Criteria for assessing students' knowledge:
- Knowledge of basic economic categories;
- Fluency in theoretical material;
- Understanding of economic laws;
- The ability to solve problems by applying acquired knowledge;
- Compliance with the schedule performance of all types of work
Policy of evaluation is based on a 100-point system and provides the following distribution of points: the current and intermediate control is assigned a total of 60 points, the final control - 40 points.
I | CURRENT CONTROL: - lecture - workshops - SIW (quests) - Office hours | 2,5/5 (0,3*15 week =5) 7,5/15 (1*15 week =15) 5/10 (0,7*15 week =10) 5/10 (0,7*15 week =10)- |
II | INTERIM CONTROL: in the semester, two of 10 control points for each Coursework | 10/20 (10*2=20) 5 /10 |
TOTAL: | 30/60 points | |
Total | 50/100 points |
Assessment of the students
examination results | Evaluation in points ( %) | |
assessment Scale of the students knowledge | |||||
Score in alphabetic system | The digital equivalent of the points | The percentage of points | Point on conventional system | ||
4,0 | 95-100 | excellent | |||
- | 3,67 | 90-94 | |||
+ | 3,33 | 85-89 | good | ||
3,0 | 80-84 | ||||
- | 2,67 | 75-79 | |||
+ | 2,33 | 70-74 | satis factorily | ||
2,0 | 65-69 | ||||
- | 1,67 | 60-64 | |||
+ | 1,33 | 55-59 | |||
1,0 | 50-54 | ||||
F | 0-49 | Unsatisfactorily | |||
Aggregation - a connection of individual units or data in a single figure.
Analysis - involves dissection to examine the economic effects on the individual elements and the study of each element as a necessary component of the whole.
Bilateral monopoly - a market in which a single seller confronts the only buyer.
Budget deficit - the excess of government spending over revenues in any given year.
Capital - as a factor of production is a set made of material goods, which are used for the production of future wealth. This - tools, equipment, facilities, communications, transportation, distribution network, etc.
Competition - competition between different actors of the market economy for the most favorable conditions for the production and sale of goods.
Capital cycle of the company - is one cycle of its motion, which covers the production and circulation of goods produced and ends with the return of capital in its original form of money.
Circulation of capital - is a continuous circular movement of capital
Costs - the monetary value of the cost of production of goods.
Depreciation - is the process of transferring the cost of capital over the period of his service to the value of the goods and the accumulation of it in the sinking fund.
Domestic public debt - debt of the state to citizens, businesses and institutions of the country.
Devaluation - reducing the installed value of the currency
Deduction - logical reasoning from the general to the specific. Method of reasoning by which the validity of the hypothesis is tested by comparing the conclusions derived from it with the actual economic facts.
Demand (D) - this is the amount of product that consumers are willing and able to buy at a certain price possible for a period of time in the prices.
Disinflation - slower average growth rate of prices.
Dumping - selling goods in another country below cost.
Deflation (from the Latin - deflation) - the tendency to reduce the overall level of prices.
Denationalization of property - is the transition from a predominantly public-policy regulating production to its regulation based primarily on market mechanisms.
External deb t - government debt to foreign citizens, corporations, institutions.
Economic theory - the science of the efficient use of scarce resources in order to meet the material needs of the limitless.
Economic law - is the most significant, stable, recurring objective causal relationships and interdependence of economic phenomena and processes. These are the laws of the production, distribution, exchange and consumption.
Economic growth - long-term changes in real national output associated with the development of the productive forces in the long time interval.
Extensive type of economic growth - the growth achieved by the quantitative increase applied and same technical basis of production.
Economic cycle - constantly repetitive over the years the ups and downs
in the economy.
Entrepreneurial activity (ability) - this is a specific factor of production. It involves the use of initiative, ingenuity and risk in the organization of production.
Ground rent - economic implementation form of land ownership. Income above the average profit appropriated land owner.
Gross domestic product (GDP) - the sum of the final goods and services produced in a country in a year. That is, is the cost of the final product produced by all businesses in the country, regardless of ethnicity.
Gross national product (GNP) - the value of all intended for final consumption of goods and services produced over a year by the factors of production owned by the country. That is, it is the cost of the final product produced by domestic enterprises, regardless of their place of location.
Gross private domestic investment - the cost of newly produced capital goods: machinery, equipment, tools, buildings, and also to replenish inventories.
Induction - the logical inference from private, individual cases to a general conclusion from particular facts to their generalization.
Intensive type of economic growth - the growth achieved by the use in the production of improved inputs, as well as by improving the use of existing productive capacity.
Inflation (from Lat. - Swelling) - is a steady tendency to raise the general level of prices.
Inflation rate (rate of inflation) - the relative change in the total (average) price level.
Income - the sum of money received for a certain period of time and provide for the acquisition of goods and services.
Market infrastructure - a set of institutions, systems, services, businesses serving the market and perform specific functions to ensure its normal functioning.
Market - a system of economic relations between people, covering the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption.
Market equilibrium - equality of demand and supply.
Macroeconomics - the study of the functioning of the national economic system.
Microeconomics - the study of the behavior of individual economic agents.
Monopoly (the capital-monopoly) - Capital, which controls much of the production and marketing of products derived exclusively high (above average) income on a sustainable basis.
Moral (value) depreciation - the loss of the means of labor in value due to the emergence of new, higher-performance and low-cost equipment.
Marginal propensity to save (MPS) - a part of each additional unit of disposable income, which is used to increase savings.
National Income (NI) characterizes the income of all the owners of productive resources to help create a CSL.
Natural monopoly - the industry in which economies of scale, so large that the product can be produced by the same company at a lower average cost, Chea if his production have not one, but several firms.
Net National Product (NNP) - the amount of final goods and services, and the remaining for consumption after replacing retired equipment.
Needs - is the need of anything necessary to sustain an individual, social group or society as a whole
Normative economics - expresses her desire to find the best form of organization of production, ideal models of human activity in the economy, that is, reflects subjective notions of what is or should be.
Positive economic theory - objective reality, trying to formulate scientific understanding of economic behavior, that is, to learn what that is.
Property - is the relationship between people, expressing a form of appropriation-alienation of goods, particularly capital goods.
Perfect or pure competition - this state of the economic system, where the influence of each member of the economic process on the overall situation in the market is so small that it can be ignored.
Proposal (S) - the number of the product, which the manufacturer is willing and able to produce and offer for sale on the market at any given price of a series of possible prices during a certain time.
Profit - a reward for using a factor of production, as an entrepreneurial capacity.
Privatization of property - is the transfer of state property for a fee or free of charge to private ownership.
Product - a product of labor, the ability to meet some human need and is designed for the exchange.
Price - cost of goods, expressed in money.
Physical deterioration - is the loss of the means of labor of its usefulness in productive use. They are unsuitable for use in the production process.
Financial capital - capital that result from the connection, weaving, merging industrial monopoly and monopolistic banking capital.
Fixed assets - the share of productive capital, which is completely for a long time involved in the production, does not change its natural shape and transfers its value to the finished product on the parts when worn. This includes buildings, structures, equipment, etc.
Fiscal policy - the way the government's influence on the national economy through the use of budget and tax policies.
The economic system - a special way to streamline communications between producers and consumers of tangible and intangible goods and services.
The economic system - a combination of all the economic processes taking place in society based on the existing property relations in it and organizational forms.
The method of abstraction - is a mental distraction from minor parties, events, and properties of the main search in them. Thus, captured the essence of the phenomenon. As a result of abstraction derived economic categories.
The law of supply - with the increase in the price increases and the value of supply and vice versa.
The law of demand - with all other parameters unchanged price reduction leads to a corresponding increase in demand, and vice versa.
The equilibrium price - the price at which the same desired purchase and your sale, and there is no trend in the price and quantity.
The marginal propensity to consume (MPC) - shows how much of each item of their extra disposable income consumers are directed to the increase of consumption.
Reproduction - is continually renewing continuously the production process.
Subsistence production - is a type of economy in which production duction directly aimed at meeting the needs of their own sion producers and their families.
Savings - is deferred consumption.
Savings - is deferred consumption.
Subsidy - to pay the government, firm or household money in return for which they receive products and services.
Unit elasticity - the case where the elasticity is equal to 1, the percentage change of the demand or supply.
Oligopoly - a market in which a few firms selling standardized products, market, access to which is difficult for other companies in which control over the prices of products are limited interdependence of firms and which usually operates a strong non-price competition.
Okun's law - a conclusion that the excess of the current level of unemployment by 1% over the level of unemployment at full employment increases lag real GDP of 2.5% of potential GDP of the country.
World economy - a set of national economies.
Working capital - the share of productive capital, this is involved in one circuit and completely transfers their value to the finished product for this circuit. This includes raw materials, wear tool wage workers.