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II. Make up the word combinations

primary condition

service function

elevated pressure

viscosity problem

operational platform

temperature requirement

pipeline range

manned system

functional pressure

delivery requirement


III. Fill in the missing words (pipelines, requirements, optimization, inspection, function)

1. The primary … of a pipeline is to transport media safely and reliably for the duration of its life.

2. In gas … low temperatures may cause the formation of hydrates.

3. The functional or operational … basically concern the operation of the pipeline.

4. Functional requirements also include the requirements facilitating … access

5. An important part of the … process including the requirements for compression or pumping are flow calculations.


IV. Agree or disagree with the following statements

1. The pipeline diameter is determined on the basis of the main operational parameters for the pipeline system

2. The optimum pipeline dimension is based on the ‘lifetime’ evaluation of the system.

3. An economic model for the pipeline system is rarely used to calculate different economic key parameters.

4. An important part of the optimization process including the requirements for compression or pumping are flow calculations.

5. In the final phase the flow calculations may be performed on an overall level without detailed modeling of the thermodynamic conditions along the pipeline.


V. Put the words in order to make a sentence

1. The / vary / along / temperatures / route / the / of / pipelines.

2. Low / may / of / cause / the / formation / temperatures / hydrates.

3. Waxing / may / in / and / oil / pipelines / viscosity / problems / arise.

4. The / requirements / functional / the / operation / concern /of / the / pipeline.

5. The / requirements / to / service / relate / of / the / pipeline / the / system.

VI. Find the definitions to the following words

a) inlet; b) terminal; c) dimension; d) wax.


VII. Make up a dialogue between two specialists discussing pipe design requirements

VIII. Make grammar analyses of the sentence

The pipeline diameter is determined on the basis of the main operational parameters for the pipeline system.


IX. Find the examples of Infinitives in the text. What functions of Gerund can you find in the text?


X. Give short answers to the questions

1. Is the primary function of a pipeline to transport media?

2. Are the service conditions for pipelines related to substances with elevated pressure?

3. May low temperatures cause the formation of hydrates in gas pipelines?

4. May waxing and viscosity problems arise in oil pipelines?

5. Do the functional or operational requirements concern the operation of the pipeline?


XI. Read the questions and fill in the correct word

1. … is the primary function of a pipeline?

a) What

b) Who

c) When

2. … can low temperatures cause in gas pipelines?

a) Where

b) What

c) Who

3. … can waxing and viscosity problems arise?

a) Where

b) What

c) When

4. … are the functional or operational requirements of the pipelines?

a) Where

b) What

c) Who

5. … is the pipeline diameter determined by?

a) Who

b) When

c) What

6. … is the optimum pipeline dimension based on?

a) What

b) When

c) Where

7. … is an economic model for the pipeline system used?

a) When

b) Why

c) What for

8. … requirements does an important part of the optimization process include?

a) What

b) Why

c) When


XII. Answer the questions

1. What is the primary function of a pipeline?

2. What are the service conditions for pipelines related to?

3. Do temperatures vary along the route from a typically high inlet temperature to temperatures that may be critically low?

4. What may low temperatures cause in gas pipelines?

5. Where may waxing and viscosity problems arise?

6. What are the functional or operational requirements to the pipelines?

7. What basis is the pipeline diameter determined on?

8. What are the main operational parameters for the pipeline system?

9. What is an economic model for the pipeline system used for?

10. What is an important part of the optimization process?


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