой. Должно быть, это ложь.
Мы надеемся, что действие произошло, но не уверены в этом Ought to / should + перфектный инфинитив (ситуация в прошлом) Has Jim come yet? He ought to / should have come an hour ago. Джим уже пришел? Он должен был прийти час назад.
Действие теоретически возможно Can + неперфектный инфинитив There can be a thunderstorm today. Baby tigers look cuddly, but in fact they can be very dangerous. Сегодня, возможно, будет гроза. Тигрята выглядят милыми, но на самом деле, они могут быть весьма опасными.
  Возможно, предположитель-но (сомнение, неуверенность) “may (not) might (not) / could + неперфектный инфинитив общего или длительного вида (в настоящем или будущем) may (not) / might (not) / could + перфектный инфинитив (ситуация в прошлом) Look on that shelf, your scarf may/might/could be there. Загляни на полку, возможно, твой шарф там. I won’t phone now, they may/might/could be having lunch. Я не хочу звонить им сейчас, может быть, они обедают. She looks very unhappy. She may/might/could have lost her job. Она выглядит очень несчастной. Возможно, она потеряла работу.
  Вероятность (правдоподобие)
  Нечто является вероятным, предполагаемое / ожидаемое действие Ought to / should + неперфектный инфинитив (ситуация в настоящем или будущем) There ought to/should be much fruit this year. Видимо, в этом году будет много фруктов.

Для выражения возможности выполнить действие в вопросительных предложениях не употребляется глагол ‘may’. Возможность выражается следующими способами:

Can she? Could he? Is she likely to? Is it likely that? Might he?

Например: Сможет ли он выиграть? – Is he likely to win?

I. Translate into Russian.


1. If you study hard, you will pass your exams successfully.

2. If I stay here, I shall take part in your work.

3. He will achieve better results provided he applies this method.

4. In case we fulfill this task, we shall write an article.

5. My report will be ready tomorrow, providing I have all the necessary materials.



1. If he were present at the lecture, he would not make so many mistakes in this paper.

2. He would finish his project unless he were ill.

3. We should do our best to show our skill provided we were given this work.

4. If they had time, they would complete the work sooner.

5. In case I saw him, I could speak to him.



1. He could have made that great discovery earlier if he had had better conditions for work.

2. I should not have agreed to take part in your research unless I had been sure of its significance.

3. In case I have understood the importance of the matter, I should have acted differently.

4. Unless they had studied programming, they would not have compiled the program.

5. If the mechanic had been there, he might have repaired the device.


II. Write these sentences putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If you drove more carefully, you (not have) so many accidents.

If you drove more carefully, you wouldn’t have so many accidents.

2. If he (get up) earlier, he’d get to work on time.

If he got up earlier, he’d get to work on time.

3. If we (have) more time, I could tell you more about it.

4. If you (sell) more products, you’d earn more money.

5. I could help you if you (trust) me more.

6. His car would be a lot safer if he (buy) some new tyres.

7. I wouldn’t mind having children if we (live) in the country.

8. If I (be) you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.

9. If I (have) any money, I’d give you some.

10. Your parents (be) a lot happier if you phoned them more often.

11. Where would you like to live if you (not live) in Paris?

12. What would you do if you suddenly (win) half a million pounds?

13. Would you mind it if I (not give) you the money I owe you today?

14. If I had to go to hospital, I (not go) to this one.


III. Define grammar functions of “should” and “would” in the following sentences:

Modal verbs:

Reported speech:

Subjective Mood (and Conditionals):

1. When Marta was younger she would work day and night to feed her family. Time and again I would see her coming very tired.

2. We should finish the work in time, provided they had necessary equipment.

3. We waited till evening, but the thunderstorm would not cease.

4. We assured our supervisor that we should be able to overcome all the difficulties in our research.

5. The measurements should have been made with greater accuracy.

6. Had you reached an agreement on the problem, the results would have been obtained by now.

7. “You should take more exercise,” the doctor said.

8. Tom promised his father that he would clean the car the following day.

9. I don’t have time, but if I had more time, I would go to the gym.

10. It is very important that you should take part in the discussion.

11. Everybody required that the new methods of management should be taken into consideration while making the program.

12. Would you mind typing this report for me?

13. He asked me when they would be through with that experiment.

14. I wish that this new method would be applied.

15. You should be hungry now.


IV. Define the functions of since, as, for, because, because of.

1. I have a small car because it’s more economic to run.

2. But economics as an academic discipline is relatively new.

3. A basic understanding of economics is essential for citizens.

4. Since that time the subject has developed rapidly.

5. He’s been running the company for ten years.

6. Because there are no others to consult, the owner has absolute control over the use of the company’s resources.

7. It’s a pity we haven’t made any calculations since.

8. People accept money in exchange for goods and services.

9. At the same time money also acts as a unit of accounts.

10. Since time is money, make sure your system is comprehensible.

11. As our knowledge grows and we increase our skill, we can exploit more and more of opportunities that nature offers to us.

12. I’ve bought this house because of its external.

13. She is not so quiet now as she was in her childhood.


1. Prepositions ……… 2. Conjunctions ………3. Adverbs ………





Unit I


a) filament current cathode diode grid oxide plate   a) increase invention electron substantial apply control emit supply b) utilize insulate amplifier rectifier evacuate  


II. 1-f; 2-c; 3-b; 4-a; 5-d; 6-e; 7-g; 8-h; 9-i; 10-j.

III. a) 1-b; 2-c; 3-a

b) 1-b

c) 1-b

V. Substantial, active, static, utilizable, chargeable, circuitous, electronic, inventive.

VI To amplify – to strengthen, enclosure – fencing, flow – current, to supply – to provide, tube – valve, power – energy, substantial – real, to act – to do, to apply – to use, to cause – to occasion, to coat – to cover, to control – to regulate, to emit – to radiate, to place – to put, to state – to confirm.

VII a-4; b-3; c-5; d-1; e-2; f-6; g-7; h-8; i-9; g-10.

Grammar Study

I. a) do you go

d) are you waiting

a) doesn’t know

b) I‘m having

c) do you leave

d) is happening

e) do you know

f) I‘m having

g) doesn‘t work

h) are you doing

II. a) does Sue Live

b) you know Jim

c) are you doing at the moment

d) you sitting here

d) we change trains here

e) are you wearing two pullovers

f) David staving with Tom

g) does Kate come home

III. a) Naomi Bill aren‘t watching television.

b) Peter doesn‘t like chocolate cake.

c) Carol doesn‘t drive a little red sports car.

a) I’m not using this pencil at the moment.

b) The children aren‘t having lunch in the kitcher.

c) The sun doesn‘t set in the east.

d) I don‘t get up early on Saturday.

e) Kate isn‘t writing a novel.

f) Sue doesn‘t live in London.

g) We aren‘t waiting for you.

IV. a) 2

b) 1

c) 1

d) 2

e) 1

f) 2

g) 2


V. a) I don‘t believe

b) has

c) I‘m leaving

d) are you doing

e) You are being

f) I‘m driving

g) are we eating

h) tastes

i)are you going

J)I don‘t understand

d) understand

VI. 1) hate

2) are you going with

3) do you wear

4) think

5) doesn‘t usually sit

6) are you looking at

7) does this bus stop

8) am not taking/is giving

9) eats

10) Do you know

11) are you staring

12) do you speak

13) is staying

14) are putting

15) Are they speaking

VII. a) B:2; b) B:2; c) B:1; d) B:1; e) B:1; f) B:1.

VIII. 1) is goining / is going to join

2) won’t be

3) will snow

4) am goinig out

5) are going to knock

6) will probably ride

7) is going to give / is giving

8) am going

9) are going to hit

10) will probably win

Unit II

I. a) technical, system, process, program, sequence, logical, modern, govern

b) machine, industrial, control, importance, objective, employment, fulfill, require, technique

c) possibility, automatic, information, subdivision, computation, reliability

II. solve problems

pave the way

develop principles

work out the algorithms

perform operations

fulfill the program

utilize techniques

govern processes

transmit information

IX. 1) technical possibilities

2) cybernetics

3) engineering sciences

4) technical cybernetics

5) objectives

6) control algorithms

7) programs

8) systems

9) are applied

Text B


Unit III


a) problem, mobile, ticket, message, user, nowadays, Internet, cellular, ordinary, telephone, tendency, different, wireless.

b) mankind, technology, transmit, compare, conception, enormous, expose, device.

c) communication, apparatus, operation, application, exhibition, electronic, television.


1 h; 2 j; 3 f; 4 k; 5 b; 6 g; 7 e; 8 d; 9 a; 10 c; 11 i.


a) 1. c. 2. a. 3. b. 4. a. b) 1. a. 2. c. 3. c. 4. b. c) 1. a. 2. c. 3. a. 4. b. 5. a. d) 1. b. 2. a. 3. b. 4. a.


Technological, electronic, operational, speedy, spherical (spheric), voiceless, helpful (helpless), theatrical, sensible (sensless), breakable.


1/h; 2/d; 3/k; 4/a; 5/l; 6/b; 7/j; 8/e; 9/o; 10/f; 11/c; 12/i; 13/g; 14/m; 15/n.


a/7; b/6; c/1; d/9; e/2; f/8; g/4; h/10; i/3; j/5.


1. cellular; 2. “know-how”; 3. subscribers; 4. non-business; 5. data; 6. Mobile, communication; 7. Web; 8. Internet, video; 9. net; 10. electronic.

Text Study. Text B.


2, 5, 1, 4, 3


Grammar Study

Времена группы Perfect


1) Has your sister written

2) have had

3) has never seen

4) has stolen

5) have not slept

6) have just broken

7) hasn’t won

8) Have you ever eaten


1) always

2) ever

3) just

4) yet

5) for

6) never

7) so far

8) often

9) already



a) haven’t been on a plane

b) my pen has

c) have left

d) have just seen

e) haven’t finished (writing)

f) you been to South America

g) have left

h) have not spoken

i) Anna/she woken


1) went/found/had stolen

2) met/knew/had met

3) got off/was walking/realized/had left



a) had broken

b) wanted

c) had stolen

d) thought

e) had done

f) needed

g) did not know

h) had flown

i) had been

j) took place



a) 2/4, b) 1, c) 8, d) 3, e) 5, f) 2/4, g) 7.


Времена группы Perfect Continuous


1) has just stolen

2) left

3) I lost

4) I’ve decided

5) It’s started

6) have visited

7) I’ve been standing

8) has been

9) went



1) Have you seen

2) have been studying/have not finished

3) have been phoning/has gone

4) Have you heard/has robbed

5) Have broken/has written



1) has gone

2) have been learning

3) haven’t finished

4) just left

5) have written / have finished

6) haven’t been

7) haven’t eaten

8) forgotten

9) has changed




1) They had been playing football.

2) Somebody had been smoking in the room.

3) She had been dre

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