Next i
End Sub
. y = Sin(x) + 1
, Tools=>Menu Editor
Caption | Name |
mnuCalc | |
mnuTabul | |
mnuClear | |
ʳ | mnuFinish |
mnuAbout | |
ʳ | mnuEnd |
Private Sub mnuabort_Click()
MsgBox (" tsesliv")
End Sub
Private Sub mnuclear_Click()
Text1.Text = " "
End Sub
Private Sub mnuend_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnutab_Click()
Dim space, newline As String
Dim x, y As Double
newline = Chr(13) + Chr(10)
space = Chr(9)
Text1.Text = "X" + space + "Y" + newline
For x = Val(Text2.Text) To Val(Text3.Text) Step Val(Text4.Text)
y = Sin(x) + 1
If Check1.Value = Checked Then
Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Str(x) + space + Str(Format$(y, "0.000")) + newline
End If
Next x
End Sub
y = 3 * Sin(x + 2.6)
Private Sub Command1_Click()
x = 0
xmax = 0
Max = 3 * Sin(x + 2.6)
For n = 0 To 10
x = 0.1 * n
y = 3 * Sin(x + 2.6)
If Max < y Then Max = y: xmax = x
Next n
Print x; y
End Sub
1. ?
2. ?
1. y=tg(x) [0,π] h=0.1
2. y=cos(x) [0,π] h=0.1 .
. .
2.1. .
2.2. , .
1. File () New Project ( ), .
2. . .
3. Timer () .
4. ' . Visual Basic .
5. Label (ϳ) .
6. , .
Label . , .
Caption () , ', .
7. ³ Properties () .
' _____ ____
Labell Caption ()
Font () Times New Roman, Bold, 24
Alignment 2 Center ( )
Timer1 Interval 1000
Enabled True ()
Form1 Caption ()
8. ' . Code ' Timer1 - Timer.
9. :
Private Sub Form_Load()
Label1.Caption = Time
End Sub
Caption ' Label1. , Interval () Properties (). .
10. Code, Start () .
' , .
11. -. Visual Basic .
12. Close () , .
13. Save Project ( ) ' MyDigClock.
, MyDigClock , , '. , .
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Text1.Text = "" Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
MsgBox ("
MsgBox (" ")
End If
End Sub
1. Timer?
2. Timer?
. .