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Methods and functions of economic theory

The concept of a "method" in Greek means a certain way to achieve something. In any science using certain methods. These methods are divided into:

a) general (philosophy);

b) general science (historical, logical, mathematical);

c) specific (for each branch of science).

The method of formal logic can correctly apply universally valid form of thought (concepts, judgments, conclusions) and the means of thinking (definitions, laws of mental activity). This helps to achieve the true statements and conclusions made. Method is based on the formal logic of knowledge economy of induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, as well as movement from the concrete to the abstract.

Economic theory better reflect reality, if it uses the dialectic - the doctrine of the general laws of nature, society and thought. These laws include the development of forms of the material world by moving from quantitative to qualitative changes, reflection, self-development of the system by "denial-denial."

An important role in the study of the economy plays scientific methods. Among them - the historical method. It allows us to consider the economic system in the intrinsic sequence of historical development. This mode helps to specifically provide all the features of each system at different stages of its historical development.

Economic and mathematical modeling, as one of the system methods, allows determining the cause of the formalized form of changing economic phenomena, the patterns of these changes and their consequences, and makes it possible to forecast economic developments.

Every science justifies his appointment that through scientific abstractions it in some way reveals the essence of his subject and reveals the objective forms of development. These forms include: the product of labor, its means and tools, requirements, exchange, goods, money, etc. Included in the subject of scientific economic analysis, all of these forms are economic categories, i.e. form a kind of concepts that constitute the whole subject of economic theory.

Like science, economics examines economic categories to reveal the nature and laws of production limited benefits. Economic law - is stable, recurring relationship between economic phenomena.

By its nature, the economic laws are divided into two types: objective (independent of the will and desires of the people) and subjective.

Objective laws are divided into general, specific, absolute, laws, trends.

Laws inherent in the organizational and economic relations are common to different eras that are manifested in any social system. They express the direction of progressive development of social production, the objective foundations of the growth of its efficiency, the development of organizational and economic relations, the dialectical interaction of the productive forces and production relations.

Specific laws are unique to a particular mode of production. They express are historically specific relations of production that arise on the basis of various forms of ownership of the means of production, and act only when the relevant social system (capitalism and socialism). As a result, they tend to act as a more or less stable trend, expressing the general direction of movement of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods. Along with the laws, there are some trends in absolute laws, always overcoming countervailing factors.

Function of economic theory. Economics studies economic relations and the inherent laws. From the essence of this theory implies its function.

The main functions of economic theory are cognitive, predictive and practical.

Cognitive function is to form a comprehensive study of economic phenomena and their internal nature, which allows to discover the laws by which develops the national economy.

In Western literature in this case we speak of positive economic theory by analyzing the facts and data displays scientific generalizations about economic behavior.

Predictive function of economic theory is to develop a scientific basis for predicting the prospects of scientific, technical and socio-economic development in the long term. It becomes relevant in connection with the development of plans and forecasts for the national economy.

The practical function of economic theory is the scientific foundation of economic policy, to identify principles and practices of good housekeeping.



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