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Choose whether it is adjective or adverb?

1 She speaks so very ….

a) quick; b) quickly.

2 She's a … learner.

a) quick; b) quickly.

3 I know them quite ….

a) good; b) well; c) either could be used here.

4 Check your work ….

a) careful; b) carefuly; c) carefully.

5 I've been having a lot of headaches ….

a) late; b) lately.

6 He should pass the test ….

a) easy; b) easily; c) easilly.

7 He's really lazy and … tries.

a) hard; b) hardly; c) either could be used here.

8 He's … ill.

a) critical; b) critically.

9 I don't … agree with you.

a) full; b) fuly; c) fully.

10 I was … shocked.

a) complete; b) completely.

11 It was a … mess.

a) complete; b) completely.

12 You always work very....

a) hard; b) hardly.

13 That was a... thing to say.

a) stupid; b) stupidly.

14 She is a very... girl.

a) good-looking; b) well-looking.

15 He has a very... job.

a) good-paid; b) well-paid.

16 This soup tastes....

a) good; b) well.

17 I am... sure that I am right.

a) real; b) really.

18 She is a very... worker.

a) slow; b) slowly.

19 Please be... I'm trying to read.

a) quiet; b) quietly.

20 He smiled at me....

a) friendly; b) in a friendly way.

21 Can you speak more..., please?

a) loud; b) loudly.

22 We'll have an accident if you don't drive more....

a) careful; b) carefully.

23 I'm... sorry I'm late.

a) extreme; b) extremely.

24 She was smiling....

a) happy; b) happily.

25 You are... right.

a) absolute; b) absolutely.

26 My mother speaks... English.

a) perfect; b) perfectly.

27 He passed his test....

a) easy; b) easily.

28 She looked..., but I'm sure she was feeling very nervous.

a) calm; b) calmly.

29 Please try to be more ….

a) careful; b) carefully.

30 He is a.. talker, but he never listens.

a) quick; b) quickly.

31 There was a … noise last night. Did you hear it?

a) loud; b) loudly.

32 She shouted … at him.

a) angry; b) angrily.

33 He is a … worker.

a) careless; b) carelessly.

34 If you ask …, I will give it to you.

a) nice; b) nicely.

35 Be Quiet! I can't think … if you are talking.

a) clear; b) clearly.

36 Why are you …?

a) angry; b) angrily.

37 You are always so …, come on!

a) slow; b) slowly.

38 You write so …. Look at these mistakes.

a) careless; b) carelessly.

39 It was not a hard assignment because Dr. Brown explained it ….

a) careful; b) carefully.

40 I could not sleep … last night, so I feel … today.

a) good, horrible; b) well, horrible; c) well, horribly.

41 Mr. Garcia speaks ….

a) loud; b) loudly.

42 Those girls talk ….

a) intelligent; b) intelligently.


Choose the correct variant

1 You are … person that I know.

a) luckyer; b) the luckiest; c) the Luckyest.

2 The situation is … than I thought.

a) more bad; b) badder; c) worse.

3 Today the weather is … than yesterday.

a) niceer; b) more nicer; c) much nicer.

4 For me mathematics is … physics.

a) more easy as; b) easyer than; c) easier than.

5 The more you learn … you become.

a) smarter; b) the smarter; c) the smartest.

6 We left … way possible.

a) the quickiest; b) a quick;

c) a quicker; d) the quickest.



Select the pronoun in the sentence:

1Brian's mother told him to take out the garbage.

a) him; b) out; c) told; d) mother.

2 This is the book the salesclerk suggested.

a) This; b) suggested; c) book; d) the.

3 The twins announced they were going to the movies.

a) twins; b) were; c) movies; d) they.

4 Which of the books belongs to Tanya?

a) of; b) belongs; c) Which; d) to.

5 Mandy taught herself to ride a bike.

a) to; b) herself; c) bike; d) taught.

6 Which ice cream flavor is Peter's favorite?

a) flavor; b) favorite; c) is; d) Which.

7 Tanya and I are going to the mall.

a) are; b) I; c) mall; d) Tanya.

8 Dad likes helping me learn to skateboard.

a) me; b) Dad; c) skateboard; d) to.

9 You and Danny need to clean up the mess before Mom gets home.

a) up; b) before; c) You; d) home.

10 The teacher told us to line up by the door.

a) The; b) by; c) up; d) us.



Do the following tasks:

1 Identify the pronoun in the following sentence: Take them to the kitchen, please.

a) take; b) them; c) to; d) please.

2 Identify the pronoun in the following sentence: Every year we take a bus trip with the class.

a) every; b) class; c) with; d) we.

3 Choose the correct pronoun form for the blank: Pete, Tarquin, and … are going to play hockey.

a) ne; b) I.

4 Choose the correct pronoun form for the blank: It was … who baked the English muffins.

a) them; b) they.

5 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: Marsha bought an antique cup and … saucer.

a) it’s; b) its.

6 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: We did that by ….

a) ourselves; b) ourself.

7 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: Is the last slice of date bread for ….

a) myself; b) me.

8 Choose the answer that tells whether the capitalized pronoun in the following sentence is demonstrative or interrogative: THAT was the only choice you had.

a) demonstrative; b) interrogative.

9 Choose the answer that tells whether the capitalized pronoun in the following sentence is demonstrative or interrogative: WHO finished the last piece of cake?

a) demonstrative; b) interrogative.

10 Choose the correct antecedent for the capitalized pronoun: Jim mowed the grass for Mrs. Jameson and Mrs. Hito. THEY each paid him five dollars.

a) Jim; b) three dollars;

c) Mrs. Jameson and Mrs. Hito.


Complete the following sentences with the appropriate pronoun:

1 Give that to ….

a) I; b) me.

2 Did she see …?

a) us; b) we.

3 Did you phone …?

a) she; b) her; c) herself.

4 I took it from ….

a) they; b) them;

5 It's not up to ….

a) we; b) us.

6 My sister and … went there.

a) I; b) me.

7 Between you and …, I think it's a stupid idea.

a) I; b) me.

8 … is the white one.

a) Mine; b) My.

9 What did … say about it?

a) them; b) they.

10 They said … had to pay for it.

a) us; b) we.

11 I told … to be here at three o'clock.

a) he; b) him.

12 What did … want?

a) her; b) she.

13 Tell … what happened.

a) I; b) me.

14 If … have time, it should be OK.

a) us; b) we.

15 It's got nothing to do with ….

a) you and me; b) you and I.

16 I took … both.

a) it; b) they; c) its; d) them.



Put in the necessary pronoun:

1 I saw ….

a) her; b) she.

2 Give it to ….

a) they; b) them.

3 She kissed ….

a) he; b) him.

4 He took ….

a) it; b) them; c) either could be used here.

5 Did anyone see …?

a) us; b) we; c) either could be used here.

6 … arrived on time.

a) Them; b) They; c) Either could be used here.

7 What did … say?

a) her; b) she; c) either could be used here.

8 She's faster than … am.

a) me; b) I.

9 I saw you and … there.

a) she; b) her.

10 Between you and …, I really didn't like it.

a) me; b) I.

11 My brother and … went there.

a) I; b) we; c) me.

12 He gave it to me and ….

a) she; b) her.



Complete the sentences with the necessary verb:

1 I was just wondering whether you … be able to help me.

a) may; b) might.

2 … God have mercy on your soul.

a) May; b) Might.

3 You … well be right.

a) may; b) might.

4 I told them I … go if I felt like it, but wasn't sure.

a) may. b) might.

5 Students … only borrow four books at a time.

a) may; b) might.

6 The examiner says we … leave when we've finished.

a) may; b) might.

7 It … be very expensive, but it's much better than the others.

a) may; b) might.

8 I just … accept your offer.

a) may; b) might.

9 You … try asking her for help- she knows her stuff.

a) may; b) might.

10 You … have told me earlier!

a) may; b) might.

11 They … be on holiday, but I'm not sure.

a) can; b) may.

12 You … be right, but I'd still like to check.

a) can; b) could.

13 … you turn it down a bit please?

a) Can; b) May.

14 It's OK. You … go when you've finished.

a) may; b) might.

15 Ask any questions now as you … not talk during the test.

a) may; b) could.

16 You … smoke in the cinema.

a) can't; b) might not.

17 From the way he speaks, he … be from London.

a) can; b) could.

18 It's impossible – they … have finished it already!

a) can't; b) mustn't.

19 The weather … be better tomorrow.

a) can; b) may.

20 … you speak Japanese?

a) Can; b) May.



Choose the necessary modal verb:

1 You've been working hard all day – you … be tired.

a) must; b) mustn't; c) can; d) can't.

2 The restaurant is always empty – it … be much good.

a) can't; b) couldn't; c) shouldn't.

3 I know I left it on my desk and it's not there now. Someone … it.

a) must take; b) must have taken.

4 That … be true – she would never say something like that.

a) mightn't; b) can't; c) mustn't.

5 Do you think you … open the door for me?

a) can; b) could;

6 I haven't made up my mind about my holiday yet, but I … go to Laos.

a) must; b) might.

7 You … have told me you were going to take it! I was looking everywhere for it.

a) may; b) might.

8 … you both be happy.

a) May; b) Might; c) Must.

9 I don't believe you – you … be joking.

a) should; b) must.

10 They're still missing, so they … have died.

a) may; b) might.


Choose the correct explanation:

1 May I come in?

a) The speaker is asking for advice.

b) The speaker is asking permission.

2 What should I do?

a) The speaker is making a suggestion.

b) The speaker is asking for advice.

3 You must be there at six o'clock.

a) The speaker is giving an order.

b) The speaker is making a suggestion.

4 Shall we go?

a) The speaker is making a suggestion.

b) The speaker is giving an order.

5 Can I help you?

a) The speaker is asking for advice.

b) The speaker is making an offer.

6 You mustn't tell anyone.

a) The speaker is giving advice.

b) The speaker is giving an order.

7 Could you answer the phone?

a) The speaker is offering help.

b) The speaker is making a request.

8 What shall I say?

a) The speaker is asking permission.

b) The speaker is asking for advice.

9 You should stop smoking.

a) The speaker is giving advice.

b) The speaker is making an offer.

10 Could you finish it today?

a) The speaker is asking permission.

b) The speaker is making a request.



Choose whether one or both modal verbs can be used in the following sentences:

1 You … leave if you've finished.

a) may; b) might; c) either could be used here.

2 … I come in?

a) Can; b) May; c) either could be used here.

3 We … not get into the concert without tickets, so we went home.

a) might; b) could; c) either could be used here.

4 … I open the window?

a) Could; b) May; c) either could be used here.

5 … you turn the heating up a bit, please?

a) Could; b) May.

6 You … take a mobile phone into the exam.

a) can't; b) may not; c) either could be used here.

7 … you help me?

a) Can; b) Could; c) either could be used here.

8 I'm afraid you … not take the exam until you pay for it.

a) may; b) might.

9 You … smoke anywhere on the train.

a) cannot. b) might not.

10 You … use my dictionary if you want.

a) can; b) might; c) either could be used here.


Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms:

1 … up! We'll be late for the party.

a) Don't hurry; b) Hurry you; c) Hurry.

2 … your books. We'll need them in class today.

a) Forget not; b) Don't forget; c) Forget.

3 … that music! I can't hear you.

a) Turn down; b) Turn up; c) Don't turn down.

4 …. I'm trying to concentrate.

a) Are you quiet; b) Be quiet; c) Be you quiet.

5 Please … your seats. Class will begin soon.

a) takes; b) take; c) you take.

6 … time before the exam.

a) Don't you waste; b) Don't waste; c) Waste not.

7 … to the end of this street and turn left.

a) Drives; b) Drive; c) Drive you.

8 … early for work tomorrow.

a) Arrives; b) Do you arrive; c) Arrive.

9 …. I'll help you.

a) Worry not; b) Don't you worry; c) Don't worry.

10 … your exam in 15 minutes.

a) Finish; b) Finishes; c) You Finish.



Choose the necessary form of the verb:

1 My mother … a bad headache.

a) have got; b) am; c) has got.

2 How you (cut) your finger?

a) How have you cut; b) How you cutted; c) How did you cut.

3 … you.. any time to help me? – Sorry, I ….

a) Do you have, don’t; b) Have you got, am not;

c) Do you have, have got.

4 Where … the Johnsons (live)?

a) do; b) are; c) does.

5 … Jane Smith (speak) … English?

a) Is... speak; b) Does... speak; c)Do... speak.

6 The Browns … a nice house in the country.

a) has got; b) have got.

7 Margie and her sister … wonderful voices.

a) does; b) has got; c) have got.

8 I (not/understand) … that man because I (not/know) … English.

a) not understand, don’t know;

b) don’t understand, not know;

c) don’t understand, don’t know.

9... London have many museums?

a) do; b) does.

10 … Dad … any brothers or sisters?

a) Have Dad got; b) Does Dad have; c) Does Dad has.

11… Bob (know) what I want?

a) Bob knows; b) Do Bob knows; c) Does Bob know.

12 Every day I help my Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy with my exam. So I (not/help) her much.

a) not helped; b) didn’t helped; c) didn’t help.

13 Mrs. Clay usually finishes her work at half past three, but she (finish) it later yesterday afternoon.

a) finish; b) finishes; c) finished.

14We don’t know their address. What (we/do)?

a) What are we do; b) What will we do; c) What shall we do.

15 Now my brother smokes a lot, but he (not/ smoke) before.

a) hadn’t smoked; b) didn’t smoke; c) not smoked.

16 It’s late. I think I (take) a taxi.

a) will take; b) shall take; c) am take.

17 … I (answer) the question?

a) Shall; b) Will; c) Shall not.

18 I'm tired. I (go) to bed.

a) I’ll; b) I go; c) I’d go.

19 I (get) to the hospital myself last time, but now I don’t remember how to get there.

a) getted; b) goted; c) got.

20 Our test (not/take) long.

a) isn’t take; b) doesn’t take;

c) willn’t take; d) won’t take.



Choose the necessary form of the verb:

1They can’t go out because they … rain – coats and umbrellas.

a) have got; b) aren’t have; c) don’t have.

2 He (meet) Mary and (fall) in love with her at first sight.

a) had met, falled; b) met, fell; c) meeted, fell.

3 Looking through the paper, the teacher (find) several mistakes.

a) finded; b) founded; c) found.

4Richard’s life in Paris is a bit difficult. He … only English.

a) understand; b) doesn’t understand;

c) doesn’t know; d) knows.

5 Helen (prefer) tea to coffee.

a) preferred; b) preffered; c) prefered.

6 I’m not sure I (find) Jim at the hotel.

a) found; b) shall found; c) shall find.

7 When you (write) to your parents last time?

a) When do you writed; b) When did you write;

c) When did you wrote.

8 Helen is on a diet. She … very little.

a) doesn’t eat; b) eats; c) ate.

9 What’s the matter? You … very sad.

a) look; b) looks.

10 I’m afraid they (not/wait) for us.

a) don’t wait; b) will not be waited; c) won’t wait.

11 The exams at university … in June.

a) have; b) start; c) starts.

12 The boy (remember) this day all his life.

a) will remember; b) should remember; c) remembers.

13 Can you help me? I (not/know) … the way to the market.

a) am not know; b) not know; c) don’t know.

14... it snow a lot in Iceland?

a) do; b) does.

15 You (arrive) in Paris tomorrow evening.

a) arrive; b) will arrive; c) arriving.

16... they live in London?

a) do; b) does.

17 Jack (try) to remember what he had done last April.

a) was tried; b) tried; c) tryed.

18 Don’t give him cigarettes. He (not/smoke) ….

a) isn’t smoke; b) doesn’t smoke; c) don’t smoke.

19 He … in a hurry.

a) is; b) be; c) doesn’t be.

20 Diana (come) to the party tomorrow?

a) Shall Diana come; b) Will Diana come; c) Does Diana come.


Choose the necessary form of the verb:

1 She … her job. She … to be a nurse.

a) isn’t liked, wants; b) doesn’t like, wants; c) don’t like, want.

2 My husband (work) in the bank for three years since 1990 to 1993.

a) was worked; b) had worked; c) worked.

3 … there (be) drugs for every kind of disease in 50 years’ time?

a) Shall there be; b) Will there is; c) Will there be.

4 What’s the matter? You (look) … very happy.

a) look; b) looks.

5 Yesterday Mr. Watson (drink) too much at the party.

a) drunk; b) drinked; c) drank.

6 How much... you earn?

a) do; b) does.

7 We (not/have) a holiday last year.

a) didn’t have; b) haven’t had; c) haven’t had.

8 Jack lives not far from us, but we (not/see) … him often.

a) not see; b) doesn’t see; c) don’t see.

9 Everybody in our family (help) … Mummy about the house. Dad (walk) … the dog, I (water) … the flowers, and my brothers (clean) … the rooms.

a) help, walks, water, clean; b) helps, walks, water, clean;

c) help, walks, water, cleans.

10 When Jill (finish) university?

a) When did Jill finished; b) When was Jill finish;

c) When did Jill finish.

11… you … where the doctor..?

a) Do... know, is; b) Do... know, was; c) Are... know, is.

12 We (not/book) the tickets in advance.

a) not book; b) shalln’t book; c) shan’t book.

13... you speak English?

a) do; b) does.

14 When I was a child, I (always/be) late for school.

a) were always late; b) was always late; c) be always lated.

15 I (not/do) it before dinner.

a) not do; b) ‘ll not do; c) not shall do.

16 They... to going to bed late at night.

a) are not accustomed; b) don’t accustomed;

c) accustom.

17 Don’t worry about your letter. I (send) it the day before yesterday.

a) sended; b) have sent; c) sent

18 Everybody thinks they (not/get) married.

a) won’t get; b) not will get; c) shall not get.

19 What time... this class finish?

a) do; b) does.

20 Do you think it (rain)?

a) rained; b) will be rain; c) will rain


Choose the correct variant:

1 - Where are the children? It’s quiet. - They (lie) on the carpet and (draw).

a) lie, are drawing; b) are lieing, drawing;

c) are lying, drawing.

2 - What you (do) now? - I (look for) my key. I can’t open the door.

a) What do you do, I look for;

b) What are you do, I looking for;

c) What are you doing, I’m looking for;

d) What you doing, I’m looking for.

3 Listen! Somebody (sing) a lovely song.

a) sings; b) is singing; c) are singing.

4 Why you (put on) the coat? It’s sunny today.

a) are you putting on; b) do you put on;

c) will you put on; d) are you puting on.

5 Don’t make so much noise. I (try) to work.

a) tried; b) ’m triing; c) ’m trying.

6 Why you (cry)? Is anything wrong?

a) do you cry; b) are you crying; c) have you crying.

7 I (listen) to you attentively.

a) am listening; b) listen.

8 What time Nick and Rosa (come) for dinner tonight?

a) is Nick and Rosa coming;

b) Nick and Rosa are coming;

c) do Nick and Rosa come;

d) are Nick and Rosa coming.

9 I’m sure you (make) the right choice.

a) will be made; b) are making; c) make.

10 Take your umbrella. It (rain) cats and dogs.

a) rained; b) are raining; c) is raining.

11Why you (not/hurry)? I (wait) for you.

a) are you not hurry, am waiting;

b) aren’t you hurrying, waiting;

c) aren’t you hurrying, ’m waiting;

d) don’t you hurry, am waiting.

12 I don’t speak any foreign languages, but I (learn) English now.

a) am learning; b) learn.

13 We (spend) next weekend at home.

a) spent; b) are spending; c) ’re spend.

14 I (meet) Liz tonight. She (come) from Cork.

a) will meet, comes;

b) am meeting, coming;

c) am meeting, ’s coming.

15 He (go) to speak to his parents.

a) went; b) is going; c) goes.

16 Have some hot tea. It (get) chilly.

a) getting; b) is getting; c) ’s getting.

17 I (die) to see him.

a) am dying; b) ’ve died; c) am died; d) am diing.

18 My Dad (work) overtime this week.

a) works; b) are working; c) is working.




Choose the corrrect variant present continuous or present simple:

1 We … English at the moment.

a) are speaking; b) speak; c) is speaking.

2 What … Mathew …?

a) are making; b) make; c) is making.

3 I … when people talk loudly in public places.

a) are hating; b) hate; c) am hating.

4 We … a letter.

a) are reading; b) read; c) is reading.

5 Linda … at the door.

a) are knocking; b) knock; c) is knocking.

6 I … TV at the moment.

a) am watching; b) watch.

7 Listen! Sue and John ….

a) sing; b) are singing;

c) is sing; d) is singing.

8 We … to assistance from relatives.

a) are looking forward; b) look forwarding;

c) look forward.

9 I … to you attentively.

a) am listening; b) listen.

10 I … the holidays in London.

a) dream about; b) is dreaming about;

c) are dreaming about

11 Look! They... inside.

a) go; b) are going; c) is going.

12 I … what you said.

a) am thinking about; b) am thinking;

c) think about; d) think.

13 Look! David and Max … home.

a) come; b) are coming; c) have come.

14 People … in gods from the earliest times.

a) believe; b) are believe.



Choose the correct varian past continuous or past simple:

1He couldn’t speak because he (die) of laughtеr.

a) had died; b) were dying;

c) was dying; d) was diing.

2 - What you (do) between one and two? I phoned you several times. - I (play) the piano and heard nothing.

a) will you do, ’ll play;

b) are you doing, am playing;

c) were you doing, was playing;

d) was you doing, was playing.

3 When you rang me yesterday, I (have) a bath.

a) were having; b) had;

c) had had; d) was having.

4 I (sit) by the window when I heard the noise.

a) was sitting; b) sat; c) sitted.

5 It (rain) cats and dogs as I (walk) towards their house.

a) rained, was walking;

b) rained, walked;

c) were raining, was walking;

d) was raining, was walking.

6 Just as Tom (cross) the street, a car came round the corner.

a) crossed; b) were crossing; c) was crossing.

7 I glanced at Mary who (still/ shiver) from the cold.

a) still was shivering; b) were still shivering;

c) still shivered; d) was still shivering.

8 At six o’clock I (wait) for Jennie at the station.

a) am waiting; b) will wait; c) wait.

9 The student (reply) to the question when the headmistress came in.

a) had replied; b) was replying; c) was repliing.

10 I saw a light in your window as I (pass) by.

a) was passing; b) had passed; c) passed.

11 Liz’s elder brother said that he (go) to enter Leeds University.

a) will go; b) would go; c) was going.

12 While my son (wait) for my call, somebody knocked at the door.

a) had waited; b) was waiting; c) waited.

13 We (just/talk) about him when he suddenly (come) in.

a) were just talking, was coming; b) just were talking, came;

c) were just talking, came.

14 Yesterday while Dad (shave), he (cut) himself slightly.

a) shaved, cut; b) was shaving, cut;

c) was shaving, cutted.



Choose the correct variant:

1 … his head aching?

a) was; b) were.

2 You … down the street.

a) was rushing; b) rush; c) were rushing.

3 Where was Katie …?

a) sit; b) sitting; c) site.

4 Yesterday he … very friendly.

a) is being; b) was being; c) being.

5 The teacher … pointing to the board.

a) as; b) has; c) were.

6 We … the birds.

a) being feed; b) were feeding; c) feeding.

7 My parents … at a restaurant.

a) not were eating; b) were not eating.

8 James and Phil … a tree house.

a) was building; b) building; c) were building.



Choose the correct variant furute continuous or future simple:

1 This time tomorrow they (sit) in the train on their way to Chicago.

a) will sit; b) will be sitting; c) are sitting.

2. Don’t phone Jim from 5 to 6 – he (have) English.

a) had; b) is having; c) will be having; d) has.

3 Why are you in a hurry? If you arrive at 8 o’clock, they (still/cook) the meal.

a) still are cooking; b) are still be cooking;

c) will be still cooking.

4 - I’m not sure I’ll recognize Eve. I haven’t seen her for ages. - She (wear) a dark blue pullover and jeans.

a) wears; b) will be wearing; c) is wearing.

5 He (sleep) when you come back tonight.

a) will be sleeping; b) would be sleeping; c) slept.

6 - Let’s meet at the station at 5 o’clock. - OK. I (wait) for you there.

a) ’ll wait; b) will be waiting; c) wait.

7 I (work) for my exam on Philosophy all day tomorrow.

a) have been working; b) works;

c) am working; d) will be working.

8. “ … you (see) Alex tomorrow?” – “Of course I will. I (see) him at the Board meeting.”

a) Do you see, see; b) Would you see, ’d see;

d) Will you be seeing, will be seeing.

9 Next Friday, the President (celebrate) ten years in power.

a) celebrates; b) will celebrate;

c) will be celebrated; d) will be celebrating.

10 “I wonder if that terrible wind (blow) tomorrow.” – “Oh, yes. The weather forecast says it (blow) for another two weeks.

a) will blow, will blow; b) will be blowing, will be blowing;

c) will blow, blows.

11 I (say) more about that topic in my next lecture.

a) will say; b) am saying; c) will be saying.

12 After the operation you (not/do) any sport for a while.

a) didn’t; b) don’t;

c) will not be doing; d) won’t do.

13 She (perform) every day until the end of the month.

a) performs; b) will be performing;

c) shall be performing; d) will perform.

14 I (see) Tom on Tuesday. That’s when we usually meet.

a) saw; b) will see; c) will be seeing; d) have seen.

15 We (join) you in half an hour.

a) will join; b) will be joining; c) shall join.

16 … you (use) the computer for long? I need it.

a) Do you use; b) Did you use;

c) Will you use; d) Will you be using.

17 - Is it alright if I come at about 8.30? - No, I (buzy) then.

a) will be; b) will; c) am.

18 What time your friends (arrive) tomorrow?

a) do your friends arrive;

b) will be your friends arriving;

c) will your friends be arriving;

d) are your friends arriving.



Choose the correct variant in present perfect:

1. Since then I … my job several time.

a) changed; b) has changed; c) have changed.

2 I … that point yet.

a) haven’t considered; b) didn’t consider;

c) not considered.

3 Mary isn’t at home. She … to work.

a) went; b) was; c) has gone.

4 They … in construction business for 5 years.

a) were; b) have been; c) are.

5 … you ever … the Queen of Great Britain?

a) Have... seen; b) Did... see.

6 He can’t find a job. He … unemployed for half a year.

a) was; b) has been; c) have been.

7… you ever … to Africa?

a) Have... travelled; b) Are... travelled; b) Did... travel.

8 … you … about Miss Carol’ marriage?

a) Did... hear; b) Have... heard.

9 What … you … to find the way out?

a) did... do; b) have... done; c) are... do;

9 Nick and Sally … each other since their school years.

a) have known; b) knowed; c) knew.

10 His spirits … a little. He’s all right now.

a) revived; b) has revived; c) have revived.

11 … you … dinner already?

a) Did... have; b) Were... having; c) Have... had.

12 He … his driving test. He is so happy. He hasn’t been able to pass it for three years.

a) has just passed; b) have just passed; c) just passed.

13 I … my keys. I can’t get in.

a) Have lost; b) lost; c) have losed.

14 The taxi …. Hurry up!

a) arrives; b) have arrived; c) has irrived.

15 … you … writing your book yet?

a) Did... finish; b) Have... finished.



Choose the correct variant Present perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:

1 The students … very hard this year.

a) have worked; b) have been working.

2 She … for a rise in salary for two months but she has nоt dared to ask for it.

a) has hoped; b) has been hoping.

3 He his … key and he has been trying to wake his flatshare by throwing stones at his window.

a) has been loosing; b) has lost

4 I … too fast. That is why I am so tired.

a) have walked; b) have been walking.

5 She …. Somebody else ought to drive.

a) has drunk; b) has been drinking.

6 We … sandwiches for the party all the afternoon.

a) have made; b) have been making.

7 She … in this university for three years.

a) has taught; b) has been teaching.

8 I … from her once since she went away.

a) have heard; b) have been hearing.

9 I … for seven hours.

a) have been walking; b) have walked.

10 She … dozens of students but she has never met such a hopeless class before.

a) have been teaching; b) have taught.

11 She … since eight o clock. It is time she woke up.

a) has slept; b) has been sleeping.

12 I … for car keys but I have not found any.

a) have looked; b) have been looking.

13 It … for two hours and the ground is too wet to play.

a) has rained; b) has been raining

14 I … for her for six years and she has never said Hello to me.

a) have worked; b) have been working.


Choose the correct form in Present Perfect Progressive:

1 They … the problem since one o clock.

a) have been discussing; b) have being discuss;

c) have being discussed.

2 The candle … for two hours.

a) has being burn; b) has being burned; c) has been burning.

3 … the secretary … out the documents?

a) Has, being print; b) Has, being printed;

c) Has. been printing.

4 The researcher … the territory since last December.

a) has being explor; b) has been exploring;

c) has being explored.

5 They have never been to Australia.

a) How often have they been to Australia?

b) Have they ever been to Australia?

c) Often have they been to Australia?

6 They … a new gadget.

a) have being inventen; b) have been inventing;

c) have been invented.

7 Ben … that blue shirt since Friday.

a) has being wear; b) has been wearing;

c) has being wearing.

8 Lucy …. on the task.

a) has not been concentrating;

b) has being not concentrated;

c) has been not concentrated.

9 How long … at the door?

a) you have been knocking;

b) have you being knocked;

c) have you been knocking.

10 Emma … English for five years.

a) has learned;

b) has being learning;

c) has been learning.

11 My friends … here since 2003.

a) have been living; b) have being lived; c) have lived.

12 I have been waiting for Danny ….

a) since 20 minutes; b) for 20 minutes.

13 Ross and Gavin have been travelling around Australia ….

a) since six weeks; b) for six weeks.

14 How long … on the phone?

a) they have been talking; b) have they being talked;

c) have they been talking.

15 Carol … in the gym since 2 o clock.

a) has been exercising; b) has being exercised;

c) has been exercised.

16 Paul … to the radio.

a) has been not listening

b) has not been listening

c) has not being listen.

17You … TV all day.

a) have been watching; b) have been watched;

c) have being watched.


Choose the correct variant Past Simple Tense or Past Perfect Tense:

1 Poirot … her if Mrs. Ascher … any peculiar letters without a proper signature.

a) had asked, had received; b) asked, received;

c) had asked, received; d) asked, had received.

2 The letter … just before I … back.

a) came, arrived; b) had come, arrived;

c) came, had arrived; d) had come, had arrived.

3 Miss Higley said that Elizabeth … friendly in working hours, but the girls … much of her out of them.

a) was, didn’t see; b) had been, hadn’t seen;

c) had been, didn’t see; d) was, hadn’t seen.

4 I … that once he … a well-known specialist in his field.

a) knew, had been; b) knew, was;

c) had known, had been; d) had known, was.

5 Susan … her parents the news only after she and Mike … married.

a) had told, had got; b) had told, got;

c) told, had got; d) told, got.

6 The telephone on his table … and he … it up.

a) had rung, had picked; b) had rung, picked;

c) rang, had picked; d) rang, picked.

7 He … the bill and ….

a) paid, left; b) had paid, left;

c) had paid, had left; d) paid, had left.

8 She … a stronger person now than she … a few months ago.

a) had been, was; b) was, had been.

9 She … on her coat and … for a walk.

a) had put, went; b) put, went;

c) put, had gone; d) had put, had gone.

10 Hardly … raining when a rainbow … in the sky.

a) had it stopped, appeared; b) did it stop, appeared;

c) had it stopped, had appeared; d) did it stop, had appeared.

11 I was late because I … in a jam.

a) stick; b) had stick; c) had stuck.

12 We went out after it … raining.

a) had been stopped; b) had stopped; c) stopped.

13 I thanked him for what he … for me.

a) did; b) had done

14 My mother was worried because I … in touch with her for a long time.

a) haven’t been; b) hadn’t been; c) wasn’t.


Complete the sentences with Past Perfect Tense:

1 We could not send you a postcard because we … our address book.

a) have forgotten; b) had forgotted; c) had forgotten

2 I … the key that he had given to me.

a) lost; b) losted; c) had lost.

3 … your homework before you went to the cinema?

a) Had you finished; b) Did you finished; c) You had finished.

4 I …. downstairs because I had heard a noise.

a) go; b) had gone; c) went.

5 Why … the bathroom before you bathed the dog?

a) had you cleaned; b) you had cleaned; c) had you clean.

6 The waiter served something that we ….

a) have not ordered; b) had not ordered; c) not had ordered.

7 Had she found a place to stay when she … to Boston?

a) will go; b) went; c) go.

8 He showed us the place where … his leg.

a) he hurt; b) he have hurted; c) he had hurt.

9 What … you opened the window?

a) have you said before; b) had you said before;

c) had you before said.

10 Yesterday I read an interesting article which my teacher … to me.

a) had recommended; b) recommended;

c) had recomment.

11 I … a snake before that day.

a) had not touched; b) did not touched;

c) not had touch.

12 Andy won the match although he.. squash before.

a) had not playd; b) had not played; c) had not plaied.

13 … to you before he called us?

a) Had he spoked; b) Had he spoken; c) He had spoken.

14 Jim … another car because he had not noticed the red traffic light.

a) has crashed into; b) had crashed into; c) crashed into.

15 I worked on Saturday, so I … to the party the day before.

a) had not gone; b) not had gone; c) had not went.

16 … your homework before you went to the cinema?

a) Did you finished; b) Had you finished; c) You had finished.


Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms:

1William Shakespeare … Romeo and Juliet.

а) write; b) wrote; c) is written.

2 “Oliver Twist” and “Domby and Son” … by Charles Dickens.

а) is written; b)are written; c)were written.

3 In 1926 the theatre … by fire.

а) is destroyed; b) was destroyed; c) destroyed.

4 The shop … at nine every day.

a) is opened; b) was opened; c) will be opened.

5 William Shakespeare … in Stratford-upon-Avon.

a) were born; b) is born; c) was born.

6 London is the place where many famous writers …

a) were born; b) is born; c) was born.

7 Many great writers … in Westminster Abbey.

a) are buried; b) buried; c) were buried.

8 The Poet’s Corner …. by many people.

a) was known; b) are known; c) is known.

9 The English language …. all over the world.

a) speak; b) was spoken; c) is spoken.

10 Jane Austen … in the Bath between 1800 and 1806.

a) lived and worked; b) was lived and worked; c) live and work.

11 Burn’s poems ….all over the world.

a) recited; b) are recited; c) is recited.

12 Shakespeare’s works …read all over the world.

a) is read. b) were read. c) are read.

13 Yesterday I … a very interesting book.

a) read; b) am reading; c) am read.

14 The State Turgenev Museum....in the author’s native town of Oriol

a) open; b) opened; c) was opened.

15 William the Conqueror …the Tower of London in the 11th century.

a) build; b) built; c) was built.

16 St Paul’s Cathedral …. by Sir Christopher Wren in the 17th century.

a) build; b) were built; c)was built.

17 Columbus … America.

a) discovered; b) discover; c) is discovered.

18 Italian … in Italy.

a) are spoken; b) is spoke; c) is spoken.

19 Da Vinci … the Mona Lisa

a) painted; b) is painted; c) paint.

20 Penicillin … by Fleming

a) is discover; b) was discovered; c) discovered.


The first sentence is in the active voice. Choose the most correct way of saying the same thing in the passive voice:

1 They were interviewing her for the job.

She … for the job.

a) was being interviewed; b) was interviewed;

c) has been interviewed.

2 Tom is writing the letter.

The letter … by Tom.

a) was written; b) is being written; c) has been written.

3 Everyone understands English.

English … by everyone.

a) is understood; b) has been understood;

c) was understood.

4 The employees brought up this issue during the meeting.

This issue … by the employees during the meeting.

a) has been brought up; b) is brought up;

c) was brought up.

5 The professor told him not to talk in class.

He … by the professor not to talk in class.

a) has been told; b) was told; c) was being told.

6 They say that women are smarter than men.

Women … to be smarter than men.

a) were being said; b) were said; c) are said.

7 The fire has destroyed the house.

The house … by the fire.

a) has been destroyed; b) was being destroyed;

c) is destroyed.

8 She would have told you.

You … by her.

a) would have been told; b) would be told;

c) were being told.

9 She would reject the offer.

The offer … by her.

a) will have been rejected; b) would be rejected;

c) will be rejected.

10 This surprises me.

I … by this.

a) would have been surprised; b) will be surprised;

c) am surprised.



Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms:

1 The work … by me.

a) has completed; b) has been completed;

c) have been completed; d) have completed.

2 The patient is … after by the nurse.

a) looked; b) being looked; c) looking; d) been looked.

3 My pen … by somebody yesterday.

a) has stolen; b) has been stolen; c) was stolen; d) stolen.

4 The sparrows … by the old woman.

a) were being fed; b) have been feeding;

c) were feeding; d) has been feeding.

5 The committee … an unrealistic policy.

a) has adopted; b) has been adopted;

c) was adopted; d) is adopted.

6 You … to come with me.

a) are requesting; b) are requested;

c) were requesting; d) have been requesting.

7 Let the door ….

a) be opened; b) been opened;

c) is opened; d) was opened.

8 The thief … red-handed by the policemen.

a) is catching; b) caught;

c) had caught; d) was caught.

9 She had … her work before sunset.

a) been finishing; b) been finished;

c) finished; d) finishing.

10 His behavior … me.

a) was surprised; b) surprising;

c) surprised; d) was being surprised.

11 The field … by the farmers.

a) is being ploughed; b) has being ploughed;

c) has ploughed; d) had ploughed.

12 This book … by John.

a) was brought; b) was bringing;

c) brought; d) has brought.

13 Let this rubbish … away.

a) be thrown; b) is thrown;

c) was thrown; d) has thrown.

14 Your failures … by anybody.

a) will not be shared; b) will not been shared;

c) will not shared; d) will not been sharing.

15 You … by me in every way.

a) will be helped; b) will be helping;

c) will helping; d) will have helped.

16 I offered him a chance and he … it.

a) has grabbed; b) grabbed;

c) was grabbing; d) was grabbing.

17 No survivors ….

a) could be finding; b) could be found;

c) was finding; d) had found.

18 The child … by the speeding car.

a) has run over; b) was run over;

c) was been run over; d) run over.



Complete the following sentences:

1 It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is … it.

a) to be using; b) to use;

c) to have used; d) to have been using.

2 It was kind of you … me your Grammar book. Without it I would have been lost.

a)to lend; b) to be lending;

c) to have lent; d) to be lent.

3 You warned me to stay away from Robert. I am sorry not … your advice.

a) to have followed; b) to be following;

c) to follow; d) to have been following.

4 To be the gainer you are … yourself; to be happy you are to forget yourself.

a) to be losing; b) to lose;

c) to have lost; d) to have losing.

5 She was horrified at herself. To have asked his name, to have been told his name and … it!

a) to forget; b) to be forgotten;

c) to have forgotten; d) to have been forgotten.

6 I meant … a job interview for you. I am sorry I couldn’t.

a)to have arranged; b) to arrange;

c) to have been arranged; d) to be arranged.

7 Joan likes taking care of sick animals. She is pleased … this kind of work all the time.

a) to have been doing; b) to be doing;

c) to have done; d) to do.

8 The meeting is put off till next Friday. I meant … you about it, but I forgot. I am sorry.

a) to warn; b) to be warning;

c) to have warned; d) to have warning.

9 I was sorry … as I couldn’t finish my conversation with Frieda.

a) to be disturbed; b) to have been disturbed;

c) to disturb; d) to have disturbed.

10 Judging from the books and papers on his desk he must … since left him in the morning.

a) be working; b) work;

c) have worked; d) have been working.

11 Marion saw a blind man with an eye-seeing dog … the street.

a) to cross; b) cross; c) to be crossing.

12 They must have taught him a lesson. It ought to … long ago.

a) have been done; b) be done;

c) do; d) have done.

13 Your husband’s passport is not valid. Why can’t you get … his passport?

a) him to renew; b) him to have renewed;

c) him renew.

14 Olaf had written a play and wished it … at the local theatre.

a) its to be staged; b) it to be staged; c) it to stage.

15 The boy urged … faster.

a) his mother walking; b) that his mother walks;

c) his mother to walk.

16 We rely on … the tickets for our trip to Australia.

a) Jane to have booked; b) Jane’s booked; c) Jane to book.

17 Modern art is when you buy a picture … a hole a wall – and decide that the hole looks better.

a) to have covered; b) to cover;

c) to have been covering; d) to be covering.

18 What did you come here for& It is mean of you … our holiday.

a) to have spoilt; b) to have been spoilt;

c) to be spoiling; d) to spoil.


Choose the correct variant:

1 Mrs. Pottson allowed her guests … in the living room.

a) to smoke; b) smoking; c) smoke.

2 I have to get my photograph … for a new passport.

a) took; b) take; c) taken.

3 There wasn’t much traffic in the street. I saw a little girl … the road.

a) crossed; b) cross; c) to cross.

4 I have never heard Helen ….

a) sang; b) sings; c) singing.

5 What makes you … such rash action?

a) do; b) to do; c) doing.

6 The English colony, Plymouth, in Massachusetts, is known … by the Piligrims who arrived on the Mayflower in 1620.

a) to be established;

b) to have established;

c) to have been establishing;

d) to have been established.

7 Look, they are probably … to the news. They seem ….

a) to be listening, to be excited; b) to listen, to be excited;

c) to have been listening, to have been excited;

d) to have listened, to be being excited.

8 He is sure … a liar. Everybody heart him … that in so many words.

a) to be, to say; b) be, say;

c) to be, say; d) be, to say.

9 When I came in, the discussion seemed … to an end. They appeared … patience because they turned out … for it.

a) to have been coming, to have been losing, be ready;

b) to be coming, to be losing, not to be ready;

c) to come, to lose, to be ready;

d) to have come, to have lost, not to being ready.

10 Jack, you seem … too fast. The speed is already 100 miles. I am afraid. I want you … the speed till 40 miles.

a) to have driven, slow down; b) to drive, to slow down;

c)to be driving, to be slowing down; c) to be driving, to slow down.


Choose the necessary word:

1 I miss … in London.

a) live; b) living; c) to live.

2 I enjoyed … them again.

a) see; b) seeing; c) to see.

3 He avoided … them do it because he wanted to get home early.

a) help; b) helping; c) to help.

4 I promised … it by Friday.

a) do; b) doing; c) to do.

5 She’s expected … the job.

a) get; b) getting; c) to get.

6 Would you like …?

a) come; b) coming; c) to come.

7 They don’t tolerate any … about their decisions.

a) argue; b) arguing; c) to argue.

8 She taught me … it.

a) do; b) doing; c) to do.

9 I don’t feel like … it.

a) do; b) doing; c) to do.

10 Do you mind … it with you?

a) take; b) taking; c) to take.

11 Stop … that terrible racket.

a) make; b) making; c) to make; d) to making.

12 It’s starting ….

a) snow; b) to snow; c) snowing; d) to snowing.

13 I stopped … some candy on the way home from school.

a) buy; b) to buy; c) buying; d) to buying.

14 Miranda used … to the swimming pool a lot.

a) go; b) to go; c) going; d) to going.

15 The teacher suggested … right away on our projects.

a) start; b) to start; c) starting; d) to starting.

16 Alex didn’t dare … his teacher.

a) disobey; b) to disobey; c) disobeying; d) to disobeying.

17 I forgot … the letter to my grandmother.

a) mail; b) to mail; c) mailing; d) to mailing.

18 After … the party, we went straight home.

a) leave; b)to leave; c) leaving; d) to leaving.

19 My brother admitted … the cookies that Mon baked.

a) take; b) to take; c) taking; d) to taking.

20 The students hurried … the school bus.

a) catch; b) to catch; c) catching; d) to catching.

21 Most of my friends are against ….

a) smoke; b) to smoke; c) smoking; d) to smoking.

22 We discussed … a new bike trail.

a) build; b) to build; c) building; d) to building.

23 You can’t get good at something without ….

a) practice; b) to practice; c) practicing; d) to practicing.

24 Josh deserves … a good grade on that project.

a) get; b) to get; c) getting; d) to getting.

25 Would your plan involve … a lie?

a) tell; b) to tell; c) telling; d) to telling.



Complete the following sentences:

1 I am interested … your class.

a) to take; b) to taking; c) in taking; d) in took.

2 They enjoy … movies.

a) a) watching; b) watch; c) to watch; d) to watching.

3 She refused … to her mother.

a) listen; b) to listening; c) to listen; d) listening.

4 We agreed … together.

a) working; b) to work; c) worked; d) to working.

5 I need ….

a) studying; b) to study; c) in study; d) to studying.

6 I’m curious … to Africa.

a) about traveling; b) to travel; c) traveling; d) on travel.

7 They postponed … the game because of rain.

a) playing; b) to playing; c) at play; d) at playing.

8 They want … good grades.

a) getting; b) to get; c) to getting; d) get.

9 Michel Jordan is good … basketball.

a) playing; b) at playing; c) with playing; d) in play.

10 I regret not … my parents.

a) hug; b) with hugging; c) to hug; d) hugging.

11 The criminal admits … the money.

a) on taking; b) take; c) to take; d) taking.

12 Many drivers avoid … in traffic.

a) driving; b) to drive; c) to driving; d) drive.

13 The gambler was angry … his money.

a) with lose; b) to losing; c) to lose; d) at losing.

14 Good teachers always offer … their student.

a) help; b) to help; c) helping; d) to helping.

15 I would like … a movie.

a) to see; b) seeing; c) to seeing; d) see.

16 The president wishes … violet.

a) to ending; b) on ending; c) ending; d) to end.

17 She is sick … in traffic.

a) of driving; b) to drive; c) driving; d) at driving.

18 We feel like … pizza.

a) eat; b) with eating; c) to eat; d) eating.

19 We look forward … the Olympics.

a)at watching; b) to watching;

c) with watch; d) watching.

20 I am bad ….

a) on ice skating; b) at ice skate;

c) at ice skating; d) with ice skating.

21 She dislikes … junk food.

a) to eat; b) with eating; c) eating; d) eat.

22 I can’t imagine … out an airplane.

a) jumping; b) at jumping; c) to jump; d) jump.

23 The boss would like … more.

a) us to work; b) we working;

c) us work; d) him working.

24 They allowed … home early.

a) him to go; b) he to go; c) him going; d) we to go.

25 We invited … with us.

a) him come; b) them coming;

c) she to come; d) them to come.

26 We resent … us.

a) not helping; b) her not help;

c) her not helping; d) they not helping.

27 The neighbors are fed up … his house.

a) with him not clean; b) to him not cleaning;

c) with him not cleaning; d) at him not to clean.

28 The mother won’t tolerate … up late.

a) Sara to stay; b) she staying;

c) Sara staying; d) her to staying.

29 I persuaded … the team.

a) him to join; b) his to join;

c) he to join; d) him to joining.

30 She is nervous … alone.

a) about we traveling; b) with us travel;

c) about us traveling; d) at us to travel.



Put in the necessary conjunctions:

1 Please turn off the lights … you leave.

a) so; b) while; c) also; d) before.

2 I read the newspaper … I was waiting for the train to arrive.

a) before; b) while; c) then; d) also.

3 First she took the children to school. … she drove to work.

a) after; b) then; c) when; d) because.

4 He was angry … she didn't call him.

a) because; b) also; c) so; d) next.

5 It's good quality, and … it's cheap.

a) because; b) after; c) however; d) also.

6 I live a long way from work, … it takes a long time to drive there.

a) so; b) also; c) when; d) for example.

7 Thank you very much for inviting me to the party. …, unfortunately I won't be able to come.

a) also; b) then; c) however; d) because.

8 Please ask her to call me … the meeting is finished.

a) so; b) then; c) when; d) as well as.

9 There are lots of good restaurants in this area. …, there's a really good Chinese restaurant.

a) on the other hand; b) after all;

c) by the way; d) for example.

10 Good luck in your exam! … have you seen John recently?

a) by the way; b) for example;

c) first of all; d) as soon as.

11 Small service is true service … it lasts.

a) if; b) then; c) that; d) though.

12 There we met a boy … had lost his way.

a) who; b) whom; c) which; d) whose.

13 He makes no friend, … never made a foe.

a) who; b) whom; c) which; d) what.

14 The moment … is lost is lost for ever.

a) that; b) which; c) than; d) whose.

15 … the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

a) if; b) as if; c) that; d) though.

16 … he was born, … brought him up and … he lived, we don’t know.

a) where, who, how; b) that, whom, how;

c) where, who, that; d) where, whom, when.


Choose the necessary conjunction:

1 I understand your problem, … I'm sorry I cannot help you in anyway.

a) and; b) yet; c) but; d) for.

2 He is … forgetful … he just doesn't bother to complete the work.

a) neither... nor; b) both... and;

c) either... or; d) not only... but also.

3 … Bent was preparing for her O level examination, her sister was studying for her A level examination.

a) While; b) Yet;

c) Consequently; d) As a result.

4 Laila read a magazine … doing her homework.

a) or; b) instead of; c) nor; d) and.

5 … Aileen … Nancy were elected as prefects in their school.

a) Either... or; b) Not only... but also;

c) Neither... nor; d) Both... and.

6 He did not do any exercise at all. … he grew fat.

a) Consequently; b) In my opinion;

c) Unless; d) But.

7 … Helen … Susan was caught in the traffic jam last night.

a) Neither... or; b) Not only... but also;

c) Neither... nor; d) Either... nor.

8 They didn't do their homework … did they read their books.

a) either; b) neither; c) and; d) but.

9 You treated him badly … he is doing the same to you now.

a) so; b) if; c) but; d) although.

10 He is sick … he wants to go out.

a) when; b) yet; c) that; d) because.


Combine the words in these two lists to make plural compund nouns:

1 armed a) affairs
2 high b) fries
3 natural c) resources
4 swimming d) sports
5 baked e) beans
6 human f) goods
7 race g) relations
8 vocal h) studies
9 civil i) commas
10 inverted j) heels
11 road k) rights
12 winter l) trunks
13 current m) cords
14 luxury n) languages
15 social o) rights
16 yellow p) works
17 French q) forces
18 modern r) pages
19 social s) services


Combine the nouns from list A with the verb from list B to make noun compounds:

1 bee a) ache
2 foot b) fall
3 night c) shake
4 blood d) beat
5 hand e) hold

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