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SunEdison my opinion as chances game model and shocks through the skin

Becoming a member of the Council with extensive experience of leadership and a lot of experience. The company received new blood and hot young minds-managers. During operation, the new managers have implemented many projects related to active social participation and new developments. As well as additional agreements.

Getting started in the field, the members of the Board of Directors. Started career was very aggressive and worthwhile.

With such results, of course, few could boast and not feel unique. As has happened in the year 2014 when the active management of projects and cooperation with the financial sector. However, if you look at the balance, then we can say that this company not has recently increased the debt. No, she wore this debt before and refinanced under intangible assets. This and tells us the balance sheet with 2011-2014 years.

In the year, 2014 SunEdison is considers most successful and beloved commercial papers (stock) for corporate investors and financial sectors.

Let us see what criteria were evaluating and taken into account by the market, or is it already formed model, which led to a fall from a peak of $ 32.5.

  2016 (forecast) 2015 (adjusted)      
Production 47.09888406 30.27741151 63.92035661 34.70908371  
State participation or commercial help(External participation) -18.45850404 -26.43769201 -10.47931607 -7.671879619 -24.30533694
primary care 122.9917616 184.4993077 61.48421543 33.8324071 45.67289864
Post care 2.407059978 4.690222157 0.123897799 0.186929984 0.134580555
Households (Main consumers) 166.6154747 176.6853767 156.5455727 123.6944277 161.7240991
The aggregated Profitability (fix future periods) 394.0428697 592.8356559 195.2500836 134.6251035 55.87901478
The aggregated Risk (obvious and not obvious) 89.3025936 83.33670589 95.26848132 55.67639855 41.6022913
Working personnel 11.8426501 12.84574825 10.83955195 8.290467464 10.5373203
was being SunEdison price 13.275 6.59 19.96 12.79 3.24
Was being SunEdison price 5.292 6.59 19.96 12.79 3.24
SunEdison Dynamic change 0.803186301 0.219298246 1.387074357 3.447439353 0.796068796

The charts presented in this article show the main influence factors of book value for the entire period and disclosure of these ratios. Formed due to the volatility of the balance sheet and model "the games and Shocks skin".

The only thing I can say we are studying data not correctly estimating the value at risk in subsequent periods. My opinion is purely a personal investment decision and ask for a review of each of the indicators with your point of view. Because the condition risk in each different. In addition, I wish to say that the portfolio of the company on the basis of SunEdison press releases the company itself said that numerous additional agreements and increasing the number of contracts both abroad and within the country. Help the company to develop new projects. Such as solar pumps in India, solar panels, plates, social projects in the United States, as well as Saudi Arabia, Georgia and China.

Another is the tax breaks for companies associated with green energy. An increase in the interest rate on the company SunEdison is already included in the price. Now there is only one increase their portfolio for long-term maintenance of its assets. As the main part of the facilities and farms already built them must serve, is another one of the factors for the acquisition of additional assets.

(Click to enlarge)

In my opinion the following year due to the current dynamics and a good investment portfolio, declining interest in the company. However, since the construction of the model shows some of the reform process, I would say, underlines why you need it, keeping it in a portfolio and, in particular, carefully to purchase securities. Nevertheless, the conclusions I made for herself with help from this model.

My recommendation

The main objectives are the conclusion of new contracts and in reducing cumulative and aggregate risk to change the approach of creating investment model for insurance portfolio before model cream skimming. However, unfortunately this model, time is not yet ripe. One thing you can say.

The company deserves recognition in the investment portfolios due:

1) As an analogue reverse of the Federal Reserve rates.

2) The estimated value of the company itself in the form commodity assets is much higher than the demand for it from the real sector.

3) Of speculative capital from of the real economy has not yet come.

4) The production facilities are much stronger ahead of the cumulative aggregated risk.

5) The main sources of risk is the operating personnel are therefore necessary to monitor the quality of management.

6) Improve the system of performance criteria initial sale of by increasing the scale of influence.

7) Enhance for product knowledge in the eyes of the household, as the relationship between man and nature.

8) To improve the value of the contracts at during the transition to the post-sales service. Thereby increasing implementation of any new products in the accounting system.

(Click to enlarge)

I am sure I shall as if you complete the items the company SunEdison will show excellent momentum. All share price next year will walk across levels, consolidating the OFZ auction force for splash. Closer to the payment of their debt obligations that will occur with the first payment year 2017 and released the passive part of the balance of this load. For me the main levels of passage I take volatility breakout in volatility 13.27 as resistance level and will redeem when you reach the level of 5.29.


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