(The Objective Participial Complex)
Употребление и перевод
Причастный оборот является сложным дополнением, в состав которого входит существительное в «общем» падеже (или местоимение в объектном падеже) и причастие. Этот оборот употребляется после глаголов: to assume, to consider, to fee to find, to notice, to hear, to observe, to see и др.
Переводятся такие обороты на русский язык дополнительным придаточным предложением с помощью союзов «как», «что». В объектном причастном обороте причастие нельзя переводить обособленно, так как оно является неотъемлемой частью оборота.
We consider each hydrogen atom as having a unit positive charge.
Мы считаем, что каждый атом водорода имеет единицу положительного заряда. Иногда возможен перевод простым предложением:
They got the project endorsed.
Они добились подтверждения проекта.
Причастный оборот выражает действие несовершенного вида, тогда как объектный инфинитивный оборот выражает действие совершенного вида.
They watched the new plant started.
Они наблюдали, как пускали новую установку.
Субъектный причастный оборот
(The Subjective Participial Complex)
Употребление и перевод
Этот причастный оборот является сложным подлежащим, в состав которого входит существительное в «общем» падеже (личное местоимение в именительном падеже), после которого идет причастие.
Употребляется оборот после глаголов: to assume, to consider, to find, to hear, to observe, to regard, to see, to show.
Переводятся такие обороты неопределенно-личными предложениями с глаголами в страдательном залоге, затем подчинительный союз «что» или «как», остальные слова переводятся дополнительным придаточным предложением, сказуемое которого соответствует причастию английского предложения.
This scientist is known reporting on conference.
Известно, что этот ученый докладывает на конференции.
It, one.
В научно-технической литературе часто употребляются многофункциональные слова, т. е. слова, которые имеют разные функции в предложении.
It употребляется как:
а) личное местоимение (он, она, оно) для неодушевленных предметов:
Finally I found the article I had been looking for. I started translating it at once.
Наконец я нашел статью, которую искал. Я сразу начал переводить ее.
б) формальное подлежащее в безличных предложениях.
It is well known that radioactive isotopes can be used very effectively in medicine.
Хорошо известно, что радиоактивные изотопы можно очень эффективно использовать в медицине.
в) указательное местоимение:
What is it? — Что это? It is a lamp. — Это лампа.
г) вводное слово в предложениях с эмфатическим оборотом:
It is silver that is the best conducting metal.
Именно серебро является наилучшим проводящим металлом.
One употребляется как:
а) числительное:
/ know only one solution of this problem.
Я знаю только одно решение этой задачи.
б) неопределенное местоимение:
One should know that geometry treats of the properties, construction and measurements of lines, surfaces and solids.
Необходимо знать, что геометрия рассматривает свойства, строение и измерение линий, поверхностей и твердых тел.
в) слово-заместитель для замены ранее упомянутого существительного:
This substance reacts 100 times as fast as the other one.
Это вещество взаимодействует в 100 раз быстрее, чем другое.
Реферативный перевод
Прежде чем говорить об особенностях и правилах реферативного перевода, необходимо еще раз напомнить, что основным видом технического перевода является полный письменный перевод. Все остальные виды технического перевода производные, его сокращенные варианты.
Одним из таких сокращенных вариантов полного письменного перевода является реферативный перевод.
Название «реферативный» происходит от слова «реферат» — это краткое изложение сущности какого-либо вопроса. Однако способы краткого изложения сущности вопроса могут быть разными. В области технического перевода oопределились три формы составления реферата, которым соответствуют три самостоятельных вида технического перевода:
а) реферативный перевод;
б) перевод типа «экспресс-информация»;
в) сигнальный перевод патентных рефератов.
Реферативный перевод — это полный письменный перевод заранее отобранных частей оригинала, составляющих связанный текст.
Как правило, реферативный перевод должен быть значительно короче оригинала (в 5—10 раз), так как в процессе работы над реферативным переводом требуется вывод всей избыточной информации, количество которой, прежде всего, зависит от характера оригинала.
Работа над реферативным переводом состоит из следующих этапов:
1. Предварительное знакомство с оригиналом, ознакомление с данной областью знаний и ее терминологией, внимательное чтение всего текста.
2. Разметка текста с помощью квадратных скобок для исключения его второстепенных частей и повторений (исключаемые части текста берутся в скобки).
3. Чтение оригинала без исключенных частей в скобках.
4. Полный письменный перевод части оригинала, оставшейся за скобками, которая должна представлять собой связанный текCT.
Если в оригинале имеются чертежи, рисунки, то необходимо выбрать наиболее важные и объяснить их в переводе.
Unit 9
The conversion of sound waves into electric currents and the amplification1 of these currents are two basic electronic techniques required for record players, different electronic techniques.
There are many reasons why it is not practically to transmit radio waves of very low frequencies, but for one things2 the transmitting aerial will be impossibly large. It is therefore not possible to broadcast electromagnetic waves of audio frequencies, and for long-distance transmission it is necessary to resort to higher frequencies and therefore shorter wavelengths; the wavelengths actually used vary about 1 metre to 2000 metres.
In general, electromagnetic waves are propagated through the Earth's atmosphere in two ways: travel over the surface of the Earth, and waves, which leave the surface of the Earth. They are reflected back ionized layers of the outer atmosphere between 60 and 400 kilometres above the Earth's surface. This ionized region of the atmosphere is called ionosphere.
Long waves arc transmitted as over ground waves and therefore lose a good deal of their energy in passing through ground obstacles 3; they consequently have only a limited range. The shorter waves escape more easily from the surface of the Earth. They can be received over greater distances owing to their reflection back to the Earth by the ionosphere. Very short waves pass through the ionosphere so they can be used for long-distance communications. This is why the range of TV stations is limited. This problem has however been overcome 4 in recent years by the use communication satellites. If the satellite simply reflects the radiation, it is called a passive satellite, where as it is receives the signal and retransmits an amplified signal, it is called an active satellite.
Vocabulary notes
1. amplification n — усиление
2. but for one things — (зд.) но, во-первых
3. obstacle n — препятствие, помеха
4. This problem has, however, been overcome — однако эта проблема была решена
I. Insert the appropriate forms of the Participle from brackets; translate the sentences.
1.... the position of the plant on paper, it was decided that the pipeline should go along the river (establishing, having established). 2..... at the object from the front, or from the sides, the observer could not see the inside edges of the object (looking, having looked). 3.... to the table it will be noted that the number of loads hauled by the wheeled tractor are more than that of a crawler tractor on a similar length of haul (referring, having referred). 4..... the numbеr of loads hauled per hour, the total cubic yards of material excavated may be easily calculated (knowing, having known).
II. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Absolute Participial Complex.
1. Electrons moving through the conductor, electrical energy is generated. 2. The speed of light being very great, we cannot measure it by ordinary methods. 3. Transistors being very sensitive to light, engineers use this property. 4. The current in a circuit was decreased when the resistance was increased, other factors remaining the same. 5. Some radioactive materials have been found in nature, uranium being one of them. 6. Chemistry and physics are interconnected sciences, any chemical change resulting in a physical change. 7. The value of voltage was the same in all the elements of a parallel circuit, the value of current being different. 8. A charge of one coulomb increasing the potential between plates by one volt, a capacitor had a capacity of one farad. 9. The resistance of the body being high, small current flows through the body. 10. Thermistors are very sensitive to light, this property being very important.
III. Define the Absolute Participial Complex and translate the sentences into Russian..
1. There being no other traffic, the driver can maintain a constant speed of, say, 90 km/hr (kilometres per hour). 2. Part of energy being changed into heat, is transformed into electric energy. 3. The water leaves the wheel with a large relative velocity but a small absolute velocity, practically all its original energy having been given to the wheel. 4. The cyclotron may be regarded as a modification of the linear accelerator, the particles being transferred from one to the other at the proper instants by the action of a magnetic field. 5. The positive pole having been brought near the negative pole, the latter attract it. 6. Two bodies having potentials of 100 volts and 50 volts, a potential difference exists between them of 50 volts. 7. The current distribution over the cross section of the conductor being non-uniform, the resistance increases. 8. The travelled distance having been given in metres and the time in seconds, speed was measured in m.p.s., that is, in meters per second.
IV. Translate the following sentences into Russian, pay attention to the functions of the Participle II.
1. Both apparatus are equipped with a rubber-insulated conductor. 2. The advantage of the diesel engine lies in the high efficiency obtained. 3. There was the great-increase of the quantity of part produced. 4. The uranium must be enclosed in a thick metal case to prevent it form flying until the explosion is under way. 5. The number of metal atoms, deposited on a plate depends on the number of electrons arriving at the plate. 6. Carbon was the first material used for such a conductor. 7,. The fastest way to detect an artificial satellite is radio, largely used for that purpose. 8. The mechanical and electrical apparatus needed for testing are incorporated in a stable steel housing.
V. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Absolute Participial Complex.
1. The fundamental of electricity are the fundamentals of electronics, both being branches of physics. 2. The condenser being placed in a direct currents circuit, the current will stop flowing. 3. The velocity, length and frequency of the wave are independent of each other, the frequency being equal to the velocity divided by the wavelength. 4. The size of the electrodes being increased, the current capacity also increases, the voltage output remaining the same.
VI. Translate the text in written form and define functions of the Participle I, II.
Utilization of atomic power has effected a considerable revolution in the entire field of power engineering. The atom permits obtaining electric power in the places where coal or oil cannot be transported by conventional means.
Atomic power stations are successfully built in those places where supplies of organic fuels have been entirely exhausted or are near exhaustion.
The main and most wonderful feature of nuclear fuel is the enormous thermal energy it contains. Indeed, one kilogram of nuclear fuel is equal to more than 2,000 tons of coal. Mention should be made that no other branch of technology has progressed as fact as nuclear power engineering.
The construction of atomic power stations equipped with the so-called "fast" reactors is the basic trend in the further development of power engineering.
VΙΙ. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the different meanings of "but".
1. It seems that the electron is nothing but electricity. 2. If but a few of the atoms of a body have had an electron removed the body has a small charge. 3. One can easily note how voltage increases during the first quarter-turn but then decreases during the next quarter turn. 4. The operator saw all the tubes but one function in the proper way. 5. We expect the current cycle and the voltage cycle to finish in step if they start in step. But in many a.c. circuits the current cycle does not get started as soon as the voltage cycle.
VIII. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the different meanings of "that (those) ".
1. The initial conditions in the electrical problem can be made the same as those in the mechanical problem. 2. Let us now obtain a more general formula that simplifies heat-conduction problems. 3. A concentrated force is a force that is applied on a point. 4. The necessary conditions for equilibrium in a system of forces are that the algebraic sum of all the force components in any direction must equal zero. 5. Normal stresses are those produced by tension and compression and are distributed on a plane perpendicular to the line of action of the external load reaction. 6. Hook’s Law states that a body acted upon 'by an external force has a deformation proportional to the stress, as long as the elastic limit is not exceeded. 7. A tool or machine must never be used for any purpose other than that for which it is intended.
IX. Translate the folio-wing sentences, pay attention to the different meanings of "there".
1. There can be no flow of water through a pipe unless there is pressure to cause it. 2. There will also be some pulsation as the brush bridges the insulated gap between two segments. 3. There will be exactly as many numbers current cycles as there are voltage cycles, but they may start at different times. 4. While these condensers will be found usually in direct current circuit, there is one type that is used on alternating currents for motor starting and the like. 5. There are two methods of storing an equal amount of energy in a condenser. 6. There are many different kinds of reactors varying in size, in the type of fuel used, and in the quality of fuel. 7. There is usually considerable sparking at relay contacts, particularly when they are attached to loads, which are inductive. 8. There are two other reasons for the use of such a relay.
X. Translate the following terms of type "noun +Participle ΙΙ + noun ".
1. radio-controlled bomb 2. surface-launched missile 3. surface-cooled reactor 4. liquid-cooled engine 5. time-modulated beam 6. ground-based computer 7. engine driven pump | 8. fission-produced particle 9. ramjet-propelled missile 10. cathode-loaded amplifier 11. pressure-operate d switch 12. battery-fed receiver 13. rocket-powered booster 14. meson-produced star |
XI. Pick up synonyms out of the following list of words.
to call, to produce, to utilize, example, different, special, whereas, instance; various, to generate, to name, use, while, particular, perhaps, transform, settle, raise, maybe, turn into, increase, significance, rate, advancement, importance, development, speed, size.
XII. Translate the following pairs of words, pay attention to the meaning of the prefixes.
division — sub division, to appear — to dis appear, to impose — to super impose, to heat — to super heat, to connect — to dis connect, to energize — to de energize, to magnetize — to de magnetize, to change — to inter change, to lead — mis lead, to determine — to pre determine, to use — to mis use.
XIII. Translate the following word combinations.
1. the communication establishment; 2. communication establishment possibilities; 3. long-distance communication establishment possibilities; 4. low temperature physic; 5. low temperature physics investigations; 6. a transmission line; 7. the transmission line efficiency; 8. electrical control systems; 9. automatic control systems; 10. artificial radio-activity properties; 11. artificial radio-activity properties investigations; 12. a great energy source; 13. the electric power consumption; 14. semiconductor quantum generators; 15. light wave energy; 16. superspeed computer; 17. radio frequency quantum generators.