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Льюис Кэрролл — профессор математики

Много лет назад, в один погожий летний день, застен­чивый человек вместе с тремя маленькими девочка­ми отправился кататься на лодке по Темзе. Имя его было Доджсон. Его часто называли «Профессор Доджсон», поскольку в будние дни он преподавал мате­матику в Оксфордском университете, а по воскресе­ньям читал проповеди в церкви. «Доджсон» было его настоящим именем, а отнюдь не тем, под которым мы его знаем.

Доджсон был столь робким, что запинался от волне­ния, когда разговаривал со взрослыми людьми. Зато он с удовольствием рассказывал забавные истории детям. Именно в тот день, катаясь на лодке по Темзе, он поведал своим маленьким спутницам невероят­ную историю. Он рассказал им о маленькой девоч­ке, которая, отправившись спать, исчезла в кроличь­ей норе, а проснувшись, очутилась в стране чудес. Настолько необычной была эта история, что дети слу­шали его, широко раскрыв глаза. И напоследок по­просили профессора записать её для них. Это он и сделал, просидев над рукописью всю ночь. И посколь­ку одну из маленьких девочек звали Алиса, он выб­рал для своей истории название «Алиса в стране чудес».

После этого Доджсон убрал рукопись в ящик стола и совершенно забыл о ней. Никогда он не мог предпо­ложить, что ею кто-нибудь заинтересуется. Через не­сколько лет один из его приятелей наткнулся на эту рукопись. Стряхнув с неё пыль, он принялся её чи­тать. Едва он прочитал несколько страниц, как понял, что это шедевр, который необходимо опубликовать. «Хотелось бы, чтобы все дети смогли прочитать о при­ключениях Алисы в стране чудес. Досадно, что ты такой робкий и упрямый. На твоем месте я бы давно это сделал, и дети сейчас могли бы наслаждаться этой книгой. Также как и взрослые.» Тщетны, однако, были все его попытки. Профессор и слушать не хотел о том, чтобы он, профессор математики Оксфордского уни­верситета, написал глупую сказку для детей! Нет! Ни за что он этого не сделает! Это было ниже его досто­инства.

Потому-то «Алиса в стране чудес» и была в конце кон­цов издана под псевдонимом Льюис Кэрролл. Она имела чрезвычайный успех. Число её изданий труд­но определить. На протяжении многих десятков лет «Алиса в стране чудес» остаётся одной из самых лю­бимых детских книг во всем мире.

Ex. 704. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets. Retell the story.

A Whale Hunt

The sea was calm, and the sun (shine) brilliantly on the placid waveless waters. We (be) on the sea for some weeks and (be) now in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean. In the distance a school of porpoises (play) and (splash) about in the sea, and beneath the glassy water smaller fish (swim) about, occasionally coming to the surface to pick up any food that (fall) from the ship. Suddenly a large whale (begin) to spout in the distance, and immediately all the boats (launch) and the party (start) in pursuit. As we (come) nearer we (perceive) that we (find) a school of large whales.

As soon as one of the monsters (appear) — for whales cannot remain below for a very long time — the men in the boat nearest to him (hurl) their harpoons which (bury) themselves right in his flesh, and the whale immediately (dive) down, dragging the boat along at a great speed. Meanwhile the other boats (come) nearer and nearer to the scene of the encounter, and we all (wait) anxiously for his reappearance, fearing lest the ropes not (be) long enough. The boat (be) dragged along at a great pace, and the water (fill) it — though the whale (show) no signs of exhaustion — when suddenly he (reappear), and immediately a number of fresh harpoons (be) hurled at him.

This (excite) the monster so much, that full of fury, he (attack) the boat, and with one blow of his mighty tail (break) it to pieces, hurling the men in it high into the air. A strange scene then (present) itself. Men (struggle) in the water in all directions — some (swim) towards the other boats, others (cling) to fragments of the wreck; some of the boats (try) to give assistance to the drowning men, while others (dart) in pursuit of the whale which (make off) as fast as he (can).

Ex. 705. Explain the difference in meaning between the sentences

1. She's very childish. She's being very childish. 2. Last year he lived in Paris. Last year he was living in Paris. 3. What have you done this morning? What did you do this morning?

4. My parents have written to me. My parents have been writing to me. 5. They had dinner when their friends came. They were having dinner when their friends came. 6. They knew the place well when they lived there. They knew the place well because they had lived there.

7. He learnt the language before he went there. He'd been learning the language before he went there. 8. As he ate his breakfast, he read the newspaper. As he had eaten his breakfast, he read the newspaper.


;Ex. 706. Read the story. Give a complex analysis of all the '.grammatical phenomena.

A Very Fine Quality

I let the boat drift on the river, beneath the bridge, and out into the lake. The light was disappearing from the August evening. Home on holidays from the university and unused to farmwork, I was feeling heavy with tiredness, and I had gone on the river to be alone and think of my future, There was a full moon over Ireland.

"Hi there! Hi! Do you hear me, young Moran!" The voice came with startling clarity over the water. I looked all around. The voice came from the road. I couldn't at first make out the figure, but when it called again I knew it was Councillor Reegan. "Moran, row over here for a minute. I want to have a word with you." I rowed very slowly. I disliked him. He had come poor to the place, buying a small farm cheap, and soon after the farmhouse burnt down. A bigger house was built with the insurance money — and burned down, too, to be replaced by a large mansion. Soon he was buying up other small farms, but no one had ever seen him work with a shovel or spade. "A man who works never makes any money. He has no time to see where the money is," he was fond of boasting. He entered politics. He married Kathleen Relihan, the oldest daughter of old Andy Relihan, the richest man in the area, and chairman of the County Council. When Andy retired, Reegan succeeded him in the Council, and it seemed only a question of time before he was elected to be the Mayor. I let the boat turn so that I could place my hand on the stone wall. The Councillor was sitting on the wall and his shoes hung six or eight feel above the boat.

"It's not the first time I have to congratulate you," he said, "though I'm too high up here to shake your hand And I'm certain it won't be the last time either." "You're very kind," I answered. "Have you any idea what you'll do now?" "No,I've applied for a scholarship. It depends on whether

I get it or not." "What'll you do if you get it?" "Go on to the university, I suppose, and do the doctorate." "And after that?" "I don't know. Sooner or later, I suppose, I'll have to look for a job."

"That's what I want to talk to you about. You're qualified to teach, aren't you?" "Yes. But I've only taught for a few months. Before I got the chance to go to the university." "You didn't like teaching?" he asked sharply. I was careful. "I didn't dislike it. It was a job." "Good enough. And what I want to know is — if you were offered a very good job now, would you be likely to

take it?" "What job?"

(to be continued)

Ex. 707. Read the story Give a complex analysis of all the grammatical phenomena

A Very Fine Quality

"I won't beat about the bush. I'm talking of the job as principal of the school here. It's a very fine position for a young man. You'd be among your own people. If you decide to marry and settle down, I'm in a position to put other advantages your way."

This whole proposition was amazing. Master Leddy was the principal of the school. He had been principal as long as I remembered. He had taught me, and manv before me. I had visited him just three days before. His wife had let me in. "Is that young Moran?" Master Leddy called down. He must have recognized my voice.

"Make him a good cup of tea." Then he came heavily down the stairs in his stockinged feet. "You couldn't have come in a better time. We'll be able to walk up the road together." Physically, he had deteriorated since I'd last seen him — his face was puffy, the white hair thinned, and there was a bruise on one cheekbone, where he must have fallen. "It's a very nice thing to see old pupils coming back. Though not many of them bring me honour as you do, it's still a very nice thing when they come to see me. Loyalty is a fine quality. A very fine quality."

He spoke the whole of the slow walk to the village. I walked at a snail's pace by his side, embarrassed, ashamed, confused. I had once looked up to him in pure admiration. He had shone like a clear star. I had been in love with what he stood for. It seemed horrible that he had come to this.

"I always refer to you as my best pupil," he said. "When the whole business seems to be completely hopeless, I always point to you, Moran: that's one good job I did. Let the fools talk."

Outside the door of Ryan's Bar he took quick leave of me. "I won't invite you inside," he said. "I say to all my pupils: Stay away from drink. I am a poor example myself, but I want to bring no one with me. God bless and guard you, Moran. Come and see me again before you head back to the city." With that he left me.

What Reegan was saying was shocking. I knew that politicians had nothing to do with the appointment of teachers. It was the priest who ran the school. But I knew Reegan's reputation and was wary. "You must be joking," I said from the boat, "Isn't Master Leddy the principal?"

"He is now, but he won't be for long — not if I have anything to do with it. If you can give me your word that you'll take the job, I can promise you that the job is as good as yours."

(to be continued) 421

Ex. 708. A. Read the story Give a complex analysis of all the grammatical phenomena.

A Very Fine Quality

"I can't do that. Anyhow, I don't understand... Father Gallagher who appoints the teachers."

"Listen. There are many people who feel the same way as I do. If I go to Father Gallagher in the name of all those people and say that you are willing to take the job, the job is yours. Even if he didn't want to, he'd have no choice but to appoint to..." "Why should you want to do that for me?" I was as much curious as taken aback. "It's bloody necessary. I have three sons. They go to that school. And with the education they are getting up there, all they'll ever be fit for is to dig ditches, and I don't ever want to watch any of my sons dig. The whole school is a mess."

"What makes you think I'd be any better?" "You're young. You're qualified. You're ambitious. It's

a very good job for someone your age. I'll give you all backing you'd want. With you there I'd feel my children would still have a real chance. If I go to Father Gallagher and say that things can't be allowed to go on as they've been going and we have a young man here, from a good

family, a local, more than qualified, who's willing to take the job, who has everyone's backing, then I can guarantee you here,this very evening,that you'll be the principal of that school when it opens in September." For the first time it was all coming clear to me. "What'll

happen to the Master? What'll he do?" "What I'm more concerned about is what'll my children

do if he stays." "Do you mean the Master'll be out on the road, then?" "You need have no fear of that. He's got the Teachers' Union behind him. Today, alcoholism is looked upon as

just another illness." Reegan laughed sarcastically. "No. He'd just have that bit less of a pension with which to drink himself into an early grave. You need have no worries. You'd be doing everybody a favour, including him most of all, if you take the job. Well, what do you say? I could still go to Father Gallagher tonight. It's late, but not too late. Well, what do you say?" "I'd have to think about it anyhow." "It's a very fine position for a young man starting out in life."

"I know it is. I'm very grateful. But I'll have to think about it."

To hell with gratitude. Gratitude doesn't matter a damn. I can't wait for very long. Something has to be done, and be done soon."

"I know that, but I still have to think about it." "Listen, let's not decide on anything this evening. Why on't you drop over to my place tomorrow night. My daughter has been saying for a long time now that she'd ike to meet you. Come about nine." From the boat I watched Reegan cross the road and disappear. I rowed very slowly away, in the deadly silence of the half-darkness. My hair and clothes were wet with the dew.

B. Write the end of the story as you see it and justify it.


Ex.41. Follow the given models.

1. There was fried chicken and potatoes for dinner. A chicken is a bird that is kept on a farm.

2. She has no teaching experience. The parting was a painful experience. 3. You should pay more attention to grammar. A grammar is a book that describes the rules of a language.

4. Now go on on your own.

Ex. 42.

1. has 2. are 3. were 4. is 5. are 6. are 7. were 8. are 9. are 10. are 11. lives 12. are 13. think 14. are 15. were 16. were

Ex. 44.

1. In his mind's eye Erik again saw his parents' house, which stood (was) on the river's bank. 2. Old McDonald's farm was like heaven. We saw many (a lot of) fish, swimming in the pond, curly sheep, lying under huge oaks. 3. — What a wonderful watch! — Yes, it's a Rolex. 4. Forty pence is not such (very) big money. 5. You can enjoy the food and the drinks to your heart's content. It won't cost you a penny. 6.1 have known him for a very very long time and I must say that he is nobody's fool. 7. This news doesn't surprise me. I (have) expected it. 8. It's a phenomenon, it's quite an unexplainable thing! 9. Stop arguing, at least for decency's sake. 10. The jun was (were) not able to make a decision. 11.1 am at m\ wit's end how to get out of this complicated situation. 12. Let's drop in at the confectioner's and have a snack. 13. Michael's house is at a stone's throw from St. Thomas's hospital. 14. The agent was at a hair's breadth of failure. 15.1 must look through the data bank and get the information on this matter. The boss needs it. 16. The police are combing the city in search of the robbers. 17. Why don't the police take effective measures against crime? 18. The museum bought a fantastic picture at Sotheby's — a Degas. 19. Sherlock Holmes's museum is in Baker Street in London. 20. He wrote a book about today's Britain.

Ex. 103.

I. the. a, —. —, —. an, the, a. the, a, an, the. "the, a?" the. the, "the, —, the, the?" "the. a."

II. the, the, the, a, the, the, a, —. —, the, the. a, —, the, —. the, —, —, the, —, —, —. the, the.

Ex. 105.

1. — 2. the, a, the, the; —, a 3. a, a 4. the, a, a, a 5. the, the, —, the 6. the. the 7. —; a. a, the 8. the, the, the. the, a, the, the, a, the, the, the 9. a, —, the, the 10. a, —. a, a, the. —, a, —.


1. a. an. a 2. the. the, the, the 3. —; a, a, 4. a. an (the), —, a 5. "a! —" 6. a. the 7. a. a 8. —, —. —, — 9. a, a, a

10. "the", a, the, the, the, the 11. a, the, the. the, —, the, a, —. a, a.


I. the day, the house, the sky. The sun, a rainbow, the trees, a perfect arc. a good omen, the... person, a pot, the end, a rainbow, an... optimist.

11. the clock, the... light, the room, an... riser, the window, the blind a rush, a... hold, the bathroom, the cap, a... shower, a few, the corner, the bathtub, the taps.


I. high, highly 2. wide, widely 3. high, highly 4. widely, wide 5. highly, high 6. wide, widely 7. highly, high 8. deeply, deep 9. deeply, deep 10. short, short, shortly

II. hard, hardly 12. low, low 13. closely, close 14. dynamic, dynamically 15. low, low, lowly


1. Frankly speaking, you don't take your duties quite seriously. 2. Actually, I need your help badly. 3. I only partly agree with you. 4. Tell us honestly why you behaved so foolishly. 5. He made a good act and he feels good about it. 6. The cold had passed and I felt well. 7. It rained hard yesterday and it's snowing heavily today. 8. It's nearly lunchtime. Let's stop at the nearest cafe. 9. He tries hard to succeed. But he hardly knows what to start with. 10. Sooner or later the truth will come out. 11. All is well that ends well. 12.1 definitely think that we have done everything correctly. 13. Better late than never. 14. Try to express your thoughts logically. 15. We practically have no other way out. 16. Listen to me attentively and start acting immediately. 17. My friend is a regular reader of this magazine. He subscribes to it regularly. 18. The landscape was unbelievably beautiful. 19. My brother is a highly educated man. 20. Dima lives farthest (furthest) of all. 21. Take it easy.

Ex. 214.

1. different, differently 2. effectively, effective 3. wisely, foolishly, wise, foolish. 4. dynamic, dynamically 5. short, shortly 6. honestly, boldly, honest, bold. 7. gracefully, graceful 8. confidential, confidentially 9. currently, current 10. badly, bad 11. slowly, slow 12. surely, sure 13. different, differently 14. slight, slightly 15. dramatic­ally, dramatic


1. Actually, it's of no importance. 2. She spoke lightly, but firmly. 3. The success did him a lot of good. 4. This shop sells practically everything. 5. She takes the surrounding world philosophically. 6. He is hardly able to work today. 7. This girl is extremely selfish. 8. You are awfully kind. 9. They said it simultaneously and burst out laughing. 10. The least noise frightened him. 11.1 haven't the slightest idea what you are speaking about.12. White wine should be slightly chilled. 13. — Are you sure you heard everything correctly? — Absolutely. 14. I'd like to be economically independent. 15. This car is very economical. 16. They agreed to our offer too easily. 17. We are going to have proper food today. You never eat properly. Just remember the words: "Cook fast — eat slowly."


C. have seen, have noticed A. have changed, were C. have they changed A. have become

A. left, have been wearing, have worn (have been wearing), kicked, were not dressed (didn't dress) C. lecture A. tend, live, was C. have experienced C. did you get married A. got married, have been living C. has been married, is

Ex. 302.

l.b 2.с З.с 4.с 5.a 6.b 7.a 8.a 9.с 10.с 11.a

Ex. 304.

I. was slicing, had made, had, was dangling, was working, "would you mind, are preparing?" "haven't dropped, are getting." "say." "breath (are breathing)." snapped.

II. "don't go." "does... know, may (might)." "don't have to...", "shall (will) make, has always been, you have forgotten."

Ex. 306.

left, headed, had predicted, went, liked, hailed, got. began, slammed, gave, thought, is (was) raining, did not come, were, had loved, was. loved.

Ex. 307.

The Black Tulip

Many years ago there lived in the Netherlands, in the outskirts of the Hague, an unremarkable man, Hans by name. He was a shoemaker by trade and quite a good one. The Dutch, as you know, are very fond of flowers, and they are particularly famous for their tulips. And Hans was no exception. For many years he had been growing different sorts of tulips until one fine day he saw an unusual tulip in his garden. It was black. Nobody had grown black tulips before and Hans was very proud of his wonderful flower. News, as you know, spreads very fast. So the news of the unique flower became known all over the country. A lot of people wanted to buy the bulb of the black tulip, but the shoemaker-gardener wouldn't hear about it, though he needed money badly.

Once there came to Hans some people who offered him as much money as he hadn't earned in all his life though he had always been a very skillful and hard-working man. Hans thought for a few days and said that he would sell the bulb. And no wonder. As in those times, precisely in 1670 one could buy a few houses with this money. Only after he had got the money and counted it, did he give his treasure to those people. No sooner had the strangers got the bulb, than they threw it on the ground and began stabbing it until nothing was left of it. "What are doing? Have you gone mad?" cried the shocked Hans. "I have been working all my life to grow this wonder (miracle), and you have destroyed it!" "You fool!" was the answer, "We were ready to pay you twice as much. The thing is that we've also grown a black tulip,but we don't want any competitors in this country!" When Hans heard that he had missed the chance to get twice as much money than the money he had been given he went mad. Well, as time passed black tulips became quite regular flowers. The most well-known sorts are called "The Queen of Night", "The Black Beauty", "The Black Magic", "The Black Hero". 428

Ex. 308.

I. woke, lay. had been, would say, lost. had... wanted, got up, dressed, went, found, were sitting, was talking.

II. were walking, saw, had gathered, were reading, had just been pinned up. have started, said, wouldn't mind, might, shall... go? were, hurried, will be teaching, will be.

Ex. 343.

1. am reading 2. means 3. has (had) cracked, is (was) peeling 4. stopped, hasn't been working 5. are... doing? have made up 6. are looking, have... seen 7. did... get? have... been fighting? 8. moved, would grow up 9. was being repaired, took, was... used 10. listen, speaks, (will) understand, means (meant), hasn't changed, met 11. had finished, were drinking, rose 12. had stopped, arrived, was shining 13. will be raised 14. was beaten 15. will... be using? haven't decided 16. had been marinated

Ex. 346.

had been deported, was treated, stayed, had said, would

be, (had) offered, took, went.

were, was leaving, could, might, visited.

arrived, rang, had stayed, understood, were, crooned, must.

had expected, to be put, had extended.

decided, was, had to, got. (had) reached, were, would

discover, was opened, told, led, was glowing, had become

(was becoming).

isappeared, came.

stood up, clasped, said, began, should go, get? were

confirmed, showed.

Ex. 348.

was found, was called, carried, had been blown, said, had gone, were flying, had been given, had been organized, would find, told. ate. has... been, interests, have... said, wouldn't eat, does, needed.

Ex. 350.

1. The British say that if a cat crosses your path, it brings good luck. 2. This small shop sells women's clothes. This week they are selling out the summer collection. 3. It rained yesterday, and it's snowing today. 4. —I know what you are thinking about. — And what exactly am I thinking about? — I think you are again dreaming about a big round pizza. 5. She is expecting a child. I believe Peter knows about it. 6. You are constantly showing off and fishing out for compliments! 7. Yesterday he said that he had never had any time for entertainment. 8. Well, dear professor, you've made a lady of me and have won your bet. 9. Who has eaten my dinner? There is nothing left on the plates. 10. Who has been eating my dinner? There is little food left on the plates. 11. He wondered where everybody had gone. 12. He asked where we had been all that time. 13. This question has long been worrying me, I have long wanted (been wanting) to ask you this question. 14. The farmer told us that the weather had been good up to that very day. 15. It's something special, you'll see. And in a minute you'll be thanking me. 16. I am tasting the soup to understand if I should add some more salt. Oh, no, it tastes excellent. 17. Everybody hoped that the success of his latest book would considerably improve his mood. 18. She explained to him that she had lived in England long enough to know the value of money (to be accurate with money).


1. If you loved me, you would fulfil all my wishes. 2. If we had known then what to do we would have acted decisively. 3.1 know that you will do it as soon as you can. 4. We are sure that you would do it as soon as you could. 5. Were he here now, he would defend us. 6. In your place (if I were you) I would be more careful about what I say (am saying). 7. If you hadn't been idle all your life, you would be rich now. 8. If there were no oxygen in the air, we wouldn't be able to live. 9. Were I (a) King, I would rule justly. 10. If she hadn't again lost her glasses yesterday, she could check (could have checked) our works. 11. Students would forget a lot if 430

they didn't have to take exams from time to time. 12. Were I rich, I would be very generous and would do a lot of good (good things). 13. If you had invited a good doctor when you fell ill, you would have never got into hospital. 14. And why aren't you coming (going) to the party? In your place I would go there. It'll be great there! 15. Everything would have been all right but for the sudden arrival of the inspector.


to use, had long wanted, picked up, tapped, had been running, needed, felt, had got, could, begged, were, carried, had been talking, could stand, stopped (should stop)? had gone mad. gave, went, fell, was burnt (had been burned)! had been trying, had not been, had let, use!


1. English people say that you should hang the horseshoe with its ends up, lest good luck should fall out. 2. Button your coat lest you should catch a cold. You should (ought to) take more care of your health. 3. They had to speak in a whisper lest anyone should hear them (so that nobody might hear them). 4. She pretended to be searching for something in her pockets lest anyone should notice her excitement (so that nobody might notice...). 5. Let's sit down and talk so that there might be no misunder­standing (lest...). 6. Let's take a taxi lest we should miss the train. 7. The mother closed the balcony so that the noise might not wake the child. 8. He pulled the hat low on his eyes lest he should be recognized. 9. And suddenly he felt hot and he seized the back of the chair so that he might not iall. 10.1 feel sleepy, Let's have a cup of coffee lest we should fall asleep. 11. The scouts had to move very cautiously so that the enemy might not hear them. 12. The children were excited, they feared lest any of the grown-ups should come in before they had packed Christmas presents. 13. Put the books into the bookcase so that they might not get dusty. 14.1 need to dry (air) my things lest the moths should spoil them. 15. Close the tube of glue so that it might not get dry. 16. Close the window before switching on the light lest mosquitoes should get in. 17. Wash off the make-up before you go to bed, lest you should have some allergy.

Ex. 414.

1. Tom asked Tim what he would do if he were in his shoes. Tim answered that he would polish them.

2. The teacher asked the student what was wrong in the sentence "Ann didn't go...". The student explained that if the sentence which had "had had" had had "had", it would have been correct.

3. A nervous passenger approached the captain timidly and asked him what would happen if they struck a large iceberg. The captain replied that the iceberg would pass on as if nothing had happened. The old lady was very much relieved.

4. A wife asked her husband where he would go for a holiday if he could afford it. The husband answered that he would go somewhere he had never been to. The wife offered him to go to the kitchen.

5. Roger asked Jeff why he thought his marriage had lasted so well. Jeff explained that he and his wife always had dinner out on Saturdays. Roger considered it to be very romantic. He said he wished Laura and he had done so too, then they wouldn't have parted. And he wondered where they usually went. Jeff replied that he personally went for a Chinese. And he added that he had no idea (didn't have the foggiest idea) where she went. To this Roger remarked that sometimes two is a crowd, too.


1.1 wish you hadn't left so early. You would have had a lovely time at the party. 2. If I had your talents (abilities)! I could reach (could have reached) so much in life! 3. —If all goes well, we'll become partners. — I wish it were so! 4. If an Englishman had stolen a few 432

pennies two hundred years ago, he would have been hanged. 5. — You'll be lucky if you find a horseshoe. — Yes, if I found it I would hang it for good luck. 6. In a few minutes we'll land at "Sheremetjevo" airport. I wish someone met us and took us to the hotel "Savoy"! 7. — If I hadn't dyed my hair so bright, my friends wouldn't be joking at me. — And I like it. I wish I had dyed mine with you! 8. — I'll get angry (cross) if you refuse to go with us. — I wish I could do it, it wouldn't be bad. 9. — We wouldn't have got into such a difficult situation, if we had controlled all their actions. — I wish we hadn't trusted them so blindly all these years! 10. — If I have a lot of money, I shall travel and help people. — It's high time you stopped dreaming and began working! 11. If I had a lot of money I would help all my friends. 12. If I had had a lot of money yesterday, we would have gone to a restaurant and not to McDonald's. 13. — We would have slept better last night, if my neighbours' son hadn't arranged a party. — And isn't it time you spoke (should speak) to him about it? 14.1 don't think he's somewhere in the country otherwise someone would have already seen him and the news of him would have spread among us. 15. Should you change your mind, let us know. It's necessary we (should) find someone to substitute you.

Ex. 416.

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