Natural gas pipelines, low density, to store natural gas, gas pipeline network, liquefied natural gas, compressed natural gas, liquefaction plant, regasification equipment, high volume transportation, high pressure, decompression equipment, end-users, transportation methods, flaring and venting, gas wells, salt domes, low demand, to meet volatile demands.
II. Make up the word combinations
low conditions
natural domes
gas reservoirs
liquefaction plant
regasification equipment
high sold
salt gas
volatile petroleum
depleted pipeline
profitably pressure
recovering demands
specific density
III. Fill in the missing words (transport, preferred, shorter, oceans, pipelines)
1. It is not easy to store natural gas or … by vehicle.
2. Natural gas … are impractical across oceans.
3. LNG transport liquefied natural gas across ….
4. Tank trucks can carry liquefied or CNG over … distances.
5. LNG is the … form for long distance.
IV. Agree or disagree with the following statements
1. Natural gas pipelines are impractical across oceans.
2. Many pipelines in America are far from reaching their capacity.
3. LNG is the preferred form for long distance.
4. Flaring is now illegal in many countries.
5. Storage nearby end users helps to meet stable demands.
V. Put the words in order to make a sentence
1. West / the / gas / pipeline / is / dense / in / the / network.
2. Gas / liquid / is / turned / into / liquefaction / at / a / plant.
3. CNG / is / at / high / pressure / transported.
4. Flaring / countries / is / illegal / in / many / now.
5. The / later / re-injected / into / the formation / is / for / recovery.
VI. Find the definitions to the following words
a) regasification; b) flaring; c) venting; d) landfill
VII. Imagine you are a reporter for oil and gas journal. Interview the specialist about the difference between LNG and CNG
VIII. Make grammar analyses of the sentence
Natural gas trucks and carriers may transport natural gas directly to end-users.
IX. Find the examples of Present Simple Active tense in the text. When do we use the tense?
X. Give short answers to the questions
1. Is it easy to store natural gas?
2. May natural gas trucks and carriers transport natural gas directly to end-users?
3. May gas be sold to consumers in the form of LNG or CNG?
4. Does storage nearby end users help to meet volatile demands?
5. Is natural gas used to generate electricity and heat for desalination?
XI. Read the questions and fill in the correct word
1. … it is not easy to store natural gas or transport by vehicle?
a) Why
b) When
c) Where
2. … is gas turned into liquid?
a) When
b) Where
c) How
3. … is liquid returned to gas form?
a) When
b) Where
c) How
4. … is the preferred form for long distance?
a) What
b) When
c) Who
5. … Do natural gas trucks and carriers transport natural gas?
a) Where
b) When
c) Why
6. … form may gas be sold to consumers?
a) When
b) What
c) Where
7. … system was invented in Saudi Arabia in the late 1970s?
a) When
b) What
c) Why
8 … for is natural gas used?
a) What
b) When
c) Who
XII. Answer the questions
1. Where are many existing pipelines in America situated?
2. What is LNG?
3. What is CNG?
4. What is a liquefaction plant?
5. What is a regasification plant?
6. Where may natural gas trucks and carriers transport natural gas?
7. What is now illegal in many countries?
8. Where is natural gas often stored?
XIII. Use the following words and phrases and give the rendering of the text
Low density, to store natural gas, to be impractical, gas pipeline network, liquefied natural gas, compressed natural gas, liquefaction plant, regasification plant, compressors and decompression equipment, natural gas trucks and carriers, flaring, venting, re-injection, oil pumping, to generate electricity and heat, volatile demands.
XIV. Project (in written form)
Discuss the possible ways of transporting gas across the oceans.
XV. Make an abstract of the text
Pipelines overview
All across America there is a complex network of pipelines that are transporting oil and gas at any time of the day or night. These pipelines work very similar to a subway as they often run underground and across large areas of land. And just like a subway, there are sections in the pipeline for pick-ups, drop-offs and transfers. Their ultimate job is to take oil, gas or refined products to their destination. These types of products are used every day of our lives to fuel our cars and heat our homes, and it's the pipelines that make this possible.
As you can imagine, building and maintaining an entire pipeline is no easy task and involves thousands and thousands of people. Workers of the pipeline enjoy the outdoors, physical challenges and must have the ability to think fast and handle problems as they occur. Pipelines job opportunities include workers who help in transportation and general labor, as well as highly skilled workers like welders and engineers. From simple entry-level positions to the experts with decades of experience, the complexity of the jobs is as diverse as the pipelines themselves.