ancient before
lecture full-time study
after new
distance training tutorial
enter graduate from
Подберите пары слов, имеющиe сходное значение, из колонок А и В.
teacher tutorial
tuition higher educational institution
higher school semester
seminar study
term old
ancient tutor
Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из колонок А и В.
higher fee
tuition classes
attend degree
Master’s study
Doctor of school
further philosophy
4.10. Прочитайте текст ещё раз и скажите, соответствуют ли следующие утверждения содержанию текста. Используйте следующий образец: Yes, it is true. (Если соответствует содержанию текста).
No, it is false. (Предложите правильный вариант).
1. There are not many universities in Great Britain.
2. There are no colleges in Great Britain.
3. Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities in Great Britain.
4. Redbrick universities were founded between 1750 and 1930.
5. London University is а Redbrick university.
6. New universities appeared before the First World War.
7. Open University offers a distance learning.
8. One can get a Bachelor’s Degree after two years of study.
9. Master’s Degree is the highest degree at universities in UK.
10. Students can get a Doctor’s Degree after seven or more years of scientific work at university.
Подберите к каждому вопросу в колонке А соответствующий вариант ответа из колонки В.
1. What types of higher schools a) New Universities were founded in
are there in Great Britain? large industrial cities.
2. What universities were founded b) The first degree is a Bachelor’s
in large industrial cities? Degree.
3. What university offers only c) Doctor of Philosophy is
distance learning? the highest degree in British
4. What is the first degree in British higher schools.
higher schools? d) Open University provides people
5. What is Doctor of Philosophy? with distance learning.
e) There are universities, colleges of
higher education and polytechnics
in Great Britain.
Закончите предложения из колонки А соответствующим вариантом из колонки В.
1. Oxford and Cambridge were a)…аncient, Redbrick, Open,
founded … New.
2. The main types of universities b)… a result of Industrial Revolution.
in Great Britain are …
3. New universities appeared as … c)… Bachelor, Master and Doctor.
4. A student of British higher d)… in 12th and 13th centuries.
school can gеt a degree of a …
4.13. Заполните таблицу:
Type of a university | Main feature(characteristic) |
1. Ancient (old) universities | |
2. Redbrick universities | |
3. New universities | |
4. Open University |
4.14. Расположите названия частей текста (4.5) в соответствии
с содержанием. Прочитайте каждую часть.
The degrees you can get in British universities.
New universities.
Ancient universities.
Higher educational institutions in Great Britain.
Redbrick universities.
Open University.
Составьте вопросы к каждой части текста и устно дайте на них ответы.
Выберите и поставьте вместо пропусков соответствующее местоимение (Personal Pronouns in Nominative or Objective Case, Possessive Pronouns). Переведите получившиеся предложения.
I – me – my
1. ______ favorite subject is mathematics.
2. ______ study mathematics.
3. Tell _____ about the exams.
We – us – our
1. _____ don’t pay for _____ education.
2._____ tutor told _____ to do all the tasks.
You – your
1. ____ test is not good.
2. ____ can get a Bachelor’s degree after three years of study in university.
3. Thank ____ for ____ help.
She – her
1. ____ mother is a teacher.
2. ____ was a student of Oxford University.
3. You can ask ____.
He – him – his
1. ____ passed ____ exams in October.
2._____ parents told ____ about tuition fees.
It – its
1. ____ is a very interesting type of a university.
2. University sends ____ students lecture materials and tasks.
3. Give ___ to your teacher.
They – them – their
1. ____ were founded between 1850 and 1930.
2. The material for ____ construction was red brick.
3. British government can help ____ with the grant.
Расскажите о высшем образовании в Великобритании, используя план упр.4.14.