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Say if the sentences are true to the text or false. Определите утверждения как верные или неверные

a. Brunch is an evening meal.

b. It started in the USA.

c. Restaurants don’t serve brunch.

d. Brunch consists of standard breakfast foods.

e. The dim sum brunch is popular in Chinese restaurants all over the world.

Answer the questions to the text. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

a. When do people eat for brunch?

b. What informal celebrations is brunch good for?

c. What may buffets have for brunch?

d. What does Chinese brunch consist of?

e. How do customers choose their food for brunch in a restaurant?


III. Translate the recipe from English into Russian. Переведите рецепт с английского на русский язык.

Roast beef with Plum Sauce


Ø 3 1/2 pounds rump/round/sirloin-cut roast

Ø Salt and pepper to taste

Ø 4 cups artificially sweetened plums (reserve syrup)

Ø 1/4 teaspoon salt

Ø 1/8 teaspoon pepper

Ø 1 tablespoon arrowroot

Ø 1/3 cup unsweetened frozen orange juice concentrate

Ø 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

Ø 1/8 teaspoon Tabasco sauce


1. Trim fat from roast before roasting. salt and pepper. Place roast on rack; bake at 325 degrees F for 1-1/2 hours. Trim remaining fat from roast.

2. Drain and pit plums. Save 3/4 cup syrup. Puree plums until smooth; add syrup and remaining ingredients. Blend until smooth. In medium saucepan, heat to boiling. Serve over Roast Beef.

Variant 5

I. Use of Grammar and Vocabulary.

Cross the odd word out. Вычеркните лишнее слово.

a. A fork, a spoon, a knife, a candle, a glass

b. Blackcurrants, redcurrants, blueberries, garlic, cherries

c. Tomato, venison, asparagus, onion, carrot

d. Chocolates, candies, mushrooms, cookies, lollipops

e. Cheese, jelly, butter, yoghurt, cream

Refer the words on the right with the categories on the left. Соотнесите слова из левой колонки с категориями в правой колонке.

Ø Meat Ø Fish Ø Vegetables Ø Fruit Ø Drinks Pear, beef, octopus, peas, water, soda, mango, cauliflower, plaice, lamb, sardine, chicken, coffee, orange, watercress


3. Choose the correct variant from the given in brackets. Выберите правильный вариант из скобок.

1. This dish is made ___ (of, from, with) fish, greens and spices.

2. It’s unhealthy to eat so ___ (many, much, few) candies!

3. Can I offer you ___ (a, ----, the) coffee?

4. He usually has ___ (some, any, none) cheese for lunch.

5. The lobsters ___ (was, were, are) great yesterday.

Rearrange the lines in the dialogue to make a conversation. Переставьте строчки в диалоге так, чтобы образовать беседу между двумя собеседниками.

Waiter: Are you ready to order sir?

Waiter: No problem sir. I'll call you as soon as your table is ready.

Mr Smith: Why don't you bring us what you think will go best. Nothing too expensive though.

Waiter: Certainly sir. The fresh lobster is particularly good this evening, and for starters may I recommend a light consomme?

Mr Smith: Not really. Could you recommend something?

Waiter: So, that's two consomme and two lobsters. Would you like to look at the wine menu?

Mr Smith: Sounds lovely, what do you think dear?

Mrs Smith: Oh yes, I love lobster.


Translate the extract of the menu from Russian into English. Переведите отрывок меню.

Блюда немецкой кухни Баварский салат с колбасой Колбаса, картофель, спаржевая фасоль, сладкий перец, салат радиччио Тар-тар из говядины Говядина, яичный желток, красный лук, маринованный огурец, соус «Ремоланд» Суп с белыми грибами и уткой Форель по-немецки Форель, жаренная на гриле, подается с лимоном и укропом Филе карпа с винным соусом и отварным картофелем Шницель по-венски Шницель из свинины с лимоном, картофель фри, овощи Шницель из филе цыпленка с картофельным пюре Шницель из филе цыпленка, картофельное пюре, подается с луком-порей, сладким перцем Маринованное филе «Вестфалия» Маринованное филе говядины, жаренное на гриле, подается с тушеной капустой Печень по-берлински с яблочным соусом и корицей Подается с отварным картофелем Штрудель с яблоками  



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