






Ex. VI. Find the examples of participles in the previous text. State their forms and functions. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

Ex. VII. Questions for discussion:

1. What are different types of customers?

2. What types of utility are more important for each group of customers?

Ex. VIII. Translate into English:


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Grammar: The Participle


Ex. I. Read the text about Walter Raleigh (1552-1618), a famous English admiral, explorer, statesman, and writer.

Walter Raleigh sailed across the seas in search of new lands for his queen, Elisabeth I. Coming back from one of his expeditions to America, he brought with him some pipes and tobacco plants as he wanted to grow them in England. Some Indians taught him to smoke a pipe during one of his expeditions and he became quite fond of it.

One evening, soon after his return home, Raleigh was sitting in his study, writing and smoking a pipe, when his servant came in with a letter. He had never seen anybody smoking before, and when he saw smoke coming out of his masters nose and mouth, he was sure the poor man was on fire. He ran out of the study, found a pail of water, and was back again in on time. He lifted the pail and threw the water all over his master, before Raleigh could stop him.

The italicised words in the text are the examples of Participle I.

The participle is a non-finite form of the verb which has a verbal and an adjectival or an adverbial character.

There are two participles in English Participle I (The Present Participle) and Participle II (The Past Participle).

Look through the text above and answer:

How is Participle I formed?

The Forms and Uses of Participle I

  Active Passive
Simple writing being written
Perfect having written having been written



1. Simple forms (Active and Passive) express an action happening at the same time as the action expressed by the main verb.

He sat by the fire smoking his pipe.

Being locked in the room, the child began to cry.

2. Perfect forms (Active and Passive) express an action completed before the second action begins.

Having finished breakfast, she got dressed and left her flat.

Having been written in pencil, the letter was difficult to make out.

Grammatical Functions

1. Predicative

The effect of his words was terrifying.

Present participles here are active in meaning.

2. Attribute.

We all looked at the dancing girl.

Sleeping dogs seldom bite.

I met a boy riding a bicycle.

An attribute expressed by Participle I can only denote simultaneousness, that is why perfect forms are not used in this function.

The student answering at the blackboard knows the lesson very well.

The students who filled in the application forms yesterday are now writing a test.

Priority in this case is expressed by a clause and not by Participle I.

3. Adverbial Modifier.

Being very tired, we decided to have an early night. (adv. mod. of cause)

While waiting for the bus to come I looked through the newspaper. (adv. mod. of time)

She was silent, looking at her reflection in the mirror. (adv. mod. of manner)

Participle I of the verb to be is always used as an adverbial modifier of cause (but not time).

When he was a child, he used to live in a small village.

Being unemployed, he hasnt got much money.

4. To form a negative participle, add not before the participle.

Not knowing what to do he waited patiently in the reception.

Participle II

Participle II has only one form (regular verbs: translated, discussed, achieved, asked; irregular verbs: held, built, spoken, etc.)

Participle II is also used in the function of a predicative, an attribute and an adverbial modifier.

This is an improved model. (attribute)

The inner door was locked. (predicative)

When left to himself he spent his time at his desk. (adverbial. modifier)

When Participle II is used like an adjective or an adverb, it is passive in meaning.

There are pieces of broken glass on the floor.

I turned off the television because I was bored with the program.

Things done by halves are never done right.

Ex. II. Form Participle I and Participle II from the following verbs and translate them into Ukrainian:

admit play enjoy reply
close run find send
deny study keep set
die surprise learn show
expel tie occur stop
forget travel plan submit
give appear prefer lie
have carry quarrel refer


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