+ | He (I, you, she) must paint. | – Он должен покрасить. или Должно быть, он покрасит. |
? | Must he (I, you, she) paint? | – Yes, he must. |
– No, he needn`t. (не нужно) | ||
What must he paint? | ||
– | He (I, you, she) mustn`t paint. | 1) не должен |
2) нельзя, запрещается. |
gangway | [`g!)wei] | - трап |
port | [`ро: t] | - порт |
meet | [mi: t] | - встречать |
all | [o:l] | - все, весь |
visitor | [`vizit#] | - посетитель |
to ask | [a:sk] | - спрашивать, просить |
to produce | [pr#`dju:s] | - предъявлять |
identification | [ai`dentifi`kei'n] | - документ, удостоверяющий личность |
proper | [`prop#] | - подходящий, надлежащий |
to say | [sei] | - сказать |
any | [`!ni] | - какие-либо |
problem | [`problem] | - проблема |
to report | [гi`po:t] | - докладывать |
to lock | [lok] | - запирать |
leading [li:di)] to the superstructure [`sju:p#str"kt'#] | - ведуший к надстройке | |
area | [`$#ri#] | - район |
clean | [`kli:n] | - чистый |
to keep сlean | - содержать в чистоте | |
to inspect | [in`spekt] | - проверять |
mooring [mu#ri)] line [lain] | - швартов | |
at regular [`regjul#] intervals [`int#v#lz] | - через равные промежутки вре-мени, регулярно | |
of course | [ko:s] | - конечно |
to answer | [`a:ns#] | - отвечать |
phone [foun] call [ko:l] | - телефонный звонок | |
In this case [keis] | - в этом случае |
When the ship is in the port the watchman keeps watch at the gangway.
Не meets all the visitors and if necessary asks them to produce proper identification.
He says, "Your identification, please". If he has any problems he must report them to the officer of the watch. He must lock all the doors leading to the superstructure and if necessary to store-rooms aft. Hе must keep the gangway area сlean.
He must inspect the aft mooring lines at regular intervals.
And of course he must answer all the phone calls.
In this case he says, "Hello, this is the m/v "A".
to start [sta:t] painting | - начать покраску | |
then | [&en] | - затем |
to take | - брать | |
can | [k!n] | - канистра |
black | [bl!k] | - черный |
red | [red] | - красный |
by the way | [wei] | - между прочим |
very | [`veri] | - очень |
thick | [%ik] | - густой |
thinner | [%in#] | - растворитель |
paint roller | [`roul#] | - роликовая (малярная) кисть. |
Boatswain to a sailor: | You must start painting the ship`s board. Chip off the rust with a chipping hammer. Then take one can with black paint and one can with red paint and start painting. |
The sailor: | Must I start painting from the bow to the stern? |
Boatswain: | Yes, you must. By the way, the paint is very thick and you must use the thinner. You can take the thinner, the paint and the paint-rollers in the paint-locker. |
The sailor: | How many coats must I apply? |
Boatswain: | You must apply two coats of paint. |
I. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Where does the watchman keep watch when the ship is at sea?
2. Where does the watchman keep watch when the ship is in the port?
3. What must he do if he has any problems?
4. What doors must he lock?
5. What lines must he inspect at regular intervals?
6. What must he say if he answers a phone call?
II. During his watch at the gangway
Nick must:
1) meet all the visitors
2) ask the visitors to produce proper identification
3) report his problems to the officer of the watch
4) lock all the doors leading to the superstructure
5) keep the gangway clean
6) inspect the aft mooring lines
7) answer the phone calls
What must you do during your watch at the gangway?
Выберите только то, что вы должны делать.
Начните ваше сообщение следующим образом:
During my watch I must...
III. Дайте по возможности более подробный ответ на вопросы:
1. What must you do during your watch?
2. What must you do when you work on deck?
lV. John can
1) steer the course
2) turn the helm
3) take bearings
4) speak English a little
5) scrub down the deck
6) chip off the rust
7) paint
Выберите то, что вы умеете делать. Начните ваше сообщение следуюшим образом
Я умею = I саn...
V. Как вы объясните матросу-новичку, что он должен делать на вахте у трапа?
VI. Вы — боцман. Дайте подробные указания матросу, как красить палубное оборудование.
ГРАММАТИКА: Повторение модальных глаголов can, may, must.