







. . -



. 2

. 3

. 4

1. -. 5

2. , . 8

3. . 10

4. . 14

5. . 19

I. .. 21

1. , , . 21

. 21

1. . 21

, . 21

2. . 33

3. - . 35

4. .. 38

5. , , . 40

6. . 43

7. . 47

8. .. 50

2. .. 54

1. .. 54

2. . 55

3. . 59

4. . 62

5. : 1992-1999 69

2. : 73

3. : 74

1. : 76

2. : 77

3. : 78

4. , : 79

5. : 80

2. : 82

3. : 82

II. .. 85

1. . 85

. 85

1. .. 85

2. . 86

.. 86

3. . 94

4. . 102

. . . 102

5. , .. 111

6. . 118

2. . 121

1. . 122

2. : . 123

I. . 123

. . 130

3. , . 135

The Three Little Pigs. 137

. 138

Snow White. 139

. 139

Cinderella. 139

. 139

Jack and the Beanstalk. 139

. 139

3. ( - ) 143

1. .. 143

2. . 144

3. . 145

1. . 145

4. - . 150

1. . 150

2. . 151

3. . 152

4. , , , . 153

5. . 156

6. . 160

. 163

. 164



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1996 1309 , (022600).

. .. , , , : ? ? ?

, , . , , . 1992 , , , , , , .

1994 : , . . 1993-1994 .

1996 . . , 1997 1999 .

, , . , -

, .

. , - . , . . , - -.

, , , . , : , , , , , , , . , , - .

. . . . . ., 1966.
. . , 3. . , . . . - . ., 1993.
. . . . . . 1-4. ., 1981-1984
  ( , ).
- . . .
  . . . ., 1987.
. -- . . . , . 1-4.
  ., 1978-1980.
. . . 7-. ., 1979.
. . . . ., 1960.
0. . . . . ., 1972.
0. . . . , . . . . ., 1993.
- . . . . .
  ., 1997.
. ., 1992.
. . . . . . . . 1-4.
  ., 1956-1961.
. . . . , . 1-4.
  ., 1934-1940.
. . . . . . .
  0. . . . 1-4. ., 1986-1987.
ALDCE The Advanced Learner's of Current English. 2nd Ed. London, Oxford University Press,
BBCED BBC English Dictionary. Harper Collins Publishers, 1992.
CCEED Collins COBUILD Essential English Dictionary. London, Glasgow, 1990.
CDEL Collins Dictionary of the English Language. London, Glasgow, 1985.
CIDE Cambridge International Dictionary of English. Cambridge University Press, 1995.
COBUILD Collins COBUILD English Dictionary. Harper Collins Publishers, 1995.
COD The Concise Oxford Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 1964.
DELC Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Longman Group Ltd., 1993.
LDCE Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman Group Ltd., 1995.
OALD Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. 4th Ed. Oxford University Press, s. a.
The Shorter Oxford The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles.
  3rd Ed. Vol. 1, 2. Oxford University Press, 1973.
W. f. A. . Wilson. The Modern Russian Dictionary for English Speakers. New York,
  Toronto, Sydney, Paris, Frankfurt, Oxford etc., ., 1982.


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: , , , , , . , , , , , .

. , , . : , . , : communication communis .

, , . , , , , homo sapiens. , , . ?! , , ? , . , , . , , .

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, (.).

, , (.).

, , , - . . (.).

() , 1.

, , , (.).

1 . . , . . . . ., 1979, . 410.


Language.A vocabulary and way of using it prevalent in one or more countries (DEAD ~); (transf.) method of expression (finger-, talk by conventional signs with fingers); words and their use; faculty of speech; person's style of expressing himself (bad ~, or || vulg. ~, oaths and abusive talk; strong ~, expressing vehement feelings; professional or sectional vocabulary; literary style, wording; -master, teacher of (usu. mod. foreign) ~or~s(COD). . , ( ~); (.) (~ , ); ; ; ( ~ || . -, ; ~, ; ; , ; ~, ( , ) ~ ~ .
Language A system of communication consisting of a set of small parts and a set of rules which decide the ways in which these parts can be combined to produce messages that have meaning. Human language consists of words that are usually spoken or written (CIDE). , , , . , .
A languageis a system of sounds and written symbols used by the people of a particular country, area, or tribe to communicate with each other. Many have English as a first or second language. , , , . .
Languageis the ability to use words in order to communicate. This research helps teachers to understand how children acquire language. You can refer to the words used in connection with a particular subject as the language of that subject. ...the language of sociology. . , . , , . ... .
The languageof a piece of writing or a speech is the style in which it is written or spoken. I admire the directness of the language. , . .
Languageis also used to refer to other means of communication such as sign language, computer languages, and animal language. The way that they usually communicate with others is by using sign language (BBCED). , , . , .
Language.1. the system of human expression by means of words. 2. a particular system of words, as used by a people or nation (LDCE). .1. . 2. , .

, , : , . , , . , , , . 2.

2 . . // . ., 1993, . 211.


, , ; (.).

, (O.).

Communication.Act of imparting (esp. news); information given; intercourse (COD). . ( ); ; .
Communicationis the activity or process of giving information to other people or living things. Insects such as ants have a highly effective system of communication... There was poor communication between officers and crew. . ... (. ).
Communicationsare the systems and processes that are used to communicate or broadcast information. Communications inside the country have also been seriousty disrupted... , . ...
A communicationis a letter or telephone call; a formal use__ a secret communication from the Foreign Minister (BBCED). ; . ... (. ) .
Communicationsare the various methods of sending information between people and places, esp. official systems such as post systems, radio, telephone, etc.: Less than 2% of all overseas aid is going to improve communications. , , , . .; 2% .
Communicationsare also the ways which people use to form relationships with each other and understand each other's feelings: Communications between parents and children are often difficult (CIDE). , ; (. ) .

- "".

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, ( , . . ):

1. , . .

. , , , , ... . . , . || - . .... . , . . .

2. , - . . . .

3. , . . [ ] ... , , . , .

4. , , . , , , . . . ().

, , . , , , - . . , .


Culture the way of life, especially general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a particular time. Youth / working-class / Russian / Roman / mass culture (CIDE). , . / / / / .
Culture.1) Culture or a culture consists of the ideas, customs, and art that are produced or shared by a particular society (e.g. He was a fervent admirer of Roman and Greek culture... the great cultures of Japan and China). 2) A culture is a particular society or civilization, especially one considered in relation to its ideas, its art, or its way of life (e.g. the rich history of African civilizations and cultures) (COBUILD). . 1) , , , (.: ... ). 2) , , , , (.: )
Culture 1) the customs, civilization, and achievements of a particular time or people (studied Chinese culture) (COD). 1) , ( ).
Culture the customs, beliefs, art, music, and all the other products of human thought made by a particular group of people at a particular time (ancient Greek culture, a tribal culture, pop culture) (DELC). , , , ( , , -).

The term culture is taken from the technical vocabulary or anthropology,

wherein it embraces the entire way of life of members of a community insofar as it is conditioned by that membership 3.

, , .

culture customs ', '; beliefs '', the way of life ' '.

: , .

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. , 4.


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