1. Have you had a chance to look … our proposal yet?
2. Congratulations! You have succeeded … getting the contract.
3. The growing use … microcomputers has brought benefits … almost anyone who wants to take advantage … them.
4. National offices … the same organization usually vary … terms … corporate culture.
5. Financial institutions use information systems to help determine whether a business applying … a loan is a good risk.
6. Computers and information systems provide the means to gather and manage the necessary information to keep pace … change.
7. The Managing Director has chosen two candidates … the post … the project manager.
8. We are thinking … setting up a joint venture, but we would like some more information … the trading possibilities.
Ex. VI. Find examples of verbals in the above text. State their forms and functions. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
Ex. VII Translate into English.
Міжнародний Валютний Фонд, заснований після другої світової війни, розширює кредитування країни з фінансовими труднощами. Однак, люди цих країн інколи звинувачують МВФ в тому, що він являє собою “знаряддя імперіалізму”, або “охоронця великих банків Нью-Йорку”.
Причина цієї ворожості полягає в тому, що в обмін на ці позики МВФ часто вимагає від країн накладання певних обмежень (restrictions) на їх економіку. Призначенням цих обмежень, в першу чергу, є попередити повторення подій, що призвели до фінансових проблем. Для робітника фабрики, наприклад, це може означати зменшення реальної заробітної плати, а для пенсіонера меншу державну пенсію.
Багато позик приватних банків країнам з економікою, що розвивається, є досі під загрозою несплати (default). Кількість грошей настільки велика, що неспроможність повернути позики може залишити найбільші американські банки поза бізнесом.
Як результат, МВФ спробував кілька стратегій, щоб допомогти країнам у скрутному матеріальному становищі (countries in difficulty) оплатити їхні позики.
· Позичити країні-боржнику гроші, які вона потребує, щоб здійснити сплату.
· Прохати країни-боржники вжити суворих заходів, які дадуть їм достатньо грошей, щоб повернути їхні борги.
· Вимагати від банків кредиторів зменшувати процентну ставку на їхні позики та подовжити боржникам строк для виплати.
Ex. VIII. Speak on the problems this country faces and how these problems might be solved.
Grammar: Gerunds Versus Infinitives. Verbals Review
Test your grammar
Ex. I. Read a short story about G.B.Shaw (1856-1950), a famous dramatist and critic of Irish origin, who lived and worked in England all his life. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets.
When George Bernard Shaw was still a young music critic, he was once invited to a party. When he came into the sitting-room, the daughter of the house was playing the piano. As soon as she saw who the guest was, she stopped (playing/to play) and said to him, “I’ve heard that you are very fond of (listening/to listen) to good music!”
“I am,” Shaw replied, “but never mind go on (playing/to play).”
Ex. II. Are the verbs “stop”, “go on”, “be fond of” followed by an infinitive or –ing form?
Grammar Notes
The following guidelines may be helpful in deciding whether to choose a gerund or an infinitive.
1. Use an Infinitive after verbs that express possibility of activity or activities that haven’t happened. Verbs followed by infinitives often express stages in reaching a goal or carrying out a plan.
I want to see that film.
He hopes to go with me.
We need to borrow a car to get there.
She promised to take us.
2. Use a Gerund after verbs that are factual or suggest that an action has been completed.
I enjoy going to movies. (factual)
He admits talking to her. (He has already talked to her.)
He denies saying that she was foolish. (He denies that he said it.)
3. Use a Gerund after a verb+preposition.
I am looking forward to hearing her read her poetry next week.
She objects to appearing before large audience.
There are, of course, exceptions to the general rules.
To do that was stupid. (completed)
He just happened to be at home when I called. (completed)
The exam turned out to be quite difficult. (completed)
I plan on seeing her tomorrow. (potential activity)
An infinitive or a gerund can follow these verbs. The meanings are more or less the same:
- feelings: like, live, prefer, can’t bear, can’t stand, hate;
- actions: begin, start, continue;
- permission and intention: allow, permit, intend.
I like going to plays.
I prefer sitting in the balcony.
I like to go to plays.
I prefer to sit in the balcony.
The verbs “remember”, “try” and “stop” can be followed by either the gerund or infinitive, but the meanings are different.
I remembered ordering tickets for the play. (I recall that I ordered them. I ordered them; then I remembered.)
I remembered to order tickets for the play. (I didn’t forget to order them. I remembered; then I ordered them.)
I stopped ordering tickets by mail. (I no longer order tickets that way.)
I stopped to order my tickets for Friday night. (I stopped what I was doing to order my tickets.)
I tried talking to the manager about better seats, but he wasn’t there. (I talked to the manager about giving me better seats.)
I tried to talk to the manager about better seats, but he wasn’t there. (I attempted to talk to the manager, but I didn’t see him.)