The study aimed at investigating and describing the attitudes of teachers towards using different types of using different types of websites tasks in and out of class,the most effective types of using websites, analysis of interviews held between thirteen teachers. As well, statistical analysis of students surveys on the effects of using websites on their learning. Furthermore, I will briefly describe the results of controlling and experimental groups. In this section, the item analysis results of the statements in teachers’ questionnaire will be shown on graphs and tables.
Teacher Survey: ‘Attitudes of teachers towards using websites (task-based, project-based, pair work, group work etc.)
As it is seen from the table almost all the answers are positive which means that using websites is treated like an essential part in FLT. Various types of using websites learning tasks are used by teachers of different disciplines. It turned out that the using websites are mostly used by teachers to involve students in self-study tasks (37 %) and to make them more useful and interesting 28 %); however, there are other reasons of using websites as motivating learners with interesting tasks (10 %), to provide with meaningful practice (11 %) and to make the students collaborate with each other(14 %). Teachers explained that the learner-centered environment is still not so familiar to many students who grew up in teacher centered classroom. The only thing to arouse the student’s interest to the using websites online technique is to offer them contemporary well- planned tasks / activities which will step-by-step develop learner autonomy. All the instructors who had been surveyed admitted that from the very beginning of the instruction it is important to take into account students learning styles and their interest too. So, integrating task-based, problem based, project-based approach into the curriculum is very productive from both methodological and psychological benefits in encouraging the learners of the language to become autonomous and master all four language skills. As using different techniques to develop learners is considered to be crucial in the 21st century’s education system, online learning using websites are treated like an essential part of the lesson and they are often used by the teachers. According to one of the instructor during the classroom work the teacher tend to be more active, and students carry out more or less passive role while the most advanced stage of activity appears at the organization of the students’ online work. But not any "internet resources" is independent in fact. That can bring success only which is prepared by the teacher very well. Therefore it is important to consider the question of how to prepare students for the internet resources activity and how to organize their using websites work so that they have also interest to work, and satisfaction from the result. It is known that using any additional websites of students promotes more effective mastering of material, stimulates informative and professional interests, develops creative and an initiative activity, and promotes the growth of the doctrine motivation. In order to summarize the results of the first survey we can say that the major part of teachers have positive attitudes towards using tasks promoting independent learning skills. And the these in class and out of class tasks for using websites have been used by teachers not only to practice grammar or vocabulary, which for many decades was the most important part, but develop students’ practical skills and personal characteristics of which allow them to conform to the requirements of time and to do the career growth.