, MsgBox InputBox , . , .
, . , . , , . :
³ . :
Private Sub cmdTryMe_Click()
Dim r As String
r = InputBox(" :")
If r = "̲Ͳ" Then
MsgBox ", !"
MsgBox ", " & re & "!"
End If
End Sub
3. .
4. ̲Ͳ .
Select Case
List1.Text List1.Listlndex , Select Case .
ᒺ ______
Labell Caption () ̳
Font () Times New Roman, Bold,
Label2 Caption ()
Label3 Caption () ()
Label4 Caption () ()
BorderStyle 1 - Fixed Single
( ) ( )
ForeColor Dark red (-
( ) (&00000080&)
Commandl Caption ()
ϳ . . . Code Form_Load. :
Private Sub Form_Load()
List1.AddItem ""
List1.AddItem ""
List1.AddItem ""
List1.AddItem ""
List1.AddItem ""
End Sub
³ ᒺ, ᒺ List1.
Code List1_Click.
, , :
Private Sub List1_Click()
Label3.Caption = List1.Text
Select Case List1.ListIndex
Case 0
Label4.Caption = "Hello, programmer"
Case 1
Label4.Caption = "Hallo, Programmierer"
Case 2
Label4.Caption = "Hola, programador"
Case 3
Label4.Caption = "Ciao, programmatori"
Case 4
Label4.Caption = ", "
End Select
End Sub
³ ᒺ, ᒺ Command1. Code Commandl _Click. End , Code. MyCase.frm, MyCase.vbp. Start () MyCase. . . .
1. ?
2. ?
3. Select Case?
( ).
2.1. .
2.2. , .
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim Prompt, FullName
Prompt = " '"
FullName = InputBox(Prompt)
MsgBox (FullName)
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
List1.AddItem "Integer"
List1.AddItem "Long integer"
List1.AddItem "Single precision"
List1.AddItem "Double precision"
List1.AddItem "Currency"
List1.AddItem "String"
List1.AddItem "Boolean"
List1.AddItem "Date"
List1.AddItem "Variant"
End Sub
Private Sub List1_Click()
Dim Birds%, Loan&, Price!, Pie#, Debt@, Dog$, Total
Dim Flag As Boolean
Dim Birthday As Date
Select Case List1.ListIndex
Case 0
Birds% = 37
Label4.Caption = Birds%
Case 1
Loan& = 350000
Label4.Caption = Loan&
Case 2
Price! = -1234.123
Label4.Caption = Price!
Case 3
Pie# = 3.1415926535
Label4.Caption = Pie#
Case 4
Debt@ = 299950.95
Label4.Caption = Debt@
Case 5
Dog$ = " "
Label4.Caption = Dog$
Case 6 '"" -1, "" - 0
Flag = True
Label4.Caption = Flag
Case 7 #
Birthday = #11/19/1963#
Label4.Caption = Format$(Birthday, "dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy")
Case 8
Price = 99.95
Label4.Caption = Price
End Select
End Sub
䳿 , , , . , , .
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim First, Second '
First = Val(Text1.Text)
Second = Val(Text2.Text)
If Option1.Value = True Then
Label1.Caption = First + Second
End If
If Option2.Value = True Then
Label1.Caption = First - Second
End If
If Option3.Value = True Then
Label1.Caption = First * Second
End If
If Option4.Value = True Then
Label1.Caption = First / Second
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Code Command1_Click. - . , . - .
First = Val (Text1.Text)
Second = Val (Text2.Text)
Val . . , , . -, *,^, / , Visual Basic .
+ , . , Visual Basic First Second . Visual Basic ', , , . (, 100 + 17 10017.)
, Code , . (+) If...Then:
If Optionl. Value = True Then
Labell. Caption = First + Second End If
Value () True (), +, Labell. : If...Then Caption () ' Labell (ϳ).
Private Sub Command1_Click()
UserName = InputBox(" '.")
If UserName = "" Then
MsgBox (" , ! ?")
Form1.Picture = LoadPicture("c:\1.bmp")
ElseIf UserName = "" Then
MsgBox (" , ! ?")
Form1.Picture = LoadPicture("c:\2.bmp")
MsgBox ("! :")
End If
End Sub
1. Val?
2. ?
1. . , .
2. .
2.1. .
2.2. , .
Private Sub Command1_Click()
For = 1 To 10
Print "˲Ͳ ";
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
For i = 1 To 10
FontSize = 5 + i