Illiterate, difference, session, invisible, reactor, illegal, mixer, confidence, irregular, impossible, education, elevator, irrational, assistance, infinite, computer, confession, immoral, production, entrance, creator, indefinite, incredible.
What is an allomorph?
III. Which of the following are grammatical suffixes?
-ment, -ly, -er, -fy, -ing, - est, - ic, - -ed, -able, -s.
Which can illustrate the homonymy of grammatical suffixes? Add your own examples.
IV. What is a grammatical meaning? Which groups can illustrate it? Name the meaning expressed.
1. to study history, studied the problem, will study English.
2. studied, used, helped, developed, asked.
3. studies, uses, helps, develops, asks.
4. to analyse the reasons, examined the causes, has studied the conditions, will investigate this case.
5. will help, will use, will study, will investigate, will come.
V. Which of these are analytical forms? Which are suppletive? What are the other kinds of grammatical forms?
studied, is working, is, went, goes, spoke, were, worked, drank, run, were working, helps, was, came, have helped, knew, is studied, knows, has studied, am, studies, drunk, ran.
VI. Arrange the words according to their grammatical forms. What grammatical meaning is expressed by each form?
1. sends
2. boys
3. has
4. more important
5. gave
6. has helped
7. developer
8. longer
9. helps
10. worst
11. feet
12. most interesting
13. developed
14. best
15. mice
16. helped
17. worse
18. has cut
19. cats
20. cuts
21. very difficult
22. better
23. driver
24. much easier
25. went
26. foot
VII. Find the subject and the predicate in these sentences. What grammatical meaning is expressed by their forms?
1. The woggling woggler woggles the wogglic wogglation. 2. The wogglement is woggled by the wogglic wogglation. 3. The woggler woggled the wogglation. 4. To woggle wogglic woglation the woggler had to woggle wogglements. 5. Woggling a doggle the woggler must ugg a duggle. 6. Woggling wogglic wogglations was the woggler’s duggle.
VIII. What is the strong (marked) element in the following pairs?
a. go – goes
b. help – helped
c. was helped – helped
d. girl – girls
e. longer – long
f. child – children
IX. What words do not have strong (marked) elements of typical binary oppositions? What is the reason of that?
a. boy, man, exam, milk, air, book, kindness, honesty, room, pen, poverty, butter, mouse.
b. long, clever, wooden, interesting, medical, short, economic, economical, important, bad.
X. What is a syntagma? What is a paradigm? What could be an example of a paradigm?
a. is reading, will read, is read, has read, will be reading, were reading, has been reading.
b. To read a book, to read aloud, to read at night, to read attentively, to read to the children.
Seminar 2
Parts of speech. Noun
1. Different principles of classifying words into parts of speech.
2. Notional words and function words.
3. Difficulties in classifying words into parts of speech: pronouns, interjections, articles.
4. Noun as a specific part of speech: semantics, word-building patterns and syntactical functions.
5. Grammatical categories of a noun: case.
6. The category of number.
Reading material.
1. Бархударов, Л.С. Грамматика английского языка / Л.С. Бархударов, Д.А. Штелинг. – М.: Высшая школа, 1973. – Р. 28–46
2. Блох, М.Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка / М.Я. Блох. – М.: Высшая школа, 1983. – гл. IV, V, VII, VIII.
3. Иванова, И.П. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. / И.П. Иванова, В.В. Бурлакова, Г.Г. Почепцов. – М.: Высшая школа, 1981. – P. 14–20, 21–33.
Tasks and Exercises.
I. Describe the hierarchy of the following:
Verb, noun, part of speech, adjective, notional word, particle, adverb, conjunction, function word, preposition.
II. a) What part of speech do these words belong to?
1. old
2. sick
3. poor
4. unknown
5. unemployed
6. disabled
7. valuable
8. but
9. if
10. sputnik
b) Define the part of speech of the words underlined. What criteria can be used for it?
1. Guests should not leave valuables in their bedrooms.
2. The disabled should have the same opportunities.
3. The old and the young like football.
4. No ifs, please.
5. But me no buts.
6. We shall outsputnik the Russians.
7. He couldunderstand the rich and the poor.
8. The sick were hospitalized.
9. The unemployed will not vote for this candidate.
10. He is afraid of the unknown.