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Compound and complex sentences

Ex 679. Analyse the following sentences

1. He came, he saw, he won. 2. Man has his will, but woman has her way. 3. Mr. Dursley hummed as he picked out his most boring tie for work,and Mrs. Dursley gossiped away happily. 4. He couldn't bear people who dressed in funny clothes — the getups you saw on young people! 5. Paul was in a very good mood until lunchtime, when he thought he'd stretch his legs and walk across the road to buy himself a bun from the bakery. 6. He laid the baby gently on the doorstep, took a letter out of his cloak, tucked it inside the blankets, and then walked away. 7. Mrs. Figg gave him a bit of chocolate cake that tasted as though she'd had it for several years. 8. Questions exploded inside Nikita's head like fireworks and he couldn't decide which to ask first. 9. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to our school. 10. He realized his mouth was open and he closed it quickly.


Ex. 680. State the type of the subordinate clause.

1.1 realized that they had fallen in love. 2. If you are successful, people will forgive you practically everything. 3. Will you be still using the computer when I come back to the office after lunch? 4. If you've got the means of getting something done, use it. 5. This afternoon Martha was late for the lecture because she had had a sleepless night. 6. It was an absolutely freezing day when we arrived in Moscow. 7. Although she was extremely surprised she didn't show any sign of it. 8. Since he had lost the keys, he had to break down the door. 9. As he had no alarm clock, he overslept. 10. Once they had found somewhere to park, they were able to have dinner. 11. The waiter served the food, which had been cooked by the best chef in Paris. 12. The police are looking for the woman, who had kidnapped the child. 13. They ran to the spot where they had hidden the money. 14. Watch your every step lest you should get into trouble. 15. They were so poor that they couldn't make both ends meet. 16. Sophia behaves as if the world were at her feet. 17. Should you change your mind, let us know. 18.1 woke to find rain streaming down the windows. 19. He had come so close that he and Frank were almost nose to nose. 20. It seemed as if he had been wanting to say all this for years.

Ex.681. Insert what, that or which.

1. 1 tried to decide... I wanted most: the meal or sleep. 2. Don't worry! I'll do... I can. 3. Nobody will believe... it's true. 4. Where are the coins... were in the box? 5. We haven't got the clue... you are talking about. 6. Why do you blame me for the things... go wrong? 7. — Did you hear... I said? — No,... was it? 8. Nobody knows... he is like. 9. Relax,... is no problem. 10. Why can't you tell me... the problem is? 11. We fully believe... she speaks the truth. 12. That is... counts in the long run. 13. The book says one thing and you say another: I don't know... to believe. 14. People are... they think they are. 15. You can find... you want to find in any situation.

16. One of the laws of life states... by expressing love, you attract love. 17. Just imagine, how much there is... we don't know,... remains hidden from us.

Ex. 682. Translate into English

1. Есть еще один последний вопрос, который я хотела бы задать вам. 2. Мы очень сомневаемся, что то, что она говорит, верно. 3. Это именно то, что я давно твер жу тебе! 4. Ты не понимаешь, что ты делаешь, что очень печально. 5. Трудоголик! Вот кто ты! 6. Моя сестра работает в торговом центре, который как раз за уг­лом. 7. — Разве ты не знаешь, что он всегда делает то, что хочет? — Это не так, он бывает очень гибок. 8. Мне требуется час от двери до двери, что не так уж и пло­хо в большом городе. 9. Ты прочитал мою мысль. Это было то, что я собирался сказать. 10. Родители Вади­ма совершенно уверены, что то, что он выбрал себе в качестве будущей карьеры, не то, что ему действитель­но стоит делать. 11. И затем я произнес первые сло­ва, которые пришли мне на ум. 12. — Это именно то, что произошло. — Какая досада! 13. Что нас порази­ло, так это то, что он совсем не чувствовал себя вино­ватым. 14. — Дела вскоре пойдут лучше. Именно для этого и существует завтра. — Да, утро вечера мудре­нее. 15. Комитет обсуждает сегодня условия, которые существуют в английских школах. 16. Быть или не быть? — вот в чем вопрос.


Ex. 683. Use whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, whichever, however.

1. Use... of the three alternatives is appropriate. 2. We'd drive... I wanted to go. 3.... you do,don't take a trip to the Arctic. 4. Come to see me... you feel you have to talk. 5...., it was not to be. 6. You can do it... you want. 7. He came into our lives, or we came into his,... way you care to look at it. 8. — Let's go away. —... to? 9. I have to bring my family back... happens. 10.... you are, my heart will go on beating for you. 11.... strong the temptation, don't stay at any job too long. 12. Then they have their lunch, have a chat, have a sleep,... they like, up in the lounge. 13.... have you been? 14.... the reason, we were glad she had come back. 15.1 avoided physical conflict... I could. 16.... you think about it, keep it to yourself. 17.... I remember her face, it is smiling or laughing. 18.... hard she tried, she couldn't remember the first time they had met. 19.... I go on holiday, I always seem to be unlucky with the weather. 20.... you are, you are not to order people about. 21. Come out,... you are!



Ex. 684. Make up complex sentences by combining the two parts with the help of because or even though. Make any necessary changes to the second part.

1. The streets are wet 2. We got wet through 3. He failed his driving test 4. She is fit and healthy 5. I'm hungry 6. Our team seldom wins 7. I run an expensive car 8. They often go to discos 9. He speaks Chinese fluently       Even Though because   it has been raining, it hasn't been raining. we didn't take an umbrella. we took an umbrella, he didn't practise enough, he practised a lot. not much exercise. a lot of exercise. not much for breakfast. a lot for breakfast. not very good players, very good players, not afford it. afford it. not keen on dancing, keen on dancing. never lived in China. lived in China.

Ex. 685. Combine the two sentences into one sentence using so, so that, because (of), as, since.

I. The traffic was very heavy. I was an hour late. 2. The plants died. It was very dry. 3. The light was very bad. The referee had to stop the game. 4. The weather was terrible. We couldn't eat outside. 5. She got the job. Her qualifications are excellent. 6.1 didn't phone you. Your number was engaged. 7. It's a very large city. You have to use public transport a lot. 8. The restaurant was full-We went to the bar next door. 9. Nelly stayed at home. She expected a phone call. 10.1 learned to drive. My mother doesn't have to give me a lift to the office-II. Michael went home early. He was feeling tired-12. The power was cut last night. I missed the late film on TV.


Ex. 686. A. Use one of the two conjunctions to complete the itences according to the meaning of the second part.

1. Take an umbrella 2. Pack an overnight bag 3. Have something to eat 4. Let's have an early night 5. Take the files with you 6. We must fill up with petrol 7. Wear your warm coats 8. Write everything down 9. Book well in advance     in case so that you won't get wet. It's raining. you have to stay the night. you can stay the night. you won't feel hungry later. you can't get anything to eat later. we'll be fresh in the morning. we have to get up early tomorrow. you need to refer to them. you can refer to them. we'll have enough for the journey. the filling stations are closed. the weather turns colder. you won't feel the cold. you forget it. you have a record of what is said. you are sure of getting a seat. they sell out.

B. Use the sentences which you have made up in past time xts.

e.g. / took an umbrella in case it was raining (so that I wouldn't get wet).

Ex. 687, Insert prepositions of time.

1. I will stay here... she phones. 2. They will be in the office... four o'clock. 3. Dad will be home... lunchtime. 4. Mr. Bush has worked in this office... six months. 5. We've been here... May. 6. David worked in the Middle East... the war. 7. The lecturer spoke... two hours non­stop. 8. I'm going back to my college... ten days' time. 9. We arranged our next meeting... April. 10. Tanya has known her hairdresser... ages. 11. We can't leave... the others get back. 12. My cousin has been in the army... he was eighteen. 13. Tony was at University... five years. 14. It was hot... August. 15. The Ivanovs haven't been to their country cottage... a fortnight. 16. You can't get a driving licence... you pass the test. 17. Let us know... you get the e-mail. 18.... make up your mind, there will be no going back.


Ex. 688. Choose the conjunction which fits the meaning of the sentence. In some cases more than one will fit.

1. (As, As though, As soon as) it is getting late, I suggest we break off now. 2. Nobody is to leave (until, unless, since) I say so. 3. He arrived (just as, as long as, as far as) I was leaving. 4. She cried out (although, as though, as if) she had been stung by a wasp. 5. Call in and say hello (whenever, however, wherever) you are in town. 6. (Since, Seeing that, In case) nobody else seems to want these sandwiches, I'll eat them. 7. (As soon as, Since, Now that) you leave school, you'll be able to get a good job. 8. (As far as, So that, Once) I can see, he has no intention of paying the bill. 9. Stay in your flat (as far as, until, since) somebody sends for you. 10. (Once, Whenever, After) you have driven a Porsche, you will never want to drive any other car. 11. You will never make friends (if, when, unless) you go out and meet people. 12. We'll invite Chris and Mary, (considering, supposing, assuming) that they are interested. 13. (As, When, If) you think it is necessary, send him some more money. 14. Please don t talk (while, whenever, now that) the concert has begun 15.1 do not trust him (as though, even though, although) I do business with him. 16. What were you doing (while, as, after) I was travelling around Europe? 17. What will you do (after, once, now that) the course is nearly over?

Ex. 689. Make one sentence out of the two with a subordinate attributive clause.

Model: The air surrounds us. It consists of various elementsThe air which/that surrounds us consists of various elements. The assistant was very helpful. He served me.The assistant who/that served me was very helpful.

1. The plate was very old. The servant broke it. 2. The climate is warm. It prevails in Italy. 3. The water was very cold. I bathed in it yesterday. 4. Show me the book. You have read it. 5. The ship was very small. Columbus crossed the Atlantic in it. 6. The palace is very beautiful. The Queen lives in it. 7. I had some money on me. I gave it to a beggar. 8. The picture was very fine. The artist took a long time to paint it. 9. The sun is far away. Our light comes from it. 10. The bridge is very high. I passed over it yesterday. 11. The plane was British. It was hijacked. 12. The company collapsed. It was involved in the scandal. 13. The cathedral was rebuilt. It was bombed during the war. 14. The tooth will have to be extracted. It's hurting you. 15. The rocket is going to the moon. It was launched yesterday. 16. The girl turned me down. I asked her to marry me. 17. The composer was blind. He wrote this music. 18. The man was a crook. He sold me the car. 19. The man was an old friend. He bumped into me. 20. The woman is going to appear in court as a witness. She saw the accident.


Ex. 690. Link the sentences with relative clauses omitting who or which where possible.

1.1 know the company. Jack works for it. 2.1 met a woman. She lives next door to Tina. 3. We are going to see the new James Bond film. Everybody is talking about it. 4. Susan reads a lot of books. They tell you how to be a success in business. 5. Look! There's the new teacher. I told you about her. 6. I'm wearing the leather jacket. My mother gave it to me on my birthday. 7. Did you meet the writer? He won the Booker Prize last year. 8. Have you been to this boutique? It has very trendy clothes. 9.1 took my son to my parents' house. He was one year old. 10. She wanted to see her friends. They were on an expedition in the North. 11.1 have to study mathematics. I do not enjoy it. 12. Can that be Mr. Bridgeman? We used to work with him. 13. This is the Director. He founded the company. 14. They went to see the flat. They lived in it when they were students. 15. The man is the manager. You spoke to him. 16. The woman is married. He's fallen in love with her. 17. The girl is one of his students. He's going out with her. 18. The course was a waste of time. I went on it.

Ex. 691. Make up complex sentences out of the two parts. Put in whom only when it is necessary.

1. We need someone 2. I'm looking for a man 3. They are a pop-group 4. Have you seen the girl 5. She is the last person 6. I am talking to those of you 7. What about the ones 8. Did you like the girl 9. These are the sort of people 10. He is the kind of man 11. Do you know anyone 12. He is the only one   who knows about statistics. I can do business with. you do not hear very often. usually sits here? you would trust! have actually had such experience. cannot fight for them­selves? I was with last night? the company should employ-really knows what is going on. can play chess as well as he can? the man will listen to.  



Ex 692. A. Complete the sentences by using attributive clauses ording to the model.

Model: I like to visit places which I've never visited.

1. I like to visit places where....2. I like to eat food that.... 3. I like to stay in hotels whose prices.... 4. I like to travel with people who.... 5. I like to meet people with whom....

6. I don't like tourists whose behaviour.... 7. I detest questions that....

B. Ask a classmate the following questions and discuss the swers according to the model.

Model: What kind of person makes a good friend? — A person who is honest and loyal makes a good friend.

1. What kind of person is impolite? 2. What kind of person bores and annoys you? 3. What kind of person makes a good teacher? 4. What kind of person makes a good language learner? 5. What kind of person succeeds in business? 6. What kind of person succeeds as a politician? An artist? A doctor? 7. What kind of person would you like to marry? 8. What kind of country would you like to travel to? 9. What kind of town or city would you like to live in? 10. What kind of school would you like to send your child to? 11. What kind of car would you like to own? 12. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?


Ex 693. Translate into English.

1. По вечерам мы обсуждаем события, которые про­изошли с нами за день. 2. Никто не знает людей, ко­торые приезжали сюда вчера. 3. Брак, который не

основан на взаимопонимании, длится недолго. 4. В Ста рой Руссе мы посетили дом, в котором жил Ф. Достоевский. 5. Родители, чьи дети только что закончили школу, были счастливы. 6. Самое лучшее, что ты можешь сделать, — это хорошо выспаться. 7. Я получил удовольствие от книги, которая учит нас воспринимать мир философски. 8. Мальчик, который сбежал из дома неделю назад, вчера благополучно вернулся домой. 9. Вот дом, в котором я родился. 10. Мой брат, кото­рому всего лишь восемнадцать лет, собирается женить­ся. 11. Есть очень много обычаев и традиций, которые восходят к древним временам. 12. В Лондоне мы отправились осматривать достопримечательности, о которых так много читали. 13. Отец Линды, который работает в нефтяном бизнесе, хочет, чтобы она стала его правой рукой. 14. Д. Роулинг — английская пи­сательница, чьи романы стали национальными бест­селлерами в 1997 и 1998 годах. 15. Трудно сказать, что он может предпринять. 16. Люди, с которыми я работаю, очень доброжелательны.

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